Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Aug 12, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Part Fourteen

Chet lay on his cot still recovering for his time being broken in by Primbatu and his stay in the Pit and his gang bang from the guards. His nipples ached and his ass was sore. But worse than that was the fact that he felt as if they had broken him. He would do what was asked of him now.

The guards would look at him differently, everyone would.

Still there was the boy to think about. He had not seen Austin on his return to his stall but he now knew where the boy was and Chet also knew that he would see the boy again. He and the boy were on the same training cycle. So, they were more than likely to meet.

Now, he needed to talk to Austin and find out more. For example, why was the boy so important?

Chet touched his smooth chest and gently felt his swollen nipples. They were hard and as he touched them his cock dripped precum. He could not remember the last time his cock had gone soft. Even as he was fucked and after all the times he had cum his cock remained hard.

He was dressed now only in a collar. Inside him the strange plug still moved and turned. Chet could not sleep the plug didn't allow it. His entire concentration was on his ass and the machine that stimulated him. His dick leaked and jumped.

Chet heard a sound and raised his head to look at the figure entering his stall. He did not recognize the man. He was tall, blond and very well built.

He was larger than Chet and looked like a bodybuilder. His hair was long, falling well below his shoulders.

"Pex, come to me." The stranger said.

Chet got up and walked over to the man. He moved slow the plug shifting and turning in his ass.

As he stood in front of him the man raised his hands and gently brushed the back of his hands over Chet's already sensitive nipples. Chet gasped his cock jumping and leaking.

"My father has done a good job with you."

The blonde man smiled at him.

"Turn around."

Chet did as he was told and he felt the man cuff his hands behind him. He felt the plug stop moving in him and then slowly, very slowly he felt it being removed from his ass. Chet gasped as it left him.

"Easy," the man said.

He felt the man's hands on his shoulders and Chet allowed the man to turn him back around to face him. A leash was attached to his collar and the man began to walk pulling him into the hallway.

He passed Austin's stall and Chet looked in. This time Austin was there. He was on all fours. Behind him a black guard kneeled fucking him savagely. Now, Chet knew how that felt. The pleasure and the pain that it gave a slave. Chet tried to look in and make eye contact but Austin's head was down. He was concentrating and sweat dripped off his friend's body.

He felt the tug on his leash and Chet was pulled further down the hallway.

As he passed Austin looked up. The guard was on him, still clothed, just his cock out. His dick was long and thick, thicker as it got down to the base. Every thrust into his ass stretched him more and more as his cock entered Austin.

Austin took the pounding. He had been well trained and he squeezed his ass muscles around the guard's cock trying to force him to cum. The sooner it was over the better.

Austin looked up and saw Chet being led down the hall. He smiled, the guard grunting and groaning as he pounded in and out of his ass.




Still Austin barely noticed what the guard was doing. Chet was still here and maybe there was a chance they would all get out of this in one piece.

Austin felt the guard's cock swell in his ass and behind him the guard groaned. He waited as the guard unleashed his load inside Austin.

Finally the guard pulled out of him. Austin stayed down on all fours and the guard stood zipping up.

The guard reached down and petted Austin on the head, as if he were a dog.

"Good boy," the guard said.

Austin did not look up but remained with his head down.

"Too bad you won't be here in a few days."

As the guard said that Austin looked up. Inside he screamed.

The guard saw the slave look up and smiled down at him. He reached for Austin's nipples and twisted them savagely. It did nothing for Austin but he groaned nevertheless.

"The tits are not sensitive enough," the guard said to him, "and Primbatu has sold you. After the big party you'll be taken away. I'll sure miss you."

With that said, the guard began to leave his stall.

Normally, Austin would never speak to the guard but now, with knowledge that he was going to be forced to leave the farm, everything was different.

"Did you fuck the slave in the stall next to me last night?" Austin asked.

The guard turned back to him and smiled.

"All the guards fucked him."

Austin grimaced at the thought of Chet being gang banged.

He had been fucked last night by several visitors in one of the theme rooms at the farm so he had not known of Chet's ordeal.

"Sir," Austin said, "I have a favor to ask."

Shocked at this the guard came back to Austin, grabbing him by the hair.

