Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Oct 31, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral

Chapter Sixteen

When Chet woke he was again in the nicest bedroom he had ever seen. He moved on the large bed but soon found he could not move. His wrists were cuffed to a large metal headboard and his legs were raised in the air hanging on chains. He could not move. His body was locked in the positions they had chained him in.

He heard movement off to his left and looked over to see Ryan standing there watching him. Ryan was naked, his cock hard and throbbing.

"How did you like the pec wall?" Ryan asked.

Chet's mind raced back to all of the people working on his nipples. It was pleasure and pain and it lasted for hours. The worst part for Chet had been that he was not able to see what was being done to his nipples, there were only feeling.

"My nips are so sore," Chet said.

"They'll heal," he said approaching Chet and getting on the bed.

There was no prelude, Ryan simply plunged his cock deep into Chet's exposed ass. Chet moaned as his ass stretched around the huge cock.

Ryan began to pump his cock in and out of Chet's ass. Chet could tell Ryan was getting better at fucking. He knew how to dive deep into Chet's ass and he was reacting to Chet as he moaned and squirmed under him

"Make me cum Pex," Ryan commanded

Chet instinctively tightened his ass hard on Ryan's cock and Ryan moaned loud.

"Can't hold back," Ryan moaned and he thrust deep into Chet's ass holding his cock there as he came over and over inside him.

They stayed like that for several minutes, Ryan keeping his throbbing cock inside Chet like a plug.

"You're so big," Chet moaned.

"Dad told me I have to be careful," Ryan said, "but I love riding you."

Ryan pulled his cock from Chet's ass and he gasped as the cock left him.

Ryan's cock dripped cum and he walked to the bathroom to clean up. Chet could see him wipe himself up and he walked to Chet and shoved a large butt plug into Chet's ass. Chet yelped as the widest part of the plug stretched his ass. Then he felt the plug lock in.

Ryan uncuffed Chet's wrists and ankles but left the cuffs on. There were locks on the cuffs and they would not be removed without the key.

"You didn't have to tie me," Chet said, "I'll do whatever you want."

It was the truth, he had long ago been broken in enough to at least obey commands. He constantly thought of escape but he would obey each and every order when given.

"I know you'll obey," Ryan said to him. He had cream in his hands. Ryan reached for Chet's nipples and rubbed the cream into his nipples. Chet felt his nipples heat up.

"This will help them heal."

Ryan couldn't help but twist the nipples a bit. They were perfect, sensitive and he saw Pex's cock leak and jump as he rubbed the salve in.

"Why did you tie me then," Chet asked, moaning a bit.

"Dad is throwing a coming out party for you and a couple of the other slaves. It will introduce you to masters from all over the world."

Chet winced at the words. He remembered all of the use Primbatu had put him through. He was sure his "coming out party" would be the worst of all.

Ryan sat next to Chet and stroked his back and hair.

"I want you ready for the party," Ryan said, "you're my first pony and I want to be proud of you."

Chet nodded.

Ryan attached a leash to Chet's collar and led him out of the bedroom. He was in the house and he was able to see the beautiful home where the Primbatu family lived while he was in a stall in the barn.

He longed for a real home, a place to live and be with someone. But he was alone. He thought of Dean but quickly brought himself back to reality. He was led downstairs and out the back door of the house. He walked outside and the air was cool and crisp. Fall was in the air.

How long had he been here? Over a year now he thought since he was originally kidnapped.

He was taken by Ryan to the barn but passed his stall. He walked past all the stalls. Every one of them was empty now the occupants probably in use.

Chet was surprised when he was led out of the other end of the barn and to a waiting car. He was naked but for cuffs and collar and he pulled back on the leash shocked at the sight of the car.

"Don't worry," Ryan said, "I won't leave your side."

That, at least, comforted Chet and he got into the car. The driver looked at his naked body and smiled.

"Wow," he said to Ryan.

"Yes," Ryan responded grabbing Chet by the cock and giving it a few quick strokes. They were sufficient to almost make him cum."

The drove for almost an hour the whole time Ryan petting Chet's body. The car stopped and the driver opened the back door. Ryan got out pulling Chet after him.

The driver checked Chet out shaking his head in approval.

"Do you like him?" Ryan asked the man.

"Wow," the driver repeated.

"When were done you can fuck him," Ryan offered.

"Thank you Mr. Primbatu."

With that they headed into the building.

They were in an industrial section of the city and they were at a large concrete building. The parking lot was empty and Chet could see large metal gates that the car had come through. They were at a back door and it slid open automatically. Chet and his owner walked into the building. Inside he could see several other slaves, each of them on all fours like dogs.

