Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on May 16, 2006


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral


Chet woke in his bed in a hospital. He did not know how long he had been there but he was sure that during that time he had been there the doctors had performed every test on him known to man. Outside the weather was cold and he was sure that snow was in the air. He had not looked outside his window because he simply did not care.

His mind, usually blank and open for any order that might be given, now had nothing to occupy it. There was no one to order him now and he had nothing left in his life.

But he was free.

He touched his body. He was still wearing the hospital gown but he could tell the hair on his chest already growing back. His nipples were still large and pointed and his cock was still always hard and at attention. He had asked his doctor about his constant hardon and the doctor had told him they could not tell the cause but that it did not seem to pose a health danger to him. Other than these changes in his body, there was nothing wrong with him. Every test had come back negative.

He reached down and grabbed his hardon and began to stroke it, intending to relieve himself. It was then he saw the guard. It was funny that even now Chet thought of him as a guard, even though that was not true. He was an agent with the Secret Service and he was here not to guard Chet but to protect him. The guard was a tall, blonde, incredibly good looking man.

Seeing the guard, Chet pulled his hand away from his cock and grabbed the covers at the bottom of the bed and began to pull them up to cover himself. The guard took a few steps toward Chet and stopped him.

"Don't," the guard said.

Chet looked at him puzzled.

"Let me help," the guard said and he reached under the hospital gown to grab Chet and began to stroke him.

Chet moaned lightly his eyes wide in shock.

"Don't worry," the guard said, "I'm not going to hurt you. You've had enough of that haven't you?"

Chet nodded.

He reached and grabbed Chet gently by the nipple.

"Wow, those are nice," he said.

It was only seconds later that Chet began to shoot, the cum forming a puddle on the rippled muscles of his stomach. Then the guard surprised him even more by bending down and licking up Chet's cum.

Chet moaned as the guard did it.

When the guard was finished he gently pulled Chet's hospital gown back down.

"Thank you," Chet said.

The guard smiled.

"Wasn't anything," he said. Chet detected a southern accent the man was trying to hide. "Figured any man who saved the president's son deserved some help with that problem."

"What's your name?" Chet asked.

"Agent Masters."

Chet laughed. The guard asked him what was so funny.

"I seem to meet a lot of masters," Chet said.

Chet and Agent Masters became good friends over the next several days. The agent frequently stopped by to help Chet with his pent up sex drive. It was nice to have someone there for him and Agent Masters never asked for anything himself. He was just there for Chet.

This continued until one day he came to Chet's room carrying a box. It was just around the time that Chet began to ask if he could get out and walk around. He was feeling closer to his old self and longed to go out and get some part of his old life back.

Masters put the box on the bed at Chet's feet.

"Put these on," he said. He was smiling at Chet as always.

"Ok," Chet said.

He stood stripped nude and opened the box. Agent Masters looked as his incredible body rippled as Chet moved. Chet opened the box and saw a white button down shirt, black pants, shiny black shoes and belt and a pair of underwear and sox,

Chet didn't move.

"Something wrong?" Masters had been worried about him and walked to him putting his hand on Chet's shoulder.

"Do you know how long it has been since I've worn real clothes?"

Masters rubbed his shoulder.

"Get used to it," he told Chet, "you're in the real world now."

Chet dressed, surprised at how perfectly the clothes fit him. In fact, there was something unusual about the clothes. The pants were pleated and that combined with the underwear they had given him actually hid his hardon a bit.

Once he dressed he walked out to meet Agent Masters in the hallway.

"Nice," he said when he saw Chet.

Chet smiled.

"Follow me, Sir." Agent Masters said.

"Please don't call me that," Chet said.

"I'm supposed to and it's a term of respect not dominance. You'll need to get used to it."

Chet nodded and they began to move down the hallway. It was then that Chet noticed something was wrong. He wasn't in a hospital. The hallways were ornate and decorated like a rich, old fashioned home.

"Wow," Chet said, "ritzy place."

The agent smiled leading him to a room on the same floor. The double doors were opened and Agent Masters motioned him inside.

Chet walked in and saw the president's son standing there. Nick saw Chet and immediately ran to him throwing his arms around him. It was so strange for Chet to be doing this. Here Nick was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He looked like the young boy he was, just ready to go to college and start his life. Only a couple of years younger than Chet, at most.

