Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Feb 27, 2012





Prima left the horse stable and headed outside. She walked past the training ring. Here, in the ring, slaves were taught the basics of obedience and service. They learned the pleasure in pain. Now, the ring stood empty. Obviously, everyone was getting ready for the evening ahead. Even now guests were arriving and several trailers and trucks were parked in neat rows.

Primbatu would have his way.

At least for now.

The party would happen. Her son would be used and there was nothing she could do about it now. Instead, she made the decision to do what she loved most in the world. She walked to one of the outlying buildings. This one was all wood and glass and stood two stories. She entered, the soft whoosh of doors automatically opening to allow her entry.

Directly in front of her was a glass desk and behind the glass desk was a large glass cube and in the cube were the babies. Right now almost 50 babies were housed here. They were the true output of the Primbatu stables. Babies either sold to parents all around the world or kept as slaves or handlers. Each baby had a small necklace which contained data about the child's parents, expected appearance at maturity, medical data and purpose in life. A small number of the babies were special orders who were bred for a specific purpose or person. These babies had a second necklace of a different color. Each color represented the purpose of the baby.

A male slave, all in white, sat behind the glass desk.

"Good evening, Lady," the man said in a British accent.

She simply smiled and walked into the glass room for a moment. Workers, all in white, tended to the babies. Right now, 6 females went from baby to baby ensuring each was raised with the maximum chance of a successful outcome depending upon its foreseen status.

The babies always made her think.

They made her stay.

One of the workers smiled at her and she nodded. Her presence here was not unexpected. She was here most days for at least an hour. It was Prima herself, who handled the dispensation of each and every child that left the Primbatu farm.

She could remember each one. Especially Chet.

When he left, it broke her heart.

But she endured for the babies.

Prima left the cube. On either side of the entry hall and cube were two wings. One wing housed the female children and one wing housed the male children. In these wings the children were grown and nurtured for various periods before being dispensed. In the middle of this U- shaped building was the courtyard and she went into the courtyard. It was large with a playground, benches, an outdoor gym and tables. However, her favorite part of the building was the fire pit.

The fire pit was lit 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It was surrounded by chairs and cushions and places to sit. Now, almost 20 children of various ages sat around the fire pit. One of them, a young boy about 12, already muscled for his young age, turned and saw her.

"Lady!" he yelled and he ran to her, hugging her.

Several of the younger kids stood and began to come to greet her. She waived them back to their chairs.

"Hurry, hurry," she said, "I have little time and much to do."

"Miles to go before you sleep," one of the older female children said.

Prima smiled at that. She had chosen the girl to remain on the farm and work in the breeding centers and she could tell she had once again decided correctly.

At the far end of the fire pit sat a large padded chair. It was the most comfortable of all the chairs. It was her chair. She sat in it and every face in the group of children turned toward her.

Silence fell.

"What will it be today?" she asked.

"The great outside," one of the children said.

"The muscled slave of Atlantis," said another.

"The favor man," said a third.

"The impossibly long Mr. Wiggles," the boy said who had greeted her first.

Prima shook her head to each of them.

"No," she said, "how about something new."

There was general excitement about a new story. Especially from the older children who believed they had heard all of the stories before. Now, there was complete silence.

Can you feel it?

Sit and listen.

This is the story Prima told:

Once upon a time (after all, don't all good stories begin like that) there was a girl and she was happy. She lived a good life, though it was nothing special. She was born, went to school and had dreams. Everyone has dreams. Some people dream of little things. Some people dream of petty things. And some people dream big dreams. The girl had dreams, we can call her Rebecca and Rebecca dreamed of falling in love.

Not a regular love like everyone else had but a love so big that it was the most special love of all. Just like in fairy tales. You know where she would be kissed by a prince and taken away to live in a castle. That is what she dreamed. One day a circus appeared in her town. It appeared out of nowhere. It appeared overnight. The circus was only open at night and the whole circus was made of black and white. She went to the circus and bought a ticket. In the circus there were many tents. In one tent was a fortune teller. A fortune teller is a person who predicts the future for you. Usually it is a game and it is all pretend. Rebecca assumed this was a game too but she wanted to play and paid the fortune teller.

