Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Mar 30, 2005


Vince led the way to the side of a Lear jet. Beautiful and gleaming, it bore the name Male Service. Chet was led up the steps of the plane. The interior was beautiful full of wood and plush seating. A door at the front of the plane opened and a blond man, in his forties, entered the main cabin. He looked at Chet but did not acknowledge him in any way. Chet got the impression that this was routine for the man.

"We're almost ready to leave," Vince said, "as soon as the boss gets back."

Vince grasped the tit clamps and in one swift motion removed them. The pain to Chet's tits was incredible as blood rushed back into them. He grabbed his nipples, rubbing. Vince pushed his hands away and shook his head no.

"If you touch yourself we will have to cuff your hands," he said.

Chet groaned his cock rock hard and sticking out.

Vince opened a small cabinet by the plane's door and took out an orange jumpsuit like the one he was wearing. He handed it to Chet, who didn't need to be told to put it on. He had been naked for so long, since the he was with Dean. The clothes felt wonderful against him. Like Vince, Chet's jumpsuit was a too small. His body pushed against it and he could not zipper the front, because his chest was too big. But, he was thankful for the clothes.

Chet noticed someone behind him. It was the man from before; with him was another naked person. It was one of the people he had seen earlier in the backstage area. He was a bit younger than Chet, with blond curly hair and blue eyes. He was 5'6" with a hairless tightly muscled body. He was pretty but his eyes were glazed over. He swayed from side to side very slowly. Chet could tell that he was on some kind of drug. His senses dulled. Chet wondered who was better off he or the boy.

Vince gave the boy a jumpsuit and he put it on. The boy was small and the suit hung off his body. The boy walked over to the couch and sat down.

"We're ready to go," the man told the pilot.

The pilot went to the front of the plane as Vince began to close the plane's door. The man held out his hand to Chet.

"Hello Chet, my name is White. You're part of my organization now."

"What do you want?" Chet asked.

"Right now I just want you to go pick a seat and strap yourself in."

Chet did not want to sit next to the boy. He picked the couch on the other side of the plane, his tits still throbbing painfully and his cock rock hard in his jumpsuit. White went into the cockpit with the pilot leaving Vince alone with Chet and the boy. Vince finished preparing the plane for takeoff and went to sit next to the boy. The boy leaned against Vince, cuddling up to him.

Chet looked out the window and saw it taxi to the runway.

It was his first time on a plane and he marveled at the feeling of power it conveyed. It sped to take off moving faster and faster. Chet gasped as it its wheels left the ground and the earth receded below him.

On the couch the boy began to kiss Vince. Vince took the jumpsuit off exposing the boy once again. The boy attacked Vince, his hands all over him. He took Vince's jumpsuit off moving down to get at his tits. Vince let the boy chew on him and then pushed him down to his cock. Vince was impressive his dick already a hard 10 inches. The boy quickly moved down to it gobbling it down. The boy was hungry for dick.

Chet watched in astonishment. He felt his cock begin to stir.

"Take off your clothes and come over here," Vince told Chet.

Chet had learned, in the past few hours, to obey orders. He stood up, taking the jumpsuit off. He exposed his body again with its impressive chest, huge pecs, broad shoulders and narrow waist. He exposed his cock and balls, his bubble butt and his thickly muscled thighs. Vince looked on marveling at the young man. Chet walked up to his watching the boy suck Vince's cock. He was still horny. He wanted to join in.

Just then the room to the cockpit opened and White came out.

"Chet, sit back down and put your clothes on."

Vince, thinking he was in trouble pushed the boy off his dick and stood to pull up his jumpsuit quickly.

"You can keep going with Mitch," hite said. "ust not this one."

Chet pulled his clothes back on and sat down on the couch. White sat next to him. He was an attractive older man. He reached out and put his hand on Chet' thigh.

" I hear you have never had sex before." White moved his hand back and forth on Chet's leg. On the couch, Vince once again had his dick down the boy's throat. The boy slobbered on it hungrily. Chet was amazed the boy could suck so good, the guy's dick was almost all the way down his throat. It looked simple to suck cock.

