Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Oct 29, 2009


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book Two - Ramrod

Chapter 11 of 12 February

It had been almost 3 weeks.

Chet was ready to kill someone.

He sat in the chair, alone, waiting. His cock hard in his custom made pants. His nipples rubbing against the fabric of his button down shirt.


The door opened and Derek Masters walked in. Agent, handler, friend, he had been a lifeline for Chet. He carried an envelope and handed it to Chet. Chet threw it on the table.

"Just tell me," Chet said.

"He's your father."

Derek put his hand on Chet's shoulder in an effort to comfort him but Chet shrugged it off.

"I want Dean back."

Earlier in the week he received an email. It was from Primbatu. He knew it as soon as he saw the email with the attached video. Chet opened the video took a deep breath and pressed play. Primbatu stood there in a black suit looking into the camera. He was smiling.

When Chet saw him he wanted to wipe the smile off his face. He wanted to kill him.

"I am going to keep this short," Primbatu said, "you are my property and I expect you to return to me. You will release my son and return together with him and Ramrod. I will send a plane to the private airport exactly two weeks from the moment you have opened this email. I expect you there and ready to return to your submission. I will, in exchange, allow your friend to go free."

All this time the camera stayed on Primbatu's face. Now it began to pull back slowly. Primbatu stopped talking and just allowed the video to tell the story. When the camera pulled back far enough to show his legs a head started to appear.

Chet gasped.

Dean was on his knees at Primbatu's feet. He faced forward and Primbatu's hand was tangled in Dean's hair and he was holding Dean's head up, forcing him to look into the camera. He was naked and collared. Dean's hands were cuffed behind his back and Chet noticed he had a black eye. The good news was Dean was alive and Chet was thankful that Dean's cock was soft and his nipples looked normal. That meant Primbatu had not made him a sex slave. But, it was obvious Dean was scared. He had never seen that look in Dean's eyes and the look broke his heart.

"You should know," Primbatu continued, "he tried to escape and we had to discipline him slightly." He indicated the black eye Dean had.

It was then that Dean tried to pull away from Primbatu.

"Don't you dare do it!" Dean yelled.

Primbatu looked furious for a minute but then just laughed.

"Two weeks," Primbatu said, "or I swear by all that is holy I will make this one the biggest pig in existence. I have a horse that he will service on a regular basis and there is no return from that kind of use."

Chet saw Dean shiver and the video stopped playing.

"We will get him back Chet. I will get him back." Derek said, bringing him back to reality.

"No," Chet said getting up, "I've had enough."

Chet walked to the door leaving. He was in the headquarters of the Agency and walked to one of the other rooms. He took a deep breath before entering, then opened the door.

It was a conference room and at the table sat the man he had just learned was his father.

Kahola, Ramrod, whatever you wanted to call him the man was beautiful. He was dressed in a tight fitting t shirt and jeans. His father looked up at him and smiled softly.

"I've had enough of this waiting," Chet said. He turned and left, leaving the door open. His father got up and followed him. They did not speak but simply entered the elevator. Chet pushed the button for one of the lowest floors and the elevator descended. When it opened they exited and a guard waited in front of them. Chet showed his badge and motioned to his father.

"He's with me," Chet told the guard.

The guard moved aside to let them pass but Chet felt his father's hand on his shoulder. Chet shrugged away from the touch.

"We should talk," his father said.

Chet ignored him and entered the security wing of the building. At the end of the hallway was a cell holding the son of Primbatu. Nathan was reading a book. Chet looked at the cover it was Alice in Wonderland. When Nathan saw Chet and his father he smiled broadly and stood up.

"Open the door," Nathan said to Chet.

"No," Chet said.

From behind him Chet heard the voice of the man who had fathered him.

"Do it," Kahola said.

Chet turned to the guard who was standing just inside the room and nodded. The guard pressed a button and moved his hand to his firearm. The door to the cell opened. Chet's father moved past him and started to enter the cell.

"Stay behind me," Chet said, intending to protect him.

But his father ignored him, entering the cell and standing directly in front of Nathan.