"You've got guts boy," the guard said, "what do you want?"

Austin reached down grabbing the guard's cock through his pants. He cuddled close to the guard trying to use his powers of persuasion.

"I want to see you fuck him," Austin said. He dropped to his knees, unzipping the guard's pants and pulling his large cock out. In seconds he had it inside his mouth making it wet and tasting the precum that always leaked from the guard.

The guard moaned.

Austin worked with his mouth rolling his cock around working on the guard's already sensitive head.

"Maybe I'll fuck you both," the guard said.

Austin continued to suck even harder, smiling.

At the end of the hallway the blonde man pulled Chet to a stop. He gripped Chet by his sore nipples and Chet instantly fell to his knees, his cock leaking and jumping.

"My father is training you well," the man said.

Chet looked up at him suddenly seeing the family resemblance.

"You may call me Master Thor," he said still working Chet's nipples.

Chet moaned.

"Mmmmmm, yes Master Thor," he said.

Thor released Chet's nipples and Chet gasped, catching his breath. Another few seconds and he would have cum. He no longer had control of his cock. It was directly connected to his nipples and there was nothing he could do about that now.

Chet leaned in to nuzzle Thor's cock but Thor pulled away.

"No," he said, "I don't do boys."

Chet looked up at him not understanding.

Thor pulled his leash until he stood. Thor was taller than him and he looked up at the tall blonde man.

"This will be a new experience for you," Thor said, "and I don't care. You will stand still and be a good boy. Do you understand Pex?"

"Yes, Master Thor."


Thor opened a door and Chet entered a small room. At the center of the room was a small podium and Thor pulled Chet to it. Chet got on the podium and saw the straps. There were two on the floor and two hung from the ceiling.

Thor attached a strap to each of Chet's wrists and ankles and moved to the wall. He pressed a button and the straps began to move away taking up the slack.

Chet was pulled until his arms and legs were as far out from his body as they would go. His body now formed a large "x".

Thor left the room leaving Chet there. By now he had grown used to the waiting. He tried not to wonder what would happen to him. It no longer mattered.

Later, the door opened again. Chet blushed.

In walked Thor and two other people - one man and one woman. The man and woman held hands, obviously a couple.

"Have a seat," Thor told them.

Thor walked back to the platform and stood next to Chet. He touched Chet's body rubbing his chest and grabbing Chet by the cock.

"This is Pex," he said stroking Chet and making his cock drip with precum.

"He's beautiful," the woman said.

"I think he'd be perfect," Thor said, "he's never done this before so you'll be the first."

The woman looked at the man she came in with and nodded. They were still holding hands.

"Ok," the man said to Thor.

The woman got on the platform with Chet and moved closer so that she was standing directly in front of him.

"I'm nervous," she said.

Thor ran his hands through Chet's hair.

"So is he," Thor told her.

The woman touched Chet's body rubbing his chest and touching his tender nipples. Chet moaned lightly.

Thor reached his hand out for the man.

"William," he said, "come here."

William came up onto the podium with the other two and Thor took his hand and placed it on Chet's chest along with the woman's.

"I'm not gay." William said.

"Remember." Thor said, "you're here for your wife and she needs you to be part of this experience."

William leaned over and kissed his wife.

"It's alright honey," he said, "I'm here with you."

She nodded and Chet looked down to see her raise her skirt. She took a step forward and gripped Chet's shoulders. Chet was much taller than her and she used Chet to pull herself up slightly then she lowered herself and they both gasped as Chet's cock entered her.

Chet was caught off guard by this and struggled in his bonds for a moment.

"Easy, boy," Thor said.

He felt the woman move up and down on his cock. Chet moaned at the feeling. It was different than when he had fucked the boy.

She moved up and down on him and as she did the man, her husband, gripped Chet firmly by the nipples.

"I was told you like this," William said to him.

He twisted Chet's nipples and as he did Chet knew he would cum soon. His eyes widened finally understanding.

"Cum in my wife," the man said to him, "give us our baby."

Chet could hold back no longer. The entire thing took less than three minutes. He shot then deep within her and she continued to ride him up and down talking every last drop.

Chet moaned as she took his seed.

