Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Aug 9, 2012


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book Three - Chapter Three

Chet was led to a platform on by Nick. Now in just a collar and boots and the band around his balls. All else had been removed. Chet's balls ached. But his mind, foggy for so long had begun to clear even more now. In a way it was actually a bad thing. Better to leave your mind for what is to come, he thought to himself.

"Get on your back."

His nips throbbed and he could feel how swollen they were from the men working them. But he did not touch himself. His oiled and sweaty body glissened. His massive pecs hung on his chest. He was more muscled now and his body rippled as he lay down. There was no sound in the room. All eyes were on him. He got on his back. Above him he could see two large chains that hung from the ceiling.

He heard Primbatu speak.

"Use these."

Nick was gone for a moment and when he returned he had two smaller chains in his hands. At the end of each chain was a savage looking tit clamp with jagged teeth. He took each length of chain and attached it to the larger chains hanging from the ceiling. Now each large chain had a tit clamp at the end.

"Arch your chest a bit," Nick commanded. Chet raised his chest about a inch off the ground. That was all that was needed and now the clamps were at his swollen tits. In a quick move Nick attached each clamp to Chet's already brutalized nipples. Chet groaned each time. The clamps were savage. The most brutal he had ever experienced and his nips, always the most sensitive thing on his body were already bruised and battered. If he positioned himself just right his butt and his shoulders could be on the ground and his chest raised, keeping the tension off his tits. But, if he relaxed for a minute and lowered his back onto the platform his tits would yank. These clamps would not give and Chet considered that these were so savage they could rip his tits off. He pushed the thought out of his mind as his father approached.

His father was naked and hard. Chet had never seen him like this. Fully displayed, his father's body was magnificent. He was Chet, but older and not as muscled. His father's body was rippled with muscle and his pecs, like Chet's, were his father's best feature.

Well, second best feature. His father was, after all, the Ramrod. His father's cock was beautiful. Massive and leaking and straight, with a large head. Chet was torn. In a way he wanted his father's cock. He always had since he first saw him in Hawaii, not knowing who he really was. But now, in front of these people his father was about to fuck him. Brutally.

His father got between his legs. He could see his father's cock was dripping and Chet realized that his father had obviously taken a moment to lube his cock when no one was watching. He at least had done that for his son. Ramrod grabbed his son's legs and spread them wide putting his cock at his son's hole.

"Let me," Chet heard someone say.

Chet was so busy balancing himself to take the tension off his tits as much as possible that he did not see Brick approach. Brick ran his hands down their chests. One hand rubbed Chet's smooth chest and the other his father's hairy body.

"Beautiful," Brick said.

Brick reached out and grabbed Ramrod's cock and guided it into Chet's hole.

"Push in hard," Chet heard Brick say and then, needing no more encouragement, the man who had given him life slammed into his ass ball's deep. Chet and his father moaned and Brick let out a grunt of approval. Beyond them Chet could hear the Asian man clap.

There was no further command needed his father simply started to fuck him. Chet understood then. He understood why his father had been named Ramrod by his master, Primbatu. His thrusts were hard and brutal. Each thrust had a purpose. First he found Chet's prostate and pounded it over and over. Each thrust sent shivers through Chet's body and his nips yanked from the clamps and his body vibrated. Then his father pulled out all the way and slammed deep over and over. When he was in all the way he could feel his father thrust his hips forward giving Chet an extra inch of his father's already large cock. His father twisted his hips as if his cock was searching for something in Chet's ass. And finally, the thing that brought Chet close to screaming, his father left his cock in all the way and just drove the last inch into his son, over and over. Over and over until Chet knew only of the sensations in his tit and his ass.

As Chet was fucked Brick rubbed their bodies. Then, Brick leaned in and began to kiss Chet's father. His father responded. They kissed as his father raped his hole. For Chet, it was a balancing act, how to stay in position to keep the tension off his tits as he was pounded but it was impossible as each thrust sent pain through his tortured nipples.

How long had it been?

How long had his father fucked him for?

Chet's mind was numb now. His father had become something else now. He was truly the Ramrod. An instrument of sexual submission. He saw the Ramrod's body tense and knew he was close. Chet could only hold on to the man's hairy body and endure it. He could feel his hole stretch each time the cock rammed into him and the last inch of the cock always brought a gasp from Chet. And there was, at the end of each thrust, a twist or an extra thrust of the hips just to drive it home. When the cock pulled out, Chet's hole closed only to have it assaulted again. And inside him, his prostate was rubbed and pounded. Chet was covered in sweat and his father dripped sweat on him. All he could do is continue to hold on.

Brick was there the whole time, encouraging his father and kissing them both and Chet endured it. If he had his way this man would be in his place. Brick would be the slave but it was obvious that he was in charge now. Ruler of a house.

