Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Nov 5, 2008


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book II Chapter 6 September 30

6:25 p.m.

All Chet could do is hold on as the vice-president pounded his cock into Chet's defenseless ass. He did not yell but used his new training to block it out. He was shocked at how brutal the Vice-President could be. Every stroke he pulled all the way out of Chet's ass, waiting for his hole to close, before slamming back into him in one hard, long stroke. Each time he felt the man's large balls slam against him. The man ground his hips making his cock jump and bounce in Chet's hole before pulling it out fully again.

More amazing was the man's stamina.

Last time the man had fucked him Chet had been fucked non stop for over two hours. This time he was close to three hours. Sweat dripped off them both and the monster pushed into him over and over.

Finally, the second most powerful man in the universe yelled and unloaded into Chet's ass. He felt the flood, gasping.

The man collapsed onto Chet panting.

"Fuck boy," he gasped, "your one fucking amazing stallion."

"Thank you, Master," Chet said.

With that the man pulled out of Chet and left the room. Chet stayed on the bed catching his breath.

They were in a very elaborate office in the White House. Chet didn't want to be fucked there but the Vice President ordered him to submit and Chet did not resist. It had been strange, the more training Chet had the harder his body became and the more horny he got. But, strangest of all even while all of that went on it was easier to submit now. Easier to flip a switch in his head and give in when someone gave him an order.

The higher ups were impressed with Chet and had even told him he would be graduating soon and heading out on his first assignment.

Chet did not get up off the bed. He reached over to the bed stand and grabbed the butt plug that rested there. As he has been ordered to do he shoved the plug into his office to keep the man's seed inside him. He lay back on the bed adjusting to the feeling. Then he reached down, grabbed his tits and twisted.

His load was huge spurting over five times and the first shot hit him in the mouth. Feeling better, though not satisfied, he got off the bed and headed into the bathroom. There the Master had set out a towel and he showered stroking himself and shooting a second load.

Chet dried off and left the bathroom, taking time to comb his hair which had been cut short now. His chest hair had been neatly trimmed and he took one second to look at himself in the mirror. His abs were ripped, his chest muscles, huge and bloated and his nips formed perfect peaks always standing at attention.

He resisted the urge to shoot a third lad and instead got dressed. He wore a blue Armani suit which had been tailored just for him in order to hide the hard on which he always sported. His shoulders, pecs and biceps stretched the fabric of his shirt and suit jacket. As he moved, dressing, his plug shifted inside him. He had learned to not moan when the plug hit his prostate but each time it did electrical impulses worked through his body. Primbatu, his one true Master, had insured his body would always be wired for pleasure.

8:16 p.m.

He opened the door to the office and stepped out into the hallway. Everyone looked at him. Most checked him out physically some, the better trained, looked at his badge to make sure he was approved to be in the area.

His phone rang and Chet picked it up answering.

It was his soul mate.

"Hi . . . I'm good. . . Yes, I'll be home tonight. . . Yes, I love you more than anything . . . Steak sounds great . . . You know what I want for dessert . . . No, you're the only cock that can satisfy me you know that . . . I really shouldn't talk about that in the middle of the White House. . . (laughing). . . See you tonight. . Love you too."

He hung up the phone smiling.

There was only one man for him.

He would die to make that man happy.

"Why do you have such a shit eating grin?" said a voice from behind him.

He turned then and saw Nick.

There was no talking between the two; they simply exchanged a look that said everything.

They were that close now.

Chet reached out, grabbed Nick and hugged him hard, lifting him off the ground. Nick hugged him back. Soon, Chet thought, lifting the kid was going to become impossible. Nick was huge now almost wider than Chet was himself. It was like the kid was aging at a hyper rate. Even Nick's voice was deeper now.

Nick nodded his head in the direction of his bed room and Chet followed.

Once inside the bedroom Nick began to strip Chet. Chet let his hands roam over Nick's new body.

"Holy fuck Nick," he said rubbing Nick's hard nipples, "your body is fucking amazing now."

There wasn't a single hair on Nick's body and as Chet rubbed it he couldn't even feel any stubble.

"Do you wax it all?"

Nick laughed nervously and at the same time went to the bed and sat down.

"Chet, can I tell you something?"

"Anything," Chet said dropping to his knees in front of Nick.

"I don't shave my body and I don't workout."

Chet stood his dick now directly in front of Nick who was fighting the urge to suck on it for all he was worth.

"Do you mean your body is just developing like this?"

Nick nodded.

"Primbatu," Chet said.

Nick nodded again.

"I'm going to kill him," Chet said.

"Get in line."

It wasn't Nick who spoke but someone who was coming out of Nick's bathroom. Agent Masters entered the room naked and looked Chet up and down.

"Fuck, boy," Agent Masters said, "you are one hot fuck toy."

Chet instantly lowered his head.

"Yes, Sir," Chet said.

The agent moved behind Chet and bent him over. Chet took Nick's cock in his mouth and Nick shot instantly. Chet smiled, swallowing the load and then continuing to suck hard. Nick moaned and began to squirm.

