Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Apr 21, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Part Seven

Chet spent the next three weeks practicing and viewing sex. He had come to take it as an every day occurrence. He was naked all the time now and horny most of the time. He had stopped taking pills but had been put on more injections. He didn't know what they were. Steroids? Hallucinogens? Stimulants? But, he didn't care. For now, he liked the feeling, he was numb and ready to experience the pleasure that he had only witnessed in others. The room was dark, but he could hear lots of people there. There was no fear in him. Finally, he was ready.

The shower had been wonderful with Austin. They were careful not to do anything too suggestive to set off the cockring detectors. Their hands rubbed each other all over. Their hands finding each other's tits and grabbing them. Chet was gentle, his hands tweaking Austin's small sized tits, but Austin, still incredibly turned on, was rougher, squeezing and pinching Chet's beefy tits. Chet threw his head back and groaned.

Austin's mouth found Chet's tits then as Chet had sucked his earlier. But Austin was rougher, chewing on Chet's tits till he began to squirm. Austin must have known Chet would do this because he grabbed Chet's big cock and held it firmly, keeping Chet right where he wanted him. Chet's cock had not been locked in its cage, free to stay hard. It was amazing, to be hard all the time, horny. In the shower, the steam began to fill the room.

Or so they had thought.

Austin had dropped to his knees in front of Chet. He held the dick in front of him, contemplating it. "I want to return the favor you did for me back in class," he said.

"You can't," Chet panted, "you know what they could do to us."

"I don't care," Austin rubbed his hands all over Chet, admiring, wanting to be with him. "I've been here so long, never really feeling close to anyone. Until now. I want you."

Austin reached around and grabbed Chet's ass. His fingers probed the hairy crack there and found Chet's hole. Austin glided one finger into Chet's tight muscle butt. As he did, Chet moved forward, his dick brushing against Austin's lips. Austin puckered up and kissed it. His tongue flicking out and licking at the head. Chet was hard and quivering with anticipation.

"Stop it!!" Ben came flying at them and pulled Austin backwards onto the cold wet floor. Then he reached down, picking him up by his chest. Ben was strong and lifted Austin up off the ground. He shoved him into Chet, the two of them facing him. Austin could feel Chet's strong body against his.

"If this shower was not hot and steamy the camera in here would have seen you." Ben was whispering, the two of them could barely hear him. "Do you know what they would have done to the two of you?" He shoved at them, emphasizing his point.

Ben let go of Austin who slunk out of the shower without a backwards glance. He held onto Chet though, and reached down to grab his dick. He began to stroke at it, which was still amazingly hard.

"Don't do that again, boy," he said.

Chet didn't say anything; he closed his eyes and leaned back, letting Ben pleasure him. He liked Ben, just like he liked Austin, but he let his mind drift to Dean. He used Dean as his anchor for reality. Too often, this world he had found himself in had become a blur of sex and feelings. Dean, or the memory of him, countered that and grounded him. It didn't take long for Chet to cum and he shot his load, significantly less than the other load he had shot the other day.

Chet moved away and began to walk past Ben, heading out of the shower and back to his room. But Ben stopped him, grabbing his arm and holding him.

"There is an outfit on your bed, I want you to clean up, put it on and be ready in an hour."

"For what?"

"It's time." It was Ben then who walked out of the shower first and headed away. Chet was left, open-mouthed. The question hung in his mind, unanswered.

Time for what?

But, inside he knew what the answer to the question was, it was time for him to loose that virginity he had been told to keep. The only question was, how it was going to happen.

He walked back to his room and looked on his bed. The outfit was skimpy and tight, all leather, with a full harness and cod-piece. The harness was in the shape of an x, with two straps going over his shoulders and the other two hanging just below his pecs. The were all connected by a large O-ring. From the bottom of the ring hung another strap of leather that he was to connect to his cock ring.

There were also two leather wrist straps, each one with a small loop of steel on it. There was a note on the bed and he read it, picking up the item left on his bed. He hesitated then used the trimmers and trimmed the hair on his body, taking extra time to trim his pubic hair. When he was done, his cock seemed even larger than normal. He began to put the harness on, forcing the leather strap around his way too tight cock ring and snapping it in place. Already, his cock began to grow.

