Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Feb 19, 2008



Sorry for the delay.

Sometimes you have to go visit your family for the holidays and you keep saying I need to write the next chapter but there's always some excuse why you're not doing it.

Sometimes you're on an Atlantis cruise and the boys are so cute the last thing you want to do is write your story.

Sometimes life and work take too much time and sometimes you just don't know what the fuck happens next in the story and have to wait for the idea to hit you. You know the beginning and the end but not every detail in the middle.

Thank you to those who keep asking where the story is.

Prepare yourself; it gets worse as we go along.

The second book of any trilogy is never good. Someone you love always dies.

Now, where was I . . .

The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book Two Chapter 5 August

Tim's plane landed on time and he pulled his small backpack out of the overhead bin. He didn't need much. One change of clothes was all he had been allowed. He wore the clothes he had been instructed to wear – a tank top, pair of loose fitting low-rise jeans, socks and black boots. No other clothes were allowed. He did not wear underwear. As ordered, the tank top was loose and showed off his smooth chest and large pecs. His pink nipples were clearly visible.

He left the airport and stood outside waiting. Soon a black pick-up truck pulled to a stop in front of him. He knew it was the right car from his orders and he opened the passenger side door, climbing into the cab.

The driver looked at him and smiled.

"Nice, boy"

"Thank you, Sir," then as he had been ordered to do immediately upon entering the cab, "My body is yours to use as you see fit, Sir."

The driver, whose name Tim still did not know pulled out of the airport and headed to the highway.

He had seen pictures of the driver but he was even more impressive in person. The driver had to be 6'4" 250 pounds and very muscular. He seemed very hairy in his black t-shirt and jeans. Tim saw hairy forearms and tufts of dark hair poked out of the top of the man's t-shirt. Tim was only 5'7" 150 but was solid ripped muscle, not large but cut and defined. Except for one thing, his pecs. He had always done chest at the gym, to the exclusion of other muscle groups and, as a result, his chest was over defined. In fact, his pecs looked like large melons on his chest and his nipples, stretched over the swollen pecflesh were large and sensitive.

The driver pulled onto the highway and then looked at Tim.

"Look in the glove box, boy."

Tim opened it and found three items inside. He looked at the driver who nodded. He pulled the first item out which was a collar and fastened it tight around his neck. It came with a lock, no key, and Tim locked it on his neck. Next, he removed the tit clamps and began to put the first one on when the driver stopped him.

"Shirt," he said.

Tim nodded and pulled it off. The driver looked over to see his wide lats and abs that were more an 8 pack than a 6 pack. He grunted approvingly.

Then Tim placed the first clamp on his right nip and moaned. He repeated the process on his left nip. The driver then reached over and grabbed the chain and pulled hard. Tim yelped as the clamps came off his chest. He felt his cock harden in his pants.

"Again, boy, and tighter."

Again Tim put the clamps on each nip this time tightening the screws on the clamps until they were almost as tight as they could go. The driver reached over for the second time and again pulled the chain hard. This time they held on his nips and Tim moaned. He was rock hard in his jeans now.

Tim pulled the last item out of the glove box. It was a medium butt plug and he moaned as he felt it. It was slick and wet with lube.


Tim slipped his boots off and then his jeans. The driver looked over and saw Tim's hard seven inch cock. He put the boots back on and then rose a bit off the seat placing the plug at his hole.

"Boy, one good thrust."

He took a deep breath and pressed the plug into his hole moaning. It was larger than he expected and it took him a bit of time to work it in but he did not stop he continued to push into his ass until the plug was locked inside him. He moaned and then settled down onto it.

"Fuuuuuck," he said.

"Boy, you better get used to it, it'll be a long night for you."

"Yes, Sir." Tim said.

They drove for a while Tim sitting there nude and hard adjusting to the clamps and the plug as the driver took him to an unknown location.

They were on the highway when the driver shocked him by lowering both windows to the cab of the pick-up. Drivers now could see in and see Tim exposed. A tractor trailer drove by and the driver honked.

"If your embarrassed you can lay down and put your head in my lap, boy."

Tim understood what the driver wanted and lay down on his stomach on the seat,. The clamps were pressed into his chest but he didn't care. He was happy not to be seen. He lay his head in the drivers lap and felt the driver's hardon. It felt huge.