"Fuuuuuck, Chet," Nick moaned, "they sure teach you how to suck good."

Chet sucked harder in response and reached up to grab Nick's tits. In response, Nick's cock jumped and leaked in his mouth.

The amazing thing about Chet's training was that he could now multi task. As he sucked the cock he was able to think now and not get lost in the sex. He wondered what Primbatu had done to his friend and how Nick's body would finally end up. Either Nick had been given a different set of drugs or Nick had responded differently.

8:12 p.m.

Chet felt Agent Masters tap the butt plug that was locked in his ass. Chet sucked harder then groaned as the agent pulled the plug out in one fast motion. He felt the man's fingers probe his wet hole.

"Someone has had you already, boy," Agent Masters said. Chet did not think much when Masters used the word "boy". It was a bedroom term and not a reference to his rank. Even so, Chet actually liked being called "boy". He knew it was closer to what he really was.

He felt the agent slam his cock into his ass in a hard thrust. Chet instantly used his training and clamped down on the cock but Masters wasn't fooled.

"Someone huge had you," he said pumping away fast, "someone worked you good."

There was a time when both men used Chet good and he was able to relax and get into it. It was three buddies having sex. Nick and Derek switched places several times and they kept going until Derek had cum three times. Nick must have cum ten times by Chet's count. When they were done using his holes Agent Masters asked if Chet wanted his plug back in. Chet told him "no".

10:37 p.m.

Later they all lay on the bed. Nick and Derek were each sucking one of Chet's tits and Chet was in heaven. Nick would laugh every time Chet shot a load without touching his cock.

"You're so hot Chet," Nick said.

"Agreed," said Derek.

"Well, you're a fucking machine Nick," Chet said.

Chet felt comfortable with them and he pulled them both back onto his nips savoring the feelings as they worked the tit flesh. They were different Derek flicking the nipple with his tongue over and over while Nick, knowing better what Chet could handle, chewed the nipple he was working on for all he was worth. Chet groaned another load shooting out of his cock then almost screamed when Nick grabbed it and started stroking Chet's cock, milking it.

"I need to be fucked again," Chet moaned.

Derek laughed and lay back pulling Chet into his lap. Chet reached back grabbed Derek's cock and sat on it, taking it in deep. He began to ride until he felt Nick behind him.

"Stay still for a minute baby," Nick said.

Chet stopped riding and groaned as he felt Nick squat down behind him. Then he moaned loud as Nick began to enter his ass, his cock going in along with Agent Masters.

"Ohh, fuck guys, I've never been double dicked before,"

Chet could barely stand it. But, the stimulation was getting even more intense. He felt both cocks begin to move in and out of his ass, stretching it to the max. He could feel Nick's hard body against his back and Nicks tongue in his ear and on his neck. Derek had his hands on Chet's tits twisting and pulling.

11:13 p.m.

"Wow," Chet said.

They all laughed in agreement.

"Someone opened that ass good for us," Derek said, "who did it?"

Chet laughed.

Nick slammed his cock into Chet harder.

"Tell us," Nick said.

"The Vice-President," Chet said.

Derek laughed.

"He must have a huge cock," he said.

Chet's eyes grew wide in shock.

"You have no idea," Chet said, "it's the biggest thing I've ever seen."

Suddenly, he felt Nick pull out of his ass.

"Stop it," Nick yelled.

Chet was shocked by Nick's tone of voice and he stopped riding Derek's cock in response. He felt himself get more submissive because of the tone Nick was using.

Derek guided Nick off of his cock and once he was off he went to Nick, hugging him.

"Hey, what's wrong," Derek said in a comforting voice, "this was all your idea."

"That's not it at all," Nick yelled.

"Did I do something wrong?" Chet asked.

"Why would you say that about the Vice President?" Nick shouted at him.

For Chet's part he was totally calm. The anger Nick suddenly showed made him submissive and he put his head down and answered, not getting off the bed.

"He's been raping me for the past few months," Chet said, "pounding my ass with his monster cock."

Nick began to laugh then.

"What's so funny?" Derek asked.

"Before I was kidnapped," Nick said, "the Vice-President and I used to fool around."

Derek grabbed him and pulled him close.

"I'm sorry," Derek said, "I didn't know he raped you too."

Nick pulled away from him.

"No, that's just it," Nick said, "he used to be so nice. We used to fool around and then when I came back he's been so mean to me and won't even talk to me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Chet said and then he stood up and began to get dressed.

Nick went to Chet and hugged him.

"No," Nick said, "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"Stay," Derek said.

"No," I have to get back to my man."

11:47 p.m.

Chet buttoned his pants and grabbed his shirt. He didn't bother to wipe the cum and sweat off his body. Dean was used to Chet coming home sweaty and used. He was worried Nick was mad at him and their relationship was somehow ruined.

"I just don't get why you said that Chet," Nick said.

"What are you talking about," Chet said. He was frustrated now, unable to figure his friend's attitude out.

"The Vice President's cock," Nick said, "you said it's huge."

"No," Chet said, "it's massive."

To show the point Chet held his hands out over a foot apart.

"No, it's not," Nick said, "it's like an inch long."