He put the rest of the harness on, his pecs, forcing the leather straps that bound him now, to stretch and creak. The next step was to put on the leather jock strap and when he snapped it on the leather forced his ass out into an even larger bubble butt. The final piece of the outfit was a codpiece that trapped his cock. He forced his cock into it by snapping it in the places provided by the harness.

Finally, Chet looked at himself in the mirror. Even he had to admit that it was impressive. His cock seemed huge trapped in the codpiece. His chest, incredibly large, pushing out of the harness was a work of art his large nipples, pointing right out. The workouts he had been having while here had obviously done him good, as he was even larger and more muscular now than ever before. The trimming he had given himself didn't hurt either, making his muscles seem larger. Chet stretched and moved his body feeling the outfit bind him in a new and exciting way.

Chet wondered what would be in store for him but his thoughts were interrupted by Austin coming in. He made a sharp, whistling sound of approval. "You look so hot in that outfit!" he said.

"Is it alright for you to be here?" Chet reached out a hand to touch him. Austin was naked now and hard. Still hard, Chet guessed, from their encounter in the shower. He touched Austin's cheek and felt some regret that they couldn't be alone together.

"Probably not," Austin said. He reached out now too, touching Chet, feeling the leather. "But I wanted to at least say goodbye."

Chet knew what he was getting at. He too had seen other men go in that room but none had ever come out. Whatever happened to people in the Arena, as it was called, they certainly never returned to the rooms he and Austin now occupied. They hugged then and their lips found each other again. Chet felt himself stir inside his jock. He remembered Ben and what he told him about the cameras. He hands sought out Austin and gently, with regret, pushed him away.

"We better not get carried away. But," he said motioning to the two wrist straps on the bed, "you can help me get those on. I can't do it with one hand."

Austin took his time putting the wrist straps on Chet. All the while their bodies touching gently, their breath caressing each other. It was an incredible turn on for both of them, heightened by the fact that it was forbidden. After he had helped Chet into the straps Austin leaned over and kissed Chet. It was passionate and deep and Chet knew there was something special between them. It was not the same as what he had briefly with Dean, it was something more. With Dean he their feelings were like a bomb, exploding with passion and lust, with Austin it was a slow burn of friendship and trust.

"I know we'll see each other again," Austin said and then left.

Chet hesitated only a moment before leaving the room and going to the entrance of the Arena. As he passed through the hallway and into the main room he took little notice of the fact that few of the young men who usually occupied the halls were present. He thought briefly of Dean and what he was doing.

It was then that he decided to put the past behind him and move on. Dean had definitely done that, he was living his life somewhere out there and the chances that they would be together again were getting less and less every day. Dean was probably successful in college now and moving on with his life. Chet had to do the same and concentrate on himself.

Chet reached the door to the arena. It was simple, though what was behind it was anyone's guess. Ben was standing there, waiting for him. Chet expected Ben to be dressed like he was, and ready to go through the next period of time with him. Ben wasn't dressed like him though, was in the typical orange outfit they all wore.

"You look great," Ben said.

Chet flexed for him, showing off a little. He was horny as hell and ready to get on with it. "Thanks," he said, "I thought you would be doing this with me."

"It's different for everyone," Ben said, "but, they want you alone." He grabbed Chet's head then and leaned in to speak to him. He made it look like he was kissing Chet but really leaned over to whisper in his ear. "I'll try to watch out for you."

Chet didn't move. He had no idea what was going to happen to him. All of a sudden he didn't care. It was obvious that Dean was not going to be part of his life anymore. He had better start making the best of what he had, or his life would turn out more miserable than anything he had experienced before.

It was then that Chet decided maybe a life of having sex wouldn't be so bad. He had been watching for so long now. At last, he would be participating and if this was to be his job he was going to be the best at it.

"Good Luck," Ben said, holding the door open for him.

Chet stepped in, looking forward to the part of his new life that was about to begin. Ben closed the door behind him and headed up for the stands. This part of the building was built like a stadium with high sides, so viewers could see what was going on with the new initiate.

