Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on May 13, 2009



Time to have the talk. It's an obligation that I've been wanting to do for some time. Just because Chet takes a lot of cum in this chapter doesn't mean you should. This is fantasy. Play safe.

Enough with the lecture.

Go to my blog: to see hot pecs.

By the way I've really been looking forward to posting this Chapter. Prepare.

The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book 2 Chapter Ten of Twelve January

Chet entered the bar. He could smell the men and the leather and the cum. His dick jumped.

He was dressed for the occasion. Tight leather shorts hugged his ass. His hardon clearly visable and his ass straining against the fabric. A zipper in back would allow easy access to his hole. A wide collar went around his neck. It showed his submission, not his slavery.

He wore no shirt and his hairy chest glistened with sweat. It was hot outside and he had walked a bit to get to the bar on purpose so that he would work up a sweat. He was sure he smelled like sweat. His always hard nipples sat on top of huge pecs, pointing straight out.

His hairy thighs and legs rippled as he walked and leather boots went half way up his calf. His shorter hair made him look less pretty and more rough trade, it was perfect for the bar. He missed the longish hair that always hung in front of his face but he was a slave now and this fit with his purpose in life.

When he entered the bar every single head turned his way.

It was simple, he had timed his entrance into the bar to coincide with closing. In fact the bar would close in about 15 minutes. There were only about a dozen people inside, perfect for what he had in mind.

He walked over to the pool table. Two men had just finished a game. They looked at Chet and both backed up a couple of steps when he approached. It was simple, Chet walked to the pool table, gripped the two sides and bent over.

He waited. Inside he laughed, no one approached. Maybe they were afraid.

Chet lifted his head and looked at one of the pool players. He was a big, hairy man with a full beard. Chet could see the man's large cock run half way down his leg.

"I need cum," Chet said.

The man smiled and almost ran to Chet, unzipping his fly as he walked. Just before he moved behind Chet his cock popped out, it was large, thick and had a huge head. Chet spread his legs further and felt the man unzip his shorts in the back exposing his man cunt. He felt the man run a finger down his ass crack and into his hole.

"You need this don't you boy? You're already fucking lubed and wet and ready."

"Yes, Sir," Chet said, "I need cum so bad."

With that the man slammed his cock into Chet's ass. Chet yelped at the first thrust but then tightened his ass hard on the man. The man behind him moaned as he pulled out and slammed back in. Chet tightened again and this time hard. So hard in fact that the man couldn't pull out. He heard the man moan and laugh at the same time.

"Fucker," the man said and reached forward and grabbed Chet's tits.

Chet moaned and his ass spasmed. He felt cum shoot out of his cock and into his leather shorts.

"Yeah, bitch. I know what you need." As he said it the man began to slam in and out of Chet. Chet's eyes rolled back in his head. He didn't see it but there must have been some signal between the man fucking him and the others. Two men approached, one from each side and got down on their knees. He felt his legs get pulled apart and his ankles were cuffed, the cuffs attached with chains to the two legs of the pool table. As they did this the man continued to fuck him.

"Do the bitch's tits too," the man behind him said. One of the men got up on the pool table. Chet hadn't noticed it but a chain hung down from the ceiling which divided at the end into two smaller chains where two large, nasty looking clamps were dangling. As the man pulled the chain he heard a winch click.

The man behind him pulled his hair. There wasn't much hair anymore and he yelped as he felt the man's fingers dig into his scalp.

"Head up, chest out bitch." Chet did as he was told. Raising up and thrusting his chest out. His pec muscles, almost hanging from their size, stuck out even further. The blond man who had the tit clamps fastened them on Chet's swollen tits. Chet groaned. There is a way a man clamps your tits that tells you a lot about him. Some men do it gently, letting the clamps tighten slow and allowing the bitch to adjust. These men care about the bitch and allow the bitch to react sexually and get pleasure from the session. This man was different, he snapped the clamps hard onto Chet's tits. It showed he didn't care about Chet, that Chet was a piece of meat. Nothing more than a fuck hole and a cum dump. The man behind him pulled Chet's arms back and he felt them get cuffed. This took away all of Chet's leverage and now each thrust from the man pushed and pulled Chet forward and back and his tits jerked each time on the chains. His dick was trapped in his shorts and it leaked.