What happened next shocked Chet. Nathan unzipped his pants and took his cock out. Then his father dropped to his knees in front of Nathan and took the cock in his mouth beginning to suck and service it. Nathan closed his eyes. Behind him, Chet heard the guard gasp.

Chet saw his father's head move up and down working the cock. He was frozen for a minute, not knowing what to do.

Chet walked over and pulled his father off the cock which was hard and leaking now. For a second Chet thought how hot that cock looked and longed to get down on his knees with his dad to suck it until it shot in his mouth.

He fought the urge.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Chet asked his father.

"You didn't tell him," Nathan said, "did you?"

Chet looked at them both.

"Tell me what?"

Chet's father looked at Chet, then at Nathan then back to Chet.

Nathan was smiling broadly.

Chet waited for the other shoe to drop.

"He is my master." Chet's father told him.

Chet shook his head. Obviously he had heard it wrong.

"What?" Chet asked, "What is going on here?"

"You heard your father," Nathan said, "He, like you, is a slave to the family Primbatu. I am his master and I have owned your father as my personal slave since I was a child."

Chet felt all of the air get sucked out of the room and he began to breathe heavily. He backed up and hit the bars of the cell and then turned leaving, needing air. As he walked away Nathan called out to him.

"There is more," Nathan said to him.

Chet stopped. He didn't want to hear anymore. He couldn't handle it. But he stopped and waited to hear what Nathan said next. He needed to hear it all.

"You were bred in the slave pens." Nathan said, "You were made to be my brother's slave. My brother who you killed."

Anger filled Chet and he turned taking several steps, pushing his father aside and then grabbing Nathan by the neck and forcing him backward into the far wall of the cell.

"I did not kill Ryan!" Chet yelled.

Nathan did not speak.

It was then that Chet felt his father's hand on his shoulder.

"Stop," his father calmly said.

Chet calmed down and released him.

Nathan rubbed his throat and spoke to them both.

"Yield to Primbatu," he said, "you are our property."

Chet turned and ran out of the room and he did not stop running until he was out of the building, in his car and in his own house. He remembered the day he walked in and found Dean and they made love in the bedroom. Now, the house was the only place he had any memories of Dean that comforted him.

He entered the room where he found Dean and for a minute it was as if Dean were there again. There was someone at the window. Chet stopped for a minute sure it was Dean. But, when the man turned around it wasn't Dean it was Nick. His best friend was getting even bigger. He had to be 200 pounds of muscle now and he was bigger than Chet was.

Nick held his arms out and Chet walked into the hug. He felt himself tear up and then he let it out and he cried in Nick's arms until there were no more tears left to be shed.

"Nick you're so big," Chet said finally pulling away from Nick.

"Don't go," Nick pleaded.

They began to kiss. As always, their time as Primbatu's slaves had bonded them and made them sexual in a way no one could understand.

Chet stripped nude and sat on the couch, raising his legs and putting his legs in the air. Soon Nick was fucking him and pounding Chet's ass. Nick was powerful now and Chet thought that even his cock was bigger. Nick yelled shooting in Chet's ass but he did not stop fucking Chet. He just kept going. It had to be a half hour of fucking the second time and Nick again blew his load inside him. Nick continued to fuck and it was only now that Chet gently put his hands on Nick's thighs and pushed back. Nick had been in a daze and it was only now that Nick stopped fucking and he looked down at Chet as if seeing him for the first time.

"Sorry," Nick smiled.

Nick gently pulled out of Chet's ass and Chet moaned at the relief.

There was a puddle of cum on Chet's chest where he had shot several loads while being fucked. Nick fell into Chet's arms and they kissed and cuddled.

"You can't go back to Primbatu," Nick said.

"I have to."

Nick paused for a second.

"Then I'm going to."

Chet stood up.

"No, absolutely not."

Chet turned and left the room. Nick followed close behind. In the bedroom he shared with Dean was an modern bathroom and Chet walked into the large glass shower and turned on the warm water. Again, Nick followed him.

Nick opened his mouth to speak but Chet stopped him

"This is not open to discussion Nick."

Nick grabbed Chet's face and turned it to him.

"Look at me."

Chet began to pull away but Nick held him firmly.

Fuck, the kid was strong.

