Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Apr 15, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Part Six

Almost five months had passed in between his ordeal in the barn and the time when Dean next saw Matt. Dean had run home from the barn, clothed in what little that Brick had given him. His ass throbbed and he had small cuts on his body. There was no way he could have gone home like that. Insead, he went to the gym. It was dark and empty and he used the shower there to clean himself and got fresh clothes out of his locker.

There were very few external signs on Dean that he had been through an ordeal. But, he had stayed in the shower for a long time and had cried. Not for himself really but for Chet and what had been taken away from the two of them that night. The memory of Chet was still fresh in his mind, each of their hands wrapped around the other, their lips pressed together. The memory was warm and comforting. But then there was the memory of Chet hanging from the rafters in the barn, clamps hanging from his tits, his body sweating and in pain.

He put on a pair of sweats and headed home. It was very late and no one was up in his home to question him. In bed, he shivered wanting to go back to the barn, wanting to go to the police, to somehow get help for Chet. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He had been only days away from going to college. Finally, he would be the starting quaterback. His whole future was in front of him.

At the time, the decision had been so easy. He had other friends to see during his last week at home and looked forward to getting to college in Boston. The soreness in his ass quickly went away and he was thrust rapidly into school and practices.

But now all he could think of was Chet.

Now, he was in the locker room alone with one of the offensive coaches who at the moment had Dean's cock halfway down his throat. Other than his contact with Chet and his night in the barn it was his first sex with a man. There had been a few women before. And he had slept with them just to prove himself to his teammates.

The man was an excellent cocksucker. Dean had closed his eyes to enjoy himself. He had been in the locker room late and had been practically raped by the man who said he just did this to "loosen the players up". But, when Dean had opened his eyes again it was not the coach but Chet going down on him. The vision lasted only a second but it was enough to throw Dean for a loop.

Dean got up and pushed the man off his cock, no longer into it.

The man said something to him but he was already out of the room, pulling up his sweats as he went. He walked out of the locker room and into the parking lot. It was late and there werer only a few cars, of which Dean took no notice. His thoughts were on Chet.

"Where are you now?" he said to himself.

It was late January and the days were short and cold. He headed to his car intending to go home. There were parties to go to and friends that wanted to do things but he could bring himself to do neither, wanting instead to spend a quiet evening in his rented house. As always, his thoughts of Chet and what might have been consumed him.

Ahead a figure approached. Probably heading to the gym for a workout, Dean thought. The gym was the next building over. But, as the figure got closer, Dean froze. It was him.

"Hello," Brick said.

Dean dropped the bag he was carrying and raised his fist; he was prepared this time and would defend himself against this man. Better yet, Dean thought, he would find out where Chet was, if he had do beat it out of the man.

Brick had eyed Dean from the parking lot. He was amazed at the change in Dean in such a short time. Dean's long hair had been buzz cut into a bristly flattop. His body, impressive then was even larger now and the muscles visible to Brick rippled. Obviously the man had spent a lot of time in the gym.

Brick stopped short in his approach and it was Dean now who approached him moving boldly to face him. He admired that and though he was confident he could defend himself, he reached into the pocket of his leather jacket and put his hand around the grip of the gun he had hidden there.

"WHERE IS HE!" Dean was screaming, spit flying out of his mouth toward Brick. All the emotions, pent up for so long inside him since that night in the barn, came flying out, his fury finally having something to direct itself at.

It was only then that Brick realized that the man had actually been in love with Chet.

"Stop for a minute," Brick had taken his hand off the gun in his pocket holding his hands out.

But Dean didn't listen. His rage had blinded him and he struck Brick on the jaw sending him backward. Brick staggered backward, but did not fall. But Dean moved with him, grabbing Brick by the jacket and shaking him. Brick was a big man, weighing more than Dean but Dean was taller and had the strength of his convictions and his anger and it propelled him in the confrontation like a man rescuing a daughter from a burning car. Brick felt his heels leave the ground, he was amazed that Dean was actually picking him up.