It was dark inside and it took some time for Chet's eyes to adjust. He didn't move, for fear of hurting himself on a piece of furniture that may have been there, unseen. When his eyes finally began to focus he could see the floor was made of marble and in the center of an otherwise empty room was a large platform elevated with three steps.

A voice came from a speaker directed at him.

"Get on the podium," it said.

He did as instructed. Standing there. He could hear no noise. Nor could he see anyone. He assumed that almost everyone in the building was sitting somewhere, above, watching him. But, he couldn't be sure.

Suddenly, he heard the hiss of air and from four points, spaced evenly apart, four doors slid upward, revealing bright lights. In front of the doors he could see four figures approach him. The light that came from outside the room gave enough illumination to the room for him to see that his previous thought that the room was not empty, as he had previously believed. The walls were filled with instruments, whips, chains, pieces of leather, dildos, long tubes of rubber, clamps, rope, clothing, tubes of plastic, electronic devices and some he could not even identify. Suddenly, a chill washed over him.

Maybe no one came out of this room because no one survived.

While Chet saw the men approach, Dean dropped onto a hotel room bed in the exact same city as Chet. The other boy fell onto bed with him. He was another of the football players on the team. Ted was almost one hundred pounds heavier than Dean and built like a house. He had muscles on top of muscles, with a large, almost Neanderthal like forehead. Ted was a lot more hairy than Chet had been, almost furry on his chest and as Ted dropped into bed on top of Dean , his chest landed in Dean's face and Dean nuzzled his face in it.

They were on the road, in New York City, and had just won their sixth consecutive game. Rumor had it that they would go on to a national title. And, with Dean at the helm of the team, he was poised to be among the highest draft picks when he graduated in two years, one year early. In the locker room, after the game, Ted had asked if he could help Dean celebrate. Ted had been looking forward to this and was already reaching for Dean's dick through the jockstrap he had worn.

Dean had been trying not to think of Chet and to put what had happened behind him, he wanted very badly to try to live some kind of normal life. Ted had always been nice, and Dean had known for along time now that Ted had liked him. It seemed only natural that if something sexual was going to happen, it be with someone like Ted. They were naked together, their dicks knocking against each other as they kissed and rubbed their bodies together.

Ted moved down Dean's nearly hairless body. He sucked on Dean's nipples and he squirmed as Ted's teeth nibbled the small nub of flesh there, then moved down Dean's stomach. It was hard, a six-pack of abs and Ted licked over them all, running his tongue inside Dean's belly button. Ted had close cropped hair, and Dean reached down, running his hands over it. Dean could feel the tip of his dick run against Ted's stubbly chin and he gasped, making his cock jump.

Ted took that opportunity to ease the dick into his mouth, downing all seven inches in one gulp. Dean let out a low moan. He lay back onto the bed enjoying the strokes Ted was giving his dick inside his mouth. He felt Ted's tongue flick at the head of it and he felt the stubble of Ted's chin as it hit his balls with each down stroke. Ted reached up rubbing Dean's firm, hairless chest and he sought out each of Dean's tits grabbing them in his hands and twisting them into two hard nubs. Dean arched his back trying to thrust his dick even further down Ted's throat, trying to drill it into his mouth and out the back of his head.

Dean grabbed the back of Ted's head, thrusting into his mouth with each stroke. Then Ted reached back, yanking Dean's hands away and pulling his mouth off of the fat cock. Ted reached got up and picked up his jeans and for a second, Dean thought that he was going to leave, that maybe he had been too rough on him and Ted had gotten scared. But, that wasn't the case; he reached into the pocket and pulled out a condom.

"I've been wanting you to fuck me since I first saw you." With that Ted reached down and put the condom on Dean's cock. It bounced a few times, as if it had a mind of it's own and was anticipating the tight new, fuck hole. Ted went down on Dean's cock again lubing it up with spit and, for a second, Dean was afraid that he would cum and spoil the moment.

But, he held himself in. Ted climbed on top of him and straddled Dean's beefy waist, facing him.

"I've never fucked anyone before," Dean said.

Ted smiled a grin and suddenly looked to Dean like the cat that swallowed the canary. "Perfect," he said and started to squat down on the dick, easing it into his ass.

Dean had never felt anything like it before. The ass was tight and moist. Ted settled down on it, sitting. He stayed there like that for a moment, then began to tighten and loosen his ass muscles. Dean threw his head back and giggled.