"Look at me Chet."

Chet looked at him. How muscular and massive the kid was now.

"I don't know what he gave me Chet," Nick looked scared as he spoke. "But, I'm still growing and I think he's killing me. My body can't handle the changes. I can't keep growing."

Nick hugged Chet and melted into his arms.

It didn't matter that Chet had Dean and that Nick was engaged to Derek. All that mattered was that they understood each other in a way no one could understand. Again they fucked, this time in the shower. Nick pounding Chet harder than ever. Nick unleashed all of his frustration as he fucked Chet. As he felt Nick's bare cock slam in and out of him Chet thought it was one of the best fucks he had ever had. Nick knew what he needed and was able to give him the pounding that he deserved.

Chet was leaning against the wall of the shower and Nick was fucking him twisting his tits. Chet's cock leaked and shot against the wall.

Nick shot inside him and Chet tightened his ass. Behind him Nick moaned.

"I can't let you go back to that monster," Chet moaned.

Nick gasped and put his forehead on Chet's back.

"I know."

Slowly, Chet moved back and forth on Nick's cock.

"I need to stop growing Chet."

"I'll take care of it."

Chet rode Nick's cock again.

Nick smiled. He thought that Chet had agreed.

How many times had they fucked?

Chet couldn't remember.

But as he drove back to the Agency he knew he had a plan now.

The first person he saw was Derek, telling him the whole plan.

Of course, Derek agreed.

He talked to his boss and then he picked up the phone and he called the President. Chet was still shocked that he had the cell phone number of the President but when he called the phone was answered immediately.

He needed the approval of the President.

The conversation was brief. The President is a busy man but he agreed to the plan. It protected his son and would at least keep Nick safe.

There was one more person to talk to.

Chet knocked on the door to his dad's hotel room.

His father opened the door in no shirt and a pair of loose fitting jeans.

Fuck he is a hot man, Chet thought to himself.

He was well muscled and hairy. Grey hair looked sexy on his dad and Chet hoped that if he went grey his own would look as good. His dad had nice nips, not as large as Chet's and obviously not used as hard but Chet long to suck on his dad's nips and ride his dad's cock. He couldn't help it.

His father didn't speak but held the door open.

Chet walked in and sat on the bed in the room.

His father stood in front of him.

"I'm sorry," his father said.

"Doesn't matter anymore," Chet didn't look at him. He looked down at the ground.

His father walked up to him and hugged him. Chet's head pressed against his father's hairy stomach his mouth almost at his father's cock. If his dad's cock wasn't trapped in his jeans he would be sucking it right now. He was sure of that.

"I have a plan," Chet said.

"Don't tell me your plan," his father said. He was still hugging him.

"Why not?"

"Because once we go back to Primbatu he will make me tell him. You and I won't be able to resist his control once we go back."

"I can fight him now."Chet said.

"You think you can but you won't be able to."

Chet stood. Going to the window and looking out. His father's room had a view of the White House. He stared at it.

"Chet, I will go back to being a slave. The Alpha slave. I will become Ramrod again and you will be taken lower than you can even imagine. I will be there for you as best I can but I won't be able to help you."

Chet felt his father standing behind him now.

What his father was saying was terrible but the worst part was that he felt his father's hardon press against him. His dad was excited about it. He wanted it.

His father slipped his hands under Chet's shirt and began to rub Chet's sensitive tits.

"Don't." Chet said.

"Shhhhhh," he heard his father say behind him

He felt his father's hands rub back and forth gently on his tits. Chet's cock leaked in his pants and his legs shook. He felt his dad press his cock into the crack of his ass. They were both wearing pants but he felt the size of it, the hardness of it.

"Relax," his father said, rubbing his tits gently, "close your eyes and listen to the sound of my voice."

Chet closed his eyes and his father continued to pleasure his tits.

Back and forth his father's hands rubbed and Chet began to relax in his father's arms.

"Relax," his father said again, "take deep breaths."

Chet moaned.

"Are you relaxed Chet?"

"Yes," Chet moaned.

"I want you to listen to me," his father said.

The next day Chet walked into the cell that Nathan occupied. The son of his greatest enemy was sitting on the bed and still reading Alice in Wonderland.