Brick reached into his pocket to get his gun then thought better of it. He saw a girl by the gym. She stood in the shadows, watching the scuffle. They were too public here for him to do anything so bold as to shoot Dean.

"If you want to know anything about Chet you're going to put me down right now boy," Brick looked directly into the angry man's eyes, confronting him. There was hesitation in Dean's eyes and that was all that Brick needed. Brick thrust his hands down and into Dean's chest. Then he struck Dean in the face, hard. Dean went backwards falling to the ground.

"I just want to talk," Brick said.

He reached out his hand to Dean, intending to help him up, but Dean brushed it away.

"What did you do with Chet? Where is he?" Dean got up off the ground and grabbed his bag.

"Let's go somewhere and talk about this."

"If you think I'm going anywhere with you, you're even more fucked up than I thought."

"Listen boy, I'm here to save your ass." Brick was beginning to like this boy, he was showing spunk after all. For a second he pictured he and Chet together, the chemistry would have been magic. They would have been a formidable pair.

"How are you going to do that." Dean stood directly in front of Brick, refusing to be intimidated.

"Do you know where Chet's brother is?"

"I don't give a fuck where he is. Now tell me where Chet is." Dean got closer. Brick could tell that he was beginning to boil over with emotion again. He thought about knocking Dean out and taking him back to his van but rejected the idea. They were attracting attention. The girl had disappeared for a moment into the building Dean had come out of, now she emerged with anther young guy. The girl indicated towards Brick and the guy began to head their way. The girl went back inside the building, to get even more reinforcements, Brick decided.

He had to make this short and sweet.

"Listen boy," Brick leaned into him, almost whispering in his ear. "Chet is gone. He's alive but he's never coming back. I promised him I'd warn you about his brother. He's coming for you."

Dean froze. Brick could tell he was getting to him. Brick grabbed him by his shirt and pulled Dean towards him.

"Chet's brother is here and just waiting for a chance to get at you."

Message delivered, Brick pushed Dean away. Dean stumbled backwards but did not fall. Behind him, the young man and girl picked up their pace and moved to help. Brick began to walk away but turned back towards the boy for a moment.

"Watch your back," he said.

The young guy, dressed in sweats of the college football team, reached Dean.

"You alright?" He walked past Dean and towards the black man who was moving rapidly away from them.

Dean grabbed him by the arm.

"Let him go."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I don't think he'll be coming back."

Dean watched him drive away in his van, mentally making a note of the license plate number. After all of this he had finally learned that Chet was alive. It was then that Dean decided he would find him, no matter what the cost. And, as for Matt, he was now informed but Matt had taken advantage of him once and he would not do that again. It had been only a short time ago but he had been a lot more naive and a lot less ready. This time he would be different.

Matt would be the one learning the lesson this time.

"Where you headed?" Gus, the guy who had come to help him said.

"I was going home," he said, "but I think I'm going to go back to the gym now. I have some frustrations to work out."

At the same time as the confrontation between Dean and Brick, Chet was moving slowly down the hallway towards the main room of the complex. His body was still sore, but the bruises, that had covered his body were fading, and his energy was returning. But, he still was not back to his old self yet. He could hear noise ahead of him, young men talking and laughing.

There were several doors leading down the hallway most were closed. The few doors that were open contained men. Chet was amazed at how different they all were. They were every age, race and type imaginable. If this truly were a stud farm, then someone could get anything they wanted here, as long as it was male.

Some were reading, others watching videos, some just talking. Behind one open door, a young blond boy with a hard on too big for him lay on his bed. As Chet passed, the boy called to him.

"Let's have some fun guy."

Obviously the boy was obeying the order about not touching himself.

"Sorry, going to class." Chet was naked, his dick stiff in its cock cage. He couldn't have done anything with the boy even if he wanted. In class they wanted you hard and ready when the cage came off.

"Next time," the boy said.

Chet got to the end of the hallway and went into the large living room area. Several of the men in there turned to look at him as he came in. This was his third day in class and he had begun to get used to everyone looking at him. The first time everyone had stopped and looked at him. It had been the first time he had seen anyone other than Vince and Ben in the complex. He had been nervous but had gotten hard as Ben had instructed when the cage came off. The cage kept him so horny.

