Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on May 4, 2006


Inside Primbatu's home there was chaos. Primbatu was not involved in the sex and well aware of the fact that his time in this house was over. Someone had betrayed him but the time for finding out who, and for getting his revenge, would be later.

Now, escape was what was important and he knew his ticket out was right in front of him. He shoved the large man who had been fucking his slave onto the ground and grabbed Nick by the collar.

Primbatu was a large strong man and his grip on Nick was tight. He left pulling Nick with him. If they wanted to get at him they would have to go through the President's son. He pulled the boy with him, all the time Nick yelling as explosions seemed to go off all around them.

Ryan was frozen watching as his father left, pulling the naked slave after him.

He heard his father yell after him.

"Let's go." His father called.

But he couldn't move. His legs were frozen under him and as the explosions went off all around the grounds outside, he could not order his legs to move.

Together Primbatu and Nick left the play room and entered Primbatu's office.

"Boy," he said, taking a gun out of his pocket, "if you give me any trouble I will not hesitate to shoot you."

Nick stared at the gun, nodding.

He went to a bookcase and pulled at one of the books on the shelf. A panel in the wall swung forward and he pulled Nick into the space behind the bookcase which revealed a dark hall.

Bruce did not like being pushed around by anyone and he got up quickly and moved to follow Primbatu and the slave without hesitating. The boy had such a tight ass and he so enjoyed his fuck.

Clark looked up from using Chet and saw Bruce leave. His best friend was chasing after some slave and instead they should probably be leaving. They had come to save Chet and they could easily leave with him now.

"Bruce!" Clark called after him, pulling his cock out of Chet's ass.

Chet moaned as Clark left him. Clerk was a masterful fucker and Chet was learning to enjoy being used by him.

Chet rose off the table and followed Clark who was following after Primbatu. He was naked and his hard cock bounced. He could still feel Clark in his ass.

As for Ryan, he still could not follow. He saw everyone leave and men all around began running for the doors. Slowly, he forced his legs to move and he began to follow after where his father and other others had run.

By time the men sent into the house by Agent Jones entered the room they found only several horny men and one tied slave boy.

Bruce caught up with Primbatu before he finished entering the hidden room.

"Hey!" Bruce called, "let the boy go."

Primbatu was very fast. He turned and faced Bruce. Then there was a shot and Bruce fell to the floor.

Nick screamed as Primbatu pulled him forward again as they made their escape.

Clerk entered the room as Primbatu entered the concealed hallway. Clark yelped when he saw Bruce on the floor just behind the bookcase. He ran to his friend grabbing at him.

"No," he moaned.

He pulled at Bruce willing him to be alright. But he was not. There was no life in Bruce and Clark yelled.

Behind him Chet stopped. He, unlike Bruce and Clark who had both been able to pull up their pants before leaving the play room, was naked and he looked around for something, anything, that he could use to shield himself.

On the wall was the sword he had looked at as Primbatu's daughter raped him. Chet grabbed the sword off the wall and ran past Clark as he held his friend's lifeless body in his arms.

"Don't," Clark yelled, there were tears in his eyes "he's got a gun."

"I don't care," Chet said as he ran past them, "he's not getting away."

Chet was determined to save Nick no matter what the cost, even if it meant sacrificing himself.

Inside the Primbatu play room Agent Jones entered. He went to the boy who was tied onto one of the tables. It was obvious that he had been abused sexually by the men in the room. Jones turned to one of his agents to tell them to find something to untie the boy. But, in the next second, a shot rang out and the agent fell to the ground.

Jones sought cover while at the same time working to cover the tied slave. He put his hand on the boy's naked boy.

"You'll be fine," he assured the boy.

At the same instant grabbed his gun firing at the area where the shot came from. He fired three times and heard someone yell. There were other agents in the room and they too fired at the shooter. It was not a battle that lasted long and soon thereafter Jones rose and went to where the shots were originally fired.

Two women lay on the floor. One was injured and she hugged the lifeless body of the second woman.

"Athena!" the woman yelled.

