Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Sep 7, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Part Fifteen

Dean was alone in the locker room. He had just won another game, having thrown several touchdowns. At his college, he was now a hero, a star quarterback on his way to the pros and a bright future. He had just showered and dried himself off. He tossed the towel onto the floor and walked naked to his locker.

The rest of the team was out celebrating but he had given a couple of interviews and was running late. Ted has asked Dean to join them and he had agreed. His time with Ted had been nice and anytime he needed a fuck Ted was always there to relieve him. But today he needed something else. While they played home games Dean did not cruise for sex but they were in another city and Dean felt comfortable enough to go out by himself and enjoy himself.

He dressed in a tight tank top and jeans and put a baseball cap on. His hair was now trimmed very short and the look suited him, making him appear tougher than he really was. He thought of Chet daily but he had resigned himself to never seeing him again and was trying to move on with his life. Besides, they barely knew each other and crying after Chet would get him nowhere.

He left the stadium and drove his rental car out to a leather bar he knew on the outskirts of the city. A friend had referred the place to him. He pulled the car into a parking space and took a moment to put a leather band on his left arm, letting everyone know he was a top.

It was Friday night and the place was crowded. He could smell the smoke of cigars and cigarettes. It was dark enough to hide his identity from those who might have seen tonight's game. He moved to the bar asking for a beer. The bartender handed it to him looking him up and down. When Dean offered him money the bartender refused.

"Enjoy." the bartender said.

"We'll see about that."

The bartender reached across the bar and grabbed Dean's right nipple through his tank top, twisting it gently. Dean did not pull away and gave the man a feel. The attention was nice. The bartender reached into his pocket and handed Dean a business card.

"Maybe this will help," he said.

The card had three words on it:


Dean smiled and thanked the bartender, returning the favor by reaching across the bar and grabbing the bartenders pierced nipple. He twisted hard till the bartender pulled away. Satisfied, Dean walked to the back of the bar.

He walked past a lot of people many of them looking at him and some touching his body as he walked by. Dean reached the back of the bar and saw a set of double doors. A large black man stood in front of the doors dressed in a harness and chaps. Dean wanted the man to turn around so he could check his ass out. He walked up to the man and handed him the business card the bartender had given him.

The man smiled at him and stepped aside allowing Dean entry into the darkened back room. As he entered his eyes had to again adjust to an even darker room than he had come from in the bar. Just inside the doorway was a prison door. In front of the door was a guard in full uniform.

"Your first time here?" the guard asked.

Dean nodded.

"You going to stay a top tonight?"

Again Dean nodded.

"Loose the tank and hat. You can put them in one of the lockers just inside. When your ready to leave come back and I'll let you out."

Dean waited but he was not let in.

"You strip now," the guard said. "No shirts allowed."

Dean pulled his tank top and hat off and held them. The guard opened the prison door and he was let in. Once inside he went to a locker and put the hat and shirt inside. There were keys in each of the lockers and he removed his key and put it around his wrist.

He walked back and down a long hallway. All along the hall were prison doors. It was like he was in a jail. But there was no one in any of the rooms. At the end of the hall was a large metal door. The door slid open and he walked inside. There were about twenty people in the room most of them sitting on couches and some at a small bar in the back corner.

On a table in the center of the room a man was strapped into a metal frame. The frame formed a large square with the man in the center. His hands and legs stretched to the sides. Dean stared at the man. He was beautiful with dark hair and a slight beard and hairy chest. In a way he reminded Dean of Chet.

There was a man next to Dean and he grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Everyone in here is just watching so far. Why don't you go play with the boy."

Dean nodded, his gaze not moving from the man on the table. He went to the table and climbed on, standing face to face with the boy. The boy's skin was very dark and he looked Arabic.

For a time neither of them said anything then Dean touched the man's chest feeling his muscular, hairy body. The slave moaned at Dean's touch. He had only a collar on and Dean saw the slave's cock rise to full attention. It was nice, about seven inches with a large pink head.

