Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Apr 7, 2014


Welcome back to the fictional world of Pleasant View, Kentucky! This story brings back the characters and locales I first introduced in 2011-12, in my previous series "Officer Jack Albertson," which can still be read in the Adult Friends section right here on Nifty.

*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although nearly all other aspects of the character's life are totally fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

It was a beautiful spring morning in Pleasant View, Kentucky. Brad Carson smiled to himself contentedly as he gazed over at his husband, who was lying in bed next to him still peacefully asleep. And he was also wonderfully bare-assed naked beneath just a soft white sheet. Brad admired the broad, beefy chest covered in fur, and the handsome round, ruddy face of Jack Albertson. Chief Jack Albertson now, Brad silently reminded himself. The first rays of morning sunlight fell across them as they lay there together in the big antique oak king sized four poster bed in the master bedroom of what had once been known as "the old Thomason place" – a white columned antebellum beauty that was the largest house in town. For the last few years it had been known as The Thomason House Bed and Breakfast.

Jack and Brad's dear friend Miz Vivian Arnow Anderson had made an amazingly gracious gift of the property to them a little over two years before, after she had eloped to Gatlinburg with retired local lawyer Hank Anderson and moved into his house with him. This was just before Jack and Brad had their own wedding – officiated by Miz Vivian and just as real to them and everyone else they cared about as if it had been legal in Kentucky at that time - followed by a wonderful train trip honeymoon to Chicago and New Orleans.

This day, Monday April 14, 2014 was to be another one Brad and Jack would always remember. This would be Jack's first official full day on the job as the brand new Pleasant View Police Chief. His widely beloved predecessor, Chief Morganfield, had died peacefully in his sleep just over a week before, and at a specially called meeting the town's mayor and city council had agreed unanimously that Jack Albertson was the new man for the job. Jack had been sworn in with Brad at his side the previous Friday.

Brad slowly ran his hand over Jack's broad chest, enjoying the look and feel of the soft black fur found there. Jack's nipples arose at the attention, although Jack continued the even breathing of peaceful sleep for the moment. Brad gently turned the sheet back, exposing Jack's nude body down to just above his knees. There in the first rays of sunlight of that April morning was the man Brad loved more than anything. Six feet, two inches of pure hotness to Brad, and more importantly Jack was also a fantastic and loving husband. At 240 pounds, Jack was beefy but solid. Brad slowly ran his hands down over Jack's tummy and into the soft black bush just above his cock. He then took Jack's dick into his right hand and began to slowly, gently stroke it, reveling in the feeling of the thick cock gradually going rock hard in his hand. Jack had an average length cock at six and a half inches, and it was exceptionally and delightfully thick – a full five and a half inches in circumference around the base. It was now sticking straight up and fully engorged, as Brad took it in his mouth all the way to the hilt, until his nose was nestled in his husband's bush.

"Umm-mmmm!" Jack groaned as he awoke to the pleasure of Brad's hot, wet mouth on his throbbing cock. "Good morning to you too, baby!" Jack's fat hard cock flopped against his stomach with a wet plop as Brad rose up off of it.

"Well don't stop!" Jack said playfully.

Before he could say anything else, Brad was on top of him, their rock hard dicks and bodies pressed together as the kissed passionately. Brad felt the warmth of Jack's big full ballsack pressed against his own smaller one, and it felt damn good. Brad really was Jack's ideal man too, 36 years of age, standing six foot-one, and weighing 230 pounds, with a chest covered in nice brown fur and a softer, chubbier build compared to Jack's more solid and muscular, but beefy, build. And Brad had those hot baby blue eyes. Jack loved the way Brad's only slightly smaller and less thick prick felt against his at that moment.

Brad broke their long kiss and gazed into Jack's eyes with both true love and pure lust. "Mr. Police Chief, I want you to FUCK THE HELL OUT OF ME!" Brad said in the sluttiest voice he could muster at 7:30 on a Monday morning.

"YES, SIR!" Jack exclaimed with a big grin and intentions of flipping Brad over and doing just as he had been asked.

But before Jack could do so, Brad had already straddled him and started easing his ass down over Jack's still slobbery knob. They kissed hotly again as Brad took all of Jack's cock and wrapped his legs around Jack's back.

"Oh, FUCK!" Jack exclaimed. "That ass is so good, baby!"

Brad began riding Jack in earnest, with Jack thrusting his hips to meet every movement. Soon they were both sweating and panting. Brad loved how Jack's thick cock felt inside of him and would never grow tired of fucking and being fucked by him.

"Mmm, oh GOD!" Jack groaned after about ten minutes or so of this heated fucking. It has been a busy weekend, and neither of them had gotten off since exchanging blowjobs in the shower the previous Friday night.