"No Sir," Chet said.

"I run most of the boys in the U.S. You're going to be part of my stable now. I'm going to save you for the highest bidder."

"I thought that was you," Chet said. His cock was once again stirring.

On the couch the boy stood to sit down on Vince's big cock. It went in easily and the boy smiled, clearly enjoying the feeling. There was a distinct difference between this and the brutal rape of Dean in the barn. Dean had not enjoyed the experience but here the boy did. He moved up and down on it moaning softly.

The scene was hot and Chet began to feel his cock throb inside his jumpsuit, wanting to get out. White noticed.

"Very impressive," he said. "Much more impressive up close."

White moved his hand up to stroke Chet through the thick material of his pants. On the couch across from them the boy rode the big man's cock faster and faster. Vince reached up to grab the boy's tits. The boy obviously enjoyed what he was doing. His dick was about 6 inches long and he was hard as a rock. It bobbed up and down with each stroke. As his dick moved up it made a soft thumping sound as it struck his stomach.

Vince was much bigger than the boy so Chet could see his face behind the boy. Vince's eyes were closed and he grunted with each stroke. Sweat poured off his body and he tensed with each of the boy's down strokes.

Chet felt uncomfortable witnessing the scene. He had never seen two people fuck before and actually enjoy it. But this was also less than an intimate act and more of a show. Yet, he also longed to experience it for himself. Both of them were enjoying it so much and Chet was hard just thinking what it must be like to both give and receive the pleasure of the flesh. Around his cock and balls the cock ring gripped him tightly. It made him harder. He could feel the veins of his dick try to push their way out of his cock.

His dick pushed its way against the fabric of his pants forming a tent.

White stroked him gently. He turned to look at the man. White was attractive, yet older. A thin stubble coated his face.

"I'm going to train you to do that yourself. And you are going to like it."

"He obviously does." Chet said pointing to the boy and Vince.

"Have you ever had a blow job?"

"No." Chet's mind was in his dick again, feeling each stroke of the older man.

White pointed to the boy.

"Come to me," he said.

The boy got off Vince's dick clearly not liking it. He walked over to White and knelt down before him.

"I want your cock," the boy said. He obviously knew his place, asking for permission before performing.

"Not yet," he said, "have you met my friend here?"

He grabbed Chet again by the cock.

"He's beautiful," the boy said, "and big."

The boy grabbed Chet's cock too. Now he had both of their hands on him. Of course he was horny as hell now, but he didn't want the boy. He was drugged and Vince obviously was not finished with him. Across the plane Vince watched and stroked himself.

"I want you to pleasure him." White told the boy.

Immediately the boy began to reach for Chet's body, grabbing at his chest.

"No," White said as he pushed the boy back down.

"Use just your mouth, and do it through his pants."

White pushed the boys head down into Chet's clothed crotch. Immediately the boy went at him. It was the closest Chet had ever come to a blow job. The boy was enthusiastic to say the least. He moved his open mouth up and down on Chet's cock. Then he opened and closed his mouth almost chewing on the dick. Chet gasped, it felt wonderful.

He was so horny that after a few minutes of the boy working on him he forgot about Vince and White and began to get into it. The boy's face felt so good pressed against him.

Chet arched his back and grabbed the back of the boy's head trying to shove his dick into the boys mouth. He wanted so bad to whip his dick out and feed it to the boy. But White didn't want him to. He was to save it for some reason that right now didn't matter.

The boy was slobbering all over his pants and the boy's spit combined with the pre-cum that was oozing out of Chet's cock head made a large deep orange wet spot on Chet's pants. Chet opened his eyes and saw Vince walking towards them. He was still hard and ready his cock lightly bobbing up and down as he walked across the plane. He reached them and grabbed the boy by his ass lifting it up. Then, in one thrust, put his dick back into the kid's hungry ass.

