Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Aug 18, 2006


When my son turned fifteen, I decided to make him my slave. It is not something one does overnight. You do not wave a wand and declare him a slave. It is something you prepare for and work at and plan step by step.

My son was average looking at the time and I decided to start by simply taking him to the gym. For the next six months we worked out together and as his body began to develop. I bought clothes for him which grew more and more revealing.

I needed my son to be more and more comfortable with his body and I bought him mirrors for him to use to pose in front of. I next had him reveal his body to me and I touched it running my hands over his smooth, young chest. He had a beautiful body and I resisted the urge to use it hard. There would be time for that later. I told him he would need to pose daily in front of me.

Patience is a virtue and I was prepared to wait till my son was properly obedient.

I bought steroids for my son and when he was half way to sixteen I started him on the shots and pills. His body began to fill out. I concentrated on his pecs making them large and bloated. His shoulders widened and I gave him a bubble butt and large thighs.

When I asked my son one day how he was feeling he said "great" and I began to notice him feel his body constantly. I would see him out of the corner of my eye posing and flexing. But I also noticed his sex drive increase. Although this was good, I did not want him having sex with anyone else.

When my son turned sixteen and opened his birthday present it was a plastic cock cage. He looked at me not knowing what the gift was. I had him stand up.

"Take your cock out son."


"Just do it for me."

My son, having been molded for the past year by me, was more obedient now.

I grabbed my son's cock for the first time and I heard him gasp. My son had no control and I felt his cock begin to harden in my hand. It took all of my control not to begin to suck my son off but I resisted the urge. I slipped his cock into the plastic cage and placed the lock ensuring his dick could not get hard. He grabbed at his cock which was now securely locked up.

"Dad," he said, his eyes pleading, "why are you doing this to me?"

"If you stroke your cock and cum it will hold back your working out."

I directed him to put his clothes back on and for the next week I refused to even consider the possibility of him stroking his cock or allowing it to harden.

But, I knew there was a problem. My son had to attend school and he would be unable to reveal his cock to anyone in the bathroom or especially the locker room.

This is where Tom came in. Tom was my best friend. He was also the high school gym teacher.

I asked him to help in my son's training and he agreed but there were two conditions. First, I had to promise that Tom and not I would be the first one to use my son. Second, I had to agree to do the same for him when his son turned sixteen. Of course I agreed and just after my son's cock had been caged for a week he told me he called my son into his office.

"Strip down," he told my son.

He said that my son protested at first, refusing to take his clothes off. He grabbed my son by the cock.

"What the fuck is that boy," he said, my son's face turning red now.

"My dad made me," my son told him.

"Show me."

Embarrassed, my boy stripped for the coach, showing him his muscular body and caged cock. He grabbed my boy's cock.

"Nice," he said, running his hands over my boy's body and stopping at his nipples. He twisted them slowly, making my son gasp. My son's cock hardened in its cock cage from being touched by another man and he moaned loud as he began to experience the pain of the cage preventing him from getting fully hard.

"Do you want me to let you cum?" coach asked.

"Please," my son moaned. "Let me cum."

Tom continued touching my son. It was important to get him used to being touched by another man. Finally, he slid his hands to my son's ass, rubbing his hole. I got hard as Tom told me how my son gasped and pulled away from him. When he did, coach roughly pulled him backwards and when he did Tom's finger entered my son's ass.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck," my son moaned.

"It's ok," Tom told him.

With his other hand coach reached into his pocket and handed my son one of the two keys to his cock cage. Of course, I had the other key in my possession.

"Unlock your cock, boy." My friend said.

My son unlocked the cage and finally released his dick. He yanked on his already hard cock. He moaned but Tom pushed his hand away.

"There's only one way you get to cum son," he said, fingering my boy's ass. He said that by that time my son had begun to ride his finger moving slowly back and forth.

"What do I have to do?" my son asked already knowing the answer.

"Put my cock in your ass."

He saw my boy slump forward; obviously struggling with a decision he had no control over. My son did not answer he simply bent over the coach's desk and spread his legs.

Coach got behind him, mounting him. He spit several times on his cock, lubing it and put the head at my son's ass. He pushed forward and the head of his cock penetrated my son's ass.

I wish I could have seen it but my boy was not ready for both of us yet.

My son waited for coach to drive his cock deeper into his ass but it never happened.

"Cum," Coach said.

My son tried to say something and then moved back instinctively trying to take more of his cock.

Coach stopped him.

"No," coach said holding my son in place.

My son stroked several more times and then began to shoot all over the coach's desk, moaning and bucking. The cum covered the desk and when my son removed his hand Coach reached forward, grabbing his already throbbing cock.