He knew the driver had a 11x 6 inch cock and had seen pics of the cock the driver called "destroyer". but now that he felt it against his lips, even through the man's jeans, it was impressive and Tim had to admit, scared him.

Tim nuzzled and kissed the driver's cock. He moved his hands to unzip the driver and take his massive dick out but the driver smacked him on the head.

"No," he told Tim, "you'll only get to see it at the party."

Tim moaned and for a long time nuzzled. Every so often the driver tapped at the plug trapped in his ass, making him squirm. He could hear drivers honk every so often and knew that people could see him.

The car bounced and Tim was sure that they had now left the highway and were on side roads.

"Almost there," the driver said, "sit up."

Tim sat up, moaning as the plug shifted inside him.

The driver raised the windows and reached for Tim's clamps. He used them to pull Tim closer to his body so that they were sitting next to each other. Tim put his head on the man's strong shoulder.

"Good boy."

He must have been able to feel Tim shaking because he asked if he was nervous.

"Yes, Sir." Tim said.

"You'll do fine, boy." The driver stroked Tim's head as if he were a dog.

"Yes, Sir."

They pulled up to a set of large, iron gates.

Tim gasped as he saw the large estate. A half dozen cars were in the driveway, all guests of the party that the driver was having. He pulled the car around the back of the house and pulled it into a garage. Several workers were in the garage and they were taking trays and cooking items and packing them away into vans. Tim guessed these were the caterers who had set up the party inside.

Tim looked at the man embarrassed.

"Don't worry," the man said again pulling on the tit chain, "everyone here knows what is going on and they are very well paid to keep secrets."

Tim nodded and the driver ordered him out of the car. Of course everyone looked at him. Tim was a bit sweaty now from the embarrassment and the plug and clamps. His naked body was on display for everyone. As he walked, the plug moved inside him and the clamps bounced on his chest. His dick bobbed in front of him.

As he entered the house a butler greeted them.

"Master, good to have you home, Sir."

The butler was in a tuxedo and studied Tim carefully.

The Master grabbed Tim's tit chain and pulled him to stand in front of the butler.

"What do you think?"

The butler grabbed Tim's dick and stroked it, making him moan. Then he ran his hands over Tim's body until he got to the plug. Roughly the butler pulled it out then shoved it back in. Tim gasped as it came out and yelled as it entered him again. He was breathing harder as the butler again stood in front of him.

"He will do fine if he can last the whole night."

"My thoughts exactly," the Master said. "Get him ready."

With that, the man left leaving Tim with the butler.

"Follow," the butler said.

Tim followed him into the kitchen. Once there, the butler unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. It was nice. Eight inches in length and thick, maybe 6 inches around.

"Take the head in your mouth," the butler said.

Tim did as he was told. He had agreed to this. He had met the master online and over the course of several months had agreed to "work" this party. Essentially, it was a high class dinner party.

Of course, there was a difference.

At this dinner party Tim would be gang banged and used by all the guests. Of course, the master had agreed to compensate Tim for his "hard work" by paying him $5000. Additionally, the master paid for Tim's first class ticket.

He had also told Tim that at the end he would be auctioned off to the guests at the party and sold. He would forever disappear.

There would be eight guests at the party plus the master and now, Tim realized, his butler as well. Tim was sexually experienced. This had been a fantasy that Tim had for years and now the master was about to make that fantasy come true.

He had been told it will be the toughest night of his life and he wondered if he would be able to handle it. But, Tim had thought long and hard before doing it and had decided to take it one cock at a time.

He had the butler's dick head in his mouth and sucked on it as the butler spoke.

"Once the guests arrive you will be brought out and presented. Just follow the master's orders. You will also help me serve. At the end of dinner the master will call for his "bitch". At that point your evening of use will begin."

Tim continued to suck. The butler reached down and grabbed the tit chain pulling hard. Tim moaned.

"Do you understand?"

Tim nodded, the cock still in his mouth.

"Good," the butler said, "make me cum bitch."

Tim began to suck more eagerly slurping and pulling at the dick for all he was worth. The man moaned and Tim loved the fact that he was bringing pleasure to him.

Soon . . . Tim thought . . soon.