He turned left moving toward the doors at the far end of the room. There were several entrances and Chet went into the one labeled Classroom 2. He looked to the doors right, where the entrance to the Doctor stood. Still, several weeks after he had arrived at the farm, he shivered remembering what the doctor had done to him.

He opened the door, he had left early but was still the last one to arrive. The instructor was there. His name was Steve and he was big. Steve had obviously been bodybuilding for years. He was about five feet eight inches tall and well over two hundred pounds of muscle. Broad shoulders and back accentuated by huge traps, he was a walking hunk of beef. He stood at the front of the room. Although he did not have to be naked, he was, he had told them that it was to make them feel more comfortable. His legs were so thickly muscled that they rubbed together. The only unimpressive thing on him was his dick which was less than six inches but thicker than normal. He greeted Chet as he entered and pointed to the last of the tables.

There were three tables for the students of the class. Each was comfortably padded and had pillows. They reclined and rose, depending on the need. The other two tables were already occupied. The table closest to the door was occupied by a short, older man. He had thinning blond hair, a dark tan and an average build. The man\s cock was hard and ready. Although it was just average size, he was impressed by something else about the cock. It was uncircumcised and Chet had marveled at it. It had been the first one that Chet had ever seen. During the first class Chet had held it and marveled at how it popped out of its foreskin. The man stroked it, pulling the foreskin back and forth. The instructor came over to Chet and unlocked and removed his cock cage. Chet's cock instantly rising to full attention.

"Feels good don't it."

The other student was named Austin. He was young, in his twenties. He had longish blond hair, cut short on the sides but long in the back. It was curly, pulled back away from his face. He had high cheekbones, full lips and a tightly muscled body. He wasn't hugely muscled, just tight, with no body fat. He too, was hard and erect, ready for the class.

They both looked at Chet, acknowledging him. The instructor pointed to the third table.

"Our virgin is here," he said.

The class had limited him. Because of his virginity and the need to keep it that way until he was sold, he could not actually have sex like the other two in the class. They had sex while he watched and got hornier and hornier. Chet was very thankful at least to have Ben. When he would get out of class, Ben would be there. They had progressed from just jerking each other off to laying down and playing with each other.

Chet would be horny and hard and come back to his room and find Ben waiting there for him in his bed. They would roll around and rub against each other. Chet would cum quickly, after two hours of watching the others in class get it on. But Ben would take his time and waited for Chet to get hard again before pleasuring himself. Then they would cum together and lay there, in each other's arms.

He had developed closeness with Ben that he had never found with anyone else, not even Dean. Ben was there for him and he could feel that Ben felt much more for him than just a mentor. Make no mistake, Chet felt more for Dean than he could ever imagine. But he was beginning to wonder if it was just unfinished business he was feeling.

In class, Steve was talking about anal sex and various positions.

"Wish we could get it on," Austin said to Chet, stroking himself. His dick was average size but very attractive, perfect for his body type. "That guy really doesn't do it for me."

"If I can interrupt," Steve said, "Austin, your the bottom today."

Chet saw Austin grimace, hating the thought of having the older man fuck him. There was lube at the edge of the table and Austin got some and put it on his ass. The older man began to get up but Steve held his hand out to him.

"Not you," Steve said as he climbed up on the table.

Chet was amazed, Steve was actually going to participate in the fun. He was already lubed up and eased himself into Austin. Steve grabbed Austin's legs and put them on his shoulders.

"Remember your strokes guys," Steve said with a little bit of a moan. Under him Austin began to grunt with each stroke.

Steve had taught various strokes to use, fast, slow and rhythmic and illustrated the fact that you could use different angles and go in different depths. All of this really didn't matter to Chet. It seemed that once you got going you would do what you wanted or what the guy wanted but for some reason they wanted him to know this stuff and he humored them.

Steve began to touch Austin, stroking him all over.

"How does it feel?" He asked him.


