Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Apr 6, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Part Five

Chet was barely aware what was happening.

In just minutes Chet was straining against the shackles. A motorcycle helmet covered his head, but the doctor had modified it, goggles blocked his view and a mask was attached to the front at his nose and provided air. It totally engulfed his head and he could feel the sweat begin to poor off his forehead. He couldn't see anything but blackness and all sound was muffled so much he couldn't make anything out. Only his mouth was exposed and that was held open with a large piece of plastic that had been forced into him. The helmet and mouth cup had been put on him last. He had been allowed to see everything else the doctor had done to his body.

His hands were in leather mitts, cutting off sensation. His wrists and ankles were tied to the metal table with large metal shackles. He was immobile, around his waist a metal weight belt was fastened. It was wide and flexible, pinning him to the table. Straps also circled his biceps and thighs, those were also fastened to the table. Another large belt had been fasted around his chest, just below his pecs. His pecs were large, and because of that hung over the top of the strap.

His feeling of claustrophobia increased with each strap and device that was attached to him. Chet had begun to see things in the visor, not knowing if it was his imagination and the drugs that they had given him or if it was some type of video that was being shown by the doctor.

But that was not the worst. Suction cups were clamped around his nipples they had tubes that lead to the ceiling. His balls had been forced into a steel cage which was then pulled away yanking them severely. His cock had been stroked until it was hard and then had been placed in a long metal tube-like device. It was heavy and it too was attached to a tube that hung from the ceiling. A tube had been inserted into his ass. It was thin and long but he felt the discomfort as it was worked into his ass. It came up from below the table and Chet assumed that it to was attached a tube that lead somewhere. Electrodes had been attached to his chest and he had heard them register his heartbeat and pulse. Around his neck the collar he wore was attached to a chain, it was pulled tight, forcing him to keep his head in place. He could not turn his head nor move his body.

After being attached to the devices he had been left on the table. How long he had been there he did not know. He had lost all track of time. Chet breathed deeply, trying to remain calm. He tried to think of Dean, tried to imagine what he was doing.

Suddenly, Chet felt a tingle as the machine was turned on. The tube over his cock began to pump rhythmically. It was a milking device, like those they used on cows, his tits began to throb as the machine both sucked his tits and sprayed it with air. He could feel his tits sticking out as if they were being pulled on. The tube up his but began to spurt out water, giving him an enema. Chet had never had anything done to him like this before and he tried to arch off the table trying to pull away. The straps however, held him down and he could go nowhere.

He flexed his body stretching it out and tried to push the liquid out that was being pumped into his ass. But the tube acted like a stopper, keeping the liquid in. It did not stop and soon it felt like they were pumping gallons into him. He could feel his stomach begin to stick out, to bloat with all the liquid and he felt cramps too as if he had to go to the bathroom. It was beginning to hurt him but he didn't know he was getting horny or sick.

That was when the first jolt shot threw him. Somehow, the attachments were electrified and an electric shock moved through his body. His mouth involuntarily tried to clench shut but the mouthpiece prevented it. A moan escaped him. Despite himself, despite the pain he was feeling and the almost nauseous feelings the drugs produced in him, he was incredibly excited. He felt the tube on his cock continued to work. It sucked his cock, milking him. His cock was getting pumped and he could feel it swell. It almost felt like the blood was going to burst right out of the skin of his prick.

Suddenly he felt his collar pull. But, he could not move as it yanked his neck. They were choking him. The air was being forced out of him and he gasped. His body shook and even as it did the voltage being pumped into him increased. The visor displayed an ever-increasing frenzy of images into his head. He screamed as best he could. Around his cock the pump increased its up and down frenzy.

His entire body tensed as he got ready to cum. The machine, or the evil man who ran it, must have sensed this because the pump around his cock stopped stroking him and suddenly squeezed on it, like an incredibly powerful hand.

What had he gotten himself into?

The machine worked on him, he had no idea for how long. His head was swimming. His mind moved from his nipples which were alternately pumped and stimulated by the flow of air to his ass that was aching and made his stomach hurt to his cock which swelled inside the milking devise.