"You may ask one question," the fortune teller said to her.

"Will I find true love?" Rebecca asked her.

The fortune teller looked at her fortune teller cards and then at Rebecca and then back at the cards.

There was a long silence and Rebecca wondered what the fortune teller could be thinking.

Finally, she looked at Rebecca and spoke.

"Yes, you will meet the man of your dreams and he will sweep you off your feet. When you see him you will instantly know he is the one for you. There will never be anyone else. You will never love again like you do with that man."

Rebecca thought about this and smiled. She said nothing more and began to get up and leave. But, as she did the fortune teller grabbed her arm roughly. Later, when she got home Rebecca thought it had all been a dream but when she looked down she had a bruise on her wrist.

"There is more," the fortune teller said, "I need to give you a choice."

Prima wondered if this was normal for a fortune teller to do but she played along and sat back in her chair as the fortune teller continued.

"You will see the red tree and when you see the red tree you will make a choice. If you go with the man of your dreams you will have an adventure unlike any other and together you and he will burn like a bright short flame. Your love will be greater than most other loves but it will be short lived and end in tragedy. You will be surrounded by people but always alone.

"If you do not go with the man of your dreams you will never see him again, you will never love like that again and you will always miss him. But you will be happy and never sad."

To Rebecca this did not seem like a choice at all. To have love would be the greatest thing and the choice between having love and not having love was a simple one.

She would of course choose love.

Rebecca again go up to leave and this time the fortune teller did not stop her.

But, as she got to the exit of the black and white tent she heard the fortune teller again call out to her.

"You will choose wrong," she said to Rebecca.

This time Rebecca did not turn back. She left the circus. She was no longer in the mood. As she left bumped into a young man. He was taller than her and when she looked up into his eyes she was in love.

It was that fast.

Only five or ten minutes had passed and she had already found him.

"Hello," the young man said.

Rebecca stared at him. He was muscled and handsome and everything she would ever want and yet she knew nothing about him.

"What is your name?" the young man asked and she told him her name.

The man leaned down then and kissed her. She did not pull away.

They made love that night (though when she told the story Prima used the word "bred" so the children would understand it in a way they could relate to) and they spent almost every minute together for two weeks.

Prima paused then.

"What happened next?" one of the children asked.

Prima continued.

"Rebecca saw the red tree. It was on a shirt the boy wore when he came to call upon her one day. It was a simple red tree. They call it a logo. And Rebecca went with the man and that is when they disappeared."

Again Prima paused.

"Where did they go?" the same child asked.

Prima opened her mouth to speak. Later, when she looked back on the telling of this story she actually thought she would tell them the truth. But, the truth, that she was Rebecca and that they had been kidnapped by Primbatu, would have brought wrath upon them all. In the end it was Thor who saved her.

"Excuse me," he interrupted, "but the Lady is being called away by Master."

Though the children wanted her to continue she stopped the story.

"You're all late anyway," she told the group, "tend to your preparations for tonight and I will finish the story another day."

The children got up and began to scatter.

Thor walked up to her. He was a tall, handsome man with Nordic features. He had grown his beard out and it was full and blond. He wore rider's pants made of leather and they hugged his strong legs. He wore no shirt and his chest was very hairy and the hair was so blond it was almost white.

"To continue would have been a mistake," he said to her. They were alone by the fire now. The sun was starting to set and soon the party would begin.

"Yes," she said, "a very large mistake."

He kissed her gently. For a time, they had saved each other and there was still love there. Thor hugged her.

"I want very much to kill that man." Thor whispered to her.

"You say that every time." She had to stretch on her toes to be able to kiss him. She rubbed her hands in his furry chest.

"He is responsible for the fall of my house and he will pay."

Prima rubbed her hands back and forth along his prominent nipples. Thor moaned and she could feel him harden. She kissed him again and he calmed a bit.