How long had it been?

Finally, he heard his Master say, "That's enough Ramrod, there is more to come for our evening's entertainment. You may release."

In a split second, Chet heard Ramrod groan and he felt the gush of cum inside him. His father's eyes rolled. It must have felt so good for him. Still his father continued to thrust in him over and over. Chet could not cum, the band on his balls allowed him only to leak and not cum fully. His balls ached as his father battered against them each time he had slammed in.

Glad for the fuck from his father to be over, Chet squeezed his ass, his endless training as a bottom kicking in, and he milked the cock in him, draining it dry. Finally, he saw Ramrod's head drop and then Chet was shocked. His father leaned down and kissed him, full and on the lips. They traded tongues and he heard his father moan in pleasure. There was a final grunt and a faint smile on his father's handsome face and then the cock pulled out for a final time.

His ass felt empty. He could feel it spasm as it opened and closed. He stayed in place, on his back on the raised stage but there was only a moment of reprieve, a second to catch his breath and then, above him, he saw Nick. Nick mounted him quickly, slamming his cock into Chet hard. Brick leaned down and kissed Chet again.

"You were made for this, boy." Brick said.

They had fucked a lot. So many times he could not tell you how much, but never like this. There was a power now to Nick, his new massive size and weight adding additional thrust to his cock as it rammed in and out. And his cock, how big had it grown? How had they done this to him? It was massive, even bigger than his father's maybe. Thicker than a beer can and it stretched Chet.

"Holy fuuuuck," Chet moaned.

Above him Nick looked down and raised one eyebrow.

"Take it, bitch," Nick yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. Brick leaned in to kiss Nick.

He pounded Chet with no mercy for what seemed like an eternity. Chet's eyes rolled and he began to lose himself in the fuck, the rest of his existence melting away. He was still drugged somewhat and he was able to slip away in his mind. But, Nick would not have it and he reached out taking the tit chains and yanking them hard. Pain shot through Chet's nipples and he yelled.

"Stay with me bitch," Nick yelled.

With that he continued to pound Chet's already wet ass as Chet moaned and groaned. Vaguely, Chet could hear sounds behind Nick. It sounded like more people were in the large room now and Chet could hear conversations. But, every time he would fade away in his mind either Nick would pull the chains attached to his tits or Brick would lean in go kiss him or fondle him. The whole time Chet's cock was hard but leaked only a bit as the ball band held his load back. Chet was in agony is so many ways but he wanted this too. He could see a place in his mind that, if he went there, he would never want to leave this hell.

Nick brutally fucked him for what seemed like an eternity but Chet saw his body stiffen as he got close. Chet knew what to do. Numerous fucks with Nick had seen to that and Chet reached up and took hold of Nick's nipples. Nick liked it gentle and so Chet rubbed the muscled boy's nipples and at the same time was able to use Nick for leverage, taking some of the pressure of his own brutalized tits. Nick yelled and flooded Chet with cum. As he shot in Chet he continued to fuck him for several minutes. Brick yelled his approval. Again, Chet tightened his ass on Nick's cock as he had done with his father's draining it dry.

Brick stood up and went away but Chet barely noticed. He as lost in the fuck with his best friend. After a bit, Nick finally pulled out of Chet's ass. But he leaned in and grabbed Chet by the neck. To others it would look like he was chocking Chet but there was no pressure behind the grip. Nick leaned in to whisper. It would surely look like a threat to others but to Chet his voice was gentle and kind.

"Look at the fat Asian. Is the slave who I think it is?" After asking, Nick pulled away finally but before he did he said "sorry" and with one motion again yanked the tit clamps off Chet's chest.

Chet screamed. He had never felt such pain in his nips as the blood rushed to them and the savage teeth loosened their grip. He dare not rub them so he stayed in place but as he looked down he could see that his nips were raw.

Chet could feel the cum running out of him, he was glad it was over after those two brutal fucks he had endured. When he looked up Chet realized that the room, which had been relatively empty, was now full of people. A party was in full swing and he was the center of attention, literally on a stage.

Before he could take it all in, he was mounted for a third time. This time it was the boy, Lucas. Chet groaned at the size of the boys cock. It was so huge, more massive than anything he had ever seen. And the boy was so eager his thrusts were fast and hard. Chet knew the boy would cum fast and he helped things along by moaning.

"Do I feel good in you?" Lucas asked.

Chet just moaned in response.

Lucas pulled out and patted the floor.

"Get on all fours," he said.

Chet changed position on all fours. His head dropped to show his submission. Sweat was dripping off of Chet and onto the ground. There was no hair on his body so the sweat ran off him freely making a puddle.

"Everyone is watching," Lucas said. Chet looked up. His training kicked in, or maybe the drugs in his system were finally wearing off, and he took in the room. Yes, there were a lot of people but he stared at the Asian man Nick had pointed out. One of the heads of the great houses his father had referred to.