The kid must have loved it because it only increased his frenzied work on Chet's thick dick. He used everything lips, mouth and teeth to work through Chet's pants to the meat buried underneath. The fabric of the jumpsuit was heavy and Chet began to sweat. He longed to take it off to have his way with the boy and with Vince, who now assaulted the boy's ass yelling as he did. He could actually feel each of Vince's thrusts as the boy was pushed each time into his lap.

"Take it boy, let me shove it up your tight ass."

"Come on," he commanded, "tighten your fucking ass around my huge cock."

Apparently the boy did just that because Vince suddenly threw his head back moaning. Chet could see Vince as he pulled his dick all the way out of the boy's ass and shoved it back in.

All the while White looked on watching the scene. Apparently, he was unfazed by the scene. Chet couldn't even see a bulge in the man's pants.

Vince reached around the boy and grabbed his cock, pumping it. The boy must have been hugely turned on because it was just seconds before he clamped down on Chet's cock moaning.

"God, fuck yeah," he screamed around Chet's cock as he shot his load.

His ass tightened around Vince's cock sending him over the edge. Vince thrust into him one more time. He leaned over the boy grabbing him tightly as he came in his ass. Chet could hold back no longer shooting, for the second time in an hour. He sprayed inside his jump suit, cumming again and again.

When it was over the three stayed where they were for a moment.

"Chet," White said as he reached for Chet's forehead, pushing the wet hair away from his eyes.

"There's a shower in the back bedroom. Use it and put on a fresh jumpsuit."

Chet got up, pulling away from the tangled scene and moving into the back of the plane. The bedroom was just behind the living room area. He had already begun to feel sticky inside his jumpsuit and was thankful to be able to take it off.

The bedroom was large and ornate. The only other door in the bedroom led to the bath. It was big, with both a shower and a tub. He stepped in the shower, lathering himself up. It had felt so good go cum again. He had been pent up so long and he needed the release. But he wanted to feel what it was really like. Obviously, White was holding Chet back for something and Chet suspected what it was. He knew Chet was a virgin and was going to sell that virginity.

All of the sudden, Chet didn't mind. He was not tied up wet and naked, he was not being abused. He was taking a shower on a plane. Suddenly, it appeared as more of an adventure and less of an ordeal. Chet rubbed his hard body, spending a bit of time rubbing his nipples, making sure they were intact. He felt his cock trapped in the cock ring, damn, it was still hard.

Chet finished his shower and dried off. His body was warm and hard. Someone must have come in while he had taken a shower. The soiled jumpsuit had been replaced with a fresh one. Again, there was no underwear but Chet didn't mind. He put the jumpsuit on noticing that it was a bit larger and he was able to actually zip up the front of it.

He walked to the main cabin of the plane.

"Sit down Chet, we're going to land." Vince had gotten dressed and was sitting on the couch.

Both White and the boy were missing. Chet couldn't help but think that they probably were doing something together.

"Where are we?" Chet asked.

They had been in the air for almost two hours. But the cloud cover prevented Chet from having any idea where they are.

"New York," he said, "the city that never sleeps."

The trip from New York had been so exciting. They had taken a helicopter from the airport, JFK he had been told, to a large helipad right next to the river. A limousine had waited for them and they had taken it to a sprawling skyscraper in Manhattan. It had been the first time Chet had been in a plane, a helicopter or a limo. All of them excited Chet and he looked forward to his new life. Away from Matt and his old life.

The limo entered a garage below the building and Chet and the others were led into an elevator. Strangely enough, the elevator went down and not up, as Chet had thought it would. They descended for a short time. When the elevator reached the bottom White turned to Vince who still had the boy hanging onto him, rubbing up against him.

"Take the boy back to the pits," he said.

Vince led the boy to the left down the hallway. The only other way to go was to the right. Directly in front of them, and running virtually the entire length of the basement was a wall. Vince and the boy rounded the corner leaving Chet alone with White. They waited, for what Chet did not know. Less than a minute later a man rounded the corner of the building, from where Vince came.