Finally, she pulled off his cock and again they both gasped. She lay down on the platform then at Chet's feet. Thor released each of Chet's ankles and then his wrists. He attached the leash to Chet's collar and pulled him from the platform.

As he left Chet saw William get down with his wife and begin to kiss her. "Make love to your wife," Thor said pulling Chet from the room, "then it will be your baby."

Chet was more broken than ever now and as he left he hung his head.

Thor rubbed his body.

"You did good for your first time."

Chet moaned realizing this would be part of his duties now. He would have to help make babies with women who were brought to him. The nightmare was getting worse and worse but he did not care. He would serve the Primbatu family. He had nowhere else to go.

Chet was taken back to his stall and Thor left him there. Later, a guard entered.

"Primbatu wants you."

Chet was nervous as he was led down to the house and to Primbatu's study. He remembered his last time being used by Primbatu and his son. He knew that he would be used again probably harder than he had been used last time. His dick bounced and throbbed as he walked.

The guard leading him had been part of his gang bang earlier and the guard stopped him by the wall and turned him around, shoving his fingers into Chet's ass roughly.

"Later," he said to Chet, his fingers going savagely in and out of his ass, "I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll remember it for a week."

Chet moaned, his dick leaking precum as the guard rubbed his fingers back and forth against Chet's prostate.

Just as suddenly as the guard started, he stopped.

"We're late," he said.

He grabbed Chet by the hardon and led him down to the basement of the Primbatu home. When they reached the bottom of the stairs they went down a long hallway. At the end of the hallway was a door and in front of that door Primbatu was waiting for him.

Primbatu smiled when he saw Chet.

"You can go now Fowkes," Primbatu said.

Chet felt Fowkes give his cock a hard squeeze and with that he was left with the man who had broken him for his son.

He grabbed Chet firmly by the nipples and Chet fell instantly to his knees at Primbatu's feet. The cement floor was hard beneath his knees.

Primbatu twisted his nipples back and forth. He said nothing for some time.

"Do not cum," Primbatu commanded.

Chet felt his cock leak and drool and he closed his eyes savoring the feeling on his sensitive nipples.

Chet moaned.

Primbatu stopped suddenly and reached into his pocket. He pulled out two clamps and placed each one firmly onto Chet's nipples. Chet moaned and the two clamps bit into the nub of flesh. The clamps were not connected by a chain but had two hooks at the end of them. Primbatu attached a chain to each of the clamps and pulled the chains so that Chet stood.

"You'll be used tonight."

Chet nodded. He had expected this from Primbatu and he knew that it would be harder use than last time.

Primbatu opened the door and led Chet into the room.

Chet gasped when he saw the room.

"This is what I have been training you for," Primbatu said to Chet. "Normally I would wait but you are in high demand and I've decided to start making money off of your amazing body as soon as possible."

There was no one in the room except for Chet, Primbatu and a man in a suit standing, waiting for them.

The room was like nothing Chet had ever seen. There was a hallway down the center of the room. On either side of the hallway ran two walls made of wood. The wall had holes cut into it. This did not bother Chet, it was what was on the other side of the wall that gave him a clue to the room's use.

On the other side of the wall, were large poles that ran from another wall and ended very close to the wall with the holes. At the end of each pole were straps and chains. From the top of the interior walls hung cuffs and at the base of the wall a long metal trough was set into the floor. Primbatu saw Chet study the room.

"This is my party room." He said to Chet.

Primbatu motioned for Chet to follow him and he was led behind the wall to one of the poles. In front of him he saw the hole. It was the perfect height for his pecs.

The third man in the room joined them and moved Chet back against the metal pole. Straps where attached to his body fastening him to the bar. His collar was also attached to the bar forcing his head backward. His legs and arms were pulled back and a bar at the back of the pole forced his chest forward.

Chet tried to relax and control his breathing but it was difficult since his body was strapped in such an unusual position. The only thing pointing forward on Chet was his cock, which stuck out dripping precum.

He felt Primbatu grab his dick and he felt his dick slide into a tight tube.

Primbatu stroked Chet's chest.

"Easy Pex," he said grabbing Chet's nipple, "it will be a long night."