Dean grabbed the boy's cock and stroked him. The boy moaned.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Sir," he said bucking his hips slightly and humping Dean's hand, "that feels soooo good."

Dean leaned in and took one of the boy's nipples in his mouth and began to work it. Soon the boy was screaming with pleasure and moaning. As he continued to work the boy he reached behind him and shoved two fingers into his ass. He remained there on the stage for some time moving from nipple to nipple while stroking the boy and fingering him.

Soon, he felt the boy's prostate enlarge. It was getting bigger and Dean knew from experience that it meant the boy was close. He backed off then and stopped, letting the slave catch his breath and loose the urge to cum.

He again fingered the boy's hole and saw his prostate had gone down. Nodding, he went back to work. Eventually, after about half an hour he had the boy moaning and begging. In his pants, Dean was rock hard. He needed to fuck this boy.

A man approached from one of the couches. Dean saw a gag in his hand.

"You need this?" the man asked.

"No," Dean told him continuing to work, "I like it when they moan."

Dean rubbed the boy's body.

"Nice," Dean said.

"You too Sir," the boy said looking at him admiringly, "use me any way you want."

Dean got behind him and took his hard cock out. In one swift motion he entered the boy's ass. Both of them moaned. He had many complements on the size of his cock. It was just the right size. Not too large but big enough to just stretch a boy's ass.

He used his cock perfectly, finding the boy's prostate and jabbing at it until the boy moaned. Dean didn't need to look. He knew the boy's cock was leaking precum every time he thrust against him.

He reached forward grabbing the boy's nipples and twisting. He thought of Chet every time he did that, remembering how much Chet like his nipples pulled on. The boy moaned and Dean picked up the pace.

"Cum for me boy," Dean commanded.

The boy yelled and as he came Dean felt his ass tighten hard on his cock. Dean left his cock in the boy until he had finished cumming. Then Dean pulled out, shoved his hardon back in his jeans and zipped up.

He went in front of the boy and grabbed his cock stroking it several times and making the boy buck and squirm.

"Why didn't you cum Sir?"

Dean continued to stroke the boy. Dean looked for the man who he had met earlier. Their eyes met.

"I'll take that gag now," Dean called to him.

The man came up and handed Dean the gag, which he took this time and placed in the boy's mouth. He fastened the straps tightly around the boy's head then went back to stroking the boy. The boy's cock was very sensitive and in no time at all the boy was yelling into his gag.

There were ten or fifteen men now in the back room and all eyes were on them. Dean leaned down taking one of the boy's nipples in his mouth. Using the other hand he reached behind him and put three fingers in the boy's ass. He worked the boy perfectly, his hands and mouth in perfect rhythm and in no time at all the boy rewarded his efforts with his second load. This time though the boy screamed into his gag, his dick sensitive beyond belief.

Again Dean continued stroking.

Finally, with the boy pleading behind the gag he stopped. He took the gag off the boy and offered him his cum covered hand.

"Clean me."

The boy licked his cum off of Dean's fingers and hands.

"Who brought you here boy?"

"No one," the boy replied, "I came by myself."

Dean reached up and unhooked the boy's wrists from the chains and then untied his ankles. The crowd gathered groaned wanting more of a show.

"Follow," Dean commanded the boy and the boy followed him obediently down from the stage.

Once they were off the stage a large bear of a man dragged a blond onto the stage. The next show was about to begin and the crowd gathered quickly loosing interest in Dean and his boy.

Dean went to the bar and ordered two beers one of which he handed to his new friend.

"What's your name?" Dean asked.


Dean reached for the boy's body and again pulled his nipples. The boy moved closer leaning against Dean.

"Why didn't you cum Sir," the boy asked him.

The boy was obviously worried he had not done a good job.

"Don't worry," Dean said stroking the boy's body, "I just don't cum in public. For me it's something I only share with my boy."

The boy nodded and rubbed against him, almost purring.

"You ready to go home with me?" he asked the boy.

The boy simply nodded. He was eager and Dean downed his beer. The boy was slower drinking and Dean grabbed the boy's drink, took a big swig and then kissed the boy forcing the beer down the boy's throat as they kissed.

