Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Mar 21, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Part Two

Dean didn't move and Chet was sure that Brick had used his time away to hunt down Dean and kill him.

"What have you done with him!" Chet screamed. He strained against his bonds, trying to rip himself free. Trying to get at Brick so that he could rip him apart, but they didn't budge.

"Don't worry," Brick said as he began to rip the clothes off Dean's body. "He's not dead."

"Why?" It was all Chet could say.

"You wanted to have sex with him and we though we'd help." The voice wasn't Brick's, it was Matt. He was back, walking in through the barn door that Brick had left open.

"If you hurt him . . ." Chet began. There was no time to finish though, Brick reached him, grabbing the tit clamps in one hand and his chin in the other.

"That's up to you boy."

Matt began to slap Dean, waking him.

As Dean came too he was disoriented. His last memory had been of someone coming up behind him in the gym. Dean had decided to return to the gym, partly because he wanted to work out some of his frustrations and partly because he was concerned about Chet and had hoped that he would return. He heard someone enter the gym just as he began a set of curls, then he was struck on the head with something.

The first thing Dean saw when he came too was Chet. Hanging like a piece of meat, a variety of contraptions hanging from his naked sweat soaked body. Dean wanted to call out, wanted to go to Chet to help him. They had known each other for over two years, and he wanted Chet like he wanted no one else. Chet had even gotten him to admit to himself that he liked men.

Dean wanted to go to him but he couldn't he was tied up. Duck tape had been tied around his legs and arms. His arms locked behind his back. A strip also covered his mouth, preventing him from calling out to anyone. Worse yet, Dean realized that he, too, was naked.

Matt began to take off his clothes then and was soon joined by Brick. Dean lay face down on the floor, unable to move. Chet looked at Matt. They may be half brothers but they were as different as day and night. Chet was good looking with handsome features and large, full muscles. Matt was lanky almost to the point of being skinny. As Chet was hairy, Matt was no hair anywhere. Chet had longish dark hair that always hung in his face, Matt a blond crew cut. But, when Matt took off his underwear, Chet gasped. Chet's own dick was impressive at eight inches and a bit thick, Brick's was even larger, but Matt's dick made him a freak. It hung almost down to his knee but was thinner than either Chet's or Brick's. It was only semi erect and Chet doubted that it ever got hard, being so long.

"Which of them do you wanna fuck with that dick probe of yours?" Brick asked Matt.

"I'm gonna fuck fag boy's over here," Matt said pointing to Dean.

Chet growled, staining against his bonds. But his arms were numb and limp, his body aching.

Brick walked over to him.

"That makes you mine."

Matt picked Dean up, throwing him over a bail of hay, his ass pointing up. An offering to the gods.

Brick went over to his bag, taking out a bottle of lube. He poured some onto his dick, slobbering it up with the slippery liquid, then he passed the bottle to Matt who did the same.

Matt went over to Dean then and squatted over him. He took his dick and laid it down in the crack of Dean's ass like a hot dog in a bun. Then he laid his body over the top of Dean's and but his mouth next to his ear so he could whisper.

"I'm going to fuck the shit out of you," Matt said.

Matt got hard just thinking about it, partly because it was a hot, virgin ass and partly because it was a way to get back at his no good brother. Underneath him he felt Dean shiver. Matt didn't take the time to lube Dean's ass, nor did he spend any time doing anything else that would have made the experience easier on Dean.

He just shoved it in. Pushing in Dean's virgin ass, past his tight sphincter muscle. Matt could swear that he heard it pop. He heard Dean moan beneath the gag. Matt didn't stop, continuing to shove it in until he felt his balls slap Dean's ass.

Dean was a stud and a half, and Matt took greedy pleasure in being the one to pop this quarterback's cherry. Dean, like Chet, was all muscle. He had long, blond hair and a tightly muscled, hairless body. Dean tried to move under him but Matt had all the leverage. He put his hands, and all his weight, on top of Dean's muscled, v-shaped back and pulled out then shoved his cock back in. As he began to fuck him, he felt Dean's ass clamp onto his cock. It was so tight. Matt moaned.

Beneath him, Dean felt like he was being split wide open. Matt was so long, it felt like the cock was going to come out of his mouth. He tried to relax tried to at least try to not fight what Matt was doing. But, it was impossible. Matt drove into him with viscous strokes pounding him into the hay. It hurt. But Dean moaned as he felt Matt rub against his prostate.

Chet was left hanging there to watch the assault on Dean. He wished he could have been the one to fuck him. Wished that he and Dean could have had time to make love with each other and he felt bad to ever have gotten them both attacked the way he did.

Brick stood with Chet, watching the show.

"You know," Brick said, his voice was low and serious, "Your brother there wants me to kill the two of you when we're done."

Chet said it then and he surprised not only himself but Brick as well.


Brick stepped back and turned to look at Chet.


"Please, I'll do whatever you want," Chet said, "I'll be your slave, anything, just don't kill him."

Brick didn't say anything then. He simply went over to where Matt was pounding Dean's ass. Matt and the boy were covered in sweat. He had to admit the kid was doing great taking that kind of pounding from such a large cock on his first time out. Brick reached down and, when Matt had pulled his cock almost all the way out, he grabbed Matt by the shoulders and pulled him off Dean's body.

He threw Matt on the ground. Matt was furious and stood up running at Brick as if to attack him, his huge cock flopping against his thigh.

"What the fuck you doing you fucking ass." Matt said.

Brick hit him then a crack across the face sending Matt to the floor once again.

"Get you clothes on," Brick said, pointing at him, "and get the fuck out of here."