He felt the man behind him shoot and the man's whole body tensed and trembled. Chet smiled. He used his ass to tighten and loosen on the man's cock, milking it dry. He pulled out of Chet and Chet felt someone else slam into his ass. The cock was smaller but Chet tightened his ass so the rider would feel good. The new rider moaned and thrust into him fast. The tit chains shook and pulled at Chet's tits. For one moment Chet worried that his tits would pull off his chest but he blocked that thought out of his head. Another man, black, totally hairless and incredibly hung stood up on the pool table and straddled the tit chain that hung from the ceiling, thrusting his cock into Chet's mouth.

"Don't cum without me bud," the black man told the guy fucking him. The man in his ass just grunted working his cock into Chet's ass over and over and finally finding Chet's prostate. Chet took the man's cock deep not even choking. The man in his mouth actually helped Chet taking the strain off his tits. Chet sucked hard and tightened his ass on the man riding him. After about 5 minutes both men came together flooding him at both ends. Chet moaned, loving it. Needing it in him. Together both men pulled out, Chet kept his ass tight, keeping the cum in for the next rider.

Chet had only seconds to recover before the next two men entered him. Chet's eyes glazed over as he went into the zone. He was able to satisfy his rider and seem like he was into it when he really wasn't. Sweat dripped off him and the new rider ran his hands up and down Chet's body.

"Wow, your hot," the man said. In response Chet tightened his ass. The man moaned. He could hear the cock sliding in and out of him. It felt so good and he needed it so bad. For several minutes the man fucked him and Chet felt the man's cock swell inside him as the man got close. But the man stopped fucking, letting himself calm down. Chet tightened his ass, trying to make him cum. The man savagely pulled Chet backward and Chet yelled as his tits yanked hard.

"Be a good boy for me." Again, Chet tightened his ass. This happened for a while as the man continued to edge inside Chet. During this time 4 men fucked and came in his mouth. For the most part Chet put up with it but he was getting sore and tired.

"I can feel you give in," the man in his ass said, "go ahead. It's ok. This is who you are. Your just livestock, meant to be a prized stallion in our sable. Aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir," Chet said pulling off the cock he was sucking just long enough to answer.

The man in his ass reached for the clamps on Chet's tits and in one motion pulled them off. The pain, as blood rushed back into his tits, was staggering and Chet's ass clamped down hard on the cock in his ass and he felt it shoot its huge load. The man rubbed, pulled and manipulated his tits causing his ass to spasm and his cock to leak and drool.

"Drain me dry," the man in his ass said. Chet did as he was told and took every drop of the man's cum. Finally, the man pulled out of him and Chet felt a butt plug go into his ass. He gasped as the widest part stretched him and then his ass closed around its base and it was in. Chet moaned as suddenly the plug began to vibrate inside him. The man began to run his hand up and down Chet's back. Chet looked up and saw the other men leaving.

"Do you want to become livestock, boy? I can tell you want it."

"Yes, Sir. Just need it so bad."

The man said nothing more and after a minute Chet felt a hood go over his head. His eyes were covered but his mouth was not. As the man began to lace the hood Chet's body tensed.

"It's ok, boy." The man said, "there will be a lot of discomfort and then one day soon your mind will go away and only livestock will be left. Is that what you want?"

"Yes, Sir," Chet said. With that the man shoved a plug gag into Chet's mouth and snapped it into the hood. His legs were unchained but the cuffs remained on. His hands were not uncuffed and remained behind his back. Chet felt the man (who he still had not looked at) turn him around. The man's hands rubbed his nipples and Chet moaned into the plug gag. Again he felt two clamps fasten on his tits hard. He also felt them pull forward as a chain, connected to the clamps, was pulled. He was on a tit leash.

The man pulled on the leash and Chet stepped forward. It was hard to do it because he could not see but he trusted the man and just took small steps. The tit leash jerked hard and he yelped into the gag but stopped walking. Again, a gentle tug and he began to walk, learning how to let the man guide him by his tit flesh.

He must have stepped outside because he felt the warm air on his skin and he felt the breeze move the hairs on his body. He could smell the dampness of the ocean air through the nose opening in the hood. Chet felt his tits being pulled upwards and he also felt several hands on him. He was up against a van and stepped into it. They pulled the plug out of him with a hard yank and he had to work to keep the cum in him. They moved him into position and had him sit in one of the seats but as he sat he realized a man was in the seat and he was being placed on the man's cock. From in front of him he felt his tit leash get jerked and he began to ride the cock slowly. Another jerk of the leash and he picked up his pace. The cock was really big and he enjoyed feeling it inside his ass.