"We've waited twenty five years, two more days will make little difference," she said.

He turned from her then and began to walk back to the main house pushing his way past people. He stopped for a moment and spoke not turning toward her but standing with his back to her.

"When my house fell all those years ago and you convinced him to adopt me and my sister you promised me my revenge," he said, "and I have endured and been patient. My sister has died. No matter how much I've loved you, you were never really mine. My revenge is all I really have. Now I want what is due me."

"Two days," she said.

He grunted and walked quickly away.

Just outside the slave showers Chet's world was coming back into focus. He was being pushed up against the wall by Nick and his body hurt. His ass ached and he felt the ball stretcher and tit clamps that were on his body. Nick held the tit leash in his hand the weight from the long heavy chain pulled Chet's tits down hard. But, Chet did not ask for Nick to take them off.

"What's happening?" Chet asked.

Nick leaned in and kissed him. He grabbed Chet's cock and stroked it giving several pulls on Chet's tit leash. Instantly Chet shot a massive load, built up over time and it flew onto Nick coating his body with cum. Chet moaned, his body bucking and still Nick continued to stroke him.

Nick used his hands to swiftly remove the two clamps on Chet's tits. Chet wanted to scream but knew better. Nick rubbed Chet's tits. Blood began to flow back into them. Chet looked at his sore nips. They were red and bloated. Raw.

"Feel good?" Nick asked.

Chet nodded.

Instinct followed and Chet reached down to take out Nick's cock. Nick pushed his hand away.

"We haven't got time."

"Why did you come here?" Chet asked. "I saved you."

Nick smiled and kissed him full on the lips.

"I know," he said, "now it's my turn to save you. Sorry I have to be so mean. I have to convince everyone I am one of Primbatu's handlers."

"Get me out of here," Chet said. He quickly gave the phone number of Control to Nick.

"Call the number, help will come," Chet said.

"No, I need to get you ready for the party. I'm sorry but you have to accept it and the race too."

Chet shook his head. No. Nick could see his eyes pleading.

"I haven't got time to explain it to you," Nick said, "but we need to see this through."

"Why?" Chet said. He couldn't see going through with the torment that he would have to endure. Nick knew him so well, as they talked he was rubbing Chet's nips up and down with the palms of his hands. Chet felt his cock jerk and spasm. He couldn't think, the drugs still in his system.

Chet heard a noise then and both of them stopped what they were doing. Nick looked around, not seeing anything, then leaned in and whispered to Chet.

"Not safe to talk here."

Chet nodded.

"I'm sorry for what I'm going to have to do to you Chet."

Chet nodded again.

Nick led Chet into the shower station. He did not reattach the tit leash but simply pulled Chet in by the collar. In a row at the back were several cubicles. Each of these had a hose hanging from the ceiling and a drain in the floor. Nick took the hose ramming the tip of it into Chet's ass and Chet felt the flow of water as it began to fill him. Nick cleaned Chet out several times making sure his bowels were empty. It was all work but there was pleasure in it too for Chet and he'd moan as Nick did one thing or another to stimulate him.

Chet wanted to talk but his training, and the drugs in his system were keeping him submissive.

Nick finished cleaning Chet out and then swiftly attached the tit clamps to Chet's tits. Chet groaned, his cock shooting a rope of thick cum. Nick smiled. He rubbed Chet's smooth chest.

"Luckily we don't have to shave you. We're late."

Chet was still adjusting to the savage tit clamps.

Again, Nick leaned in to whisper to Chet.

"Act like you are still on the drugs"

Chet nodded.

Nick began to lead Chet out with the tit leash then, when they were almost out of the shower area he suddenly stopped.

"Do not lurk in the shadows!" Nick yelled.

There was a brief pause.

"You might as well come out." This time Nick did not yell. It was a simple order.

Again a pause and Chet saw Lucas come out. Chet remembered Nick's order and tried not to seem able to think. He stared blankly ahead.

Nick shuffled forward, his head down.

"Look at me," Nick ordered.

Lucas raised his head.

"Why are you following us? You must have better things to do."