Matt wiped the blood that was dripping from his cut lip and stood up. For a second, it looked as if he would get up and charge Brick again. Then, probably thinking better of it, he grabbed his clothes that lay on the floor in a pile and left.

Dean lay on the ground wondering what was happening. One second he was getting plowed with a huge cock in his ass. The next it was taken out and he heard the sounds of a scuffle. He felt someone touch his hands, which were still bound behind him and he tensed suspecting that the attack to his ass would soon repeat itself. Then he was surprised. He felt a sharp object and the tape wrapped around his hands was cut. He brought his hands up and began to rip off the tape covering his mouth. At the same time he felt the tape wrapped around his feet being cut. The tape hurt being ripped off but not as much as his ass did.

Dean was afraid, covered in sweat and shivering from cold and fright. He wanted to get out of there as fast as possible, but he also wanted to help Chet. Seeing Chet like that had upset him like nothing else before ever had. He was about to get up when a foot pushed down harshly on his back, sending him back into the hay.

"I'm going to give you a piece of advice, boy." Brick said, above him. Dean tried to push up but Brick put more of his weight onto Dean's back, keeping him right where he was.

"When I let you up I suggest you leave."

"I'm not going anywhere without Chet." Dean said.

"Listen to me carefully, boy. If you decide to try something I'm going to give you pain like you wouldn't believe and I'm going to hurt your friend there even more. I want you to think about this. Think about your friend tied up and how helpless he is and about the knife I'm holding."

Dean lay there for a minute under Brick's foot. Brick ever so slowly lifted his foot off Dean's back and Dean got up, quickly moving away from the bails of hay. He stretched for a moment. Brick picked up his own leather pants and threw them to where Dean stood.

"Put these on since ya ain't go no clothes of your own."

Dean picked them up and eased into them. Dean was a large guy at six feet two inches but the pants were big for him. But, he was thankful for having them. His clothes were in torn pieces in the gym and how he would get home without clothes was anybody's guess.

Then Dean looked at Chet. Chet still hung by his arms, his legs bound out to his sides. The clamps and ball stretcher hanging from him. Sweat dripped off his body and he looked in obvious pain. Chet was looking straight at him and Dean knew that he was in love with him.

"Please leave." Chet said, his voice was husky, tired.

Dean did leave then, quickly through the open barn doors. After a minute, Brick went over to Chet.

"We're leaving too." Brick went behind Chet and grabbed him by the wrist.

"If your brother didn't already call the cops your friend will. Remember now," he said as he took one of his hands down, "your mine. If you think about anything just remember I can always track down your friend there."

"Yes . . . Sir." Chet said. He had no choice. Protecting Dean was what was important and he believed every word Brick said to him.

Chet arms felt like lead weights. Hanging limply at his sides when Brick released them. His legs came next. Chet didn't move. He wanted to take off his tit clamps but hesitated, not willing to move without permission.

Brick stood and grabbed the chain connecting the two tit clamps. He pulled Chet then out of the barn, reaching down to grab his bag of goodies. They were both naked as they walked out of the barn. Outside, the night was dark. No lights shown from the house and the only illumination came from the barn where they had just come from.

The only car outside was a dark van that Chet assumed belonged to Brick. Brick released his hold on Chet's chain, letting it drop. Again pain shot through Chet's nipples as they were tugged downward by the weight of the chain. He reached into his bag getting out his keys.

He opened the back of his van exposing the contents inside. A dim light came on inside. Chet gasped the inside of the van was full of harnesses, straps, whips, paddles and an assortment of S&M equipment. Brick got in the van and then pulled Chet in after him, again yanking on the tit clamp chain. He was using the chain like reigns on a horse to lead Chet around.

Brick stroked Chet's hair, smoothing it back and out of his face.

"You've been good boy. I'm not going to tie you up now. Just lay down on the floor of the van. Face down."

Chet glanced at the tit clamps and grimaced, but began to lay on the floor. Brick must have noticed that because he called for Chet to stop then reached over and took off the tit clamps. His balls, still in the stretcher, hung and he felt his stomach clench from the pain in his balls. As the blood rushed back into Chet's tits they began to throb painfully, he threw his head back and moaned. His dick got immediately hard. Brick grabbed Chet's hard dick and stroked it. Chet had been hard off and on since his encounter with Dean in the gym and Brick had a perfect grip on it. Chet closed his eyes, enjoying the feel, the throbbing in his tits and the feeling in his cock. He felt that familiar feeling.

He was going to cum

Brick must have sensed this because he took one hand and yanked on ChetÆs ball stretcher at once sending cramps through his stomach and grabbed the tip of his cock with the other harshly. Combined the two stopped Chet from cumming. He was left gasping. Brick reached down and took the ball stretcher off and, for the first time, Chet was naked.

For the first time Chet felt free, yet he was more of a prisoner than ever.

"You will never cum without my permission, understand?"


"Sir," Brick said as he slapped him lightly on the face, "always call me Sir."

"Yes, Sir." Chet said.

"Good boy," Brick said, "now lay on the floor for me my boy."

Chet did as he was told laying on the cold steel of the van's floor. Brick went away for a moment and then came back. He knelt down over Chet's body and Chet felt handcuffs being attached to his wrists.

Brick left the through the back of the van then closed the doors. Shortly after that Chet heard Brick getting in the driver's side door of the van. The van started up and began to move.

Although Chet could not see it he knew the farm receded into the background. He also knew that he would never see the farm again. He did not know where he was headed but he didn't like it. The one bright spot was that Dean had been spared any more pain. He, at least would be free to live his life as he wanted.

Chet missed him already.

Then, amazingly, Chet fell asleep.

End Part Two

Next: Chapter 3

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