He left knowing the boy was behind him and they stopped at the lockers. Dean dressed, Tim simply standing there.

"Get your clothes on."

Tim went to another of the lockers and pulled out shorts and a t-shirt getting them on quickly. He left the collar on.

"Take the collar off," he told the boy.


The boy looked hurt but reached to remove his collar as ordered.

"A collar is not required unless we're playing. You will not be my slave. You're a plaything. There's a difference."

"You don't want me?" Tim asked.

"Don't worry about that," Dean said, grabbing his nipple and twisting.

He moved to the jail door and the guard let him and the boy out.

"I see you found something you like," the guard said, smiling at Dean.

"He'll do for now," Dean said.

He walked, leading the boy out of the bar and to the parking lot. He reached his SUV and unlocked it for the both of them.

"Do you have a car here," he asked.

"No, Sir," Tim said. "I came with a friend who left earlier."

Dean started the car and put it in gear. As he did the boy leaned over and put his face in Dean's lap. He felt Tim unzip his pants and take his cock out. Instantly, the boy began to suck for all he was worth. Dean and the boy both moaned.

"You better not make me cum," he told the boy.

Tim lifted his head up long enough to mumble his understanding then went back to work. Dean gasped; the boy sure knew how to suck a cock.

He drove out of the parking lot. Once he was out the parking lot, a black car started its engines and began to follow them.

Chet woke in Ryan's room. He was lying on the bed naked but for his collar and wrist and ankle cuffs, a large lock secured each one.

He was not tied and he reached down to feel his nipples. They were swollen still and red. A scab had formed on each nipple and Chet knew his nipples would be bigger now then they had been in the past. Even while not being used they stuck out from his body and in response his cock leaked.

Chet wanted nothing more than to stroke his cock, but he resisted the urge. The door to the room opened and Doctor Foster entered. He had not seen the doctor in awhile but knew why the doctor was there.

"Let's have a look Pex."

Chet got up and walked to the doctor who grabbed him by the nipples. Chet moaned, cum leaking out of his cock.

"Even more sensitive?" The doctor asked, turning his nipples back and forth like knobs on a radio.

"Yes, Sir," Chet moaned.

"They're doing an excellent job with you. Your very responsive."

Doctor Foster surprised Chet then by kneeling in front of him. He opened his mouth and put it gently around the head of Chet's cock. Chet moaned, his knees buckling under him a bit. He licked Chet's cock once.

"You need to learn to cum on cue," he told Chet, "I want you to count to ten then cum for me."

Chet moaned at the thought but did not know if he could cum like that. The doctor went back on Chet's cock taking just the head in his mouth. The doctor nodded moving Chet's cock up and down and he did.

"One, two, three."

Each count caused the doctor to move down on Chet's cock one inch.

"Four, five, six, seven, eight."

When the doctor reached the base of Chet's cock he surprised Chet yet again by opening his mouth even further and taking Chet's balls in his mouth as well.


Chet felt the doctor's mouth tighten around his cock and balls.


As he reached ten, Chet felt his load build in him and shoot out of his cock into the doctor's mouth. He gasped and moaned, shocked that he had cum on cue. It was yet another example of Primbatu's complete control of his mind and body. The doctor continued to work taking every drop of cum from Chet, then pulled off his cock.

"Your delicious," he told Chet.

Foster stood then and told Chet to follow. Obediently, Chet did as he was ordered and was led outside Ryan's room and down the stairs and outside, back into the barn.

"Go clean up in the showers," Foster ordered and with that he left moving past the stalls and to his offices.

Chet walked to the showers that were located just to the left of where he now stood. There was a short hall and he turned the corner grabbing a towel out of the bin located against the wall. He liked the showers. It was the only time that he had a chance for quiet.

But, this time, as he turned and went into the shower, he saw Austin standing there.