He could barely breathe and at one point he remembered a liquid being poured down his throat that he had no choice but to swallow. He felt the sweat pour off his body and his muscles tensed. For the first time since the whole ordeal began in the gym he could not take it and he yelled.

After some time, he got close and his whole body seemed to respond. It was as if his whole body was going to cum, not just his cock. His breathing quickened and he made fists with his hands, inside their leather mitts.

He was shooting now, and nothing would stop it. The pump acted like a vacuum devise as he came, sucking the huge load out of him. The enema was suddenly taken out and he shot out the liquid that had been forced into him back out. But the pump did not stop, even after he came, it continued to move up and down on his dick, milking every last drop out of him. Even after he came all he could it continued to pump. His body began to buck against the machine. Still it continued.

Chet's mind was in his dick. But, then he realized the collar had been released from its chain and he was no longer receiving electric shock. The result of this was to put his entire consciousness in his cock. His balls and tits were forgotten. He couldn't stand the pumping anymore. It was like the pump had tiny soft needles and he could feel every touch it delivered to his incredibly sensitive member.

The pump remained like that for a long time. It seemed to Chet like it lasted forever. He had no sense of time as all his senses had been cut off. To Chet's amazement, he was going to cum again. His entire body shook as he felt his cock convulse. He didn't think anything could have come out of him but he felt the vacuum again try to drain every last drop.

Then, mercifully, the pumping stopped. It was not removed. The visor was turned off and he lay there for an unknown length of time. He was sweaty and his chest heaved against the straps. He waited, not knowing what was going to happen next.

Tears streamed down his face, unwiped. His head continued to spin. He saw colors and images, and wondered whether or not the visor had been turned on again. But, in closing his eyes, he still saw the visions and decided that it must be the drug the doctor had given him.

He felt a hand touch him, stroke his arm. It was firm and cool. Chet felt the pump being taken off his cock. It was incredibly sensitive and huge. He felt it thump against his body. It felt bloated and misshapen. The straps were removed one at a time, the cups around his tits were taken away. His tits felt swollen and huge. His balls were eased out of their cage. He was aching all over, even after everything was removed his body still would not respond. It felt leaden. Finally, the helmet was taken off of him.

He had expected to see the old man, grinning with pleasure of what had been done to him. But it wasn't.

It was Ben. The last thing Ben did was take the mouth piece out of Chet's dry mouth. Ben must have known how Chet felt because he had a glass of water in his hand. Chet wanted to say something, he wanted to get off this table and run from this building. To run from everything that he had been through, but he couldn't. His body wouldn't move and his head was swimming.

He heard Ben say something but wasn't aware of what it was. He felt Ben grab him and try to pick him up. Chet let Ben help him and tried to move. It was all a blur but he let Ben lead.

Then there was darkness.

He remembered seeing Ben's face in brief glimpses later. But again, Chet was unable to say anything or move. He thought Ben was feeding him. But he couldn't be sure.

There was blackness again.

When Chet finally awoke he found himself in a comfortable bed in a white room. The wall in front of him had a large mirror and his head was propped up on pillows so he could see himself. He looked awful. A thick stubble covered his face and his hair was matted against his head. His eyes had dark rings under them. There was no one in the room and he tried to sit up but found he had no strength.

He was naked and he could tell he had lost a little weight. But that weight loss had a strange effect on him. His body had lost some of its large and puffy look. Instead, he was cut, his muscles ripped. He could see striations in his arms and chest.

He looked around at the rest of the room. It was sparsely furnished with a chest of drawers and a night table. A large poster of a naked man hung on one wall. There was a closed door that was made of metal.

Chet heard a hiss and the door slid to the right and into the wall. It was Ben and he was carrying a tray. He smiled when he saw Chet awake and looking at him.

"Nice to have you back with us." Ben said. He put the tray on the nightstand next to Chet. Chet could smell it contents, soup. Nothing had ever smelt so good.

"How long have I been out of it?"

"Almost four days."

"My God!" Chet couldn't believe how long he had been asleep. What had they given him and what effect was this going to have on him. Ben must have sensed the question.