Behind him the guard watched closely but would not interfere unless needed. The arrangements had already been made.

This time Nathan did not stand.

He looked at Chet and spoke.

"One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small."

"Fuck you." Chet said.

"No," Nathan said, "you're the one that's fucked."

Chet did not respond but he knew that Nathan was right.

"I want you to take off your shirt and put your hands behind your back and stand in front of me," Nathan said.

There was a switch inside of Chet and he felt it flip. He changed and wiped his mind clean. Chet obeyed and pulled his shirt off. He took three steps, standing in front of Nathan and putting his hands behind his back.

Nathan grabbed Chet's tits firmly and Chet moaned.

"You have the nicest chest I have ever seen on a man. Say thank you Master Nathan."

"Thank you Master Nathan," Chet said.

"I wonder if I should take your hair and make you smooth. You don't have to answer."

Chet didn't answer.

"Are you ready to return?"

"Yes," Chet said.

"Strip and get on all fours," Nathan ordered.

Chet didn't want to do it. Inside him he fought but he had enough training both as a slave and as an agent to be able to follow orders without question. He pulled off his shoes, socks and pants and got on all fours.

Nathan walked out of the cell and approached the guard. The guard did not seem shocked, nor did he see Nathan's approach as a threat.

"Let's fuck the bitch," Nathan said to the guard.

"Fuckin' A," the guard said. The guard, a tall man, probably 6'7" and huge stripped. He had a large belly and an even larger cock. Chet looked back and saw it hard and dripping. As he reached Chet, the guard dropped down behind him and rubbed Chet's back.

"He going to be ok without lube?" the man asked Nathan.

"Use spit."

Chet heard the man spit several times on his cock and also felt the man spit on his hole. The guard used his fingers and began to insert them inside Chet's waiting hole.

"No," Nathan ordered, "just slam it in."

"Sorry," the guard said to Chet and with that Chet felt him thrust his cock deeply into his hole. All of it went in him in one thrust.

Chet moaned as Nathan got in front of him. Chet reached out to unzip Nathan's pants but his hands were brushed away.

"Stay down, let him fuck you."

The man began to fuck Chet harder now as Chet began to relax and accept the cock. Soon he was pounding, both of them moaning and sweating.

Chet zoned out for a few minutes, lost in the fuck. His head down, moaning. Nathan, grabbed Chet's chin and lifted it. When he looked up he gasped. There standing in the entrance way of the cell was his father. The man who he had just met watched Chet get fucked by the cock.

Nathan reached into his pants, taking his cock out now and he pulled Chet's mouth onto it. Chet moaned, partially from the pleasure and partially from the humiliation of having his dad watch.

"He's beautiful isn't he Ramrod," Nathan said.

"Yes, Master," his father replied.

"Do you want to be his handler?"

"Yes, Master. More than anything."

"We are going to use him very hard Ramrod."

"Yes, Master. Without mercy."

Chet moaned as he sucked Nathan Primbatu's cock and guard began to shoot in his ass.

He was on all fours on a filthy cell floor. Sweat dripping off his body and cum leaking out of his always hard cock. He was being treated like a whore in front of his own father, humiliated.

He loved it.

Just as the guard pulled out of Chet's ass Nathan began to shoot in Chet's mouth and he was shocked at just how much cum flew out of the guy's cock. Chet began to gag on it but Nathan held his head in place. He shot rope after rope of creamy cum into Chet's mouth. Eight, nine, ten spurts and then even more dripped out of it. Chet struggled to take every last drop. When it was finally spent, Chet continued to suck and milk Nathan's cock.

Nathan's body jerked several times and finally Nathan released his head and pulled out of Chet's mouth.

"Fuuuuucking good whore," Nathan moaned.

Chet was on his knees now and he used his shirt to wipe off the cum and some of the sweat. His father continued to watch his arms behind his back and his legs spread. Chet knew it was the basic slave position. Chet could see his dad's huge cock. It was hard and trapped in his pants.

The guard helped Chet up and Chet slowly got dressed. His father did not acknowledge him or say a word.

Chet turned to Nathan.