Jones and his agents quickly disarmed the second woman. He checked Athena and found she was dead, quickly turning his attention to the second woman.

"Where is the President's son," he asked.

"Fuck you!" the woman yelled reaching into her pocket for an unknown object.

Agent Jones shot her dead and her body fell onto her lover's already lifeless body.

Nathan had been in the stables at the time the chaos in the house began. He was a smart man and much like his father. He was smart enough to not head toward the house and instead began to run to the open field in back of the home. He could already hear a helicopter start up and he knew his father's guards would make sure that it took off. Inside the stables several slaves hid or shouted. Nathan did not pay them any attention. Instead, he ran to where he knew his father would be and toward his escape.

Chet caught up with Primbatu and Nick. He was naked armed only with an old sword given to Primbatu by a Japanese man named Takshi. The sound of his approach was masked by the helicopter and several gun shots outside. Chet was able to reach Primbatu and grab Nick, pulling him out of Primbatu's iron grip. Nick moved quickly, getting behind Chet. Two naked boys facing their armed master.

Nick could feel Chet push him backwards and out of the way, protecting him.

Chet, with Nick behind him, began to back up.

"He's mine," Primbatu said, turning on them.

He raised the gun and fired.

Seconds before his father fired the guy, Ryan entered the hallway. He saw his slave Pex shielding the President's son and he saw his father, a crazed look in his eyes. His pet was in danger and he had to help him.

Ryan screamed running toward his father and into the path of the bullet. Then, Ryan fell to the ground. He clutched at his stomach for a second, his eyes rolling back and his body striking the ground hard.

Primbatu looked at his son's body as Chet moved to it, Nick still behind him. For the first time there was fear in Pex's eyes.

Finally, Primbatu thought, finally Pex is afraid of me. He did not even think of his son in that moment.

"You killed your son," Chet said and Primbatu thought he saw tears in his eyes.

"Boy," Primbatu said, "I know this is your doing."

Chet did not say anything.

Primbatu heard the approach of gunmen - most likely from the government here to rescue the son of the President of the Eternal Enemy. He turned to leave and waited for a second to speak to Chet.

"We are not done, boy."

Primbatu took step toward him raising the gun.

Chet moved quickly raising the sword and slashing at Primbatu. The bright blade of the sword caught the light and Primbatu froze, the sword arching toward him. Primbatu raised his arm and the sword sliced at it, blood flowing form the cut. Primbatu yelled and again Chet raised the sword.

"Fucking asshole," Chet yelled.

Chet swung the sword at Primbatu a second time but he dodged it.

Then, like a coward, Primbatu turned and ran.

Chet went to Ryan and felt for a pulse but there was none. Primbatu had killed his own son.

It is an interesting fact that Primbatu did not give his son a second thought. All he considered was that he needed to get off his estate. He approached the open doorway and saw the helicopter beyond. Nathan came out of one of the hallways and joined him.

"Follow," Primbatu said.

"Wait," Nathan said grabbing his arm. "Where are the others. We can't leave Ryan here."

Primbatu did not hesitate.

"They are already on the helicopter." Primbatu lied.

Believing his father, Nathan followed and the two of them ran toward safety. There were several men there from both sides and Primbatu's men were holding the government agents back. He and his son ran into the helicopter. The helicopter took off all the wire guns firing and Primbatu left with Nathan, his men on the ground sacrificing themselves so that Primbatu could get away. Below him was his dead son and the loss of all his slaves and property. Deep down inside, Primbatu knew it was the fault of Pex.

There would be revenge.

Once they cleared the estate grounds they changed course and headed toward the airport. There a private hanger waited for them to take them out of the United States.

The President's son hugged Chet. Both of them were naked and sweaty from being fucked and both had their usual rock hard cocks.

"Are you alright?" Chet asked.

Nick did not respond. Worried Chet grabbed him by the shoulders.

It was at that moment that Agent Jones and two other men approached them. They saw Chet holding the President's son and shaking him. Although, it was not intended that way, it looked to the agents as if the boy were being attacked.