As they drove the van bounced and moved and Chet groaned. His tits pulled and yanked and the cock in him shifted and stabbed. He was leaking so bad in his shorts. How long did they drive? A half hour? Forty five minutes? He didn't know but at some point the man came in his ass. Chet stopped riding the cock but again he felt his tit leash get jerked hard.

Keep riding.

He bounced more and continued to ride the cock even after the van stopped. He moaned into his gag. It felt so good to be in use again, to be here, to be a slave. The man in his ass grabbed onto Chet hard keeping him down on his cock. Even in the hood Chet could hear him moan as he flooded Chet's ass with more cum. He could feel this man shoot in him.

"Keep it in," he heard someone say.

Chet's tit leash was jerked and he pulled off the man's cock keeping his ass tight and the cum in. Again he felt the plug enter his ass and his ass locked it in place. The zipper in the back of his shorts was pulled up, making sure the plug could not come out as Chet relaxed. The men led him out of the van by his tits and he carefully followed not being able to see or talk and barely being able to hear. Again he could feel the warm ocean air on his body. It felt so good to be in this wonderful paradise. He wished his lover could be with him.

A quick jerk of his chain and Chet knew to stop.

He heard voices.

"Is this him?"


"Did you have any trouble?"


"So," the voice said, "this is what all the fuss is about."

"He is an amazing piece of meat."

"We'll then, let's see him."

Chet felt hands behind his head. As the hood was unlaced, the plug was taken out of his mouth. The hood came off and Chet was able to finally look around. The estate before him was huge. No, it was more like a plantation. A large, white two story house, to the right several white barns and beyond that rows and rows pineapple plants that seemed to go on and on. To his left the Pacific Ocean and a beach. There were 5 large men around him, all clothed in jeans and t shirts. The t-shirts said "Kahola Farms".

Standing before him was an older man. Chet guessed he had to be in his late 40s or early 50s but very handsome. He was tall and very muscular with dark features, Chet guessed he was Greek, and thick hair. From the neck down Chet would guess he was in his 30s, obviously he was in peak physical condition. The man's salt and pepper hair flattered him. He wore a white button down shirt and tight white jeans. The shirt was opened a few buttons and Chet could see lush chest hair poking out of the shirt. Chet recognized him. He was older but this was him. This was the man he had been seeking.

It was Ramrod. An older version of the man on the video cover.

The man reached out, took off Chet's clamps and began to massage the sensitive tit flesh. Chet began to shoot in his shorts, his legs shaking.

"You are a true tit boy, aren't you?" the man said replacing the clamps.

"YESSIR," Chet moaned.

"Why did you have my men bring you here?"

"I need to be a slave Sir." Chet said, "Lower than a slave, I need to be a mindless fuck animal."

The man smiled at Chet and in one swift motion he ripped the clamps off Chet's tits. As Chet's legs shook and his dick continued to shoot in his tight shorts the man again began to rub Chet's tits this time with the back of his hands. Chet closed his eyes feeling the electricity flow through his body.

Then the man did something that shocked Chet - he laughed. It wasn't a chuckle it was a big loud laugh as if Chet had said the funniest thing possible. Chet's eyes widened. He had been through so much and had gone back to the place he had sworn he would never return, slavery, and here was this man laughing at him. The man moved closer to Chet then leaned in and gently, lovingly, kissed his forehead.

Chet lifted his head and the man kissed him on his lips gently, lovingly.

"You're so beautiful," the man said as he ran his hands over Chet's body. It sent shivers down his spine. But then the man shocked Chet even more. He turned away from Chet and addressed one of his assistants.

"Michael take the cuffs off him."

The man removed his cuffs and chains and Chet rubbed his wrists.

"Thank you Master," Chet said.

The man smiled and again addressed his assistant.

"Michael please take Mr. Pectoral here to clean up. Put some fresh clothes on him and bring him into my study."

Chet gasped.

The man knew who he was. The man knew that he worked for the government now.

Chet had never felt more fucked.

Michael took him into the house and Chet saw it and instantly wanted to live there. It was decorated in an ultra modern style and as he was led upstairs Chet could tell that some of the works of art in the house were priceless.

Chet knew this because as part of his training he had learned art appreciation among other things. They had taught him how to look in a house and know a lot about its owner.

Michael was handsome, a dark Hawaiian man who was built thick and had sharp features. He was heavily tattooed. A large tattoo even covered half his face.

"I really liked fucking you Mr. Pectoral," Michael said to him.

"Well," Chet said, "you have a great cock."

