Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Mar 25, 2005


Chet must have fallen asleep for some time. He awoke with Brick standing over him. He could feel Brick's large hands on his back lifting him up. Chet was still groggy and was surprised at how easily Brick lifted him, like a sack of potatoes. Brick moved him into the sitting position so they could face each other.

Chet noticed that Brick had changed clothes during the time Chet had been out. He was dressed in jeans and a black leather jacket. Chet was naked and shivering. During the time he was asleep Brick has put cuffs connected by a short chain on his ankles. His chest heaved in quick gasps, fear taking hold of him again. Brick touched his naked, exposed body tenderly almost reverently as if admiring a great work of art. He pushed the long hairs off of Chet's forehead, grooming him.

"Such a pretty thing," Brick said then he moved his hand down to Chet's crotch grabbing his cock, "such a shame I have to give you up."

Fear shot through Chet again, making him shiver.

Who would he be given up to?

What had happened while he slept?

But, thoughts of what might be quickly evaporated as he hardened under Brick's stroking. For such a tough man, he had a surprisingly gentle touch. Chet responded, rising to the occasion.

His cock stiffened to its full eight plus inches. He had been hard so many times, starting with the encounter with Dean in the gym and not once had he cum. Chet moaned softly arching his hips up and down to meet each stroke of Brick's large, callused hand. Then, as suddenly as it started, Brick stopped. He stood and looked down at Chet, admiring his work.

Brick looked at Chet, young and muscular with long, dark hair that reached his ear lobes. Hairy chest and legs, long cock. A perfect specimen if he had ever seen one. He had known from the first moment he walked into the barn and looked at Chet that he would fetch a big price at the auction. But, not once, did Brick think that he would ever be able to get as far with Chet as he had. Yes, he thought to himself, the fates were kind.

"Stay hard for me boy," Brick said kneeling down.

He reached into his pocket taking out a key and he unlocked the handcuffs he had put on Chet's ankles. He then reached behind Chet, taking down a large black leather collar. He fastened it tightly around Chet's neck. Chet gave him no trouble, once again telling him that he was in control.

Chet gasped for air. He wanted to cum so bad his balls ached. The collar was tight, constricting the flow of air and forced him to keep his head up. He could no longer keep from looking Brick in the eyes. His legs were free now and he could have kicked Brick, like he had in the barn. But, he could guess at the price for a failed escape attempt. Besides, where would he go? Not back to school and certainly not the farm. And any escape attempt was out of the question because it would put Dean in danger.

The collar had a silver loop at the end and Brick attached a leash to this. Brick also took down a small leather riding crop. He then opened the van's back doors.

The bright light blinded Chet after being in the dark van for so long. They were in a large airplane hangar. Large spotlights illuminated the area. Cars of all types were parked inside, all with their lights on. They ranged from vans, like Brick's, to limos. There were even large, private airplanes.

Brick got out of the van pulling on the leash for Chet to follow. Chet, at 6'2" was taller than Brick. He opened his mouth to speak but Brick held out his hand, stopping him.

"Don't speak unless I tell you to."

Chet obeyed, silently wondering, as he was led hard and naked further into the hangar. He began to pass people. Most were elegantly dressed and as he passed they stared, whispering to each other. Chet was being led to the front of the hangar where the searchlights were.

As he got closer, Chet could tell that the lights were behind a large stage that had been set up. In front of the stage people, dressed elegantly like the ones he had passed already, were gathering. Behind the stage someone had hung a makeshift curtain of white sheets.

Brick led Chet through the increasing crowd. Several turned to look at him. One lady even reached out and grabbed his cock, she stroked it, making Chet squirm.

"Nice," she said, smiling at him.

Brick came over and pulled Chet away from the lady.

"No freebies," he told her.

Brick led him behind the curtain. There were about twenty people like Chet, all naked with collars around their necks. They were of all ages and sexes. Two women huddled together at the far end of the hall. Nearest Chet, a handsome man turned to look at him. He was naked and hairless with chiseled features. He had a full beard and dark hair all trimmed to the exact same length. His eyes were so brown they were almost black. He was short, probably only 5'5" but was as wide as Chet, he guessed he weighed almost the same amount.

