Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on May 16, 2005



I guess you can tell by now I'm writing ahead. Most of this story is already written. Alas, I'm so anxious to torture poor Chet that I jumped ahead and missed a chapter. I'd like to thank Jacr24, Reflex012004 and Metalmike288 all for pointing it out to me. I would have missed it if you hadn't. I'm flattered that people are actually reading the story and enjoying it. While I'm at it Nifty deserves a round of applause for even having a forum to tell fantasy tales such as this. And, if you're enjoying it, I always love to hear from you readers. Chet has some tough times ahead and hopefully he'll meet his true love again. And, if you're very good, maybe you and I will chat again in Chapter Eleven.

Now for that lost chapter:

The Adventures of Chet Pectoral

Part Eight

As the four forms got closer, Chet could make out what they looked like and what the four men were wearing. One of them he knew, it was Vince, the muscular, black man he met on the plane. Vince was naked, his black body glistened in the dim lights. He was either sweating or covered in oil. The muscles seemed to stretch his skin and want to bust their way out of its tight flesh. The second one was an older man, hairy, with a full beard. He had close-cropped dirty blond hair and like Chet, his chest had a nice dusting of hair, though the mystery man was hairier than Chet currently. He had no shirt on but wore tight leather chaps and a leather g-string, the pouch of which bulged hugely. He wore another piece of leather above each of his biceps, they were on tightly and made his biceps bulge. He was tightly muscled with large shoulders and pecs. His nipples stuck out beautifully - two huge cones pointing straight out.

The final two men made Chet's cock twitch in its tight leather jock. They were twins. Two young muscle boys. Each was the mirror image of the other. They had medium length dark hair that one had slicked back off his forehead and the other had allowed to hang down in front of his eyes. They both had hairless incredibly beautiful bodies. The one with his hair slicked back wore white boxer shorts and his dick bulged it in front of him. The other wore a g-string. Obviously he had a cock ring on too as he too was sporting a huge pouch.

The twins had perfect stomachs and large chests, again identical, but Chet did note that the only other difference on the two was their nipples. One had very small nipples, almost too small for his large chest. The other had large nipples, to Chet they looked the size of quarters and obviously he had spent a lot of time having them worked. This one had tit clamps on, heavy, bulky things with a large chain hanging between them. For a moment Chet's mind flew back to that day in the barn and he shivered, goose bump goose bumps rising on his flesh.

They all approached Chet now and it was Vince who spoke first. Chet was thankful for that, his voice was warm and familiar. More familiar than the others would have been.

"We're going to tie your hands above your head, boy. Raise them over your head."

Chet did as he was instructed. One twin moved to each side and took his wrists, above Chet hung a large, metal hook and his hands were attached to the hook. Suddenly, the hook rose into the air. None of the four men with him moved, so it was obvious that someone else was operating it. Maybe the man behind the voice that had told him to get on the podium. The hook pulled Chet towards the ceiling and stopped just short of making him stand on his tiptoes. He stretched to the ceiling his body pulled, upwards. He flexed for them, giving them a little show. He was determined to at least try to make the best out this while he had the chance.

The twins were still near him, one on each side, and first the one with large nipples, then the other one began to touch his body, admiring it. Chet's harness was tight, against his body.

Vince stood in front of Chet. "You are about the be inducted into the Order of Atlas," he said. "We will determine, at this initiation, what your role shall be and who shall be in charge of your care and feeding. You are to follow the instructions of your trainers until we are finished with you. You are to give us anything we ask. You will not speak unless instructed to do so, other than to ask for permission to cum."

Vince reached out and grabbed Chet's chin raising it up so that their eyes met.

"Do you understand what I've told you?"

"Yes Sir," Chet said, knowing the drill by now.

Vince punched Chet in the stomach then, hard. Chet was unable to double over or soften the blow in any way. He looked down and Vince again grabbed his chin, raising it so their eyes could meet.

"Did I ask you to speak, boy?"

This time Chet said nothing.

The next thing Vince did is nod to the two twins. They were already on either side of him and simply bent down, each of them taking one of Chet's tits in his mouth. The way that Chet was stretched out, he did not have a lot of freedom of movement, but he was able to move forward ever so slightly pressing his tits further into their mouths. One was being much rougher than the other. Probably the twin with bigger nipples. Yeah, he really knew how to work one, twisting the nub of flesh at its center in between his teeth. The other was not bad either, but certainly had a different style. He flicked at it with his tongue and, every so often, would rub his face over it. He had a little stubble on his face and it rubbed his tit like sand paper.

