Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Oct 24, 2007


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book II Chapter 4 July

Chet walked down the hall to the dorm area. He was still in Control and it was the second month of his training. It has been the most intense and rewarding thing he had ever done. The schedule was brutal. He stayed at Control every day except Sunday, which was the only day he was able to go home and spend with Dean.

For the most part Dean was very understanding. He complained about Chet not being home more but there was plenty to occupy him with football season rapidly approaching.

It has helped their relationship too.

The time apart made them want to be together even more. They would make love and talk and it was strange, but, Dean was now more important since he saw him less. Maybe it was because their time together now was precious and something not to be wasted.

Dean had even commented that Chet seemed more confident now. That the time at work had made sure he did not dwell on what Primbatu had done to him. He had a purpose. Something to live for.

Of course, Chet could tell him little about his training or about the job. Only, that it was rewarding and hard and he would eventually leave for periods of time to go on missions.

Missions that could be dangerous.

"I don't want you hurt," Dean had said one night when they were naked in bed.

"It's ok," Chet said, "I'm going to be fine."

So far, that was a true statement.

Training had been hard.

Of all the days BREAKDOWN/HAMCET was the hardest. For the rest of the group he thought that the gang bang night was hard, especially if you were chosen to be the bottom. But, with all the guys in class, each man had only one night as the bottom for the gang bang. It proved to be quite easy for Chet since his day as bottom was the first day of their classes.

But, the one thing that troubled Chet was that he was the only person in class not allowed to top. He asked about it once but did not get an answer. Instead, the others topped and Chet either got his dick sucked or worked another part of the bottom's body. It was often Chet who sucked the bottom off and took the bottom's load in his mouth.

Breakdown, on the other hand, was a 24 hour torture session each one individually tailored for the man in order to be more and more difficult. Some days there were all tortured together and they had inventive ways of using them and making them think at the same time.

The first session had been a group torture. When they entered class naked, as always, they had seen a series of pulley hanging from the ceiling. Keys lay on the floor and as they entered Chet saw several men. He each student stood in one of the circles that had been drawn on the floor. Above him hung tit clamps and cuffs and small rubber circles that were all tied into the pulley system.

One of the men standing there approached Chet and began to attach him to the pulley system. First, a pair of tit clamps, each on a separate pulley, was attached to his engorged tits. When the first one went one Chet gasped. But, when the second one went on not only did he gasp but the Arab student made a loud grunting sound. He looked and saw that as he moved the other end of the pulley had been attached to the Arab's balls. There was not enough slack in the cord to make both Chet and the other man comfortable. If Chet did not stand on his toes the Arab's balls pulled upward sharply. If the Arab's balls were comfortable and able to hang low, Chet's tits yanked hard.

He heard other moans throughout the room as he found that each pulley was attached on one end to one man and on the other end to the other man. When they were done, the men formed and intricate spider's web of cables and pulleys. The only way to be comfortable was to cause the other men pain. Chet felt constant yanks on his balls, tits, arms and legs as the men shifted and moved. He began to sweat and the floor got slippery under him, making standing even harder.

"The object of the exercise," Mont said, "is to free yourself. Here are the rules. The keys on the floor open the wrist and ankle cuffs. You have to find the right key, unlock the correct cuff and continue. Once you have removed everyone's wrist and ankle cuffs, you can then remove someone else's tit clamps and ball harness."

He walked to the end of the room and flicked a switch.

Suddenly the sprinkler heads above them began to spurt water. The ropes on the pulley system tightened and all of the pulley's began to get shorter.

"FUUUUUCCCKKK," he heard Clark moan.

"GO!" Mont said.

All at once everyone went for the key's on the floor. Yells and moans filled the room.

"Wait!" the military man said to them all.

Water soaked Chet and the floor became slippery and he began to feel the pain increase in his tits and balls.

"We have to do this one at a time."

As the rest stood still the military man moved toward the floor. Chet felt his balls yank hard but did not yell. He rose on his toes as best he could. The man reached the key. Chet saw him stay down and try the key on both his ankles, it did not work. Then he tried the wrist cuffs, again nothing. He moved toward the black man and carefully handed him the key.