It took a minute. Several minutes as Lucas continued to pound away at him. And Lucas was picking up the pace of his fucking as he got closer to cumming. But there, next to the man called Takashi, was a slave. He was hugely muscled and had piercings. Chains connected some of them but the slave's cock was rock hard and full of piercings. It jumped and leaked, reminding Chet of his own. He was heavily tattooed and his body and head were shaved except for a mohawk on his head that was long and groomed into several points. A leash ran from the slaves nose ring to the hand of Takashi. Chet imagined the slave must be in great agony and it was probably best if the slave was broken and mindless like Chet had been earlier. And then the slave looked at him.

There was a moment, a single moment, where the room stopped.


Funny things. You can change a lot on a person but the eyes stay the same. And they are said to be windows into the soul.

Chet looked the slave in the eyes and he knew.


Most would not have noticed what happened in that one moment but Chet saw Austin's body stiffen as Austin recognized him too.

The room began to move again and Lucas began to shoot a load into his already wet hole. Takashi who had been watching closely, Lucas already a favorite of his, got up leading Austin on the leash behind him by his nose.

"Boy, stay in that animal's ass," Takashi said to Lucas.

Lucas groaned, "Yes, Sir".

Takashi kissed Lucas as the boys cock remained hard in his ass. He removed the leash from the ring in Austin's nose.

"This is my entry into the race, his name is Dragon. Do you like him Lucas?" Takashi asked.

"Very much so," Lucas said groaning.

"Can you fuck again my boy?"

"Very much so," Lucas said this time sounding like a man and not a boy.

Chet saw Takashi nod at Austin and Austin got down on the ground next to Chet he too on all fours now. Their heads were together now and Chet groaned as Lucas pulled out of his ass in one quick motion. Chet's ass felt empty and wet. A moment later Chet saw Austin's eyes roll and knew that the boy's massive cock must have just found its way deep into his friend's ass. But Austin did not yell. Obviously, Austin had been well trained. Behind him, Chet felt the fat man enter his ass. They were both being fucked now and behind him he could hear Takashi begin to talk and coach Lucas in how to fuck. To his credit Takashi was a skilled top. He found Chet's prostate and began to work it hard making Chet moan.

As Takashi and Lucas fucked them, Austin and Chet were pushed closer together. Their heads were now touching.

"Show my animal no mercy," Takashi said to Lucas. His voice was loud, the party was now in full swing and they had to struggle to be heard as they talked.

For Chet it was an opportunity. He leaned in as Nick had done with him and whispered."


Austin nodded once. Chet could tell Austin was trying to talk but he was having to make an effort.

"Don't worry," Chet said.

When Austin looked at him then Chet saw how much he must have suffered. There was a need then, a need to take this man who had saved him and sacrificed so much away, to simply grab him and attempt to escape but Chet forced himself to fight that urge.

Chet could see Austin fight back tears. And, at first, Chet thought it must be because Austin had endured so much suffering but then Austin finally spoke.

His voice was soft but firm. Obviously, Austin's mind was still intact.

"You and Nick never escaped," Austin quietly said, "so sorry." The last word came out as one long moan of pain.

To Takashi it was heaven as the sound of his slave suffering filled the room.

"That's it my boy," Takashi said to Lucas, "Finally a man who can fuck my horse correctly."

Chet suddenly realized how this must look to Austin. He had come back to the Primbatu estate and found the two people he tried to save. Nick, who he had been sent to rescue, and Chet the man he had fallen in love with, both still prisoners at the estate. To Austin it looked like he had failed to save them.

"Oh, we got out. Came back." Chet said, keeping his sentences short so Takashi would take no notice.

"Why?" Austin asked. Again he stretched the last syllable into a long scream of pain. Behind him Chet heard Takashi clap.

Chet took a risk then. It could have betrayed them both but in the moment he thought he was able to do it. He kissed Austin on the lips. It was a brief moment. But for Chet he needed Austin to believe. To have faith. To hope.

"To end this." Chet whispered, "once and for all."

And it was then Chet saw Austin focus on him. Really see him. He could see his friend push the pain away and focus on the task at hand. They had to make it thought his gang bang and somehow deal with the race that was ahead of them.

Chet did not feel Takashi cum in him but he felt Takashi take his cock out. He saw Lucas pull out of Austin's ass and Takashi kicked Austin in the stomach. When it happened Chet wanted to stand and beat Takashi but he resisted. For his part, Austin did not even move when he was kicked. It must have happened a lot.

"Take all cocks," Chet heard Takashi command to Austin.

Chet's arms and legs were weak and shaking as he held himself up. The kick in the abs must have been a signal to Austin as well because he get on his back now he was under Chet and he was able to look down at him. They stared at each other.