The bearded man's leash was held by a young woman. Chet noticed his eyes were glazed over, like he was on drugs. The woman stroked his long cock casually and they kissed.

A handsome man with graying hair came to greet them.

"We'll start in just a minute. Your number 18," he told Brick.

The man was dressed in a tuxedo but that did not hide the evil in him. Chet could tell he was a hard man, mean. He was immaculate, but had a sharp face and spoke in short, cropped sentences.

He looked at Chet. Then the man grabbed him, moving his hands all over Chet's body. He felt the fullness of Chet's muscles, the sweep of his back and chest, the length of his cock. Brick did nothing to stop the man and Chet remained motionless, letting him cop a feel. Before today Chet would never have thought he would let someone he did not know touch him like this man was, but he was so horny and it felt good.

And there was always Dean to think about.

"Should fetch a good price," the man said. With that he turned and went through the curtain to the stage that had been set up.

Chet could hear him speaking. Finally understanding what was going on he frozen, then turned to Brick in shock and horror.

He was going to be sold. This was an auction! The well-dressed people were going to be bidders and he was the merchandise. So were all the naked people in this back area. He began to think quicker, his thoughts flying together in panic and rage. Some here were kidnapped probably. Others like the guy next to him drugged so they couldn't tell what was about to happen to them.

"Welcome everyone, we will begin now with the viewing." the man on stage began. Chet placed him as the master of ceremonies, the auctioneer.

Chet saw people began to filter in the backstage area. They were going to be looked over like they were cattle. Chet backed away from the crowds, away from Brick. Brick jerked on the leash indicating for Chet to heal, to come beside him and stand.

"Remember your friend," Brick said.

Chet froze. He wanted to run, he could probably make it too, but the thought of Dean held him back. Brick knew he did not need physical violence or threats when he had Dean to hold over his head.

The first of the people walked backstage to look at the merchandise. The people who were to be sold like slaves.

A man walked up to Chet. He was old and wrinkled. His skin hung on his bones like there was no muscle underneath. He paused in front of Chet, admiring him.

"Such a pretty boy," the wrinkled man said.

He reached out to touch Chet, taking his dick in his hand.

"Let him do whatever he wants." Brick said.

Chet allowed it. The man stroked his rapidly softening cock trying to get him hard. The man's touch repulsed him but he thought of Dean in the gym. His dick, responded to the touch, hardening, showing off its length and thickness. The man's grip tightened, moving faster and faster. Chet let out a low, deep groan, and closed his eyes.

Brick reached down and pushed the man's hand away.

"That's all you get for free." He told the man, moving between he and Chet. Brick petted Chet like an animal.

"Why do you keep stopping me?" Chet asked. It was less of a question and more of a moan. He had been hard, off and on, since his workout with Dean, and not once had he come. The load had built up in him, making his balls ache.

The man had moved on, replaced by others, all looking at Chet. Some gathered in small groups. A few paused, rubbing their hands against Chet's tight, muscled body.

One man, an Arab who did not speak English rubbed Chet's body, his hands brushing Chet's nipples. They were the most sensitive part of his body anyway but after the clamps they were hard and pointed straight out. Chet gasped when the man's rough hands brushed his tits and the man smiled. He did something that shocked Chet, bending forward and taking his left tit in his mouth. No one had ever done this to him before and Chet moaned loud as the man's mouth sucked and nibbled. He closed his eyes his hips bucking and he reached to grab onto the man so that he didn't collapse.

The Arab moved to his right tit doing the same thing. Chet looked at Brick his eyes wide, his cock leaking. Then as quickly as he started the man stopped moving on to the next slave for sale and leaving Chet more horny than ever.

"Remember how good that felt. I'll need you to be able to get hard and stay hard on stage. If you cum, you won't get hard, then you won't bring the highest price." Brick said, he was watching the people closely; making sure no one touched Chet for too long. He also made sure no one else touched his cock. Chet's cock bobbed up and down, begging to be touched. It seemed to be getting larger, thicker too, expanding with blood.

"Sir," Chet said, "I thought you wanted me for yourself."

Chet did not know what waited him after today. His life, since his encounter with Dean, no since moving in to live with Matt, his life had, at first slowly, then with ever increasing speed, become a nightmare. At least, with Brick, he knew what he was getting. With anyone else, only the unknown waited.