Lucas did not speak.

"Answer me," Nick ordered.

In response Lucas looked at Chet.

"I like him," Lucas said.

Nick smiled at the boy. It was obvious the boy lusted after Chet. Especially now that he had his first fuck. Chet was indeed a prized stallion. Nick held out the tit leash to the boy. Lucas just stared at it.

"Take it," Nick said.

Lucas took the leash gently, as if it were hot in his hand, Chet felt the weight on his tit clamps shift as the boy pulled the leash, taking the slack out of it. Chet shifted his focus staring at the boy. He wore a loincloth now and black boots and his collar. The boy's massive cock was hard and leaking, a wet spot clearly visible in the front of his loincloth.

They stood like that then, the three of them, for a minute and finally Nick spoke again.

"Why don't you take him to your Master instead of me."

Lucas' eyes were wide with fear and excitement at the same time.

Nick began to walk.

"Follow," Nick said.

Chet gasped as Lucas began to move swiftly after Nick, forgetting that he had the tit leash in his hand. Chet's tits were jerked savagely and he began to shuffle to keep up so that the tension on his tits was lessened.

Nick looked back at Lucas as the boy led Chet and then stopped. He took Lucas' hand, the one that was holding the tit leash, and pulled it down hard so that it was now hanging at the boy's side. Chet groaned.

"Do you hear that moan the horse makes?"

Lucas nodded.

"Your hand is relaxed but there is increased strain on its tits. It must move swiftly and stay with its head and chest down to relieve the pull on its tits. Make the horse do the work."

Nick again began to move.

"Where are we going?" Lucas asked.

"To get it ready for the gang bang." Nick closed his eyes for a moment as he said it. The gang bang that Chet would endure would be terrible. Maybe it would have been better to not bring Chet back from mindlessness. But, he had to do it when he had the chance. The stakes were too high.

Nick had to do what he came here for. There was no bigger goal.

"Is he going to be used up?" Lucas asked.

As they walked all three of their cocks were hard and leaking. Chet's and Nick's because they were slaves and had taken the drugs Primbatu had given them, but Lucas just because he was young and horny.

"I hope not," Nick said, "but probably yes."

If you are not looking closely you will miss it.

They are simply passing in the hall.

"It is good to see you here," said Takashi.

Ramrod nodded.

As they passed Takashi ran his hand down Ramrod's hairy chest.

They did not stop and that was the extent of the encounter.

As he walked to his Master's office Ramrod smiled. The Asian still had a soft spot for him and that would help.

Ramrod knocked on his Master's office door.

"Come," Primbatu said.

Ramrod entered.

The sun has set and it is evening now.

On the first night there is the Quorum.

Primbatu stands in the ballroom. The decorations are spectacular. There is no one else there. On a table sits a tray and on the tray sit five goblets. There is another goblet that is tipped over onto its side. It has a symbol of a cross on it. Its purpose is ceremonial at this point but serves as a reminder of the ancient past.

One by one the four men enter the room and has they enter Primbatu hands each man one of the goblets. The final goblet, with the cross on it, remains on the table, on its side. Each goblet has a symbol of one of the Houses. It is the head of each House that takes the goblet from Primbatu.

There is Takashi.

Head of the House of Asia. He is a fat man and this shows his excesses. Excess is the word best associated with Takashi. He is effeminate too and for the evening has worn a kimono and make-up. His face is painted white. Primbatu knows Takashi, despite his appearances, is a mean vindictive man. He has started wars and looted nations. One day Takashi dreams that he will retake Taiwan. He talks about it to the point of nausea and sometimes, as Takashi drones on and on about retaking the "nation that was his" Primbatu imagines that he shoots the man in the head. It is rumored that Takashi has a lair under the Great Wall, but that is unconfirmed. It was his father that gave the order to attack Pearl Harbor in an effort to bring down one of the other houses.

There is Gaspard.