"Thank you, Master Nathan," he said.

Nathan smiled.

Chet's shirt was on the floor wet and messy and Nathan walked up to him and rubbed Chet's bare chest. Finally, his hands moved to Chet's nipples and he grabbed them firmly.

Chet gasped.

"You won't need that shirt anymore will you Pex?"

"No, Master Nathan," Chet said.

Chet, Nathan and his father walked out of the cell and out of the building together. They walked into the parking garage and a town car was waiting for them. The guard who had fucked Chet walked with them and he held the door to the car open for them. Chet was the last to get in the car and the guard grabbed him by his exposed nips. Chet's cock leaked in his pants. The guard leaned in and gave him a deep wet kiss.

"You're fucking amazing bud," the guard said.

Chet moaned but did not respond. He simply got in the car, leaving the guard behind.

Nathan motioned for Chet to sit in between him and Chet's dad.

It was weird to think of the man as his father. Chet could see the resemblance but he barely knew the man. Little more than a month had passed. He already knew that his dad would be his handler and would probably be using Chet. In a way he didn't want that. But, in another way it was the hottest thing he could imagine.

Without another word, Nathan leaned in and took Chet's left nipple in his mouth. He was not gentle and began to chew and suck the nip. Chet moaned closing his eyes for a minute, feeling his dick spurt and leak in his pants. He opened his eyes looking over at the man who had fathered him. The slave known as Ramrod smiled back at him. It was a gentle smile. Chet could see his dad's massive hard cock.

Nathan pulled his mouth off of Chet's nipple for a minute.

"Ramrod you may work the other nip if you wish."

Chet's body stiffened at the thought.

His father was staring at him and he was caught in the gaze. They knew better than to speak to each other.

Then his dad shocked him. He leaned in and touched his nose to Chet's briefly. Their eyes locked. Then his father moved lower and Chet yelped. His father savagely began to work his nip. It was not gentle or loving in any way. It was brutal.

Chet yelled again and began to squirm.

Nathan smacked Chet's cock.

"Stay still bitch!" Nathan yelled.

His father continued to assault his right tit and Chet tried to take it. At one point he felt the car swerve as the driver, who obviously was paying more attention to the trio in the back of the car than the road, regained control of the vehicle.

Chet reached out and grabbed the heads of both Nathan and his dad.

"Fuuuuuuck," he moaned.

They worked his nips until the car came to a stop. Chet looked down, his body was covered in sweat and saliva. His pants were wet with cum. He leaned back in the seat gasping for breath. Both men pulled off his tits.

Chet looked down at his chest, his nipples red, hard and raw now.

His father, in particular, had brutalized his tit.

They were in a hangar at the airport.

In the hangar was a plane.

In the plane were two men.

One he loved more than anything in the world.

One he hated most of all.

Chet got out of the car with the man who had fathered him and the son of his greatest enemy.

The stairs of the plane were down and the three men walked to the foot of the stairs and began to climb them

Nathan led the way, excited to be free and in charge.

Chet was next, Ramrod behind him

Chet entered the plane, prepared to accept his new life.

In the White House, Derek walked down the hall toward the room he shared with Nick. He and Chet had a plan. He would go in and keep Nick in the room until Chet was gone with Primbatu. They were both very worried that Nick would submit to Primbatu and they needed to prevent it.

Derek loved Nick more than anything and he would do whatever it took to protect the President's son.

He would give his own life.

Derek planned to make love to Nick for the next several hours and to tie the boy up.

It was a good plan.

Nick would be too busy to care and Chet would have the time he needed. Once he left with Primbatu, the second phase of the plan would begin and Derek would track Chet down. Hopefully, by time he found Chet, Chet would find the cure to whatever had been given to make Nick keep getting more muscular.

Derek entered the room but Nick was not there. At first, it did not worry Derek. The house was full of Secret Service agents all of whom were on alert.

Then Derek saw the bed and his heart sank.

On the bed was a folded piece of paper.

Derek opened it.

The piece of paper had one word on it written in Nick's handwriting.


Derek ran out of the room more scared than he had ever been in his life.


Next: Chapter 33: Chet Pectoral II 12

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