He was stunning. He was as tall as Chet, about 6 feet 2 inches. He had jet black hair combed straight back. It was not long and slicked, flat against his head. He must have had part Asian in him because his eyes were slightly slanted, though not as much as those of Chinese descent normally are. He was dressed in pants only, the same color as Chet's jumpsuit. He was largely muscled. With large pecs and a small waist. His back was big with large traps and shoulders. His thighs strained against the fabric of his pants. He could see the man's cock clearly. Chet guessed it was about seven inches long. The man was bigger than Chet in most ways except for his chest and cock. Chet had him beat in both those areas.

Chet notice the man was hairless. So smooth it was amazing, flawless. Chet was slightly hairy in the chest and stomach and he wanted to rub the man's body, to feel how soft it was.

"This is Chet," White said, "first take him to the doctor then he's yours till the premiere."

The man walked around Chet, like he was surveying a piece of meat or a work of art.

"What do you think?" Of course, White already knew the answer to his question. He would never have bought Chet if he hadn't seen how incredible the young man was.

"I think I want him all for myself."

"Take good care of him, I'll see you in a few weeks."

With that White had left and returned back to the elevator. It closed leaving him alone with the gorgeous man.

"You're very attractive," the man told him.

"Thank you."

"Take off your clothes."

Chet did as he was told, stripping for the man. He exposed himself again, thinking about how easy it had become in such a short time. He was trimmer than the other man, with almost no body fat. So although the man was bigger, Chet had definition and he flexed a little for the man, showing off.

"My name is Ben," he said.

He reached out for Chet then, grabbing his cock. It caught Chet by surprise and he gasped. He had come on the plane, but he had done so with no actual contact with his dick. Now the man stroked him fast, his hand pumping up and down Chet's now rock hard cock. He grabbed Chet's tit in the other hand twisting it roughly. Chet leaned back, against the wall, letting Ben have his way.

"I want you hard all the time," Ben said, his hand still pumping Chet's cock.

He looked and Ben himself was hard in his pants. Then Ben stopped, releasing Chet's cock. He patted Chet on the head.

"Good boy," he said.

Ben began to walk down the hall, motioning for Chet to follow him. Chet did so, leaving his clothes in a pile in front of the elevator. Chet was hard and huge, his cock bouncing up and down in front of him. Ben took out a tape measure from his pocket and measured Chet's cock, something he had never done. He measured the length, eight and a half inches and the girth, almost six inches. It was more of a beer can than a cock. As they rounded the corner they came to an open area. It looked like an oversized living room with 2 TVs, a bar, no less than ten couches, numerous chairs and tables. Yet, there were no people there. Hallways ran off to the left and right off the room. All the halls to the left were orange the ones to the right were blue. Directly in front of them were three doorways, each labeled. The left hand door said "gym". The right hand door said "dining". They went through the middle door. This one being the only door that Chet did not want to go into. It said research.

Ben must have noticed Chet hesitating because he grabbed him by the dick again, pulling Chet after him. When they reached the door, Ben stopped.

"Every one of us has had to be tested by Dread. Just try to stay calm and you'll do fine."

"Dread?" Chet asked.

"Doctor Dread."

Ben twisted the handle for him and Chet went into the room. The inside was full of gleaming metal and machinery. Chet actually had to squint at the glare caused by the fluorescent lights on the bright equipment.

There was only one man in the room. He was the oldest man Chet had ever seen, his skin literally hanging off him in large folds. He was tiny. Chet guessed that he barely reached five feet.

He said nothing, but motioned to the table. Chet got on and the man came at him with a needle. Chet didn't even see it coming. The old man must have held it down and at his side. Chet felt the prick and then a hot feeling as the liquid entered his blood stream. He felt groggy suddenly, his head spinning. The doctor lay Chet on the table.

"Such a good looking boy." His hands were all over Chet, they felt like leather.

They grabbed at his cock, pulled on his tight balls and pinched his nipples. Chet prayed that the man did not touch him with his mouth. Or, worse yet, make Chet touch him.

Then the nightmare began and Chet was hooked into a machine.

End Part Four

Next: Chapter 5

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