"You are going to make me a lot of money, boy. And I have big plans ahead."

Brick grabbed Chet by the back of the head so they could look eye-to-eye.

"I'm sorry," Brick said, "believe me about that. But, I am going to do you a favor."

"A favor?" Chet felt a hand on his ass, a man definitely. It grabbed him, and then moved towards his asshole. Chet took a step forward, towards Brick, who noticed what was going on.

Brick pulled Chet away from the man taking him to one of the corners of the back room. Faintly, Chet could hear other people being led, one by one, on stage. People were placing bids and bodies were being sold. For Chet, the time of his going on stage was drawing closer.

"We only have a minute," Brick said. He stood so close to Chet that their noses touched. Brick pulled Chet to him whispering in his ear. Their bodies touched. Chet's rock hard cock pressed against the leather that Brick was wearing.

"You may not have figured this out yet, but your brother is one nasty son of a bitch. He's going to go after that boy of yours, and try to get his revenge."

Bricks words struck Chet like a blow.

He began to pull away. He had to reach Dean, to warn him, to save him. Matt had already ruined his life; he refused to let him hurt Dean anymore than he already had. All this, submission to Brick, had been for nothing, especially since Matt was going to go after him anyway. He moved from Brick to run, nothing was going to keep him here now.

But, Brick knew Chet would try to do this. Even before he told Chet, Brick had moved him safely away and grabbed him tightly. He was heavier and more powerful than Chet.

"Stop boy, don't make me hurt you," Brick told him, grabbing Chet's balls. He gave a little tug, enough to make Chet wince and Chet froze.

"If you behave," Brick said, "and go quietly, I'm going to go back and save that boyfriend of yours, OK?"

Chet didn't move.

"You know you can't do it," Brick said, "you can't go back there. Your brother will never let you. I'm your only hope."

Deep down, he knew the man was right. There was no life for him back there. Matt owned the farm and he could never go back to school there, not after the past day or so.

"Eighteen," the announcer called back stage.

"You with me?" Brick asked.

Chet straightened up, pulling his shoulders back. He seemed older suddenly, and larger.

"I guess for not much longer."

Chet felt beaten. His life was over suddenly and ahead of him an unknown horror awaited him. Slowly he left the shadows of the backstage and walked, with Brick just behind him, towards the stage, and his new life.

The stage was brightly lit; the headlights of all the cars and planes had been turned on flooding the stage with brilliant light. He couldn't see past the first row of people standing around. Even they were mere shadows, shapes without form. Partially blinded by the lights, Chet looked downward. He could hear the crowd rumble.

"We have a fabulous young specimen here," the announcer said.

He reached out and grabbed Chet by his cock, pulling him forward. He continued towards the crowd, holding Chet's cock the whole time. His hand gently moved back and forth. Chet closed his eyes, allowing himself to be stimulated. He felt his dick stiffening in the man's grasp. He thought back to the gym and Dean's hand around his dick, how nice it felt.

"Fifteen thousand"

The voice came from somewhere beyond. After that the bidding was hot and heavy. It reached thirty two thousand before it dropped off. All the while the announcer had Chet by the dick, he knew what to do, changing his stroke constantly, it began to drive Chet crazy but he couldn't come.

"Come on people, look at this man. He's beautiful and look at this staff, think about how you can use him." The announcer bounced Chet's dick up and down with his hand. Chet threw his head back. It felt so good. His dick had been neglected for so long, teased to the point of cumming and then stopped. It was amounting to torture.

"Let me show you what this one is capable of," the announcer suddenly gripped Chet's cock tighter forcefully stroking it back and forth. Pre-cum leaked out of Chet lubing up the man's hand, it moved faster and faster. Chet moaned he could feel his balls tighten.

"Ohhhhh." Chet tensed every muscle in his body. He was going to cum now. Nothing on earth would stop him this time. His body shook violently as the jism moved out his cock.

The first, massive, spurt of pent up cum shot out his cock and past the stage. It landed somewhere beyond and he heard gasping and yelling. Chet, his eyes closed, could hear the gasps and cheers as he continued to spurt an unbelievable load. For two days he had been saving this up and thanks to Brick bringing him to the edge again and again he had saved up buckets of white cock milk.