He continued to stroke my son and milk his cock, my son bucking and yelling like a bronco. Coach told me that he needed a lot of strength to fight my son off. My son was strong and almost was able to push his hand away.

It continued on like that for several minutes until my son relaxed and allow my best bud to milk him until he felt another load course through his body. My son yelled, blasting another load, coach continuing to drain him.

"OHHH god Coach, don't, please fuuuuuuck." But still he continued to milk my son. When he was done my bud released my son's cock and my son slumped onto the desk.

Coach put his own cock away and zipped up his pants. My bud said it took everything he had not to drill my son into oblivion.

"Get out," he told my son, "and when you see your dad. Suck his cock."

My son gasped at the statement. He was dressing his red cock getting tucked back into his pants this time without the cock cage.

"Boy," Coach said, "you have a choice. You can suck your dad or you can go back into the cock cage for a month."

To emphasize his point Coach grabbed the cock cage and approached my son.

"No," my son pleased.

Coach grabbed my still shirtless son and began to kiss his neck, nuzzling him, making him feel horny.

"You can do it, boy."

He told me that my son did not say anything but left without the cock cage.

When my son came home I was waiting for him, naked.

I saw my son's eyes widen. I already knew what the coach had done to my son, having just hung up with him on the phone.

My son looked at me not talking. I made my hard cock jump.

We did not speak and my son blushed. It was a battle of wills, neither of us saying anything. But, finally I won and my son approached, got on his knees and gently took my cock in my mouth.

I knew what was best.

I always know best and I grabbed my son by his head and pulled him savagely onto my cock beginning to face fuck him hard. He began to fight me and gag but I continued to pump him for several minutes. I felt his teeth and slapped him hard and again shoved into his mouth so he would learn to use his lips and not his teeth. Again I pummeled his face leaking my precum into his mouth and opening up his throat.

I allowed him to back off my cock for a minute and I saw him gag and catch his breath.

"Suck," I said.

My son took my cock in his mouth and I repeated the process. When I finished assaulting his mouth again I ordered him onto all fours. I could see tears in his eyes but I didn't care it was important to fully break him so that there would be no going back. I had to ensure that when the evening was over my son was my slave.

He got onto all fours and I got behind him mounting him. My cock was at his hole.

"I want you to take my cock son."

I felt my son move back and inwardly I smiled. I knew he was mine. I was shocked as the head of my cock entered him and together we both gasped.

Again I needed to teach my son and I grabbed his hips driving into his ass in one hard thrust. Under me I heard him scream. I could not let him rest I began to drill into him, my cock leaking inside his ass. It was the tightest thing I've ever felt in my life and I will never again feel the pleasure of such surrender of the flesh.

I was pent up and it took only a few minutes for me to cum inside my son. Under me he bucked and yelled. But, after I came in him, I continued to move in him and it was the, lubed with the sperm that created him that my son first moaned with pleasure. I bent over him, my hairy chest on his muscular back, and I kissed him.

"Stroke, boy. Feel good."

I heard him stroke and I let my dick remain inside him only moving slightly, making gentle little pokes on his prostate.

"Dad," my son said, "it feels so good."

"Don't call me that."

He moaned under me.

"Dad?" he gasped, "why can't I call you that?"

I began to stroke my son's back, like he was Spot, our family pet.

"When I'm using you I want you to call me Sir."

To emphasize my point I rammed my cock into my son several times until he said it."

"Sir," he gasped.

I eased up, again allowing my son to stroke. He was young and I knew he had another load in him. It was several minutes later that he began to shoot yelling. I heard his yell and at the same time I felt his ass clench hard onto my cock.

I moaned and could not resist the urge to pump into him again. I was still hard and as I began to fuck him again he started riding me. I would last now and I warned him this would be a longer, harder ride. I looked at the clock on the wall and pointed it out to my son.

"One hour," I said to him as I fucked him.

"Ohhh god, Sir," my son moaned, using my new name, "I can't last."

I didn't answer him but continued to fuck him. I slowed and varied my pace so that I would not come. It is the ability to fuck a hole that only comes with experience. After half an hour he began to yell under me, his ass tiring. I rubbed his back like he was a dog.

"Half way there," I encouraged him.

He grunted under me and in that next ten minute space of time I pounded his ass harder than he could have ever believed. I wanted it to be the fuck of a lifetime, something he would always remember. I raped him mercilessly and was oblivious to his yelling and pleading under me. When there were five minutes to go I stopped and told my son to ride me. I began to coach him telling him to tighten his ass muscles.