He is the sole head of the House of Europe. In the effort to consolidate the Houses there were many wars. The House has gone by many names. House of Caesar. A murder ended that House. House of Hitler. That House took a world war to bring down. There are books that could be written on the subject. Finally, it was the Euro that consolidated the House and he is the only Head of House that is actually elected, like a chairman of the board. He simply relays the will of the members of his House. Primbatu considers him nothing more than a figure head. Gaspard is handsome, if you think snobby French people are handsome. To entertain himself Primbatu imagines disfiguring the man.

There is Brick

Primbatu recognizes him when he walks in and he is one of two men new to the circle. Yes, it is the same man that Primbatu sold to the House of Casablanca. Rumor has it that he became alpha slave through fighting in the snuff matches and then simply snuffed his master, taking the man's talisman of power for his own. No one has challenged him or his power as of yet. Of all the houses, this is the one that is the most volatile and changes hands with a dizzying speed. Primbatu has, long ago, stopped trying to keep track every time a new Head of House is named. Primbatu likes the black man. He has decided to kill him the first chance he gets. The black man in unpredictable.

There is Michael

Primbatu snarls at the man as he walks in. He calls himself Head of the House of Kahola but Primbatu thinks otherwise. Primbatu has the Ramrod and the taking of the Ramrod should have meant taking the House of Kahola. However, he was unable to locate the talisman. It is the newest House and allegedly built on love and all the things that are the opposite of the Primbatu way. Michael is handsome and wears linen pants and a top that is open at the chest, showing off his hairy pecs and abs. Michael wears a slave collar. Primbatu thinks it is the first time he has seen someone claiming to be Head of House in a slave collar. Maybe he will not kill Michael and instead make him a slave. Primbatu thinks for a minute then decides to kill him before he leaves the Quorum and take the House once and for all.

And there is Primbatu.

Do you know him? Probably not as well as you think you do.

For example, did you know that his family has always been the head of this house. The Primbatu name has always ruled this house generation upon generation. Primbatu was born to rule this house and he was groomed to do so.

Did you know that he does not consider himself gay but he loves Chet Pectoral in a way that even he does not understand?

Did you know that during his lifetime he has taken over two other houses? It would be his desire to have all the houses united under Primbatu but that will not happen. He has thought of starting a great war but it is too late and he is too tired of the games. That will be the job of his only remaining son and his heir.

Do you know he has just accomplished his greatest goal? It is the extension of life.

Primbatu looks at each of them and raises his glass.

"Every quarter century we gather as is required by the terms of the compact. On the first day we meet and quorum. Tomorrow is the great quest. Our champions will race. The winner has a right to the spoils and the looser will face the query and, on that third day, the remaining houses will determine its fate. We will discuss many things as is our duty as the secret rulers of the world. As always, we remain silent outside this room."

Primbatu looks at Michael, nodding.

"Some are new and I look forward to meeting and satisfying your needs."

Primbatu looks at Takashi, nodding.

"Some are old friends and I have anticipated your needs and planned for them."

Takashi claps then so excited about what Primabatu could have planned for him

"But, for now let us toast to the Order and the control of all things. To the Order."

The others raise their glasses.

"To the Order," they say as one.

They drink and talk. We are not allowed to listen.

Outside the ballroom, Chet is lead on a leash by the tall blond boy. He can feel Nick behind him following closely. The boy is much less skilled than Nick. As Nick had full control over the tit leash, the boy would let the leash fall and then yank it hard. Each pull and yank sent shockwaves down Chet's body through his tits. The boy led Chet until they were standing in front of a pair of doors. Ramrod, Chet's father, was waiting for them. Ramrod must have had some gel in his hands because he reached out and grabbed Chet's hair. Using the gel he worked the strip of hair on Chet's head until it was standing straight up.

"Now that's a proper mane," he said.

Ramrod handed the boy a small jar.

"Oil him up," he told Lucas.

Chet moaned as Lucas dropped the tit reigns and Chet's tits were yanked downward. Then the boy started at his feet and slowly he began to work the oil into Chet's muscles.

"I think he's in love," Nick said to Ramrod.