Eventually, Tim felt the butler's cock swell in his mouth and that was when Tim plunged down the man's cock taking it deep into his throat. The man groaned and grabbed Tim's head hard, holding him deep onto his cock and beginning to blast a load down the boy's throat. Tim swallowed, drinking the man's sperm.

It was a long while before he released Tim's head. Tim pulled back, gasping a bit and licking his lips. Not a drop of cum leaked from the boy's mouth. The man did not speak but instead zipped up his pants and walked back into the pantry to continue to prepare dinner.

Tim got himself together and moaned as he stood up the plug shifting inside him. He walked into the pantry and followed the butler who began to give him tasks to prepare dinner. As Tim worked, he heard the front doorbell and noise as guests began to arrive.

The doorbell rang several times as the eight guests entered the estate. Tim was hard now and his dick bounced and jerked as he worked. Soon, he could hear the guests talking and laughing. He had not seen any of them yet and had no idea what to expect. He also heard his new master.

"The bitch tonight is excellent," he should please everyone.

The butler reentered.

"We're almost ready, come here."

Tim walked to the butler who handed Tim a pill.

"Take it."

Tim took the pill in his hand and stared at it.

"One pill makes you smaller and another pill makes you tall and the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all." The butler said.

Tim looked at him, not knowing what to think.

"Take the pill, bitch."

This time Tim did as he was told.

"It will keep you hard and horny."

The butler took the tit chain in his hand. Tim moaned. They had been on him so long his tits were numb. But as the butler took the chain he felt waves of pain and began to moan.

"It's time," the butler said, "follow me."

With that the butler pulled Tim by his tit chain into the dining room. As he entered he saw ten people at the table. Again, not the number he thought there would be. Tim was walked to the Master who took the tit chain from the butler.

"This is our bitch Tim," he told his guests.

As he talked the Master pulled the tit chain. Tim felt his cock bounce and leak and he moaned loud. The guests must have liked how he reacted because they smiled and stared at him. The Master reached behind Tim and tapped on the butt plug making him jump.

"Tim, serve us dinner." Tim left the table and went with the butler and together they served the first 3 courses. I would tell you what the courses consisted of but really who cares. Let's just say the food was very good and consisted of a salad, appetizer and a main course of chicken.

After they had cleared away the dinner dishes the Master ordered Tim to stay. By this time Tim was going nuts. The clamps and plug had done their work and softened Tim up, made him obedient and needy. The pill made him horny, hard and ready.

The Master rubbed Tim's back.

"He's purring like a kitten," the Master told his friends. Then he looked across the table. A man sat there, very handsome, Arab features. But somehow, the man didn't belong.

"Shall we begin already," the man on the other side of the table said.

"Ever the impatient one Nathan," Master said then turned to address Tim.

"From now on you will be called "dog". Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good dog."

Nathan jerked a leash and a large muscular man came out from under the table. It was amazing that Tim had never noticed him before. The man was incredibly muscular and handsome but it was his dick that made Tim groan. It had to be over 13 inches long and 7 around. He had never seen anything like it. The man looked very powerful to Tim, his cock more weapon than toy.

"Dog," Nathan said to him, "my slave's name is Apollo. I can see you understand why he needs a slave to fuck."

Nathan's slave moaned and his cock jumped and bounced. The slave's nipples formed pointed cones on his chest. Under any other circumstances Tim would have loved to have sex with the slave. But, now, here, he knew it would be brutal and merciless.

"Yes, Sir," Tim said.

Then Nathan pointed to Tim.

The Master grabbed Tim's tit chain to get his attention.

"Dog," he said, "just accept what's about to happen."

"Yes, Sir"


With that the large man lunged at Tim. Instinctively, he took a few steps back trying to put distance between them but before he knew it the man was on top of him. He was pushed forward onto the table and turned so he faced all of the guests. He felt the man's strong hands push him forward, bending him over. Then he felt the plug get ripped from his ass. He yelled and then yelled again as the man pushed his huge cock into Tim's defenseless ass.

Tim had a trained ass but nothing could have prepared him for the size of this cock.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Tim yelled as he felt the head enter him. The head was not the largest part of his dick and as the slave pushed into his ass he felt the cock get thicker.