"That feels fantastic," he moaned.

"Just lay there," Ted said, "and let me do all the work."

Ted began to move up and down on Dean's cock. He moved almost all the way off it then fell back onto it. Ted reached out and put his hands on Dean's chest, rubbing it and using it for support. Dean began to reach up to grab at Ted's dick but his hand was pushed away.

"Just lay there." Ted said again, this time with more emphasis.

But Dean couldn't help it. He began to buck under Ted, his body rising to meet Ted's strokes. Dean lay there, panting, his body covered in the sweat of strain and ecstasy. He had never allowed himself to let go sexually, until now. Now that he had done it, it felt like the release of giant floodgates, all his pent up feelings and sex drive released into one huge eruption.

"I'm gonna cum," Dean cried, his body tensing in anticipation. He expected Ted to get off of him or to at least stop his ass from pumping up and down on Dean's rock hard cock, but that did not happen. In fact, Ted only increased his pace moving on the rod faster and faster.

Dean arched his back. He could control himself no longer. He was strong and he used that strength now and rose with Ted in his arms and then fell on top of him. Ted, suddenly found himself on the bottom but he obviously didn't mind.

"Do it!" he yelled and Dean did just that.

Dean thrust into him two more times before feeling the cum rise in him. He pumped Ted's hot ass one final time and then came. It seemed like gallons and Dean left his dick inside Ted, not moving. Dean suddenly noticed Ted's hand on his own dick and Ted groaned that he too was going to cum. When he did Ted shot so far that he hit himself in the face.

It had one other effect as well, causing Ted's already tight ass to tighten even more. This sent Dean into ecstasy again as he felt his cock pump trying to force more cum out of his already dry balls. Ted was so tight that Dean could barely force his dick out of the ass. Finally, covered in sweat and cum, which had dripped off Ted's body onto his own, Dean went dry, though the convulsions that had rocked his body continued.

"That was great," Ted said as he pulled off Dean's dick. Dean gasped again as his dick was stroked one more time by the tight asshole. Ted took a moment to pull the condom off Dean and then collapsed on top of him. Ted continued to rub Deans body, admiring it. It looked even better, he thought, hot and sweaty.

"A nice way to celebrate." They had won their football game and as a joke Ted had offered his ass if Dean threw four touchdowns. That gave Dean a lot of incentive and he had thrown six. Ted had been as good as his word. Of course, Ted would have given it up anyway.

"You know," Dean said, "I really wanted to fuck that ass of yours for a long time."

"Why didn't you?" Ted couldn't keep his hands off Dean, even now he was planting kisses on Dean's chest, concentrating on his nipples. He had the left one in his mouth and was flicking it with his tongue. Dean was amazed that neither of their dicks showed any signs of going down.

Dean thought about it for a moment trying to find an answer to Ted's question, but there was none.

"Beats me," he finally said rolling on top of Ted. Ted was surprised then by Dean when he went down on Ted's good-sized dick, taking it all in his mouth. Dean went to work on the dick moving it around in his mouth, with his tongue, as he went up and down on it. Dean thrust his mouth onto it, holding it in his mouth all the way to the base. It twitched in his mouth and he felt Ted squirm under him. Ted moaned in pleasure.

Dean reached down for his own dick stroking it a couple of times. He was amazed that he was actually ready to go at it again, his dick hard and leaking. Dean fucked him again, this time he was on top and in control, his pounding fast and furious. He took his time, partly because he wanted to and partly because he had already cum once and it was going to take more effort to cum again.

Ted bucked and moaned under him, thrusting his ass to meet each of Dean's strokes. They came together again and collapsed with each other. Tomorrow they would be on their way back to home.

"Can we date?" Dean said, "I want more of this."

"We can marry if you want," Ted said, and then began to laugh at his own joke. Dean, who thought he was kidding at first, began to laugh with him.

In the background, the television played. The news was telling the story of the kidnapping of the president's son. Missing for several weeks now, the boy had still not been found.

Dean thought of Chet then remembering how he had been tied up. Maybe he would tie Ted up.

That might be fun.

End Part Seven

Next: Chapter 8

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