Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Apr 24, 2009


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book 2 Chapter 9 December


I'm sorry.

I know I haven't written in awhile but that doesn't mean I forgot about you. After all, when's the last time you've written to me.

Works both ways you know.

But I have a good reason.

My golden lab ate the next chapter of my book.

Yeah, I knew you wouldn't believe that one.

Ok so I've been bad. Beat me. I'm sure I'll like it.

But this is harder than I thought.

Sometimes it's hard to continue. You look forward in time and you know what is going to happen and you just don't want to deal with it. That is how it has been for me and Chet. You know his story and you don't want to put such a nice guy through the ringer.

He has already been through enough, hasn't he?

But, such is life and as much as we do not want to continue sometimes, we must. Maybe there will be light at the end of the dark tunnel.

And, after all, things could be much worse.

Let us pretend it is December.

And I am the ghost of Christmas present.

Travel with me and I will show you.

I will show you why you are fortunate.

Be thankful for your home and your family and the ones you love.

After all, he could be Austin.

Yes, dear reader, you know you've been thinking about him.

For, after all, hasn't he been the true hero of the story. He did save Chet and Nick. He sacrificed himself for them and ended up at the hands of someone even worse than Chet's mortal enemy Primbatu.

I know your wonder how he is doing. And, if I were to show you a picture of him, it would tell you everything you need to know.

You wouldn't even recognize him.

He is 30 pounds heavier now and all muscle.

There is no hair on his body except for his eyebrows.

He has pierced nipples and a PA in his cock as well as a jacob's ladder (a series of piercings down the shaft of his cock). He also has a piercing in his nose and a bull ring hangs from that. A chain runs in a Y from each nipple to a belly button ring and then connects to another chain that goes to his PA. It gives weight to his nipples and cock and constantly stimulates him and reminds him that he is a slave.

But that is not the best part.

His body has an intricate tattoo of a dragon that fills his back. The head of the dragon wraps over his right shoulder and the wings of the dragon wrap around his wide lats and end just under each pec. The tail of the dragon runs down the crack of his ass, between his legs, over his balls and the tip of the tail is tattooed onto his always hard cock.

Some days he wonders if he is more animal than human. He barely talks anymore. He screamed one night as he was fucked over 48 hours without mercy or any rest. He services at least ten men daily and these men are of all races and shapes and sizes. He no longer cares what the man looks like he knows only cock and cum. Even he would admit to you now that he is addicted to it. Addicted to the way a cock slams into his ass and blasts inside him. He does not care about his own pleasure, he pleases only his rider. That is all that is important. He is broken now without his real name or identity and has accepted the fact that he will never be free.

Still he is able to hang onto the final shreds of his humanity. Of course, no one knows that. He has been through much these many months as his body has been altered and taken over. Anyone else would have fully broken long ago and become a fuck animal but thanks to his training Austin has been able to barely remember who he was.

I will tell you this, that he loves Chet Pectoral with his whole heart and he remembers the closeness that they shared. Really it is all he has these days. His days are filled with sex and as men use him he thinks of Chet. But the slave who is now called Dragon (though the word they actually use for him is the Chinese equivalent of Dragon we will use Dragon for our purposes) feels his humanity slipping away more each day. It is the chains that are doing it to him. They pull at his now huge and overly sensitive nips and when men grab the chains he cums and his ass tightens hard. How many weeks had his master spent making his nipples sensitive and hard wiring his nipples to his cock and hole. The chains that hang from his tits and connect to his cock are like wires that allow him to be controlled.

The chains were welded on and cannot be removed. The day they were welded onto his tit and cock rings was the only day he cried during the whole ordeal. His new master held him and told him it was ok to leave his body and never return. But Dragon refused. He holds on and he waits even though there is no chance of escape. Lately, his master has told him that it is almost time to have those chains removed so that he can be moved to heavier chains that will match the new larger size of his body.

He prays he will keep his balls.

He knows he has to stay human and he has to last until help arrives.

The estate he calls home is heavily guarded and he has not seen the outside except for the few times he was taken to service groups of men at parties thrown by other wealthy men. One such party was a costume ball. He was already huge and the chains had been installed. His cock bounced in front of him as he was led into the large estate. His master held his leash and his leash was attached to his nose ring. He has not worn clothing since the day he arrived but on this day he wore his dress harness. The harness, made specially for him, formed a loop around each shoulder like a holster and then ran under each pec, cupping them and forcing them up. Basically, a bra as he came to think about it but masculine and made of leather.

His chest muscles were overly developed. They were, in fact, a favorite of his masters and they were so large he could not see his own cock because his chest muscles stuck out so far. He loved his body and loved how men looked at it. Dragon understands Chet better now. To have nipples that can control you and to understand that your body is the sexual toy of free men is actually quite liberating. On some days he thinks to himself that there are worse things in the world than spending your days and nights servicing free men.