Tim wanted to plead for mercy but he tried to remain tough.

Remember your training, he thought to himself.

The blond man's slave continued driving his cock into Tim's defenseless ass. He almost laughed because as this was happening the butler approached and began serving desert to the guests.

Tim marveled at how long the slave's cock was. It kept coming and coming and it never stopped. Tim relaxed and willed himself to open his ass. Finally, the slave gave one huge thrust and the hung slave was in him.

He had not even spoken to the other slave yet.

Tim's eyes rolled. He waited for the man to fuck him but that was not what happened. Instead the slave pulled Tim back and together they began to get on the floor. Soon, Tim was on all fours and the slave pulled his cock all the way out of Tim's ass and then slammed it back in.

Tim yelled.

He heard another voice. The young man was handsome and spoke to Nathan.

"Show them what you can do Nathan."

With that Nathan unzipped his pants.

Tim looked up for a second and in that second forgot all about the massive cock in his ass. He forgot because there was another cock, on Nathan, that was even bigger. It was a monster. The cock was thinner than his slaves but fifteen inches long. He had never seen anything like it. He opened his mouth to yell but the cock was shoved into his mouth.

Slowly, slowly both master and his slave worked their cocks into Tim's open holes. He heard Nathan speak at one point.

"Fucking slave has about two feet of cock in him."

A cheer went up from the remaining guests.

Tim eyes rolled. This was the most amazing, most fantastic, most horrific fuck he had ever had. He loved it and at the same time he felt the two men ripping him apart.

He could loose himself in this pounding, loose himself forever, never to return.

But, he focused.

Think of your training.

He formed his left hand into a fist and using his nail on his ring finger, drove it into the flesh just under his thumb on the inside of his hand. Tim felt the sting as he broke the skin and there, buried inside the flesh of his hand was a microchip. He pushed hard breaking it. He could feel it shatter from the slight pressure. Tim knew there would be blood but did not care, the call had gone out.

They would think the blood was from his ass and it would make them happy.

But inside, he knew they were coming.

Tim heard the slave moan.

"Master," the slave said to Nathan, "can it cum?"

"With me," Nathan said, "cum with me."

Together they continued for what seemed like hours. Each cock driving into him. He took the slave's cock all the way but could not get about 5 inches of Nathan's cock down his throat.

Finally, he heard Nathan say, "fill it up."

With that, both master and slave came inside Tim. They flooded him drenching his insides with cum. He gagged on the cum, swallowing as fast and as hard as he could but there was so much cum it actually came out of his nose.

Just as they finished he heard Nathan say, "relieve yourself" and he and his slave began to piss into Tim. Again more fluid filled him. Tim's stomach rolled as if he were getting an enema. They fucked him for a few minutes more until he felt his riders pull out, finally.

Tim stayed in place. He put his palm on the floor in order to hide as much of the blood as possible. But there was shockingly little there.

"Impressive," Tim's master said.

He felt the man get behind him and fell at his hole.

"Go empty yourself and when you return come sit on my cock,"

Tim went to the bathroom and emptied himself. He took the time to clean the small cut on his hand. Tim looked around the bathroom. There was a long tube with a dildo like attachment which Tim used to douche himself and then entered the dining room freshly clean.

Tick tock, Tim thought, they are coming.

As Tim entered the dining room he noticed that the slave who fucked him was now servicing several of the dinner guests. He had two cocks in his ass and one in his mouth. A fourth guest was sucking on the slave's monster cock.

Tim walked to his new master. He was currently sitting on the couch speaking to two other men. Tim saw his master's cock was out and hard and ready. It too was huge but the other two cocks he had taken were bigger. He looked at all the cocks. Tim was amazed that they all were over ten inches.

Tim's ass was fully stretched and he walked over to the master and simply sat down, taking the nicely shaped cock into his already wet ass.

His master moaned and grabbed Tim's tit chain.

Tim yelped and started to ride.

"Did you enjoy being spit roasted by all that cock, boy?"

"Oh, yes Master," Tim said.

"We're all large, boy." The master said, "can you tell that?"

"Ohhhhhhhh," Tim moaned as he rode, "yes, master."

"We call ourselves the Hung Club."