"Wrists first," the military guy told him.

Again the locks did not open. The key was passed to Clark and on the first try he was able to open the lock on his left wrist. He heard the Arab guy moan as the slack went away on his right tit. This went on and on as they released each of the locks one at a time. Actually, the exercise got easier as each man was able to move better as the locks were removed one by one. Finally, they were free and the sprinklers in the room went off.

Chet remembered how proud he had been and how he had learned that the military man in the class had been such a good leader.

Chet's private torture session had been much harder. When he walked in the room he wanted to turn around and leave. It had been set up to cause the most mental strain possible. It was an exact replica of Primbatu's sex room. He knew that Clark had given them the details. It was the same room he was used by Clark and Bruce the night he escaped and so many people died.

In the center of the room they had set up the torture devise that would work Chet. There was a young boy there. Chet looked at him and guessed he had to be 19 at the most. He was dressed in very tight, low rise jeans and a white tank top. On the tank top was a symbol. It was a circle within a circle. At the top of, but inside, the inner circle were two smaller circles and below them was an arrow pointing downward. It looked to Chet like two nipples and a cock.

"Here you will be called Pex," the boy said to him

Again, they knew his history and were using the name Primbatu had given him.

The boy turned away and Chet followed. He tried to use his training and not give in to his slave name. I'm Chet, he told himself. I am not a slave.

The boy motioned to a rod in the center of the devise. At the end of the rod was a 15" long dildo. Chet had never seen one that big.

"Impale yourself," the boy said.

Chet spread his legs and grabbed the dildo.

No lube, he noticed.

He had taken some time to lube his ass a bit as a precaution and guided the head into his ass. He did not moan. The boy went to a control panel and turned a knob. The dildo began to rise and move into Chet's ass.

Four inches.

Five inches.

The boy stopped it.

"Good enough," the boy said almost to himself.

A collar was placed around Chet's neck and his wrists were cuffed behind him to the collar. His legs were spread wide and cuffed to eye bolts in the floor. The boy next put a long metal rod down the center of Chet's always hard cock. Then he put a metal tube over his cock. Each of Chet's balls were pulled and separately put in a metal parachute that had to be tightened carefully by the boy.

The boy went to the control panel and moved another knob. Two long metal rods came from the floor. Each one had a round brush at the end. Each brush was positioned over one of Chet's tits. The boy then put sensors on Chet's chest and forehead, obviously intended to monitor his vital functions.

Finally, the boy put a set of goggles on Chet. In front of his vision appeared a screen, as if he were in a movie theater.

On the screen was Primbatu.

He was laughing.

Laughing at Chet.

Suddenly Chet felt the machine begin. It moved in his ass up and down, giving him more and more of the huge dildo each time. Then the dildo began to twist inside him. Then it began to send a electric charge into him. The brushes at his tits turned and moved and twisted. Those too began to send electric charges in his tits, first one tit then the other. Electric current also flowed into his cock and down the center of his cock. At some points the tube on his cock milked him. His balls were pulled and shocked.

Primbatu laughed.

"This can stop," Primbatu said to Chet, "all you have to do is tell me your name."

"Chet," he said to Primbatu, almost yelling it.

Primbatu laughed.

The machine increased.

He started to cum but found he could not shoot it. Somehow he was cumming but not cumming.

Chet moaned loud.

"Tell me your real name," Primbatu said.


Again the machine picked up pace.

The brushes at his tits went away and he felt two needles enter the center of his tit nub.

No, no, no. Chet couldn't believe it. This can't be happening.

"Just say your name," Primbatu said.


Again the machine increased. In his ass he felt the dildo stretch him deep inside. Some place he had never felt anything before.

How many inches was this ^Ö thirteen? Maybe all fifteen inches was in him.

The needles were removed from his tits causing him to yell. Then he felt a pair of clamps as if they were on an electric spring. Clamp, off, clamp, off, clamp, off.

Again he tried to cum but he could not. He felt the machine actually yank his balls down, keeping them from rising and allowing him to cum.

Sweat dripped off him.

He felt time pass. How long was it? Hours upon hours it seemed.

"What is your name, bitch?"