Ryan said nothing but simply tugged downward on the leash. Chet knew what he wanted and dropped down onto all fours. He hated this - it was humiliating to be down on all fours. But he was down and he felt Ryan pull at his leash. He crawled, like all of the other slaves, and was lead to a glass door. Chet did not look up but he could hear the noise of machines.

He heard a voice.

"Well, if it isn't the youngest of the Primbatu children."

The voice was deep and masculine.


He noticed Ryan hug the man. Then the man bent down to touch him. He felt the man's hands on his head first and then the man rubbed his back. The man reached under him and rubbed Chet's chest and grabbed his nipples. Chet moaned.

"Good," he heard the man say, "you've done a wonderful job with the nipples."

The man grabbed at Chet's penis and stroked him several times. Chet felt his cock ooze precum.

"What's his name?"

"Pex," Ryan said.

He felt Ryan yank his leash and he stood seeing the room for the first time. Chet instinctively backed up a step but Ryan pulled him forward. The room was full of machines and in the center of the room he saw a metal table. Above the table were wires and cables of all kinds. Chet noticed tit clamps at the end of some of the wires. At the end of others were needles. Still other wires ended in nozzles and valves.

The man wore a white lab coat. He was short, probably no talker than five feet but was heavy almost three hundred pounds by the look of him.

"Come Pex," the man said to him.

Chet looked at his owner who nodded and Chet approached the man.

"Lay on the table."

Chet did as he was told and got on the cold metal table on his back. The man went to one end of the table and he felt large metal cuffs clamp onto his wrists. They replaced the other leather cuffs he had worn. Each wrist was then pulled to one side.

The man then went to the other end of the table. He felt the man lift his legs and the man reached for the plug in his ass. In one rough stroke the man pulled it from him making Chet gasp.

His legs were placed in two stirrups and they too were put in metal cuffs. Chet saw the man move out of his vision then felt him put something hard and metal between his legs. It slid in and Chet knew it was a dildo being inserted deep into his ass. He tried not to moan but it was bigger than he expected, almost as big as Ryan's huge cock.

"Relax," the man said.

Seating the dildo deep in Chet's ass the man brought a thick leather belt which was attached to the metal table, this he fasted tightly around Chet's waist. Another leather strapped was fasted just below his pecs.

Checking to make sure Chet was securely locked in the machine he went to stand next to Ryan. Chet could turn his head and he saw the man stand at a variety of controls. Above him Chet heard a machine come to life. It looked as if the ceiling was moving and was coming alive with a variety of movements and gadgets.

Chet saw a valve open and a jet of water shot out of the valve and onto his chest. At first it missed his nipple and hit to the left of each one. The man must have been working controls because he felt the streams of water move on his chest. The water came out with a great deal of force and Chet tensed for what he knew was coming. Soon the stream of water reached his nipple and Chet felt is drill into the already tender tit flesh. Each stream of water was separately focused until the water was centered on each nipple.

He could not move and for several minutes the water flowed onto each nipple and it dripped down his body onto the metal table.

"We're ready." The man said to Ryan.

Chet felt relief as the water stopped and he saw Ryan approach him. Ryan touched Chet's body softly admiring it. Then he saw Ryan take a metal tube and put it on his hard and leaking cock. At the end of the tube was a hose leading to the ceiling.

"Try to relax," he said to Chet.

Chet looked up to see Ryan nod at the man and then had to suppress a scream as the entire machine came to life above him. Metal arms dropped from the machine and he felt the dildo begin to move in and out of his ass. It didn't take long for Chet to know he was being fucked by a machine. The large dildo slammed in and out of his ass without mercy. He also felt the milker begin to move up and down on his cock. Within seconds he shot a load into the milker which was sucked up into the hose. Still the milker moved on his cock and the dildo moved in and out of his ass.

But, the dildo and milker were forgotten. The machine dropped two arms toward his tits. The water had been nothing more than a mechanism for the device to find his tender tit flesh. The two arms lowered then opened like a flower with dozens of small metal fingers. These lowered even further until they reached his nipples. Then the flowers closed trapping his nipples inside each of the metal cages. The machine paused then rose pulling his nipples with it.

Chet yelped as he felt his tits pulled hard. The machine continued to pull and when his nipples would come out of his chest no further he felt two more firm tugs and the machine stopped. At the center of the flower even more needle like metal rods lowered and these began to poke and prod his tits. The machine moved and hummed twisting his nipples, pulling and lowering them and having the metal pins poke and tenderize the flesh.