Vince was still in front of him, watching, but the other man, the one with the beard, had moved behind him. Chet learned an important lesson then, to know where all four of them were as much as possible. Not because they were going to hurt him but because it came as such a surprise when he felt the man behind him. He jumped, startled. His chest jerking and his nipples getting yanked out of the twins' mouths.

The large man's hands lingered over Chet's body, feeling it. Chet's body was firm and muscular, covered with a thin layer of sweat, which was not from strain, but from excitement.

Meanwhile, the two twins continued to work at Chet's tits, softening them up, getting them ready for more.

Chet felt the man behind him move lower and lower down his body. Soon he was kneeling behind Chet, his face in Chet's ass. His hairy hole was exposed and the man took advantage of it, beginning to tongue at Chet in rapid enthusiasm. Chet moaned trying to move forward slightly but as he did, it only served to thrust his chest forward his nipples driving into the twin's anxious mouths.

"They're going to soften you up boy," Vince said, "so that you will be prepared for when your new master is ready for you."

The man in Chet's ass was driving him crazy. His beard rubbed against his tight asshole sending hundreds of tiny pinpricks through Chet. He could also feel the mans fingers working there, prying his ass cheeks apart so his rough tongue could get in there even deeper.

The two twins stopped working on his tits together almost in unison. It was as if they were scripted. Chet's eyes had become adapted to the dark and he could see one of the twins go to a table that stood in front of and to the right of where Chet hung. He picked up a small pastic device and handed it to Vince. He moved directly in front of Chet pulling two small pieces of yellow plastic apart. He put his face up against Chet's so they were almost touching.

"You like tit work, boy?" he asked, his voice was soft and Chet didn't think that anyone else in the room could even hear him.

Remembering the punch he had earned earlier, Chet said nothing.

"Good boy," Vince said, "you have permission to speak. But I want you to whisper so only I can hear unless I instruct you otherwise."

"Yes Sir," Chet whispered.

In response the black man reached up and stroked the hair on Chet's chest as if petting him. He let his fingers drift over Chet's tits gently stimulating the small nubs of flesh there. His hands were rough, like calluses there like stones, and they felt great against Chet's exposed flesh.

Vince's hands left Chet's body and he rubbed his dick, which was stiff and glistening. His body must have been coated with oil because Vince rubbed his hands again over Chet and he could feel the stickiness that the black man's touch left behind. The twin handed the two plastic cups to Vince and he squeezed the cup and put them over each of Chet's tits and then released. Chet felt his tits sucked up into the cup, as if a hot mouth was clamped over it.

"Its called a snake bite kit, boy."

Chet moaned, not because of the tit cups but because that man, that incredible man, was still eating his ass out. No, not just eating it out, vacuuming it. Giving it a tongue bath. Checking his tonsils by going up his ass. He was incredible and Chet could feel his ass cheeks parting for the man, relaxing. Chet moved forward slightly and Vince put a hand on his chest, pushing him backwards, into the man's face.

Vince was not wearing any clothes and his impressive cock hung down between his legs, long and semi hard. Vince was too large for his own good and even fully aroused Chet did not think that his dick was capable of pointing straight up.

"I know that feels great, boy. I can see it in your eyes. Call the man eating your ass out Master Rim. Do you understand?" Vince said. Again Chet kept silent until Vince told him he could answer.

"YESSIR!" Chet screamed.

He could barely stand it any longer. Chet could feel his tits being pulled from his skin and all the while his ass was becoming slicker and wetter. He wondered exactly how many fingers Master Rim had in his ass. It felt like he had both hands in there though Chet knew that it could not be true. The man sure knew how to work an ass, that was for sure. He felt the muscles of his ass relax even more, they parted for Master Rim and the man took advantage of the opportunity and pushed even deeper into Chet's nether region.

Sweat poured off Chet's body, literally forming a puddle on the floor and he began to moan. Chet's body began to glisten and he squirmed as the snake bite kit continued to make his tits pucker. Vince reached out then and yanked the plastic cups off his chest. They made a distinct popping sound and Chet looked down to see his nipples sticking out from his chest, engorged with blood.

"Remember these, boy." Vince asked and Chet did recognize the tit clamps in Vince's hand. They were large with black plastic caps and a large chain between them. Vince did recognize the clamps, from the barn. Vince squeezed Chet's tit, pinching it between his fingers, Chet gasped as Vince took the bloated piece of flesh in his control. Vince opened the clamp and let it hover over Chet's vulnerable nipple then released it. The pressure was amazing and Chet gasped rapidly trying to control the pain. Vince did not give Chet time to react; he immediately went to the other tit performing the same ritual.