They had injected something in him. He felt light headed. He couldn't believe it. They were repeating what Primbatu did to him. No, it was worse. These people were supposed to protect him and be his friends.

Chet felt tears in his eyes.

Finally, he said it.

"Pex," Chet said, "my name is Pex."

And he began to shake.

The machine suddenly stopped and he felt his goggles get removed.

The boy was gone and Mont was there. With amazing tenderness Mont took his fingers and wiped the tears out of Chet's eyes. He removed the cuffs, the collar and helped Chet off the dildo.

"Be tough, boy," he said, "this exercise is individually designed to break each of you. It takes your fears and makes them real."

"Room off," Mont said.

Suddenly the whole room, machine and all changed. It was no longer Primbatu's sex room and the machine was no longer there. It was just a large, metal room. Some of the room had been real like the metal poles that held the tit devise and the dildo. But some of it was not real. Like a mirage. The room seemed to be a combination of real and fake.

Chet's legs buckled and he almost fell on the floor but Mont caught him.

"Hologram And Mind Control Experimental Technology or HAMCET for short."

Chet's eyes widened.

"We have that technology?"

"Of course not," Mont said, "it's on loan from the aliens."

Of course, Chet thought, Mont had to be fucking with him.

Mont could see Chet start to question him.

Mont raised his eyebrows.

"You so don't have the clearance to ask that question," Mont said.

Chet supposed that everything could have been fake, the room, the boy, of course Primbatu, but not that machine. That was not fake. The pain he felt was not fake.

"Everyone breaks the first time," Mont said.

"How long did I last?"

Mont looked at his watch.

"Thirty-seven minutes."

Chet gasped.

"That's all?"

"Don't be embarrassed. Your friend only lasted fourteen minutes and all they did was fuck him."

Mont led Chet out of the HAMCET room and into an office across the hall. It was a waiting room of some kind and against the far wall was a door and next to the door several hooks that white coats hung from.

"Put the coat on and go into the doctor's office," Mont said.

The coat buttoned in the front but was open at the chest. As usual Chet's hairy pecs hung in front of him. His nipples hard and ready for use. His dick poked forward forming a tent out of the coat.

He walked into the room and saw two chairs, both were black leather and looked very comfortable.

A man sat in one of the chairs. He was beautiful and fully dressed in a well fitting suit. He had short hair that was salt and pepper colored. The look suited the man's chiseled features. The muscles of his body filled out the suit, threatening to make it rip open if the man flexed his muscles. He looked up, saw Chet and gestured to the other chair. Chet sat in the chair.

"Hello, Mr. Pectoral," the man said.

Chet nodded.

"My name is Mr. Richards. I am the therapist here. It is my job to spend time with you and help you through this process. It is also my job to make sure you can handle the stress of the job. We will meet several times a week."

Chet did not want to do this. He did not want to analyze his feelings or share with anyone. It must have been obvious to him that Chet was uncomfortable.

"It's ok Mr. Pectoral. I'm confident you'll feel comfortable talking to me. As a matter of fact I specially requested you as my client."

"Why?" Chet asked.

Richards shocked Chet by standing up, dropping his pants and revealing a huge, hard cock. It jumped and leaked before Chet's mouth and Chet could not help himself he leaned forward and deep throated the cock sucking it hard. He heard Richards moan and the man thrust his hips forward making Chet take more. In less than a minute the man unloaded a huge load down Chet's throat.

Chet struggled to take the whole load. The cum was salty and sweet.

"You didn't have to do that," Richards said.

Chet just smiled and licked his lips.

"That's not why I showed you my cock."

Chet looked again at the man. His dick was still hard and it continued to jump and leak in front of his face. Chet resisted the urge to suck it off again.

Suddenly, Chet figured out why the doctor was showing his cock.


The man nodded.

"I used to be a slave of Primbatu. Luckily I was bought at auction by a wonderful man who lived in DC and worked for the government. Now, I'm lucky enough to be a therapist and use everything I know to work for the government helping men like you."

With that said Richards buttoned his pants and sat back down.

"Now," Richards said, "let's talk about Dewan Primbatu."

Primbatu's cock throbbed and swelled inside the tight ass.

He plowed the slave mercilessly.