Of course, Chet had no idea which of the many fucks had been this man but it was always good to complement the rider.

Michael opened one of the doors and motioned Chet to go inside.

"When your done just knock and I'll open the door."

Chet nodded.

Once he entered the room the door was closed by Michael and he heard it lock from the outside.


That was the first thought in Chet's head.

Get the fuck out of here.

But his training took over.

Stay calm.

If they wanted to hurt you, you'd be dead already.

Chet was in a bed room full of dark furniture. At the back of the room 3 sets of French doors were open and they all let in the breeze. He walked out the French doors and onto the balcony. He had a view of the dark ocean and marveled at how beautiful Hawaii was. He could easily jump down and try to escape.

Don't try to run.

That's what his training said.

Evaluate the situation. Chet thought he could evaluate the situation and clean up at the same time. He stripped his boots, socks and shorts off and dropped them to the floor. He entered a huge bathroom. In the middle was a shower. Actually it was a glass cube directly in the center of the bathroom.

Chet stepped in the shower and the instant he did a voice came out of nowhere.

"Temperature?" the voice asked.

How the fuck should I know the answer to that, he thought to himself.

"Bath water," Chet said.

From the ceiling several streams of warm water began to run. The shower started to fill with steam.

Chet moaned as he pulled out the butt plug. He dropped it on the floor.

"Douche?" the voice asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Would you enjoy a douche?"

Chet laughed.

The voice was male.

How did this thing know he wanted his hole cleaned?

"Yes," Chet said.

A hose lowered from the ceiling and Chet used the hose to give himself an enema. It was warm and he felt almost human after he had done it.

He went back into the room. On the bed were some clothes. They were not there before he had entered the shower. He first put on the shirt. It looked like a button down shirt. Chet put it on. It was light weight linen but although it fit him it was missing part. There were no buttons and it only hit him just beyond the nipples leaving the rest of his chest exposed. The pants were strange too. They too were made of linen and when Chet put them on it was embarrassing because his hard cock poked out the front. He put on a pair of slippers and went to the door and knocked.

The door to the room unlocked and Michael came in.

Michael smiled looking Chet over. It was funny because although he was more dressed now Chet felt more naked.

The man reached for Chet's cock.

"Here," he said, "let me help."

Chet thought he was going to jerk him off but instead Michael grabbed the front of the pants in one hand and Chet's cock in the other. Sewn into the pants was a leather ring and Michael took the head of Chet's cock and tightened the leather ring around it. Chet moaned lightly and when Michael let go Chet's cock was held securely and no longer bounced around.

"That more comfortable?" Michael asked.

"A lot more," Chet said.

The man blushed and lowered his head.

Chet didn't understand.

"I'm a big fan," the man said, "I want to feed on your tits badly."

"I'd like that," Chet said.

Michael shook his head.

"I can't Mr. Kahola wants to see you and I can't have you used when I take you to him."

Chet nodded.

The man led Chet downstairs and into a living room area. The room was white and the fireplace was shiny silver. Even though they were in Hawaii a fire blazed in the hearth. Mr. Kahola was seated in a white leather chair, one of several chairs that were in the room. He stood when he noticed Chet.

"Michael will you bring us some eggnog?" he said.

The man was so handsome.

Michael nodded and left.

"Come here Chet and sit with me," Kahola said motioning to the chair opposite him.

Chet sat in the chair. His mind raced, running scenarios just in case this meeting turned bad.

"Merry Christmas," he said to Chet.

"Doesn't feel like Christmas here, Sir"

"It never does in Hawaii. Besides, Christmas has already passed but I know you didn't have much of a holiday."

Again, Chet thought the man seemed to know too much about him.

"Your beautiful," Kahola said to Chet, "you'd be a great present for this family." "I'd love to service your cock, Sir" Chet said.

The older man smiled.

"I am not your Sir and life is not all about sex," the man said to Chet.

"My life is," Chet said.

There was a time when the two stared at each other and did not talk. Each sizing the other up. Then Kahola spoke.

" Primbatu wants you very badly."

Chet shivered.

"I don't know who you're talking about," Chet said. The training said never admit anything that is not in your plan.

"Yes, you do," Kahola said, "but, I'll tell you what Mr. Pectoral. I need your trust so what if I tell you a story?"

Chet nodded.

The man stood.

"There are only five great families left in the world. I don't mean the people who run nations I mean the people with real power, ancient power. This family, Kahola, is one of them. Primbatu is another. We are the brokers of power and people and it is our families that run the world."