Chet could take no more and he gave another load of cum to the milker. He yelled at this and still the machine fucked and sucked him as it worked his nipples. Chet did not notice it but the man who hooked him to the machine was standing next to him.

"Your at setting number four," the man said, "it goes to fifty.:

Chet groaned.

"Turn it up," Ryan said.

The man left his side and he felt the machine move faster. Every part of the machine kicked up a notch the dildo moving in and out of his ass; the milker trying to force another load from him and the pincers moving on his nipples. Now he felt water spray onto his nipples and then a flat metal plate moved to his securely held tits it seemed to have sand paper on it and it twisted and turned tenderizing his nipples.

The machine released his tits and long thin pieces of rubber began to smack and hit his tits. He moaned, afraid they would bleed and be destroyed by the machine. Again, he felt the machine ramp up another few levels.

Tubes lowered from the machine and he felt suction tubes grip his tits, suck for several seconds and then release. This was repeated numerous times over and over. Again the machine picked up speed fucking and sucking a third load from him now. He felt the machine pause for just as second as the machine changed tactics again.

Chet raised his head to see a series of clamps open and close on his tits. They were incredibly creative sometimes the machine closed small metal plates gently on his nipples. Other times heavy plates closed on his tits with such force that Chet thought he would loose his nipples forever. It seemed like forever as his tits were abused by the machine in new and inventive ways.

Chet's eyes rolled in the back of his head and he gave the machine still another load. Sweat covered his body. He was sure no cum came out of his cock. Surely he could have no more cum left in him.

He yelled and there was blackness.

Instantly the machine stopped, releasing his cock, ass and nipples. The machine withdrew into the ceiling.

Ryan took smelling salts and waived them under his nose and Chet jerked awake.

"Easy does it Pex," Ryan said.

Ryan loosened Chet's straps and he was free from the machine. He could not move much even when his wrists and ankles were freed. He reached for his nipples and they were intact but unbelievably tender. It was then that Chet realized that the machine was designed for just that purpose ^Ö to tenderize him before the big party.

Ryan helped him off the table and again took salve and spread it over his tits to soothe them. He took Chet to a chair and sat him down.

"Rest for a second," Ryan said and went to the other room with the doctor.

It was then that Chet looked up and saw the phone.

He remembered what Austin had told him.

Dial the number, say the word, help will come.

It was so easy and he stood to go to the phone. All he had to do is call the number and he would be free - but he couldn't. He had to save the president's son and there was Austin and the others to think about. Even if it meant having to go back to the farm and be used at the party he would do it. Inside, he knew he would have another chance to reach help.

Just as he sat back down Ryan and the man returned. Ryan reattached the leash to Chet's collar and Chet got down on his hands and knees. Ryan kissed the man.

"I'll see you at the party," Ryan said.

"Looking forward to it."

Ryan was led out of the room and back to the car. The driver was waiting for them and held the door open. He remembered what Ryan had told the driver and as they approached the farm he knew what was next. The door opened and Ryan got out.

"Stay Pex," Ryan told him.

Ryan left then without another word and headed inside the house. Chet was left with the driver.

The driver started the engine and drove off again. It shocked Chet that he was going somewhere. He did not expect to take another trip. In the back of the car he examined his body. His nipples were large and hard and as he touched them his cock jumped and leaked. But, they were not bleeding or injured. They were always careful not to hurt him too much. He felt drained and certainly not ready for what the driver was going to do to him.

He thought of Dean too and wondered how he was doing. He missed Dean and wondered what they're life would have been like had they been able to stay together. Then, Chet pushed the thought out of his head. He had the president's son and Austin to think about. They had to find a way out of this.

The car stopped and Chet looked out the window for the first time they were on the interstate. He looked at a sign and saw that they were in Virginia. Now he knew his location at least. They pulled into a truck stop, the long sleek car sliding in next to numerous big rigs. Chet, dressed only in his cuffs and collar began to get nervous about what this driver had in store for him.

The driver got out and went to Chet's door opening it. He slid in next to him rolling the window's down.

"Blow me," he said.

Chet did not question him, he simply leaned over, unzipped the driver's pants and pulled his cock out. It was six inches long but very thick and Chet had to work to stretch his mouth over it. He began to suck the man, moving up and down on the man's cock quickly. He intended to get the load out of this man fast.

The man reached down grabbing Chet's left nipple. Chet moaned, precum leaking from his cock. Damn, his nipples were so sensitive. But he loved it. It made him suck the man harder.