"Your going to be fine. We've all been through what you just went through."

"What did that asshole do to me? I can barely move."

"You were given a series of tests and a variety of fluids were taken out of your body. We've never been told but we think its to see what kind of work to send you to."

"I don't get it?" Chet was feeling tired already, though he had only been awake for a few short minutes.

"Listen, worry about this later. You need some food to get your strength back."

He sat on a stool next to the bed and grabbed the bowl off of the tray. Ben used a spoon to get some soup and brought it to Chet's mouth. Chet didn't like the thought of being fed but took the food. It smelled wonderful and there was no strength in his body so he let Ben spoon the hot broth into his mouth.

After he ate Chet sleep again, for how long he did not know.

When he awoke he felt better but still not well enough to get out of bed. There was now a TV in the room and it played porno films of hot guys getting it on in various positions. Chet became immensely turned on by the films and he felt his groin stir.

But, when he looked down his cock was in a small plastic cage. His cock swelled to fill it but could not swell to its full length and girth. It also could not straighten out. He moaned noticing the gold lock that was fastened to the cage ensuring he could not remove it.

Ben came in the room just as Chet began to reach under the covers to pleasure himself despite the cock cage. He was exhausted but never too tired to jerk off. In fact, Chet felt incredibly horny, more so than he ever had before. He needed to cum so bad he would do anything to make it happen.

"Your going to feel different." Ben said. He came over to the side of the bed and again sat in the chair next to where Chet lay.

"I'm so horny."

"Your going to be that way." Ben reached under the covers to grab Chet's cock cage. "What did they do to me?" Chet's head was swimming again. He felt like he was on the table again.

"The best we can figure out is that they gave all of us something that makes us super horny."

Ben pulled out a key and reached down to unlock Chet's cock cage." Chet had never been so happy to see anything in his life. It took seconds for Ben to remove the cage and Chet's cock instantly rose to full attention.

Ben's hand closed around him and began to stoke. They were long, luxurious strokes, like Ben had all the time in the world and wanted to make this last. Chet felt Ben's hand grip the head of his cock tightly and move around in a slow circle. He shivered. Nothing had ever felt so good.

"Why don't you get into bed with me?" Chet would never have thought himself so bold. He also would never have thought that he would have wanted to have sex with anyone but Dean. Dean had been all he had thought about until today. Now, all he could think of was getting this Asian muscle man into bed with him.

"Can't" Ben continued to stroke him with one hand. The other reached up to unzip the orange jumpsuit he wore. Ben stood and let it drop to the floor.

Chet gasped.

In all his life he had never seen a cock so big. In the video a man with a huge cock was having sex but it was so large it was not hard. Ben's was as hard as a rock and stuck straight out. Chet figured that it had to be almost a foot long and at least five inches across. If he didn't see it with his own eyes he never would have believed it.

It was a freak of nature.

"That's why we call him big Ben." The voice came from behind Ben who turned suddenly to see who it was.

It was Vince.

Vince walked to the other side of the bed. Chet wanted nothing more than to rape these two.

"Just checking up to see how your doing." Vince reached down to feel Chet's forehead like he was a practicing nurse.

"I'm horny and not strong enough to do anything about it." Chet was moaning more than talking now. Despite Vince's entry into the room Ben still had one hand around Chet's cock. Ben's other hand was around his own and he stroked both with the same slow motion, pausing at the head to circle the cock, lubing it up with precum.

It felt wonderful and every stroke was etched into Chet's brain.

"You just have to have sex," Ben said.

"He's right," Vince said, "sex will help you get rid of the urge. They want you horny here."


"Because that's what we supply here."

Chet didn't get it. But he was getting close to cumming. He looked at Ben and prayed that this wouldn't be another tease session.

But it wasn't. Ben just continued stroking him and Chet just let it fly, the cum shooting out of his cock and onto his chest.

"Yeah, do it." Ben said, encouraging him to cum more. Chet moaned with pleasure over finally getting some satisfaction.

"My turn," Ben stood and stoked his cock faster and faster until he too began to shoot. His cum joined Chet's on Chet's chest. It felt warm and wonderful.