"MOVE AWAY!" Jones barked.

Chet looked up and opened his mouth to speak. He saw several guns pointed at him. He must have been some sight, naked, his hard cock thrust out at the boy. There was a pop and Chet felt something enter the meat of his right shoulder. A dart was there. Then he felt a strong electrical current and his body shook and finally, fell to the floor unconscious.

Nick screamed.

"Come here," Jones said, "We're getting you out."

"Idiots," Nick said, "he's the one who saved me."

Primbatu reached his plane without incident. Once on the ground it was easy to get to his jet and board. On the plane, the only people were his son Thor and a black man who was cuffed, hooded and placed in a cage at the back of the plane.

He would be the first of many new slaves.

"Where is everyone else?"

The question was asked by both Nathan and Thor.

Primbatu did not answer but went to the phone and ordered his pilot to leave immediately.

It was then that Primbatu turned to his sons and told them their other brother would not be joining them. They would not know of Athena's death until their return to their homeland.

As the plane takes off we look up at it wondering where it is headed. I will tell you that he and his two remaining sons began their long journey back to the Middle East. There Primbatu intended to continue his slave trade. I will not tell you more.

However, there is one more thing you need to know.

Primbatu told his sons that Chet killed their youngest brother. He did not admit to the crime himself.

Vince moaned. He was on the plane cuffed, collared, clamped and plugged. His cock and balls were locked in a cage. He could not move and a hood was fastened tightly over his head and locked with a large, heavy lock. Every movement of the plane caused him to moan. He tried to free himself but could not. Even if he got out of his bonds he could not get off the plane. Vince knew he was in trouble.

After all the years he spent selling slaves, now he was the slave.

At the Primbatu house, agents began to determine who was dead, who was guilty and who needed to be rescued. Above all, they immediately moved Nick to protective custody. The entire time Nick yelled about Chet but he was ignored by the agents. Nick was all but thrown into a car and transported immediately toward the White House.

In the front of the car a phone rang and the driver answered it. He listened for a moment and handed the phone to Nick.

It was his father.

It was then that Nick began to cry.

"Yes . . . I'm alright dad . . . No, I don't want to talk about it. . . "

There was a pause and I am sure that the President said many things to his son that were not presidential at all but instead were filled with love and assurances that everything would be alright.

"Dad," Nick said, "You have to help me."

Again a pause.

"Someone saved my life and we have to help him. Your men shot him and he fell. His name is Chet, you have to help him."

The President stayed on the phone with his son until he got home. He and his son spent time together and had a long talk. Then the President made several calls about Chet Pectoral. After that he addressed the nation and told of his son's heroic rescue.

On a plane bound east Thor pulled the chain and Vince's body rose into the air. They were in the back of the plane and the room was sound proofed so no one would hear screaming. Vince's sweaty body swung back and forth. He was conscious now and the drugs that Thor had given his new slave had begun to work their magic. The slave's nipples were bloated and swollen and his cock, now freed from its cage, was hard and leaking. Vince's hood had been removed so that his face could now be seen. Thor smiled, there was fear in the slave's eyes.

Thor activated the video cameras and they began to film the muscular black slave's body.

Thor spoke to the camera.

". . . and this is our newest slave. We call him Manitu. He will be available for your enjoyment once we reach our estate in Arabia."

There is a very fat Japanese man named Takshi. It is his birthday and before him is a very large present. Contrary to what is probably your first impression, he is effeminate. He claps his hands together and squeals in delight at the package, already knowing what it holds.

"Oh my," he says in Japanese to his guests, "whatever could it be."

The guests chuckle politely.

None of them want to be here but it is necessary to pay respects to those who maintain a higher social status than you do.

Takshi ripped at the paper and finally opened the box. Inside, the slave shivered and looked up at him.

Austin squinted in the bright light of the formal dining room. Takshi grabbed him by the nipples and pulled him out of the gift box.

"Such a wonderful present," Takshi said.

Austin was indeed a beautiful slave and he would find out in the next several months that possession of his body would become a goal of many masters.