Austin was hard and his beautiful body was soapy as he moved his hands over it. Chet stared at Austin's hard cock. He remembered how they had met in the showers before and how they had hid there wanting to have sex so bad. So much had happened since that last time in the showers but Austin still looked the same. Chet on the other hand was bigger, more muscular, his nipples larger and his cock always hard now.

Austin looked around the room scared and Chet followed his gaze. Then Austin shocked Chet he moved quickly to Chet, with a speed that surprised him. He put one hand over Chet's mouth and using the other forced him backward against the wall of the showers.

"Listen," he said, "we don't have much time."

Chet nodded and Austin removed his hand from Chet's mouth.

"1800," Austin began then gave him the rest of a phone number. The number was easy to remember. The only numbers in it were one and eight.

Chet began to speak but Austin stopped him putting his hand over Chet's mouth again.

"When someone answers tell them Steel found Sunshine code red escape escape escape . . . can you remember that?" Austin was panicked now and he was talking fast.

Chet nodded and Austin again removed his hand. Chet's thoughts wandered. Austin was pressed against him and he could feel the beautiful man's cock against him. He wanted it so bad.

"Repeat it," Austin said and he shocked Chet by grabbing him by the cock and stroking Chet.

Chet repeated the phrase.

"Again," Austin said this time moving onto his knees and sucking Chet's cock.

Austin stood then and reached behind Chet to finger his ass. Chet moaned his head swimming.

"Call the number, say the phrase, help will come." Austin told him and kissed Chet's neck.

"What's so important about the boy," Chet said gasping as Austin added another finger. His hips were bucking. He wanted Austin in him so bad now.

Austin stopped what he was doing and looked Chet directly in the eyes.

"He's the son of the President of the United States."

Chet opened his mouth to speak but just then he saw movement to his left. A guard entered and Chet recognized him as the one who often fucked Austin.

"You started without me," the guard said moving to them. The guard unzipped his pants pulling his large cock out.

Austin dropped to his knees moving behind Chet to rim him. Chet moaned and squirmed.

"Couldn't wait," Austin moaned behind him not stopping what he was doing.

The guard grabbed Chet roughly.

"Get to work," he commanded.

Austin stood and in one rough stroke plunged his cock into Chet's ass. They both moaned. Each had wanted it for so long and now they were finally fucking. Austin moved quickly in and out of him as the guard held him. After a few minutes the guard pulled Chet away and off Austin's cock, turned him around and shoved his own, larger, cock into Chet. Chet yelped and took the savage fucking he knew Austin constantly had to endure.

After a few minutes the guard again turned Chet so Austin could fuck him. Back and forth they went, both of them tag teaming Chet over and over. Chet's knees weakened and he was afraid he would drop onto the shower floor but the guard held him firmly.

Finally, the guard pushed Chet onto all fours. Austin fucked his ass while the guard pumped his mouth. He tasted precum and he knew both were very close.

"Cum, boy" he told Austin and instantly he tasted the guard's load. Behind him Austin moaned as he came in Chet's ass.

They both stayed that way for a moment and then pulled out. Austin reached around Chet, grabbed his cock and, in a few strokes, Chet shot a load that landed on the guards boot.

"Lick it off," the guard commanded and Chet licked the guard's boots clean obediently.

Then the guard stood and grabbed Austin pulling him up, off the shower floor.

"Come on," the guard said, "we've got to pack you up for your new owner."

He pulled Austin out of the shower. Chet looked up and saw Austin look back at him. Austin opened his mouth, mouthing two words.

Save him.

And, in another second, Austin was gone.

Chet knew then why it had been so important for Austin to give Chet the instructions. He had been sold and probably wouldn't see Chet again. Chet sat on the ground more depressed than ever. One by one everything that meant something to him was taken away.

Tears welled up in his eyes but he pushed them back.

All of this time had taught him one thing. He was strong. He had taken everything and he would get through this. The boy needed him and he would help.

Chet stood and left the shower. He grabbed his towel, dried off and went back to his stall.

Soon Ryan came for him and he was taken back to Ryan's room.

The whole time he plotted how to get to a phone to call for help.

Next: Chapter 16

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