Kahola pointed to five symbols etched into the fireplace. There were other symbols that had obviously been removed. Chet guessed they represented great families that either no longer existed or no longer had power.

"Those," he said pointing at the symbols, "represent each of the families. The pineapple represents the House of Kahola over which I have dominion. The circle with the dot in the center represents the House of Primbatu and he has claimed you as his property. When you escaped and harmed his family he became determined to seek revenge and there is nothing you can do to stop him other than submit."

Chet opened his mouth to speak but the man continued, ignoring him.

Michael came in holding a tray and set it down next to Chet. He took one of the drinks and handed it to him. Chet took a sip. It was spiked eggnog. Icy cold. Chet did not drink it.

Michael left.

"It's not drugged," Kahola said.

"Mr. Kahola," Chet said setting the drink back down, "I only know about you and Primbatu. You kidnap and sell and hurt human beings. That is illegal."

Chet stood now walking toward the fire place.

"Not true," Kahola said, "Michael come back in here."

Michael, who must have been standing just outside, walked in.

"Michael here is my alpha slave," Kahola said, "are you or are you not free to leave?"

Michael looked at Chet.

"I'm here because I want to be. Everyone here can leave anytime they want. Maybe the other families are like that but we don't do that."

"You had me in chains and cuffs," Chet said.

"Because you wanted it," Michael said.

"Michael, get the car."

"Where are you going?" Chet asked.

"Chet, why were you sent here."

"To find out about you."

"There is more," Kahola said.

"To find the Ramrod."

"You want the Ramrod because you feel it will help you get to Primbatu?"

"Yes," Chet said.

"It's too late," Kahola said.

"Because Primbatu has already gotten his revenge."

Chet froze, the warm room suddenly cold.

"What are you talking about?" Chet asked.

"Primbatu has struck while you were distracted and sent here on a fool's errand. Primbatu has taken your lover. He has kidnapped him."

Chet's knees suddenly buckled. He dropped to his knees.

"No," he whispered.

He could not wrap his mind around what the man was telling him. It could not be true. Could it? But he felt it inside of him. Call it instinct. The connection he had with his lover was somehow changed. Inside, he knew the man was right. His greatest enemy had taken his beloved and he was shattered.

Kahola grabbed Chet's chin and raised it so he could look him in the eyes.

"Chet, you have no reason to do it but I need you to trust me. We can get your lover back."

Chet's eyes widened.


"How?" Chet asked, almost begging.

"Sacrifice and submission, Mr. Pectoral."

Michael returned and told them both the car had arrived.

Chet walked to the front door where he saw slaves loading several bags into the back of the limo. Kahola turned to Michael and kissed him. This kiss was deep, full of passion.

"Get everything out of here,' Kahola said to him.

Michael nodded, tears in his eyes.

"Please, don't Sir."

"Everything will be ok my most treasured of boys." He kissed Michael again, "Move everything to the South American property. Leave nothing here. Release the Delta slaves and instruct them that we will contact them if they are needed."

"Yes, Sir," Michael said.

Kahola held the door open for Chet and he got in the car. The master shocked him by getting in the limo with him.

"Why are you coming?"

"You need me Chet."

Chet still wore the open linen shirt and Kahola reached over and caressed Chet's pecs rubbing them. Every so often he'd brush Chet's nipple and he would gasp. Chet leaned against him then moved down so his head was in Kahola's lap. He reached for Kahola's cock but Kahola pushed him away.

"Please," Chet said, "I need to take my mind off this."

Kahola just pulled Chet close and hugged him.

"Not now," Kahola said.

Chet was shocked. No one has ever refused him.

"Is Dean alright?" Chet asked. He didn't know whether or not he really wanted the answer.

"As far as I know."

They rode in silence until the airport and then boarded Kahola's plane. On the tail it said Kahola Farms.

The plane, like the Farm, was furnished very modern. Chet sat in one of the chairs. There was no talk for a long time and Chet worried.

He tried to call Dean but just got his answering machine.

"Your lover was taken from your house," the older man said, " and another man was killed there. I believe his name was Ted."

Chet gasped he knew how important Ted was to Dean and could guess what they had been doing when they were attacked.

"I really fucked things up," Chet finally said.

"No you didn't. You face an ancient enemy you were never properly prepared for but I will help you."

"Why?" Chet said.

Kahola looked at him.

"Because I'm your father."

To be continued . . .

Next: Chapter 32: Chet Pectoral II 11

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