"Everything come out ok?" Ramrod asked. Chet wasn't paying much attention but then, when he didn't hear a response he looked up. His father was looking at him. The question was for his benefit not Nick's.

Chet knew he could not respond so he simply raised his eyebrows to indicate he understood.

Lucas had worked his way up Chet's legs and was now rubbing the oil into Chet's ass crack. He felt the boy's fingers penetrate his ass and he moaned in response.

"Do not make the stallion cum boy," Nick said.

Lucas worked around rubbing oil into Chet's cock and he felt his cock leak in the boy's hands. The boy moved away quickly and continued to work oil into his body.

"Should I do his nips?" Lucas asked.

"No, just finish his body. Don't do his head either."

Lucas finished. The boy had a huge smile on his face. Nick handed him a towel to dry his hands on and as he did Ramrod approached his son with a needle. He gently slapped Chet on the pecs and in response Chet thrust his chest out. His father yanked the tit clamps off his tender nips and Chet groaned. Then, without delay or mercy, his father injected each of his nips. Instantly, Chet felt his nips swell and grow full with the hormone. His tits ached and throbbed. Chet was able to remain composed enough to not yell and after a bit of time adjusting Ramrod kissed him gently on the lips.

"I'm sorry," he said.

That was all there was. In only boots, a metal ball band and a collar Chet waited with the three others until the doors opened. Primbatu was standing there.

"Why is the boy here?" he asked Nick.

"He wanted to see. I thought there was no harm."

Primbatu considered this then nodded.

"Come here," he said to Lucas.

Lucas went to Primbatu. Primbatu led the boy to the fat Asian man. He removed the boy's loincloth showing Takashi his massive cock.

Takashi clapped several times.

"Come here boy," he said.

Gently Primbatu pushed Lucas and Lucas went to the fat man. Takashi took the boy's massive cock down his throat in a single gulp. Primbatu smiled.

He turned back to Nick and Ramrod. Bring Pex here he said.

They guided Chet to the center of the room and as he stood there Chet looked at the men. He saw the black man there. He saw one of the men who had sold him into slavery originally. He saw Brick.

Brick stood up and approached Chet.

"Is he mindless?" Brick asked.

Chet wanted to kill him but held himself together, his training at the Agency kicking in.

"Yes," Primbatu said.

Brick walked up to Chet and took one of his swollen tits into his mouth and began to feed. Chet groaned as the black man worked his nipple hard. Chet saw Michael in the room. He sat in his chair watching at first but then rose and approached Chet taking the other nipple in his mouth. Chet knew Michael had liked him from their time in Hawaii so as Brick chewed and sucked, Michael fed gently sucking and licking, nursing. One tit being worked hard, one tit being worked gently. Chet's legs began to shake and his dick started to leak. The final man in the chair, dark haired with a unshaven beard got up approached him and dropped to his knees in front of Chet. He began to suck Chet's cock. It had been so long and Chet was so pent up that he instantly came into the man's mouth moaning. The man continued to suck.

All three worked on him. Each using a part of his body to take fluids from him.

"Yes," Primbatu said, "yes, he is the elixir of life. Take your fill."

When they had finished, when they had drained Chet dry and his legs were shaking and he was covered with sweat they finally stopped. Nick and his father guided him onto his knees and Chet tried to catch his breath. He wanted to rub his raw nipples but knew he couldn't do so.

"It has taken me a lifetime but I have finally perfected it," Primbatu said.

"And you're sure of this?" it was Takashi speaking. He held the boy's cock in his hand and Chet could see the boy must have cum several times. Chet couldn't decide whether the boy was in agony or ecstasy.

"I think it is because I originally experimented on his father," Primbatu said, rubbing Ramrod's nipples. Chet looked up and saw his father moan.

"That's his real dad," Brick asked.

"Yes," Primbatu said.

"Let's see them fuck,' Brick said smiling.

"Yes, oh yes," Takashi said clapping.

Primbatu looked at Ramrod.

"Fuck your son like a bitch," he ordered.


Next: Chapter 36: Chet Pectoral III 3

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