On the night of the costume ball his master led him through the rooms. Men touched him and fondled him but he was not allowed to remain in one place for too long. There were no women at the party and he knew he would be used but he did not know the extent of the use.

The slave now known as Dragon guessed that there must be 300 people at the party. He was led to the back of the home into one of the furthest rooms. There he was put in a room that had a large metal chain which was bolted into the floor. This chain was attached and locked to his ankle cuff. He had permanent cuffs on his wrists and ankles which were welded on like the chains on his body. Around the room Dragon could see various equipment to be fucked on. There was a fuck bench, a table, a bed and a round barrel covered in leather. He could even be chained in the center of the room. His master said one simple word to him. . . service.

This word told Dragon that he was to take any cock presented to him and use his skills to pleasure the rider in any manner the rider wished. How long he spent in that room he does not know but I will tell you it was 72 hours, give or take. How many cocks entered him in one way or the other he does not know though I will tell you that the answer to that question depends on how you count because many men came back for seconds and some thirds and two riders came back five times to use the large muscled slave. When it was over he was covered in cum and his body was shaking from the use.

What had they done to him?

What had he become?

After the party one part of him wished that he could die but he knew he was too valuable to his Asian master. But, somewhere, deep inside, he has hope and every night he prays that Chet Pectoral will come and save him.

He prays and he waits and he tries to avoid the whip.

Oh, and he has a secret he knows that would change everything if only he had someone to tell it to.

We will leave him now.

Or you could be Chet's half brother Matt. He was kidnapped as a slave and broken, loosing both his name and his humanity. Unlike the slave now known as Dragon Matt did give up totally and I can tell you this, that there is no trace of the person named as Matt. This is maybe a fate worse than the one Dragon suffers because surely loosing your humanity is a fate worse than death. He has been renamed Tam and had been trained as a fight slave and a burden slave. If he had known this would become his life he might never have decided to sell his half brother Chet.

But he did not have the foresight to know his future.

He sits somewhere, he knows only he is in France, in a stall, like a horse. He is nothing more than a workhorse. Daily, he pulls a cart for his master and he works outside in the dry heat tending to the grounds. His nipples are pierced. These are large heavy piercings and they are used to direct and control him. For example, when moving him they attach reigns to his tits.

He wore a full hood and was without the benefit of sight for over two months. A bit was placed in his mouth and his nipple rings felt the pull when the reigns were attached. He learned then to move depending on how his tit rings were pulled. Tam did not have the benefit of sight and could only feel his tits being pulled. A pull to the left and he would move to the left. A pull to the right and he would move to the right. A quick jerk and he would stop.

You get the idea.

Finally, when he had learned to the satisfaction of his master he was allowed his sight again.

I'm sorry.

I'm doing this all wrong.

I'm showing disrespect to Tam's master.

Tam is a animal now and not human. The words "he" and "his" and "him" no longer apply. Tam is an "it". He is property to be used and discarded. From now on that is how we will refer to him.

There, I feel better now.

Let's continue.

It has special shoes that force it to walk on its toes (hoofs). Tam is kept hairy, the hair on its head is long, like a mane and it has hair on its chest and pubes and legs and arms. It is often sweaty and its master loves the way its body shines and smells when it performs its daily tasks. It wears a butt plug with a horse's tail and it has learned to move its tail to show happiness. Its rear teeth have been pulled and a bit has been permanently implanted in its mouth. It drools constantly and no longer talks. A permanent harness has been fitted onto its body and it never comes off. The harness comes across its pecs in an X and then connects via a leather strap to a jock strap. The jock has a space in the front for its cock to stick out of and its cock is often hard while working. Two leather straps wrap around each of its thighs. Its collar is wide and heavy and made of metal. It forces Tam to keep its head up at all times.

It is connected to a cart daily in order to perform its work. The two long wooden handles of the cart attach to the leather straps that circle its thighs. It holds the handles and lifts the cart. It has become very strong and its shoulders and arms are powerful.

This helps it when it fights in the circle.

When a rider gets in the cart the rider takes Tam's tit reigns and pulls them back behind its head. This always makes the horse moan.

At night it is fucked and used. It is not raped, for it is impossible to rape one's property. At times it fights for the honor of its master and it has a perfect record.

It answers to the name Tam

It likes its new name a lot.

Sometimes at night, when it is strapped to the table and used, it dreams it will finally be allowed to kill the hated Primbatu, great enemy of its master.