They were in a limo and outside, the ancient city went by in a blur.

It would be the last time.

The slave cried. But the slave did not cry because of pain. It cried because after today the slave would not be with his true master ever again.

Primbatu felt the slave's ass tighten hard. He smiled. The slave was good at this, good at servicing a master.

He felt his balls tighten and soon after Primbatu blasted a large load in the slaves ass. He got down then using his own mouth to clean the slave out. When he was done Primbatu took a towel and dried himself off and then the slave.

"Dress," Primbatu said.

The slave put on jeans and a tank top and sat down across from Primbatu. Primbatu looked at the man seated next to the slave.

"Father," Nathan said, "please do not do this. Do not risk everything for one lowly slave."

Primbatu said nothing.

Nathan reached over and began to fondle the slave.

"Look at Apollo here," Nathan said, "he's perfect. There is no need to go hunt down a slave that has already cost this family so much."

Primbatu looked at his son as he felt the car slow.

They had reached the airport.

"There is a perfect reason my beloved son. Revenge."

Nathan opened his mouth to say something but stopped. He had seen this look on his father before.


He knew his father would not change his mind.

"This family has been torn apart." Primbatu said, "I have put into motion a plan that will not only give us our revenge but bring the United States to its knees."

Primbatu opened the door of the limo and got out.

He waited and soon his son and his most prized slave joined him. He grabbed his slave by the nipples to get his full attention.

"Go with my son and do what has been asked of you."

"I will not fail you Master," Apollo said, tears in his eyes.

Primbatu kissed the slave on the lips then turned to his son. He hugged his son and kissed his son.

"I know I ask a lot of you my son," he said still holding the young man.

"Father," Nathan said, "I want revenge too. My brother died after all."

"Then you shall have your revenge."

They hugged again and for a long time. Primbatu knew that if things went bad his son would be killed along with Apollo. He would then have lost three children. But, he knew he was going to triumph. He had prayed and knew that he would not be abandoned on this, the most holy of all missions.

His son and his most prized slave boarded the plane. They would begin their journey to the United States.

His master plan had begun.

Chet showered.

He had finished his meeting with the psychologist and now was both mentally and physically exhausted. The last time he had slept was probably 30 hours ago and he could barely keep his eyes open. All he wanted was to wash the day off in the shower and go to bed. He was thankful for the beds in the training complex.

His time with the doctor had actually been helpful. He did not want to share at first but the doctor had been through much of what Chet had and it was easy to talk to him. Chet learned a lot about himself and the doctor wanted to make sure he accepted himself before he moved forward.

"You have to love yourself Chet and you cannot put your worth in any other person."

"That's hard," he had said to the doctor.

"I know. But you can't do your job until you love yourself. If I let you into the field without dealing with your issues it will allow people to brainwash you and take you over again."

And finally, Chet admitted it.

"I'm nothing now. I'm just an animal."

The doctor stood up and hugged him.

"You're a person. A person who has been through a lot but that does not define you."

Chet looked up at him.

"Yes, it does."

They had talked for a little while longer before the doctor told him to go to bed. They would have plenty of time to talk more over the next five months.

The water flowed over his amazing body. As he soaped his chest, his hands brushed his nipples and in response his dick jerked and leaked precum.

He smiled. Even at his most tired and used his dick was still hard.

Chet bent over and soaped his hole. He took the small hose and gave himself a quick enema. He had a need to always be clean and ready.

He turned the shower off, dried his body and stepped nude into the sleeping quarters.

He was alone but did not question where the rest of the students were.

His bed called and he lay on top of the covers not even bothering to get under the covers.

Chet fell asleep quickly and he dreamed of many things, his lover, Primbatu, being gang banged. It was normal for him to cum at least twice as he slept.

He dreamed often of being fucked, of huge, massive cocks being shoved into him. He knew that he needed it, craved it. He wanted as much cock as possible and he wanted to be savagely raped. In his dreams, he knew he was an animal.

A sex animal.

The dream of the cock would not leave him. It was large. No, it was massive and it rammed into him the brutal power. He yelled as he was entered. The cock stretched his ass to its limits but there was no way he could stop the assault.