The voice came from outside the car and Chet lifted his head to see who had spoken.

"Hot slave you got there," the man speaking stood beside the car, looking in. He was tall, fat and had a large furry beard. "He for sale?"

"Hold on a second," the driver said.

A second later Chet felt the man's cock explode in his mouth. The man grabbed the back of Chet's head holding him in place. Chet continued to suck taking the whole load and cleaning the man's cock as it remained in his mouth.

The driver caught his breath and then addressed the trucker.

"The boy's on loan to me but you can have a piece if you want."

The trucker grunted and got into the limo with them, leaving the door open. He sat next to the driver and Chet could smell him. He stank of sweat and hours on the road. He was fat, and his stomach hung over the waist band of his jeans. He reached down and undid his belt buckle, lowering his jeans and underwear at the same time. His cock was already hard and leaking, about 8 inches.

The driver moved deeper toward the center of the limo taking a seat on the chair, facing them. He looked at Chet.

"As he uses you," he told Chet, "look at me."

Chet looked at the driver as he felt the fat man grab him and move him into his lap. Chet felt the man's cock at his ass and the man grabbed his cock pointing it at his hole. He pushed back and the man entered him in one long stroke.

"Fuuuuuuck," the man moaned.

Chet began to ride the man looking at the driver the entire time. He could smell the man and the thought of what he was doing made Chet sick.

He tried to remain expressionless but occasionally the man hit his prostate and Chet would moan with pleasure. He rode the man for just over a minute and felt the man stiffen under him. He held onto Chet tightly.

"Take it, boy."

After feeling the man spasm under him for a few seconds the man pushed him off his cock and Chet fell onto the floor of the limo. The man stuffed his cock back into his dirty pants and zipped them up. He left the limo without another word.

Chet lay on the floor catching his breath until he heard another voice outside the limo.

"Looks like fun."

It was as if someone had ordered the exact opposite of the man who had just fucked him. The kid had to be in his early twenties. He was all muscle, dressed in a loose tank top and shorts. The kid had mass of dark curls on his head and he sported a day old beard. He smiled and he had gleaming white teeth and deep dimples. He was beautiful.

"Bruce, come here." The kid looked back over his shoulder calling.

He saw a second man now a but taller than the guy looking in the limo at him. He was dressed n a polo shirt and dress pants. But, Chet could tell that Bruce was very well muscled though not as well muscled as Bruce. Bruce had dark hair that hung straight down and hung into his face.

"What's up Clark?" Bruce said and then looked at Chet in the limo.

He must have been quite a site laying there naked, tits and cock rock hard, his hairless body covered in sweat.

Bruce began to get in the limo and then saw the driver.

"Dude, sorry," Bruce said, "didn't mean to interfere."

"Don't worry boys," the driver said, "come in and do whatever you want."

Bruce unbuttoned his shirt and Chet saw his hairy chest. Chet remembered the hair on his chest and reached out running his hand over Bruce's nice pecs. He pulled gently at Bruce's nipples and he could see the kid's cock stiffen in his pants. It looked big.

Clark got into the limo as well, pulling off his tank top as he climbed in. Clark's chest was smooth and Chet saw the large "S" tattooed on his left pec. Chet reached out and rubbed Clark's chest. When he pulled at Clark's nipples, he moaned loudly and Chet knew he had another tit lover.

Chet got off his back and moved onto all fours taking each of Clark's nipples in his mouth. At first he was gentle then he chewed with more force making Clark buck under him. Chet found the kid's shorts and removed them with one pull, releasing the kid's nice 7 inch cock. Instantly Chet took it in his mouth and he felt it leak, tasting precum.

Behind him he felt Bruce's cock push into his already slick hole. Chet froze for a second, letting the man's cock settle in deep. Bruce's cock was bigger, probably 8 ½ inches and thicker than Clark's.

After several minutes of taking on both Clark and Bruce he heard Clark laugh above him. Chet stopped thinking he had done something wrong.

"Grab onto me tight," Clark said.

Chet didn't understand but grabbed onto Clark's shoulders. For a second he looked into Clark's eyes. The kid was so handsome. He instantly bonded to him.

"Get ready," Clark said, "this is our specialty. We call it flying."

He felt Bruce grip his legs at the thighs. Then, his cock still deep in Chet's ass he lifted Chet off the floor of the limo. His body hung in mid-air as he pulled Chet back and forth onto his cock. Chet moaned. His body moving back and forth.

Chet felt Clark pull at his chin until their lips met. The kissed Bruce fucking him and pulling him back and forth onto his cock.