Tim simply moaned and continued to ride. His master's cock moved in and out of his ass as he rode until his master grabbed Tim and pulled him forward onto his chest, hugging him. A second man got behind Tim and he felt a second cock push from behind him into his ass. He knew the cock was over ten inches.

He was being double dicked.

"Yell if you need to, boy," the master said.

Tim screamed as he felt his ass stretch to its limit.

"I can't do it," Tim said.

And still the second cock pushed into his ass.

"Even a fist will seem small after this," master said.

The second cock continued into him

Tim lost focus and he thought he had passed out. Everything went dark. But it was not him passing out.

It was the power which had suddenly gone out. Tim froze and he felt the tension in the room grow.

He smiled to himself.


"What's happening, Joseph?" the oldest man in the group, about 60 said to the host.

Tim felt the second cock move out of his ass and the master pulled Tim off his cock and put him on the couch in one motion.

"Check," Joseph said to his butler. Tim looked up to see Nathan's slave continue to service the guys using him. But Nathan, himself, looked nervous.

Good, Tim thought to himself. His holes ached and he scanned to room looking around and making sure he knew his escape routes. He heard explosions and then saw the glass in the house shatter and the house began to fill with smoke.

"Come out with your hands up," he heard a voice say.

Men came in wearing bullet proof vests and masks. One by one they began to take the men out. Tim tried not to laugh. He saw a woman enter the house and she looked around and saw Tim.

She moved quickly to his side.

She carried a blanket which she wrapped around him.

"You ok," she asked.

"I don't know," Tim said.

"Can you walk?"

Tim nodded. He slowly stood. The woman handed him a pair of flip flops which he put on his feet.

She nodded to one of the masked agents.

"This is Agent Wise," she said, pointing at Tim, "take him to my car and give him anything he needs."

Tim looked up and saw that Apollo heard this. Tim smiled at Apollo.

Tim was escorted to the car and sat in the back seat getting himself together. An agent brought him jeans and a t-shirt which he put on. The t-shirt had one word on it.


Joseph, the master who "hired" Tim was taken away in a squad car, as was the butler who worked for him. All the other guests were basically released. Only two people remained and they were Apollo and his slave. One of the agents walked up to Tim.

"Sir," the agent said pointing to Nathan as he addressed Tim, "he'd like a word with you."

Tim walked up to Nathan still amazed at how handsome the man was. He had been fully briefed and knew who the man was. He was the son of one of the most feared terrorists in the world, Primbatu.

Tim was confident as he walked up to the man but his ass and tits throbbed. His dick still leaked in his pants and he knew that he needed relief soon.

"What can I do for you," Tim said to Nathan.

For a moment Nathan smiled, looking Tim up and down.

"You did good for a twink," Nathan said.

Tim bowed to him slightly, waiting for the applause.

"I am Nathan Primbatu, I am here not because of your plans but because my father wishes it. I have a message for the government of the United States of America."

Tim smiled, this should be good.

After several minutes of Nathan not saying anything, Tim again addressed him.

"I'm waiting."

"No," Nathan said, "bring me Chet Pectoral. My message is for him."

"You can tell me," Tim said.

Nathan folded his arms in defiance.

"Bring me the slave Chet Pectoral. Tell him his one true master demands he attend to me."

With that Nathan turned and walked away. He got into the squad car which in turn sped off, taking him to a holding facility.

Tim shook his head but went to Nathan's slave.

The slave was sitting in the back of an ambulance he had tears in his eyes and he looked tired.

Tim touched the slave and the slave shivered.

"What's your name?"

"I do not have one. I was only recently given the name Apollo."

"Well," Tim said, "we're going to have you checked out, we'll have a long talk and then we'll figure out what to do with you."

Tim rubbed the handsome slave's shoulder.

The slave grabbed Tim's hand.

"Just stay with me, ok?" the slave said looking up at Tim his eyes pleading, "don't leave me."

"Fine," Tim said, "I'll stick by you the whole time."

The slave got up and hugged Tim tightly. Tim could feel that the slave's cock was still hard. He felt something for the man and he would make sure he was ok.

As Apollo hugged Tim he smiled.

Perfect, he thought, just as his masters wanted.

To be continued. . .

Next: Chapter 27: Chet Pectoral II 6

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