Chet was sitting on the end of his table facing them. Across from him the older man, fondled himself as he watched.

Austin's eyes rolled in the back of his head. Steve motioned to the other two to get off their tables and come to him. They both did as they were told getting closer to watch. Chet watched in amazement as he saw Steve's cock go in and out of Austin's tight ass. As Steve pulled his dick out, Chet could see the skin of Austin's anus pull outward and grip Steve's dick.

"Clench your ass around my dick, boy," he said. Steve threw his head back then grinning with pleasure, "yeah, like that grip it harder, let me feel you."

Steve grabbed Austin's hand and put it around the older guys dick. Austin's eyes opened, and he grinned. He looked at Chet than and grinned as he reached out and took his dick in the other hand.

This was the first time Chet was allowed to be touched in class. Austin's hand felt great and he reached over to touch Austin's body. He marveled at how good it felt, how smooth and tight it was. He grabbed Austin's cock and began to stroke it. It didn't take long for Austin to cum and Steve soon followed. Both their loads covered Austin. Chet and the balding man came together, also on Austin.

When it was over, Austin reached down to rub the cum of the four of them all over his body. He lay back then, exhausted.

Steve got off the table and got a towel to wipe himself off.

"Now, I want all of you to get hard again."

The rest of the class was the real education. Chet quickly learned that there was an art to sustaining yourself. In this job, and that's what it was, a job, they wanted you continually hard and ready, even if you had just shot your wad. The daily pills and occasional shots that Chet and the others were taking helped matters, by making them tremendously horny. Chet thought it would take him a few minutes to get hard again, but he never really got soft.

The real work began then and for Chet it was a surprise.

"Who do you want to blow Chet?" Steve asked.

"What do you mean?" Chet's mouth dropped open. They all knew that he couldn't have sex and Chet reached down to feel the cock ring, fearing the consequences of violating the order.

All of them looked at Chet and his cock bounced up and down involuntarily at the thought of actual sex. Even when they had learned blowjob techniques Chet was not allowed to practice them like the others, instead he had to use a dildo, which made him feel ridiculous. Steve sensed the question.

"I had your friend Ben and then I had him speak to the powers that be. After thinking it over they decided it would be a good idea for you to practice some of the fundamentals and since that doesn't take away your virginity, your going to learn like the rest of the guys here. No harm done." He smiled then, letting what he said sink in. Then he added, "by the way, nice tight ass that one has there. You'll like it."

Chet didn't wait for anyone to reconsider the offer. Whether because of the drugs or the fact that there was so much hot sex going on here and he hadn't been a part of it, he was horny as hell and determined to make himself part of the action. He got up and went immediately over to the instructor and got on his knees in front of him. Chet chose him because his dick wasn't as intimidating as the other two and since he was an instructor, he would learn the right way to do it.

He looked at the instructor's dick, it was smaller than a lot of guys he had seen here, much smaller than his but it was thick and had an impressively large head. Chet opened his mouth, saliva forming.

"Wait," Steve said, "listen to my instructions." Steve reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of clover tit clamps. He put them on Chet's tits and he moaned as they went on. They were so damn tight. Steve grabbed the chain between the clamps and pulled him by the chain onto his cock.

Chet nodded the put the head of the dick in his mouth, it was soft and hard at the same time, and felt like velvet. It felt good, right.

"Do like I taught you," Steve said, his voice had gotten deeper, he was enjoying himself.

Chet worked the head moving it back and forth in his mouth, gently chewing it. While the dick was in his mouth he flicked his tongue against the piss slit. He heard Steve groan enjoying it. Then, ever so slowly, he went down on the dick. It slid into his mouth easily, inch by inch. He was surprised how easily he took it in his mouth. He had watched a lot of sucking in the past few weeks and had been amazed at some of the men as they gagged on huge dicks. But he didn't gag, it actually felt good. It bounced in his mouth, and he could feel it throb. He had Steve all the way in his mouth and held it there. The dick bounced up and down. It felt good in there and he looked up at Steve.

"Good job, boy." Steve threw his head back and closed his eyes enjoying.