Chet threw his head back, moaning. His dick was still trapped in the codpiece he was wearing and he felt it jump inside its leather prison. He wanted it released so badly. It was then that the man stopped eating out his ass. Chet squirmed as he was bound in front of the men, his tits clamped and throbbing. One of the twins, the one with the incredible nipples, grabbed the long chain between the two clamps and began to pull. The man behind him was still back there but was no longer on his knees eating Chet's ass out, instead he was rubbing his dick against the crack of Chet's ass. Teasing it, teasing himself. The dick felt big. The other twin was on his knees in front of his brother giving him a blowjob.

The site was incredible. Chet could feel the scene spinning out of control. He yanked on his wrist restraints, trying to get loose. Behind him, the man put his hands on Chet's waist pulling him back, keeping him in place. He leaned forward, whispering in Chet's ear.

"I want your butt so bad, boy."

"Then take it." Chet said. Oddly enough, he meant it. One thing was obvious; this man knew how to treat an ass. If anyone was going to take it, why not this master of the rim.

He felt the man part Chet's ass cheeks with his hand and felt something hard poke against his pucker hole. The butt plug was large and insistent. Chet wanted it in there and tried to relax his ass as he gripped the bonds holding his wrists for support.

In front of him the twin who continued to pull on the tit clamps grabbed him by the chin and began to kiss him. Long and deep full of tongue and force.

"Let's have a tug of war," the twin said.

The twin had tit clamps on and now the man released one of his own clamps and one of Chet's. Chet groaned as his clamp came off and blood rushed to his tit. He switched the clamps. Chet's was now on his and vice versa. They were clamped now, nipple-to-nipple. The man leaned back with his chest, pulling each of their tits, all the while kissing Chet on the lips. The man behind him continued to hold him back, keeping him in place.

The twin leaned in talking to him.

"Primbatu wants you."

Chet moaned, the butt plug locking into his ass, it was the first time he heard the name.

Above them in the stands everyone watch. One of them was named Ryan Primbatu and he was hard already as he looked at the show going on below him. The man was obviously enjoying what the four leather clad masters were doing to him. Next to him his brother smiled.

"So what do you think bro?" Nathan said.

"Pretty hot."

He had to admit it. It was Ryan's first time at the Market. He was 20. Nathan was seven years his senior and had been coming for some time. Of course there was a fundamental difference between the two of them. Nathan was straight. For him, it was all fun and games. The men and boys who were paraded through the farm and subsequently sold were nothing more than a passing fancy for him. Animals, like cattle. Ryan had never even seen Nathan touch a man. He let others do that for him. It was just business, their father's business in fact.

Their father had owned and ran a stable of men ever since Ryan could remember. This included a series of brothels and strip clubs around the world of all types and interests and included both sexes. Their father was Arabic and still lived and ran the business out of his palace in Saudi Arabia. Nathan, Ryan, their other brother Thor and their sister Athena each had a different mother. Nathan's mother was his father's first love and full Arabic. He had his father's intensely dark features and was incredibly hairy.

Thor was 28, his mother a whore from the brothel. She had been, or so he had been told very tall and blonde. Thor was much the same, tall, over 6'5" with Nordic features, a hairless body, full cheekbones and long blond hair. Unlike Nathan, Thor was gay and handled all the men in the stable. His sister handled all the women. She too was fully Arabic and incredibly beautiful. She married several years ago and along with her husband was in charge of much of that side of the business. Thor ran the male side of the business. Nathan was in charge of acquiring the meat. That left Ryan, feeling like the odd man out.

Ryan never knew his mother. He had been told she was American. Ryan was short, only 5'6" with short dirty blonde hair. He had spent hour upon hour in the gym working out the sexual tension he felt all the time, his body honed and rippled with muscle, though he was, by no means a body builder like the man having a tug of war in tit clamps appeared to be.

He had grown up exposed to the men and women of the brothels. They had all seemed to like him and he had even been attracted to many of them but was never allowed to be alone with them. Someone from his family was always there. And anyone who got too close to him was not seen again. It had only happened once, a beautiful Italian boy with a tall lanky body. He had been attracted to Ryan and Ryan had often visited the boy, whose name was Tony, in the cages. Nothing had happened except some kissing. Although Ryan had touched the boy as he stood bound in the dark room. The next day the boy was gone. Ryan never knew what happened but had spent many nights jerking off to what might have been.

Ryan had asked several times to be included in the family businesses but there was always a reason why he could not go. Then, finally, last week Nathan asked him if he wanted to come along to the states to buy some meat. It had been an interesting week to say the least. The first thing his father had asked was whether he wanted to shop for the men or women.