Tam also knows that if ever given the chance it will kill its half-brother. Oh yes, it remembers Chet and it holds onto that memory hard. It seeks only revenge. Once it kills Primbatu and Chet it will finally be able to loose itself fully to its master. Until then it is content to work and grow strong.

Come along, more to see now.

There are ghosts everywhere.

You could be Tim. He has been broken by Apollo and he is being fucked.

To be broken was hard.

To be part of what is going to happen next is even harder. He knows what is coming. He has overheard Apollo but there is nothing he can do about it.

The man fucking him is so good. The cock feels so good.

He wants to tell the man he is going to be killed. He wants to warn him. But he cannot.

"Your slave is so fucking hot," the man fucking him says to his master Apollo.

"You deserve him," Apollo says. "I'm glad you and your buddy had us over."

Tim looks over at the friend of the man fucking him. He is hard and stroking, waiting his turn.

The man fucking him.moans and he is coming.

It feels so good.

But soon there will be death.

Let us leave.

Let us leave the house Dean shares with Chet and which is about to become the site of such tragedy.

Or you could be Chet.

Let us travel to check on our hero.

How did he spend his Christmas.

He is on a plane to Hawaii.


Chet is thinking of his lover. He hopes he is safe and well.

He is going to see the man who is Ramrod. Although he still does not know what makes this man so important.

He is in first class and the steward, an effeminate man with short hair and large arms has been giving him the eye. It is hard for Chet to hide his always hard cock and the man has certainly noticed.

The man says hello to him and Chet catches a glimpse of the man's cock. It is hard and very long, snaking down the man's pant leg. Chet waits a few minutes and gets up going to the bathroom in the back and leaving the door open. Several minutes later the door opens and the steward comes in pushing Chet against the back of the small room.

Chet is ready. His pants down around his ankles and his ass pointed out. The man unzips and slams his cock into Chet's ass. The man fucks him hard and fast and as he is fucked Chet thinks of his lover and wishes they were together. It doesn't take long before the steward cums, the big cock spurting so deep in Chet's hole that he gasps at the feeling. The man doesn't say anything to Chet he simply zips up and leaves.

Chet wipes up and leaves the bathroom an older man looking at him funny, having figured it out.

Back in his seat, Chet passes the time until the plane lands. He leaves the plane, the steward passing Chet his phone number. Chet does not keep the number and tosses it in the trash. He gets in a cab and tells the cab to take him to a hotel. He has no bags.

Outside, the warm air of the islands makes him again wish his lover could be with him. Chet calls his handler and updates him on his arrival. Tomorrow he starts to search for Ramrod. There is a plan to follow. It is a good plan and Chet is well prepared but the plan will take time and Chet has trouble with putting that much time in when he misses his lover so much.

Travel now to the White House and into a room occupied by the President's son. We know him well but he looks different. Is it true? Can he be even bigger and more muscular now?

"Is he ok?" Nick asked.

Agent Masters hung up the phone.

"Chet is fine," he said.

They are both naked and he couldn't help but notice that Nick was even more muscled now than he was the last time they had fucked. He didn't say anything. He did not want to worry the boy.

But, it was obvious that he was undergoing some kind of transformation.

It was as if Nick were on mega doses of steroids. If the growth spurt were to stop now it would be fine. The boy looked fantastic as a matter of fact. But, Masters worried that if this continued he could become a monster of muscle. What worried him even more is what this might be doing to Nick's organs and heart.

This was the reason that they had to find Primbatu. They had to stop whatever had been done to his lover. After all, the boy had a hardon 24/7 for almost a year. That seemed impossible but Nick said it never went down even after he came.

Nick comes up to him grabbing his cock.

"Can we go again," Nick asks, stroking it.

He's cum 3 times already and Masters is sure he cannot get hard again.

He needs to distract the boy.

He has a plan.

"Wait a minute," he says.

He pulls away from Nick and goes to the suit jacket.

Agent Masters works for the secret service so he always wears a suit.

He brings out a small box and hands it to Nick.

"Merry Christmas lover."

Nick yells with joy. He knows it is a ring by the size and shape of the box.

Derek Masters got down on one knee.

"Marry me and be mine forever."

Nick dropped down on his knees hugged Derek and pushed him backwards, mounting him. Nick began to kiss him all over.

"Yes, yes, yes," Nick said.

Nick grabbed for his cock and Masters felt himself get hard.

The plan was backfiring.

See, wasn't that worth the wait?

I'll leave you now.

The ghost of Christmas future is coming and he is never pleasant and the dog still has my homework.

You sleep and are awoken by a man with a black robe. You cannot see his face. He takes your hand and you are in a graveyard. You look down at the grave.

One of them is dead.

He points to the right.

Another grave.

More death.

Wake up.

To be continued . . .

Next: Chapter 31: Chet Pectoral II 10

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