"You like?" Clark asked.

All Chet could do was moan.

"I'm cumming buddy," he heard Bruce say and he felt Bruce shaking.

Bruce let Chet's legs down and he could feel the man's hands rub his back. Clark was sitting on the floor of the limo and he pulled Chet into his lap. Chet settled down onto Clark's cock and he heard Clark moan. Chet hugged Clark and began to ride him tightening his ass as he went.

Chet hugged him tight and he heard Clark whisper in his ear.

"You doin' alright?"

Chet froze. It had been so long since someone had asked him how he felt. Chet continued to ride, not answering. Clark grabbed his collar.

"This isn't for decoration is it?"

Chet shook his head no. He willed himself not to cry. Just service the kid and get it over with.

Clark did not speak for awhile. He just bucked under Clark, fucking him. The driver watched them and began to stroke his cock.

"I'm going to cum now." Clark said. Chet nodded.

"In me," Chet said.

Clark gripped Chet by the cock stroking it as he felt his cock swell.

"No," the driver said, "if you want the boy to cum just pull his tits."

Clark reached for Chet's tits and began to gently play with them. Above him Chet continued to ride moaning. Clark could feel the boy's ass tighten hard on his cock. It was too much for him to take and Clark shot load after load into the tight ass.

The two men stayed like that for several minutes Chet's ass tightly clenched on Clark's straining cock. The were both sweating and each felt the bond they had formed with the other. They had not just fucked, they had sex. Chet learned the difference now.

"Enough," the driver said, "time to go."

Clark felt Chet pull off his cock and they both moaned lightly. Clark did something then that shocked Chet even more. He leaned down and kissed Chet on the cheek lightly. Clark pulled his shorts and tank top on looking down at Chet the whole time.

"He gonna be ok?" he asked the driver.

"He's a fucking slave. What do you think."

With that the driver left the back of the limo and moved into the front seat. It was only seconds later before the large black car pulled off back onto the highway and towards the Primbatu farm.

Clark got into the truck along side Bruce who was waiting for him.

"Hot," Bruce said.

"Yeah," Clark responded, his cock still hard in his shorts. He paused then, thinking carefully.

"What's wrong," Bruce asked.

"I think that boy's in trouble."

"So what," Bruce reached for Clark, putting his hand on his bare leg and rubbing. He could see Clark's cock jump. He'd lusted after Clark for along time but the two of them had never had sex,. They played with others but never with each other. Clark said they were too close to have sex and that he didn't want to ruin their friendship.

"Dude," Clark said, "we need to fix this. We need to rescue him."

Bruce looked down the highway and saw the limo speed away. He put the truck in drive and began to follow the limo. It was large and bright, easy to track.

"Why do I think this is going to get us in trouble," Bruce said laughing.

Clark just smiled. He made a fist and pointed it at Bruce who also made a fist touching Clark's.

"World's finest," Clark said.

"World's finest," Bruce said.

The truck followed the limo toward the Primbatu farm.

Austin moaned as they finished loading his body into the shipping crate. Every party of his body would be used. It was made of heavy wood and reminded him of a coffin. On the base of the crate, welded into it, was a large butt plug. This plug was locked into Austin's ass and kept him attached to the crate.

Tit clamps were tightly fastened onto his nipples and led to an eye hook on the wall. A ball harness was attached to his balls as well and led to a different eye hook at another part of the crate. Once he was shipped to his new owner his body nipples and balls would pull as the crate shook and moved. The plug would move in his ass as well.

His head was encased in a harness that hung from the top of the crate. A long tube led from his mouth to a feeder and if he touched it with his tongue he could get a small bit of liquid. His dick was in a cock cage and a tube had been shoved down his cock. If he pissed the tube would carry it to the feed and he would be forced to drink it. Straps held his body in place.

Above him the guards finished sealing the crate. Austin had no idea where he was going but he tried to keep a positive outlook. Control would find him and save him. They had too. At least he had a chance to tell Chet about the President's son.

It would be up to Chet to save him now.

Above him, Austin saw Primbatu smile. The top of the crate was sealed and he felt the crate move. Austin moaned as every part of his body was pulled and shifted.

When Chet was led back to the barn he passed Austin's stall. There was a new person in the stall. A young black man with smooth dark skin and a shaved head. He was obviously the new slave. Inside, Chet knew Austin was gone. He was too late to save him.

Chet put that thought off to the side. He had to save the President's son as Austin asked him. It was then that Chet made a vow to find Austin and save him.

Next: Chapter 17

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