He twisted Austin's nipples and Austin pretended to moan as he had been taught in his training. But, Takshi was smart and saw through the deception.

Takshi pouted and spoke to Austin in perfect English.

"Nothing?" Takshi asked.

Austin did not speak but simply shrugged his shoulders.

"We can fix that."

Again Austin shrugged. Nothing Primbatu had done before had gotten his nipples sensitive. This would be no different.

Takshi reached into his pocket and pulled out a long slender needle. He grabbed the tip of Austin's nipple and slid the needle in, piercing him.

Austin yelled and the guests clapped. Once pierced, he slid a heavy and weighted ring through Austin's sore tit flesh. It was weighted so that it would constantly pull at the slave's nipple.

Takshi then repeated the process on his other nipple. Tears filled Austin's eyes and his nipples throbbed and burned. There was something on the nipple rings that made his tits throb and tingle. He moaned.

Takshi took his fingers and flicked at the tit rings. There was very little blood as Takshi was so expert at his craft.

"How about now?" Takshi asked, "Feel it better?"

Austin nodded, not believing it.

Takshi clapped in his girlish manner and then turned toward one of his guards.

"Show me your cock." He told the guard.

The guard approached and took out his cock for his employer. Takshi grabbed it stroking it and it swelled. Austin could see it was very large, maybe nine inches long and six inches around.

Takshi pointed to Austin.

"Rape him."

The guests cheered and Austin was carried to a small wooden table. It was hand carved and Austin saw that it was stained with sweat and blood. At the top of the table two handles had been carved into the wood and Austin grabbed them. Normally, taking such a large cock would be no problem. It was what he had been trained to do. But now, with the salve in his ass, it was as tight as it was when he was a virgin.

The guard mounted him savagely and thrust his bare cock at Austin's ass. The guard spit on it once and Austin knew it was all the lube he was going to get.

The guard ground his cock into Austin until he entered him and Austin yelled. There was no foreplay and no chance to get used to his cock it simply slammed into him, ripping into his tight hole.

Austin yelled. He yelled louder than he intended to, his eyes rolling in his head.

The guard began to ride him and Austin accepted his place as this man's new slave. But he would take what they had to give and protect himself as best he could.

He was trained for this and he knew deep inside that his govenment would not abandon him.

Help would come.

Just hang in there.

Help would come.

"Come on," Ted yelled at Dean, "rape him. He deserves it."

Dean watched as Ted fucked Matt's ass roughly. His head swam. They were back where it all started in the family home Matt and Chet shared. There, in the barn where he was first raped by Matt, Matt was now the one being used.

Fifteen members of his football team were in the barn, including him and Ted. So far, Matt had taken three of his teammates. The first to fuck him had been Scott. Scott had the largest cock of them all a 10 by 6 ½ monster that made Matt scream when it went into his ass. Scott had pounded the hell out of his ass for over an hour. At the end Matt was a whimpering sweaty mess. At first Dean loved the sight of Matt being used but eventually he grew tired of it. He was bored and there was no joy in his revenge.

Ted tugged roughly and Matt's balls as he fucked him and eventually he yelled as he came inside him. Ted pulled out his cock covered with cum. Then he motioned to the muscular black center of the team.

"Your next," he said.

The black man did not use lube, nor did he speak to Matt. He simply slammed into his ass and began pounding Matt.

"Fucking bitch," the man said.

Matt yelled for help and one of the team took a sweaty jock and shoved it into Matt's mouth.

After several minutes one of his other teammates removed the jock and replaced it with his cock. There was a warning that if Matt bit the man's cock he would hurt him. And soon after, Matt was taking two men, one in each end.

The room filled with moans and the smell of sweaty man sex and it was after several hours that each of the members of the team had cum at least once inside their new fuck slave. The only exception was Dean. He only fucked Matt once and never came. For Dean, the barn simply held too many unpleasant memories.