Ben immediately went to the table and got a cloth to clean Chet up.

"Do you have any idea where you are Chet?" Vince asked. Chet thought it was strange that Vince had sat and watched the whole time, that he too hadn't taken his dick out and pleasured himself.

"No." Chet had been wiped clean by Ben and was beginning to feel tired again.

"Your at our processing plant." Vince got up to leave. "Get some rest."

For Chet, there was blackness again.

The next several days were a blur for Chet. He would come to for short periods of time and Ben would be there each time to take care of the sexual needs that had risen inside him. Ben would unlock his cock cage, satisfy him and put his cock cage back on. Each time Chet felt stronger but still not strong enough to do anything more that moan and squirm under Ben's tight grip. They gave him injections now but he did not know what was in the injections.

Eventually, Chet felt strong enough to reach down and try to pleasure himself. But, the cock cage would not allow that. At one point he grabbed his nipples, twisting starting to play with himself despite the cock cage, but Ben stopped him.

"You are never to touch yourself without permission," Ben said. Once again Ben took his huge cock out. He grabbed Chet's hand then and placed it on his dick. Chet could barely get his hand around it.

Chet stroked Ben. The strength was returning in him and he squeezed Ben's dick tightly. He saw Ben close his eyes, enjoying the feeling. For Chet, it was the first time he had ever done anything like this. It was amazing now that he thought about all that he had been through but not once had he been able to touch the other person. Even with Dean he had only felt his cock through the fabric of his sweats.

Now he had Ben in his hand, hard and throbbing. There was power here he realized. He squeezed Ben's cock as hard and he could and heard Ben moan. Chet liked the feel of it. He liked stroking the man to get him off. The size of Ben's dick was incredible, larger than anything he had ever seen. It was a freak of nature.

They came together, again both spraying loads that combined into a small lake on Chet's chest. Ben dried him off again but by time he finished Chet was once again asleep and dreaming of Dean and a night in the gym that could have been but never was.

Chet did not see Ben lean over and kiss him.

Ben ran his hand over Chet's body marveling at it. He was so fucking beautiful. Ben wanted this young guy. More than he had wanted anyone who had come through the farm for training. He squeezed Chet's pecs. They were so large, covered with a fine dusting of dark hairs. Of course that hair would eventually have to go. He looked over Chet's flaring traps and narrow waist, his washboard abs. He leaned down again to kiss Chet on the lips just as Vince walked in the room.

"Don't get too attached," Vince said.

"Can't help it. Have you ever seen such a perfect specimen."

"No I haven't. But that's why he's here isn't it?"

Vince was in a black jumpsuit. Ben recognized it as the uniform for the arena.

"I didn't know you had a boy in the arena today." He said.

"My boy Lips is going in front of the group today."

Ben, like Vince, was a trainer at the farm. All the trainers had "boys" under them who they were to get ready for their premier in the arena. Normally, Ben would go to the arena to watch Vince and Lips but Chet needed his attention and he would stay behind. The halls which were normally full of guys were empty. They were all in the arena awaiting the show.

"I hear Chet has already been sold."

Ben couldn't believe what Vince had just said. He hadn't even made it out in public yet, how could he be sold.

"Your kidding," Ben said. Ben had already put his jumpsuit back on and picked up the tray. He brushed past Vince to leave the room and Vince followed.

"All I know is what I hear," he said, "and what I hear is that some guy saw a picture of Chet and has bought him sight unseen."

"Wouldn't surprise me," Ben said.

"Well there's more," Vince said.

Ben already was walking away from him, heading towards the kitchen. But Vince called to him across the open room in the center of the complex. Ben stopped, waiting to hear this last tidbit. Whatever it was Vince had been dying to tell him. After all, he was postponing going to the arena just so that he would have Ben's undivided attention.

"I hear its Primbatu." It was only then that Vince walked away, heading towards the arena.

Ben stopped in his tracks, the tray almost slipping out of his hands.

"No," he said. It couldn't be true. If it was Chet was in more trouble than he could ever imagine.

End Part Five

Next: Chapter 6

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