Chet laughed.

"I'm serious," Nick said with a more pleading voice now, "we would have fucked but his cock was smaller than my pinky finger. I used to just jerk him off. That's why he liked me because I didn't make fun of how small his cock was."

"Nick," Chet said, "it's huge and he's not a nice man at all."

"You know," Agent Masters of the Secret Service said to them both, "it's almost like you two are talking about different peop. . ."

Derek's voice stopped in mid sentence then. His face flushed and he suddenly ran for his clothes.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked as his lover got hastily dressed.

"Can't find my fucking phone," Derek said pulling his pants on.

"What's wrong?" Chet asked.

Derek ignored them both searching franticly through the clothes on the floor for his cell phone.

"Fuck, fuck fuck," he said the word over and over almost like a chant.

Chet didn't know why the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end but he took a cue from Masters and began to get dressed more frantically.

"What's happening," Nick said. He too picked up the energy coming from his lover. Both Chet and Derek ignored him dressing.

Derek yelled in victory picking up his cell phone and pressing a button on it. He did not wait but immediately spoke into the phone.

"Where is Bulldog?"

Nick recognized his father's code name. It was his old military handle when he had been in the Air Force.

"FUCK," Agent Masters said.

Nick saw he did not like the answer he had been given.

"ANSWER ME DEREK," Nick yelled.

Chet stopped right where he was, dressed except for his unbuttoned shirt. Masters continued to pull on the last of his clothes. He looked at his lover the young man who had been kidnapped and abused and was the greatest light in his life.

"Your dad's with the Vice President right now. I think he's in danger."

11:53 p.m.

Maria Benito was a house keeper at the White House. All her life she had wanted to do something important and now she had finally done that. She worked in the White House. She had talked to the President of the United States and he called her by her first name.

He had even hugged her.

She was honored to do this important job.

Her friends always asked her to talk about her job but she refused.

She could keep a secret.

For almost ten years now and through two administrations she had never spoken about what she saw at the White House.

That's about to change.

Maria Benito walked down the hall toward the room belonging to the President's son. He was such a nice boy and had been through a lot having been abducted. But, he was safe now and she was happy the President, her President, had the comfort of his son. It was such a tragedy about his wife and how she had died so suddenly just after he came to the White House.

She had been there, in the White House, the day the First Lady had collapsed. In fact, she had been the one to find her. She had blacked out in the bathroom and hit her head and bled to death. She screamed, the men in suits coming in, trying to save the lady and then realizing she was dead.

The most touching thing was that the President was more concerned about Maria rather than herself. He had sat with her while the Secret Service asked her questions and he had given her time off to make sure she was ok.

Suddenly, the door of the boy's room came flying open. She was pushed backwards and almost fell as one of the Secret Service agents came running out of the room. Strangely, his shirt was unbuttoned all the way and Maria could see his muscular smooth chest.

She blushed.

She began to step forward when a second man came flying out of the room.

Maria recognized him as Nick's friend and the man who had saved the boy. Oh, Maria was not stupid. She knew that the boy and the handsome man, who now seemed more composed than he had been, were more than friends.

The man, Chet she thought his name was, was fully dressed but his shirt was untucked.

It was then that Maria screamed.

The President's son came flying out after the two other men and he was totally naked. The boy was beautiful and muscular now his large cock bouncing in front of him.

Maria stepped back and gasped. She felt flushed.

Oh, to be young again, she thought to herself.

She had to get a hold of herself.

"Put some clothes on!" she yelled after the boy.

11:55 p.m.

"Thank you," the President of the United States said to the Vice-President as he took the glass of liquor from him.

They were in the sitting room of the President's residence and they were relaxing.

Relations had been strained between them for some time but they were certainly on the mend.

In fact, the Vice-President had brought a rare bottle of Grand Marnier, his favorite alcohol, and they were just about to share a glass and talk about some of the outstanding issues that were facing the Senate.

"To the United States of America," his friend said to him.

Together they touched their glasses.

Time to die, the fake Vice-President thought.

The President took a sip.

11:59 p.m.

In his cell Nathan Primbatu waited patiently.

He had been told that the slave he called Pex and that was otherwise known to the world as Chet Pectoral had refused see him as he had demanded.

The Americans were an arrogant bunch Nathan knew.

But the slave would come to see him.

One way or the other the slave would come to see him.

And Pex would bow down before him as the son of his one true master.

Of that he was confident.

His father had planned everything perfectly and although he did not agree with his father one bit he would obey him. After all, he was his father's son.

He was also confident this prison ell would not hold him.

They had called him an enemy combatant but they would free him.

He smiled.

"Patience," he said out loud.

There was a guard on the other side of the cell and he turned to look at Nathan.

"What did you say?" the guard asked in a threatening tone.

"I asked," Nathan said getting up and moving closer to the bars, "what time is it?"

The guard looked at his watch.

"It's just after midnight."

"Thank you," Nathan said, turning around and sitting back down on his cot.

Nathan's smile got bigger.

It was the first day of October and the President of the United States was about to die.

Next: Chapter 28: Chet Pectoral II 7

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