He felt that his father already knew the answer but was honest when he answered. His father simply smiled at that his dark eyes lighting up. He had known he said but wanted to make sure that Ryan was adult enough to handle going. With that they had flown to New York and spent a weekend in the big city. It was like nothing he had ever experienced and Nathan was a great host except for the fact that he was always after the women. Occasionally, Nathan would ask him what he thought of this man or that boy but Ryan was often too self-conscious around his brother to ask. But, as time wore on he learned to express himself and be honest about what he wanted.

Nathan must have seen his eyes light up at the sight of the young man getting worked over.

"Want him?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah." Ryan said immediately. The guy was incredible full of muscle with hair in all the right places his body glistening with sweat.

"OK bro, consider him a present." Nathan pressed some buttons on a computer display in front of him. On the floor it looked as if the man was going to be fucked. Ryan had never seen anyone have sex in person and had never done it himself. But, the man behind the slave moved back.

"Come on," Nathan said getting up, "were going down there to check him out."

They walked down the stairs to the floor area. Only in passing others on his way down to the floor did he notice that other men in the arena were having sex. Some older men, obviously other buyers, were being serviced by their slaves or lovers. Some simply watched the man on the floor and jerked off.

In front of him Nathan turned around, stopping him.

"I'm going to show you how to do this Nathan, pay attention. When I ask you what you want it'll be your decision on whether we buy him or not."

"Why did they stop having sex?" Ryan asked.

"The sex is a show to excite the buyer. We make bids on the computer. When they get the bid they want you can come down and make a deal to buy."

"How much are we going to pay?"

"We'll see," Nathan said and with that they headed towards the man on the floor.

Chet was slumped in his restraints, brought to the heights of passion and then left panting and sweating. It was the worst form of torture to finally be willing to give in to what they were doing to you and have it stopped. The twin removed the tit clamps and walked away as did the man behind him. Vince was left and again leaned forward to talk to Chet.

"They're going to check you out boy. I want to make sure you do good. Don't fight it and you'll be fine."

A young man approached him short and well built along with a taller dark man who was obviously the one in charge.

"What's his name?" the tall man asked Vince.


"Ryan, come here," he said. The younger one approached and as the other came behind Chet with Vince. "Check him out. See if you like him."

Ryan approached Chet tentatively. At first Chet was going to fight, like an animal, and refuse to give them the satisfaction of going quietly. But, it wasn't the thought of punishment that stopped him from doing that or the electronic cock ring- it was Ryan. He was obviously as scared as Chet was and was so incredibly cute in the way he approached Chet. In that second Chet knew that he liked him. He also knew that Ryan liked him and that gave him power. He could tell that it was in his best interests to make sure that Ryan wanted him. All the alternatives were not as rosy.

Ryan touched Chet's chest, tentatively and Chet moved forward slightly, pushing it against his hands. Ryan's hands were soft and gentle. Moving slowly over Chet's body, they lingered over Chet's already sensitive nipples, squeezing them briefly and Chet inhaled quickly. In that instant they made eye contact. Chet saw the way Ryan admired him. Ryan's hands were getting bolder, grabbing him harder, pushing the sweat off his body and sliding them down to his crotch. He grasped the codpiece and moved it away letting Chet's nice dick loose. Chet sighed as his dick was allowed to straighten and rise to its full length. He thought he heard Ryan gasp.

Ryan grabbed his cock and began to stroke it. Chet closed his eyes, savoring the feeling, it felt so good. His dick had been trapped for so long and now to have those gentle hands on it.

His thoughts were interrupted as the other one joined the boy in front of Chet.

"Let me show you," he said. The boy released Chet's cock and Chet moaned at the loss.

"First," the taller man said, "you check their teeth."

With that the man put his hand in Chet's mouth baring his teeth. He probed until Chet almost gagged. Ryan was pushed forward by his friend and prompted to try it himself.

"Now his ass. Look to see how tight it is, how used this meat is."

Ryan moved around to the back of Chet and he felt the boy grip the butt plug and remove it, replacing it with his finger. Chet gasped as the widest part of the plug stretched his ass. Then Ryan had his finger in Chet's ass as Chet tightened it around his finger.

"I want him." Ryan told Nathan.

"Wrap him up Vince," Ryan said, patting Chet on the ass. They would pay a lot of money for this one, he thought to himself, but he would be worth it. This was probably the best piece of meat he had ever seen on the blocks. A prized stallion to be possessed and used hard.

"We'll take him."

End Part Eight

Next: Chapter 10

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