The cock went deeper and deeper and just when Chet thought the cock could not go in him any more it seemed to keep coming.

How big was this cock?

He dreamed of the never ending cock and it stretched him inside in places he had never felt. It was so big Chet felt his stomach begin to poke forward and as he moved his hands to his stomach he felt the cock poke and move.

He moaned.

The cock was so big. The dream was becoming a nightmare. And he tried to pull off the cock but hands grabbed him and held him in place. The hands were strong and in his dream Chet was weak and helpless. He was submissive to the monster cock.

Chet reached out and tried to push the man off him but the man held him in place.

"Stay still whore."

Chet moaned and as he heard the sound he realized he was not asleep at all. It was dark but he could see around the room and he could see the figure above him, a large man who had the most monster cock imaginable.

It was not a dream.

He was being raped.

"Get off me!"

Chet thought about it.

Was this part of the training?

Who was this fucking him?

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh," Chet moaned, "how big is it?"

The man laughed.

"Does it hurt?"


"Does it feel good?"


"You need this don't you, bitch?'


"I own you now."

"Yes, Sir."

Chet felt himself give in again. In a matter of minutes he had been broken and was now owned again, property. It has been so easy. Chet realized he could not do this job. He could not overcome what had been done to him.

The man grabbed Chet's tits and instantly Chet came, his ass clamping down on the man's cock. The man moaned and Chet felt his body shake knowing the man was coming in him. It was deeper in him than any time before. He actually felt the man cum in him, that's how deep the cock was in him.

The man was spent and breathing heavy and leaned down to kiss Chet. Chet saw his face.

It was the vice-president of the United States.


The man pulled out of Chet with a long moan. The vice-president stood and Chet again looked at the cock. It was massive. He couldn't believe it.

"Sir, how big is it?"

Chet watched him pull up his pants and button his shirt. The man had a good body. Not muscled and defined but more like a line backer.

"Fifteen inches."

Chet drooled.

"When I call for you bitch," the vice-president said, "you will report to me and be used and fucked."

"Yes, Sir." Chet said.

The second most powerful man in the Universe walked out of the room leaving Chet in shock. He was owned again. He had given himself to this man and could not go back.

Nick lay back finally, exhausted.

"You might have actually worn me out," Nick said.

"It's been four hours."

"Give me five minutes and I can go again."

"Your body is amazing. You've really filled out. Can't stop using your nips," the man said his hand stroking Nick's chest.

"You can thank Primbatu for it," Nick said.

"Fuck him. If I had my way I'd kill him."

Nick laughed.

"My hero."

"I better be. I missed you so much."

"Me too," Nick said, "I love you Derek."

"I love you too," and Agent Derek Masters leaned in to kiss Nick.

They kissed for several minutes before Masters broke the kiss.

"You had me worried," Masters told Nick, kissing his chest.


"I thought you were with Chet now."

"No, I love him and we've been through alot," Nick admitted, "but he has a lover."

Masters straddled Nick and lowered himself down on Nick's hardon. Like Chet, it never went down.

They both moaned and Derek began to ride.

Nick smiled.

"Can I ask you a question Derek?"

"Of course," he moaned still riding the boy's cock.

"Can we have a three way with Chet?"

Derek laughed

"Fuck yes," he said and continued to ride.

The private plane landed at a small airstrip outside of Virginia.

It was the last day of July and as the plane landed the man in the limo waited for the two passengers to deplane. Apollo and Nathan quickly got off the plane and sat in the limo which pulled away heading into the night.

"Blow me Apollo," Nathan said.

Apollo quickly did as he was ordered taking Nathan's hefty dick out and stuffing it in his mouth. It made him so happy to service cock.

"We'll head directly to the party."

The driver nodded and the car sped to the estate.

"I hate this country," Nathan said.

But he would do as his father ordered. He would go to the party and set the chain of events into motion. His father would have his revenge.

He moaned as his dick was expertly sucked.

The slave was good.

He tried to be happy but missed his brother so much. Nothing seemed to matter. His brother and sister were both dead and he did not see the point of risking everything else for one slave.

Why was Chet Pectoral so important to his father?

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 26: Chet Pectoral II 5

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