"Make me cum."

I felt my son tighten his ass for me and I was in heaven. I shot instantly inside him again my cum deep in him now, breeding him like I did his mother all those years ago. There could be no greater pleasure.

I finally pulled out of him and heard the pop as my cock left his tight hole.

My son fell to the floor in a heap of sweat and spent energy. I did not acknowledge him but went to the shower and cleaned up. When I returned my son was in his bed sound asleep.

When my son woke the next morning I was waiting for him again nude and hard.

I saw my son stop and consider how to handle the situation but I remained still my cock hard and bouncing. Then he gave in walking to me, dropping to his knees and taking my cock in his mouth.

"Get it wet," I told him.

He began to work and slobber on my cock and soon my cock was dripping.

"Get down," I commanded and my son got on all fours.

That's when the door to the house opened and Coach came in. My son looked up and I saw his face redden. Again, this was planned all for the benefit of my son. The goal was to keep him unbalanced and uncertain. I looked at my buddy his strong body striding confidently towards my son as he unzipped and pulled his hard cock out. He got behind my boy and mounted my son. Per our plan his cock was already lubed and he slipped easily into my son. My boy yelled, his ass obviously already sore from the assault I had given him the night before.

My boy was an amazing animal and I watched as he was ridden and his muscles flexed and tensed. He was a prize, a prize to be kept and displayed and shared.

Coach thrust into my boy.

"Damn, he's tight."

He continued to fuck my boy pounding away at him. I looked at the clock as the minutes passed and they both began to sweat and moan. There was a struggle there, my son trying to take over, trying to control the fuck. But, Coach would have none of it. At one point he grabbed my son by the hips and literally lifted him off the ground. My boy yelled and hung limply shaking as the coach stood keeping my boy's ass on his cock. I watched my bud work slamming his cock in and out of the slave without a second thought.

Seconds later, my boy hanging upside down on the cock, he began to shoot in my son. When it was over, Coach released my boy and he slid down to the floor. It was then that I mounted him and again had my way with him, fucking his cum coated ass into oblivion.

My son was yelling and moaning, torn between pleasure and pain. I rode him this time only lasting half an hour before I could hold back no more and shot inside him.

I stood looking at Coach.

It was all planned.

"Gear him up."

Coach approached my son and collared him. The collar was a wide band of leather which would not allow the boy to drop his head. From the band of leather hung two tit clamps which he attached to my son's nipples. The pain from the clamps forced my son to keep his head in certain position in order to relieve the pressure. I do not believe my son had sensitive nipples. He obviously got that from him mother. My own tits are the center of my existence and I quite enjoy having them played with continually. I would train my son in the art of tit worship. Of course, my son's needs and pleasure were secondary.

With that done Coach again mounted my son, putting his cock back in for the third fuck of the morning. We were brutal and relentless fucking my son over and over switching back and forth. We never used him together but simply traded him off. It kept my son's ass in constant use while allowing the other to catch his breath.

Six hours later, after we had each emptied three loads in him we finished. Again, we did not address him but simply left and showered. He was my slave now and would do what I wished.

Whatever had been my boy had been destroyed.

My son did not return to school. For the next week he was fucked and used in every way possible. I allowed him, after taking a year off to ensure his total obedience, to return to school. He was disciplined by then and able to catch up not only finishing school with his class but graduating at the top of his class. He wore his collar, now a more discrete metal one, to class and was able to hide his true nature from those in class.

He became skilled at the art of deception, able to be a student by day and my bitch by night. I loaned him out to every conceivable man from fat truckers who cruised the interstate to his own best friend from school. I enjoyed watching his best buddy pound his ass and call him a fucking whore. By that time my son was a whore and he loved being called that. Coach and I sold him often and provided us with a fine income during his time in high school. We skilled his body and made it able to take a continuous and amazing amount of use. Eventually, he was able to go into a zone where he did not experience either pain or pleasure, all that mattered was servitude and the happiness of the person using him.

He went to college, living at home and servicing me and Coach and anyone else that I required him to serve. At a fuck party we attended my son met a man who offered him a job and he began to work for the government. Although sworn to secrecy my son told me everything and I knew of his secret and dangerous career as a government sex agent. My son loved his job and I saw him often. When I saw him I used him hard and we were happy.

Now my son is gone.

I do not know where he is, only that he left on an assignment and never returned. In my last communication with Austin he told me only a name. The name of the man he wanted to bring to justice. I pray he did not hurt my son. For his sake, I pray he did not hurt my son.

I vow to find him but I only have a name to go on.


Next: Chapter 22: Chet Pectoral II 1

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