"Thank you for saving my life," Nick said.

"It's so good to see you," Chet said.

Nick kissed him on the cheek the two of them standing there hugging. Chet could feel the kid's hardon poke against him. He, like Chet, had taken enough of the drugs to keep the hardon as a souvenir of his stay at Primbatu's.

It was even stranger to be having any kind of conversation with Nick. During the entire time of their stay they had exchanged very few words. But, he felt closer to Nick than anyone. They were two of the only people who had been through the same thing.

"Where am I?" Chet asked.

Nick laughed.

"Your in my house." He said.

"Actually," said another voice, "you're in the people's house."

Chet did not notice a third person in the room with them until he spoke. He stood at the far end of the room looking out of the window. When he turned to face Chet, he recognized him immediately and he suddenly knew where he was standing. He was in the White House and the man was Nick's father, the President of the United States.

Chet couldn't speak. What does one say to the President? He felt himself blush as the President walked over to him.

Then, an amazing thing happened. The President hugged him. He had to have felt Chet's huge hardon. But, if he did, he did not acknowledge it. Instead, the President held Chet tightly as if they were related.

"I'm very proud of you," he told Chet.

No one had ever been proud of him and he felt tears well up in his eyes and he had to make an effort to fight them back.

The President turned to his son.

"I'm proud of both of you."

The President sat down at a large table in the room and motioned for Chet to sit across from him. Nick pulled a chair up next to his dad.

"Chet," the President said, "I want to formally thank you for saving my son."

"I wish I could have done more," Chet said honestly, "I didn't save Ryan or Bruce and we didn't catch Primbatu. And I'm worried about Austin."

The President nodded and looked at his son.

"Technically, what I'm about to say is under the heading of National Security but in my opinion you've earned the right to be here for this discussion."

Nick smiled. In all the time he had known Nick he could not remember him smiling. It was beautiful and lit up the room.

The President continued.

"Agent Grey . . . Austin . . . is a special person Mr. Pectoral."

Although he didn't understand the President, Chet nodded. After all, he was the President and even if he didn't understand him, Chet felt compelled to agree.

"This country employs many kinds of agents. A small percentage of those agents use . . . shall we say . . . their god given endowments to work for this country by going undercover . . . literally. An even smaller percentage, say five agents, work by seeking relations with those persons of interest who are the same sex. Mr. Primbatu was one of those persons."

The President paused letting it sink in.

"Do you understand Mr. Pectoral?"

"He was a secret agent, a secret sex agent?"

The President nodded.

"A gay one," Nick added.

"Yes," the President continued, "that's where you come in Mr. Pectoral."

"I don't understand," Chet said.

"I was impressed with you and I believe your country could use your skills."

Chet gasped. Was the President actually asking him to go back to the life of a slave.

"I can see what your thinking Chet," the President said and with that he reached across the table and took hold of Chet's hand.

"You would be a highly trained government agent. We would track your every move and your first mission would be to find and rescue Agent Grey."

Chet did not know what to think. The notion of even going back to the life he had just escaped was insane and yet he wanted to find Austin and he wanted to make Primbatu pay for killing his own son and putting him through hell.

"Don't answer me now," the President said, "I want you to go home and think about it for awhile."

Chet's eyes again filled with tears he worked to fight back. It was the first time he realized he had no home to go to.

"I don't really," Chet began but gasped and stopped talking to get control of himself.

The President smiled like a father. He let go of Chet's hand and reached into his pocket and put something on the table which he slid to Chet.

On the table was a key ring with two keys.

"Mr. Pectoral I am the President of the United States, the greatest country in the World. That means I know everything about you. It also means that I can help you."

"Help me?"

Right on cue the door opened and Masters came into the room. The President stood up and began to leave. He paused to shake Chet's hand.

"We'll talk again when you come to dinner Chet."

"Yessir," was all Chet could say.

Nick got up to follow his dad but handed Chet a card.

"It's my private number. Call me. We can talk."

Chet nodded. It felt stupid but tears again filled his eyes.

"Let's go," Masters said.

Chet got up and followed him. Together they left the White House through a back entrance and got into a limousine. Masters got behind the wheel and began to drive the window between them was down and they headed out of the city.