The other members of the team, having been satisfied sexually by Matt and may of them needing to go home to their girlfriends or wives, left. Finally, Dean, Ted and Matt were the only ones left. Scott had been the last one to leave, having used his huge cock on Matt three times.

"Fun party," Scott said, "we'll have to do it again."

Scott left, throwing his tank top over his muscular shoulder and leaving the barn.

Matt hung in the sling not speaking. His body was covered in cum and sweat. His ass ached and trobbed.

Ted patted Matt's head like a dog.

"You're a very good boy," Ted said.

"Fucker," Matt said, "I'll kill you both."

"You'll never have the chance," Ted said, "you're our team whore from now on. We're going to use you all summer and next season."

"I'LL NEVER LET YOU!" Matt howled.

Ted grabbed Matt's balls and twisted hard.

Matt yelled.

Ted turned to Dean.

"Are you alright with storing him here in the barn?" he asked Dean.

"No," Dean said.

"Where should we put him?" Ted asked.

While they were talking Matt continued to yell, ordering them to set him free.


Both Ted and Matt looked at Dean. Both were sure that Dean intended to kill Matt.

"We can't kill him," Ted said.

For the first time Matt was quiet.

Dean's eyes widened.

"We're not killers," Dean said.

Ted turned hearing footsteps coming into the barn. He looked and saw a bearded man in leather enter the room. He carried a leather sleep sack in his arms.

"I've made other arrangements," Dean said.

Dean had called one of his buddies at the leather bar who put him in touch with someone else. Eventually, he had been given them name of Thomas Fowkes, the master who had just entered the bar.

The master touched Matt's body rubbing it. He pulled at Matt's nipples and balls. And remarked what a large cock Matt had for a slave. He examined Matt's hole complementing the men on how well they had used the slave.

"Why don't you two help me get this slave into the sack." The master said.

Together the three of them struggled with Matt and eventually got him tied into the sack. Matt was fully encased in the leather sack, buckles wrapped tightly around his body. He was hooded and blindfolded, a large gag shoved into his mouth. Fowkes lifted Matt over his shoulder with no effort and then walked over to Dean. He reached into his pocket and took out a stack of hundred dollar bills.

"What's this," Dean asked.


Dean shook his head.

"No thanks," he said, "he's free."

The master laughed, thrusting the money at Dean.

"I always pay," he said, "besides I'll make a lot of money when I sell this one."

"Good," Dean said, finally pocketing the money, "I don't ever want to see him again."

"Don't worry about that," Fowkes said, walking out of the barn. "He'll be out of the country before the sun rises."

Ted watched them go and hugged Dean.

"It's over," Ted said.

Dean nodded.

"But things will never be the same."

Fowkes put Matt into the back of his car and began to drive to the airport. He had a plane to catch that would take him and the three slaves he had just obtained out of the country. He had been only a guard but he felt he would soon be getting a promotion.

"Primbatu will love you," he said to Matt as he drove off.

Matt moaned. He was more angry than ever and he wanted nothing more than to hunt down his whore brother and his lover. Someday, he would kill them both and have his ultimate revenge.

Two days later Dean was in bed with Ted. They had gotten back together and it felt good. Finally, he was easing into a relationship. It wasn't perfect but it felt right. Ted had saved him and had been there for him when no one else had. He had bonded with Ted and the rest of the team had even accepted their relationship.

He dressed for practice pulling on his tank and sweat pants.

Ted lay in bed, sleeping.

He walked to his car and saw a man standing next to it. He was very well dressed in a suit and tie.

Dean stiffened, wondering what the man wanted but he continued walking to his car.

"Are you Mr. Dean Young?" the well dressed man asked.

"Yes," Dean said.

The man reached into his pocket taking out a badge.

"I'm Agent Jones. I work for the US Government."

Dean gasped. He got nervous. There was only one thing the man could want and that was to follow up on Matt's disappearance.

"Mr. Young," the agent continued, "do you know a Chet Pectoral?"

Again Dean gasped.

Agent Jones grabbed Dean gently by the arm.

"We should talk."



MAY 16, 2006

Next: Chapter 20

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