"Are you close, baby?" Brad panted, feeling his own orgasm rapidly approaching.

"Yes – Um! Ugh!!" Jack grunted, "But I'll try to – Oh, FUCK! – make it last for you – UGH! Baby."

"It's – Oh FUCK! Uhh! – Okay, baby," Brad replied as he panted and continued blissfully impaling himself on his husband's nice fat dick. "I'm close too, let's fucking CUM!"

With that, Brad soon felt the first of what must have been six or eight volleys of hot cop cum explode inside his ass, as Jack's thick knob pushed his love button just right.

"Oh!! Uhh!!! FUCK, I'm cumming!!!" Jack yelled as he did so, grinning and gazing into Brad's eyes.

"Ohhh!!!" was all Brad could manage to groan in reply, as his own hot cum shot up everywhere between them as Brad continued riding Jack's cock. Jack fell back against the pillows, still breathing heavily, and Brad collapsed on top of him, feeling his own cum sandwiched between them as Jack's still-hard cock remained up his ass until it came out with a wet plop.

"Good thing we don't have any guests this morning," Brad said grinning down at Jack.

"Yeah, we would have woken them the hell up and you would have had some `splainin' to do, Mr. Inn Manager," Jack replied with a chuckle.

All too quickly they had both showered and dressed, and Brad had kissed Jack goodbye at the back door as he walked toward his truck to head to the station. Brad kind of wished he could be there in the locker room to see Jack change into his new Chief of Police uniform for the first time. But, then they'd probably just end up fucking right in front of the other cops, which wouldn't be too good, Brad thought, laughing a little to himself as Jack's truck faded from view. Brad walked across to open the art and gifts store, Miz Viv's Mercantile, that was located just across the back lawn from the inn.

Jack was soon walking into the same locker room Brad was thinking about. It was just before nine in the morning, which was starting time for the chief. Most of the dayshift cops were already out on patrol, having come in at six o'clock. Only one other officer was coming in at nine on that Monday morning, and it was Jack's longtime fellow officer and best friend, Justin Earheart. It was the longtime practice in Pleasant View for officers to change in and out of uniform at the beginning and end of their shifts there in the police station locker room. Patrol cars were also exchanged with their civilian vehicles in the same fashion. As Jack walked into the locker room, Justin was at his locker dressed in just a very flattering pair of navy blue low rise briefs. Like Jack, Justin was 38 years old. Jack was a big jovial guy when not tending to serious police business, and Brad had always thought he resembled the great classic movie character actor Jack Carson. But if Jack was a Carson type, then Justin would have been a cross between Cary Grant and Robert Mitchum, as comparisons to Old Hollywood hunks go.

Justin stood six feet tall, had a very muscular physique, a nice hairy chest, and a sexy cleft in his chin. Jack supposed that starting his new position was naturally causing him to be a bit reminiscent that morning. Justin had been Pleasant View's first openly gay officer, and had been happily partnered to a sexy, rather bookish cub named Eric Jamison for years now. Jack was remembering the time when he had first come out to his friend three years before, when he and Brad had first started seeing each other. And, there was no denying that Justin was sexy as hell in that matinee-idol sort of way, but Brad was still much more Jack's favorite type. For the first two years of their marriage, Brad and Jack had remained completely monogamous. Now, a few months after their second wedding anniversary, and after having been together for nearly three years, they were both starting to think that "playing well with others" together might be a lot of fun, if they went about it in the right way with the right guys. They had not yet really talked about it, although both had dropped hints.

It was not a matter of not being satisfied with one another; they both were very much in love and both found their sexual relationship hot as hell. But as their queeny as hell, raspy-voiced older friend Barney Finkster would say, "Oh, hell, boys, eating at the same restaurant every night DOES get a little boring, no matter how much you love the damn menu!" In the instant that all these thoughts were swirling through his head, Jack had to admit that Justin looked hot as hell just then. He had always thought it would be weird to hook up with someone he had been friends and co-workers with for so many years, and hell now he was Justin's boss, too.

Jack was snapped from his brief thoughts when Justin heard him walk in. He turned, still dressed only in those tight little briefs, and smartly saluted Jack. "Good morning, Chief Albertson, SIR!"

Jack saluted back, and said, "At ease, Officer Earheart!"

Justin relaxed then. Jack walked over to him, still dressed in his street clothes of a plaid button down shirt, blue jeans, and boots. "OK, we are the only ones in here, and we need to discuss something right up front, on my first day as chief," Jack said.

"What's that, sir?" Justin asked seriously.

"Well, this whole thing of you calling me sir, and you saluting me when I walk in as you stand there in your damn drawers," Jack replied, unable to stifle a slight chuckle.