Behind Chet, Austin was incredibly turned on by the scene. He got off the bed behind Chet who was franticly chowing down on Steve's throbbing cock. He squatted down behind Chet his dick laying nicely in the crack of Chet's ass. He pressed himself against Chet, feeling the muscles in their bodies rub against each other. It turned Austin on incredibly and must have had the same effect on Chet because he only increased his frantic work on the dick. Austin rubbed his dick back and forth sweat was dripping off Chet as his head bounced up and down. Chet was obviously starved for dick.

The sweat lubed up Chet's ass and Austin's dick slid up and down easily. He could have plunged it in then easily but would not do so unless allowed. Unconsiously he felt the cock ring. If he did it they would know and he would loose his cock and balls. Austin grabbed Chet's tit clamps and removed them. Chet yelled but continued to suck. Austin grabbed Chet's sore nips and rubbed and twisted them. Apparently, he had given Chet an idea because he reached up and grabbed Steve's tits, twisting them as well.

As fast as Steve had allowed Chet to start working on his dick, he stopped Chet, pushing him backwards. Chet fell back and hit Austin knocking them both backwards. Chet lay on top of him panting.

"I don't want to cum yet, boy." Steve said, "Suck your friend there."

Austin, who lay on the floor smiled in anticipation and lay back ready. Above him, Chet turned around and kissed him. Their mouths ground together, tongues working franticly, searching each other. Austin reached for Chet's tits again, twisting them. Chet's cock bounced. He moved down Austin's body, stopping at each tit. He put each one in his mouth and worked it. First, gently with his tongue, flicking it across the nub of flesh there. Then, with he used his teach, grinding the tit in his mouth. Below him Austin squirmed. Chet moved down his hairy body till he got to his large dick. There was no teasing here, like he did with Steve, instead, he thrust the entire length of the shaft in his mouth. Again, he was amazed at how easily he did this and he was surprised by the fact that he too the entire thing in his mouth. He did it without gagging. He used his throat muscles and tongue to move it around in his mouth.

"He's really good at this," Austin said to Steve, moaning.

Steve reached between Chet's legs and pulled his dick backwards. He began to stroke it. Chet only increased his frenzied work on Austin's hot dick. Above them, the final member of their group got off his table to join them. He decided to work on tits and took one of Austin's beefy nubs of flesh in his mouth. He used his hands to work Austin's other tit and reached over to twist Chet's as well.

All of this action was too much for Chet who had been a spectator for too long and unable to participate. He moaned and closed his eyes, cumming, while he held Austin's beautiful dick in his mouth.

"AAAAARRRRRRR," he moaned cumming with more force than he could remember.

"My turn," Austin said, warning Chet to move away. But Chet didn't move, he simply held the dick in his mouth. Austin began to gasp and shake as spasms ripped through his body, his dick constantly stimulated by the Chet's mouth. But Chet continued his assault on the dick stroking it and moving it. Under him, Austin began to buck shaking. Chet's mouth flooded with cum, it was his first load and he drank it down his throat keeping eye contact with Austin the whole time.

The other two came soon after and finally Chet released the dick in his mouth. He did not want to spill a drop. Chet looked at Austin, their faces just inches from each other. He liked Austin, and his smaller, tighter body. They were both breathing heavily and dripping with sweat. Beads of sweat dripped off Chet and landed on Austin. Austin's hands were on Chet, caressing him. Chet leaned down and put his mouth on Austin's. Their tongues mingled and their saliva mixed. For a moment it was just the two of them and Chet longed for them to be alone, in a more intimate sentiment.

That ended the class and they each left, naked and covered with sweat and cum. The three students headed for the showers, Chet and Austin walking together. In the shower, they soaped each other up, rubbing each other's body. Chet was amazed that they were getting hard again.

"I want to have sex with you so bad," Austin said.

"I know," Chet reached up to twist the man's tits, "I feel the same way."

They lingered in the shower that way, a moment alone, or so they thought. Neither saw the video cameras that constantly monitored them.

End Part Six

Next: Chapter 7

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