"Where are we going?" Chet asked.

"Sorry," Masters said, "I have orders not to tell."

They drove for almost an hour and they came upon a small neighborhood of beautiful homes. It was like a postcard. Masters drove the limo into the driveway of a modern looking house it was cement and had windows everywhere and Chet could see a chimney smoking.

Masters got out and opened Chet's door.

"Where are we?" Chet asked.

Masters smiled.

"Your house."

Chet laughed. It had to be a joke.

"The first key is to the car in the driveway."

Chet hadn't noticed but a BMW sat in the driveway. It was new and it was black and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"The second key is to your house." Masters pointed to the house as he said it.

"You've go to be kidding," Chet said.

Chet stayed in place not moving, not believing what he was hearing.

"It's yours," Masters said, "enjoy."

He handed Chet an envelope.

"This is the deed. It's in your name."

Chet did not take it. So, after several minutes, Masters put the deed in Chet's pocket. Then he got in the limo.

"Where are you going?" Chet asked.

"I have work to do. But we'll talk soon."

With that Masters drove off leaving Chet alone in the driveway.

The neighborhood was quiet but for birds in the trees and Chet took a moment to smell the air. It was crisp and he could feel winter. He wondered how much time he had actually lost. Two years? More?

He walked to the house thinking about all that had happened and took the key out but, when he grabbed the door knob, he found it was unlocked.

He opened the door and saw a wall in front of him. A table was in front of him, with a vase of roses. Above it a mirror and Chet looked at his muscular body and handsome face. His features had hardened. No longer was he the young innocent boy he had once been. His brother Matt had seen to that.

To his right a hallway led off to many rooms, Chet figured they were bedrooms.

He heard music.

Jazz softly played off to the left and Chet followed the sound. He passed a family room and a dining room and entered the kitchen. The house was full of windows and entirely furnished with modern but comfortable furniture. On a small table in the dining room stood a silver tray and on the tray were two glasses of champagne.

Chet touched the glassed but did not take one, instead he continued to follow the music. It led to a living room where a fire blazed. There were windows all along one wall of the house.

A figure stood in front of the window.

"No," Chet said, " it can't . . "

Dean turned and smiled.

He looked amazing. He was more muscular and older and seemed so much more confident to Chet. He was dressed in jeans and tight fitting shirt and Chet wanted him so bad he couldn't stand it.

He saw Dean look at him then study his body and then he saw a look in Dean's eyes that he immediately recognized.


Dean looked at Chet. His body was amazing but it was obvious he had been through so much. He looked older and no longer the happy young man he had once met. The Agent he had spoken to had asked him to come here and had briefly told him what Chet had been through. Now, he saw Chet before him and tried to fight back tears.

There was a moment when neither of them moved and then they both rushed toward each other. Seconds later they were kissing a long, slow kiss they had waited a long time for.

Chet began to speak He had so many questions and so much to say. He opened his mouth but Dean put his hand over it.

"Not now."

Dean grabbed Chet's hand and led him back into the kitchen. He grabbed one of the glasses of champagne and handed it to Chet, taking the other for himself.

Dean continued to hold Chet's hand guiding him back past the front door and down to the long hallway to the master bedroom.

Dean pulled Chet inside and again they kissed. It was a longer kiss now, more passionate and they began to pull at each others clothes.

Dean reached past Chet and closed the door.

I will tell you that they did not have sex. Instead they made love well into the next morning.

Let's give them their privacy.


Oh, they did not live happily every after.

BOOK TWO BEGINS April 14, 2007.


I just wanted to thank you all for reading this and having patience while I finished the story. Life sometimes gets in the way but I'm happy I finished the first part and wanted to let you know we'll visit our friends again. I want to get far ahead on the next book before beginning to post it.

I hope you enjoyed the story. It was much more work than I thought but I think I'm happy with the results.

For the next few months I have some short stories that you can read. If you send me an email I'll let you know when and where their posted. The next story is called Dad's Best Bud and it deals with a father breaking his son in.

I wanted to thank Nifty for posting the story and all the people who sent me emails. I'm not kidding when I say that kept me writing.

My email address is I'd love to hear from you.

Take care.

May 15, 2006

Next: Chapter 21: Fathers Best Bud

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