Justin looked as if he was a bit confused by this, so Jack continued. "Look, Just', we have been friends for a very long time – hell all the way back to when I was trying to be straight. Me and Brad hang out with you and Eric away from work and we have other mutual friends. As fellow officers, our friendship never interfered with our professional relationship. I see no reason why that should change, even though I am now the chief. If it is just me and you, like it is right now, I'm still Jack and you're still Just', and we don't have to worry about the formalities. I still damn sure expect you to obey what I say now that I am the chief," Jack clarified, "And I expect you to always be respectful when we are around the other officers and the public just as you always were to Chief Morganfield. But when it is just us, and away from work, we are still best friends, you know that."

"Thanks, Jack," Justin said with a smile. "I won't let you down buddy, and I am glad you still want our friendship to remain the same even though you are my boss now."

"No problem," Jack replied as he started taking off his clothes.

In a moment Jack was stripped to just his boxers, and he thought that Justin may have been lingering in his state of undress a little longer than he had to. And was it Jack's imagination, or wasn't his best friend and subordinate officer sneaking a peek at the bulge in Jack's boxers, too? In thinking this, Jack subconsciously gazed over at Justin's package too. Justin caught him looking as they both stood there in front of their lockers in just their underwear. "Since you are obviously wondering," Justin said with a wicked grin, "it is seven inches long, nice and fat, and as hard as steel when I get turned on, and it shoots big ol' nice creamy loads of cum, too. And, the offer for you and that hot cub of yours to play with me and mine still stands, old friend. Since we are the only ones in here at the moment, as you said, I felt I could tell you that."

Jack decided to play along, even as he felt his cock stiffen a bit in his boxers, as Justin's was plainly doing the same in his briefs. "I could get you for sexual harassment for that, you know," he said playfully.

"And I could be accused of wanting to get banged by the boss now, too," Justin shot back still smirking. "Banged HARD, that is."

"Yeah, I sometimes forget that my bestie is a tough cop but he's also a bottom bitch," Jack retorted.

"And that would feel SO good in my bottom, big guy," Justin said, his voice husky now. As he said this, and totally before he thought, he reached over and put a hand on the now-hard bulge in Jack's briefs, giving his cock and balls a squeeze.

Jack jumped back instinctively from his friend's touch, even though he knew it had felt very good. "Look, Just'," he said seriously, "Me and Bradley are going to have to have a talk about the whole thing of playing with others. I think we both want to explore that at this point in our relationship, but we need to talk about it first and figure out what we are open to and not open to. And like everything else we have just talked about, me and you will have to figure out if we can handle keeping playtime totally separate from work."

"I'm sorry, Jack, I shouldn't have grabbed you like that," Justin said. "Especially not in here."

"It's all good," Jack said a bit awkwardly. They both quickly willed their hard cocks down and put on their uniforms without really saying anything else.

"Still want me patrolling the lake road today?" Justin asked as they walked toward the door that led from the locker room into the inner lobby of the police station.

"Yes, Officer Earheart, that will be fine for your shift today," Jack replied still feeling awkward about what had just taken place.

"Yes, sir," Justin agreed seriously.

As they walked out of the locker room, neither of them was quite sure what had just taken place, but they both knew they would have to figure out what to do about it. Justin and Eric had frequently played with other guys, both together and separately, and it had never caused any problems in their relationship. In fact it just enhanced it and gave them truly fulfilling and great sex lives.

But Justin was well aware that this was new territory for Brad and Jack to be thinking of, and then there was the obvious complication of Jack now being his boss. And until that moment in the locker room, neither of them had ever really thought of one another in "that" way – but now there was no denying the strong sexual chemistry that existed between the two best friends and would doubtlessly carry over perfectly into some amazing four way sessions between the two couples, should they decide to pursue that path.

Meanwhile, Brad was signing for a package the hot new local UPS driver who looked like Chris Isaak had just delivered to Miz Viv's mercantile. "Damn, I'd like to play a wicked game with him and let him deliver a big package," said the little invisible devil on Brad's shoulder. Brad actually blushed slightly at the thought, hoping the UPS guy – wasn't his name Ronnie - hadn't noticed as he left the shop. Brad pondered this for a while as he started unpacking the order of pottery. He loved Jack with all his heart, and knew the same was true of Jack's feelings for him. It was true that they both loved sex, and had a great sex life with one another. But if for some reason sex was gone tomorrow, he knew they each would still want to spend the rest of their lives with the other. So, looking at it that way, what would be the harm in having some sexual fun with other guys, just for the sake of fun – and sex? They definitely needed to talk about this soon.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them! Actually, the same goes for whatever other type of guy you might happen to be, because I do love seeing pics of another horny man naked and enjoying himself...and I am usually not too shy about sharing my own pics in return. Thanks for reading, guys!

Next: Chapter 2

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