His body began to shake and sweat pored of him. Still the man stroked him. It seemed like minutes before he stopped shooting. But, even after he finished, the man continued. Chet was driven to the edge as his body again stiffened, he felt close to cumming again. Finally, his knees buckled under him and he fell to the stage.

"Now what is my bid," the man said.

"Fifty Thousand," a voice called from the back.

The crowd gasped at the bid until a second voice called out.

"One hundred thousand."

The crowd fell immediately silent.

Brick had been on stage but in the background the whole time. Now, he moved forward and approached the auctioneer.

"That's unbelievable," Brick said.

"A new record," the man replied.

He reached down to grab Chet under the armpit. Chet was on his knees gasping. While he was hard it had been easy, his mind was on his dick. Now, after the fact, he was embarrassed as he knelt naked and exposed on stage. The auctioneer hoisted him up and Chet stood, his knees shaking. His chest heaved up and down with deep breaths and, though he had already cum, his cock refused to go down.

"Do I have any other bids?"

The audience was silent.

"Then he is sold to number 128."

So it was over.

He was now property of someone.

Brick put his hand around Chet's neck and began to lead him back stage. On his way back he passed a young child, about eight or nine, who was being led onstage as the next item up for bid.

"What happens now?" Chet asked. He had been sold and now refused to call Brick Sir.

"I get paid, you get picked up and I keep my promise to check on that friend of yours."

Chet stopped then and looked Brick right in the eye.

"Make sure you do."

A man approached them. He was tall. Taller then Chet by at least three inches and solidly built. He had short, dark hair, combed straight back and eyes deep blue. He was wearing a coat and tie that hid his body, so Chet could not see what kind of body the man had. With him was a black man. The black man was dressed in an orange jumpsuit open to his stomach. It seemed two sizes too small as his body seemed to burst out of it. He was muscular, with a hairy chest. He had deep set eyes and large, thick eyebrows. The black man could have been attractive at one time but he was old now, probably much older than his years, Chet thought.

"He's more impressive up close," the white man said.

"Cock could be bigger but a nice thickness. He'll do great," the black man replied.

The white man walked up to where Chet and Brick stood. In his hand he carried what Chet recognized as a cock ring. It was black but made of metal.

"He's mine now," the man said.

Brick surprised Chet than by walking away. He did not say goodbye. He did not wish Chet good luck. In fact, there was no recognition by Brick that he had even known Chet. The man grabbed Chet by the balls sliding them, one by one, into the thick metallic cock ring. It was cold against him. The man grabbed his cock next. He had began to go soft, but was by no means small. But the cock ring was oversized and accommodated him.

The black man also put a new leather collar around his neck. But, this time, he also pulled out a gold padlock which he secure on the collar. It was the final item that the man had for Chet which made his gasp. It was a long metal leash with a handle at one end. Chet immediately recognized what was on the other end - tit clamps. Each of these clamps was attached to Chet's tits. But these were far tighter than the other clamps Chet wore. Chet groaned at the pain. The man grasped the other end of the leash and pulled hard. The clamps tightened on Chet's tits and he yelped.

Chet thought of running then but he remember what Brick had told him about Dean's safety. Besides, he had no place to go and by the looks of what he had seen, he didn't really think people lived to tell about this auction if they tried to leave.

Then the man took a small computer pad out of his pocket. He pressed a button on the computer pad and Chet gasped. At first he though he was imagining but then he was sure of it, the cock ring was shrinking, getting tighter around his cock and balls.

Tighter and tighter it got and, just as it became uncomfortable it stopped.

"Take him to the plane," he told the black man.

Chet followed the black man as he pulled Chet by the tits and they left the backstage area. The man ahead of him stopped for a moment. He turned to Chet.

"The cock ring is actually a sensor devise. If you run away it he can basically cut your dick and nuts off. I can tell you like the tit reigns" The man's voice was harsh, deep throated.

"I'm not going anywhere," Chet gasped.

People looked at Chet as he passed.

"My name is Vince," the black man said.

He followed Vince and approached a plane. The plane that would take him to his new life and away from Dean.

End of Part Three

Next: Chapter 4

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