Chet felt someone approach and looking up he saw that Brick had returned. Brick had a slave on a leash. Obviously, the red headed, freckled slave was his entry into the race. The red head was handsome nicely muscled but not overly so. Pink nipples capped large pecs and the slave was allowed hair which covered his body, all of it bright red. The red head had a large curved cock.

Brick took the leash off his slave and nodded at Austin.

"Have fun," he said and with that the red head quickly went to fuck Chet's friend. He was on his back so Chet could look down to see Austin grunt as the red head slammed in and began to fuck.

Chet moaned too as he felt Brick slam into his wet ass. Chet was thankful he couldn't see the man. Brick reached under Chet and he found Chet's tender nipples. He began to work them, making Chet whimper as he fucked. Worse yet, Brick leaned down and he was now able to whisper into Chet's ear the whole time as he fucked.

"Your master thought he could sell me."

"But I killed my master and now I'm the one in charge."

"When my Red over there wins I'm going to buy you and ruin you."

"Never should have let you go."

Each sentence came out in quick succession. In between were grunts and groans as he worked Chet's tired hole. It was a list of crimes and dreams that Chet hoped he could one day put an end to. Chet wanted to take his mind off this man. Especially since Brick continued to talk the whole time he fucked Chet.

"So beautiful."

"Have to have you."

"I'm going to kill everyone.'

Chet looked out into the crowd and found his father standing behind Primbatu watching him. They locked eyes for a minute. He could see his father's concern. Primbatu, for his part, was talking to the Frenchman. At the end of his leash is a slave. The slave is hooded and muscled. Across its chest is a tattoo. The tattoo fills its pecs and is one word.


The hood covered the slaves entire head but for five holes. One for each nostril and one for its mouth, there is a gag snapped into the hole for the mouth. The final two holes are for its eyes and a pair of goggles covered its eyes. Chet cannot see the slave's eyes very well but to Chet it feels like the slave is staring at him. And the slave looks angry. Every muscle in the slave's body is tense. It is the only slave that is in shackles and the slave, which must be called Tam, strains against these metal restraints. To Chet it looks like Tam would kill the entire room if allowed. At one point Tam stamps his feet impatiently.

Finally, Chet can see the Frenchman say something to Primbatu and lead Tam away. There is a brief moment when Chet is actually afraid that Tam will come over and fuck him. It is a strange fear and it is easily pushed away as Chet sees the slave being led out of the room. It is at this moment that Brick begins to cum in him his body stiffening.

"Fuck yeah bitch."

"Been waiting for that."

"You'll get this every day soon."

Again the stream of words flowing from Brick's mouth without a filter.

Brick pulls out of his ass and he takes the leash he hand on Red and reattaches it to Red's collar as Red continues to fuck Austin. Then he pulls at the leash.


With a groan of agony Red does as he was instructed and takes his cock out of Austin. Red had not cum and his dick was wet and hard and leaking.

Brick smiles, "I never said you could shoot your load."

With that Red is placed on all fours next to Chet.

"Let them all fuck you," Brick instructs Red.

Now there are three of them on the stage. Three slaves to take the whole room if they wish to fuck. And that is what happens. Over the course of the night men come and fuck the slaves. Each man has his pick of which slave he chooses to fuck and it seems like they are all popular. At one point, it seemed like two dozen men were on the stage having sex. It had turned into an orgy and Chet was able to lose himself in it. He didn't care who he took or how he just needed more and more cock. The band around his balls kept him from cumming and it served to only make him want more cock.

Orgies are fun, if you are a participant. For our purposes the orgy is interesting now but I would suggest we listen in on Primbatu as he talks to Michael. Will you join me?

Of course you will, you have no choice.

"You are the only Head of House who has not presented his horse for review," Primbatu says to Michael.

Michael nods. Outwardly he is calm but he is nervous. Primbatu is an impressive man, a legend. Infamous.

"The other horses here are slaves. My horse is a free man and he will be here tomorrow."

Primbatu chuffs at this disapprovingly.

"I want . . . " he begins but Michael interrupts him.

"To be honest," Michael says, "I don't care what you want. I have broken no rule and I tire of this posturing."

With that Michael leaves the room without looking back. If he had looked back he would see Primbatu's mouth open in shock at being talked to in that manner. Michael leaves quickly and once out of the room he stands outside. Slaves move quickly around him as they service partygoers but Michael is able to find a quiet spot and takes out a small phone he had hidden.

The number is simple to dial.

"This is control."

"It is a go," Michael says. He hangs up the phone drops it on the ground and steps on it several times, breaking it into pieces. As he walks to his room he disposes of the phone piece by piece into bushes or trash.

For good or bad the ending has begun.


Next: Chapter 37: Chet Pectoral III 4

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