Primbatu and the third man moved away and Chet felt the pole move forward with him attached to it. His body was moved forward until he was pressed into the wall. His chest was the most forward part of his body and it was aligned perfectly with the hole in the wall. He felt his chest forced through the hole as the rest of his body was pulled backward by the pole and straps. On the other side of the wall Primbatu studied the boy's body.

It was beautiful, just a pair of pecs sticking out. By the end of the night this wall would be filled with men's pecs on the wall.

It would truly be a feast.

Primbatu turned to the man next to him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two small needles.

"Shall we feed?" Primbatu asked.

The man smiled and nodded, excited by the chance to feed on the beautiful slave.

Primbatu handed him a needle and each of them plunged it into the nub at the center of Chet's tits. On the other side of the wall Primbatu heard Chet yell.

Primbatu saw his slave's nipples swell and he leaned in to suck the precious liquid from the tit flesh. On the other side his friend did the same thing.

"Delicious," his friend said.

They fed for almost an hour and when they were done Chet's chest was covered with sweat. When they were done Primbatu went to the other side of the wall. Even now other slaves were being led into the room and strapped to poles, which were then moved so they were forced against the wall and only their pecs were sticking through.

It took almost two hours to finish attaching all the slaves to the wall. Chet was the only slave who had been used already and he felt his nipples burn from the constant sucking earlier.

The lights were dimmed and eventually Chet could hear music play. He knew that on the other side of the wall the party was starting.

Primbatu opened the doors and ushered in the people for his nipple play party. This party was legend and there were only 50 tickets. What the slaves did not see was that in the room next door each guest had access to any number of nipple play toys. Clamps, pumps, pins, suction devices, whips and other instruments of all kinds covered the walls and tables.

For now each guest simply drank and looked at the muscular chests forced through the various holes in the wall. The nipples on display were amazing some large and some small. Some nipples had large nubs of flesh at the center other nipples looked as if they had never been touched or sucked at all.

As the guests drank Chet felt fingers pull at his already tender nipples and occasionally a mouth sucked or chewed at him. On the other side of the wall Chet moaned. There were people on his side of the wall and Chet recognized Primbatu's friend as he moved from slave to slave checking on them. Already Chet was sweating.

The man stroked Chet's straining body.

"Your ready." The man said.

He reached behind Chet and pressed a button. Chet felt the tube on his cock begin to move. His cock was being milked.

Chet came instantly into the tube. Even after cumming the tube continued to move and Chet gasped and moaned.

On the other side of the wall a man showed his son Chet's nipples and attached a pair of clover clamps to them. The clover clamps were rough and Chet yelled. A

fter the needle and feeding his nipples were swollen and sensitive. He could barely take the crushing force of the clamps. He felt his nipples being pulled hard and his body shook and quivered.

The clamps were removed and the father and son each sucked Chet's nipples.

Primbatu led another man to Chet and he in turn began to use suction tubes on Chet's nipples. Chet felt burning as candle wax was dripped on them and chilling cold as several people took ice out of their drinks to use on his tits. At one point he felt a whip against his nipples and every crack of the whip caused Chet intense pain. He was worried that he was bleeding and that his chest would never be the same.

For over five hours Chet's nipples were used on the other side of the wall. Chet had no idea what was happening to his nipples but he was sweating and moaning the entire time. He gave the milker four loads until he had no more come to give. Even after he was shooting nothing into the milker, the machine still tried to take his load.

When the party was over each boy was removed from the wall.

Primbatu's friend pulled Chet away from the wall. His head was released and he had a chance to see his body. His nipples were swollen, red and raw. They had been used harder than ever. He saw red marks on his chest from the whip but there was no blood. They had been careful not to damage him. His cock filled the tube and as it was removed from his cock he moaned. His cock, like his nipples was raw and swollen.

Each strap was removed from Chet and he dropped onto the ground. He remained there for several minutes until he felt a gentle pair of hands help him up.

He looked up to see Ryan, his eyes sensitive and worried.

"You'll be fine," Ryan said.

After that there was darkness as he passed out for a time and for the first time in awhile he dreamed of Dean.

Next: Chapter 15

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