Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Jul 27, 2005


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Part Thirteen

The boy's moans filled the small room. He was young and tightly muscled and his smooth body worked and strained in its bonds. His name was Tim but they called him "Toy". His wrists and ankles were cuffed and each cuff led to a chain that hung from the ceiling. The chains were pulled tight, so that he hung down his body stretched into an x so he was hanging face down. He did not see the floor since he was blindfolded. A collar was on his neck and this too was on a chain that led to the ceiling, forcing him to keep his head up. Large clover clamps were attached to each nipple and from each a five-pound weight hung, dangling above the floor. A weight sack weighting ten pounds hung from his balls. His cock was rock hard and pointed down.

The chains swung and as he swung back and forth the weights moved with him. As he came back the large cock plowed into his ass and he moaned. As he moved forward, the cock left his ass. Toy had become used to the large cock but the tit and ball weights drove him crazy. He knew they were watching above him in the stands. They always watched. Toy also knew that he would be sold soon, as all the slaves were, and that a buyer would be in control of his life.

Behind toy the man stood still letting the boy move on and off his cock.

It felt nice, but Brick was unimpressed. The boy's ass was tight that was for sure but there was no pleasure. For pleasure to exist there had to be interaction between slave and master. A boy who simply moaned and moved as the one tethered on the chains did nothing for him.

"Make me cum you fucking slut!" he ordered.

Brick reached for the chains and when the boy came backwards he held him in place grinding his cock deep into the boy's ass.

The boy yelled and Brick could see the sweat drip off him onto the cement floor.

Brick thought of Chet and allowed himself to cum, shooting deep into Toy's ass. He moaned only once and then pulled his large cock out. It was still shooting and it left the boy's ass.

Brick left the boy hanging and moved to leave the room. He reached for a towel that was hanging on a hook and used it to wipe himself clean. With that done, he left the room. On the other side of the door his brother, Vince, was waiting for him.

"Enjoy?" Vince asked.

"Not really, you know what I want."

"He's gone, you have to accept it. He's with Primbatu now and you know better to mess with that." Vince's voice was sympathetic but firm.

Brick turned to face Vince he was slightly taller than his brother but built more solid, outweighing Vince by 30 pounds of muscle.

"I've always been a team player," Brick said, "I won't screw with anything. But, I need this."

He looked at Vince then stared at him for a several seconds.

"I need this bad."

Vince smiled, "It's going to cost you."

It was then that Brick smiled too. He knew he had what he wanted. He leaned in and kissed his brother full on the lips forcing his tongue into his brother's eager mouth. They stayed like this for several seconds each of their cocks getting harder by the second. Brick felt his brother reach down and grab his cock.

Brick felt his brother stroke him for several seconds but pulled away, denying his brother what he wanted.

"Ok, fine," Vince said, panting with desire.

He reached into his pocket and handed Brick a piece of paper. On it was a web site address.

"Use it tonight between midnight and one in the morning. Any other time and it won't work."

"What is it?" Brick asked.

"An invitation."

"To what?"

Vince leaned in, speaking confidentially.

"Primbatu is throwing a party next month. There's no guaranty but your boy might be there."

Brick smiled moving closer to his brother. But, it was Vince now who pushed Brick away.

"Don't screw with him," he warned.

Brick's smile widened.

"Scout's honor," he said raising his right hand in salute.

Vince nodded and grabbed his brother by the cock pulling him into one of the rooms.

"You better fuck me hard."

"Don't worry," Brick said, "you'll be sore for a fucking week."

Later, as he plowed his cock in and out of his brother's hungry ass Brick thought about Chet and decided that if he saw the boy at Primbatu's he would do whatever it took to rescue him and take Chet for himself.

Chet stood in the pit.

He was naked except for his collar and his cock was rock hard and bouncing up and down as the two collared boys fed on each of his nipples. He moaned, his eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. He was lightheaded and found it very hard to think straight.

Two guards had come for him in Primbatu's study. He did not know how long he had slept for. They had him stand and collared and leashed him, leading him into the pit. Actually, it was not a pit but the basement of the Primbatu home.

As he approached the large metal door he could hear moaning.

"Anything goes," one of the guards told him.

Chet saw the other guard produce a long needle and Chet was injected in his arm. He felt the drugs effect immediately making him horny and a bit high. The guard removed the leash and shoved him into the room closing and locking the door behind him.

Chet could not see anything but he felt two boys approach and they began to feed on his nipples. As his eyes adjusted he could see ten or twenty other people in the room all having sex. Chet wondered why Primbatu would do this to him. After keeping him a virgin for so long, why would they put him in a room to have sex.

But, he didn't care. He was so fucking horny. His cock jumped and leaked. If the two boys kept up on his tits he would cum soon.

A third man came up to Chet and fell onto his knees taking Chet's cock deep into his throat. Chet moaned trying not to cum.

A fourth man approached kneeling behind Chet. Chet felt his tongue enter his crack as the man began to rim him. The four men worked Chet for several moments. Chet tried to hold back, tried not to cum for them.

Damn, he was so close.

Chet looked ahead and saw something that caught his eye.

On the far side of the room was a bench and a large Asian man was standing trying to push apart the legs of a slave. Unlike the other slaves in the room this slave was gagged and his hands were tied above his head. It was obvious the tied slave did not want to be fucked, he squirmed and fought, his legs kicking at the Asian man.

Chet gasped.

It was the boy Austin had been looking for.

There was no hesitation. Chet pushed the four men off of him and began to walk to the boy. As he walked through the room other men came up to him trying touch him or get Chet to touch them. He ignored them all heading right to the boy.

The Asian man did not notice his approach and when he reached the man he grabbed him by the shoulders pulling him away from the tied boy.

"FUCK OFF!" the man shouted at Chet.

Chet shoved the man against the wall. He was taller than the Asian but the Asian was wider. They stood there for a moment both of them panting, their cocks crossed like swords. Chet reached down, grabbing the Asian's cock and stroking it a few times. The man came almost instantly his cum covering them both. Chet had never seen such a large load.

The man's body gasped and twitched and Chet continued to stroke him. The man began to fight as spasms shot through his body and still Chet stroked his cock rubbing his cock head several times. Finally, after five minutes of this the Asian's legs gave in and he began to slip down the wall. Chet continued stroking him, draining the man.

"When you recover," Chet told him, "we'll go again. Let me have the boy."

The Asian simply nodded.

Chet smiled having won their battle of wills and went to the boy.

"You alright?"

The boy nodded and Chet could see tears in his eyes. Chet looked at the boy's wrists but they were locked and he could not remove the cuffs. Chet also checked the boy's gag and that too was locked in place. He wondered why the boy was the only one tied and gagged in the room.

Chet sat down next to the boy. Others approached them but as they did Chet either pushed them away or told them to go away. He sat there protecting the boy and himself. But as he did the effects of the injection began to take their toll. Chet got more and more horny his cock swelling and leaking and he reached down to stroke himself.

Instantly Chet was close again but before he could cum he heard the boy moan. He looked over at him. The boy was beautiful and Chet instantly began to lust after him. He understood now why the men in this room were so sex crazed, it was the drugs. Chet grabbed his cock again, intending to stroke himself until he came several time but he heard the boy moan again.

Chet looked over and the boy raised his legs. Chet could see like himself, the boy's cock was hard and dripping. Also, like Chet, his nipples were swollen. Obviously, the boy had been through the same ordeal as Chet. The boy groaned and spread his legs wider, inviting Chet in.

"Do you want me in your ass?"

The boy nodded again the legs spread even wider. Chet looked into his eyes and the boy seemed to plead with him.

Chet moved between his legs and pointed his cock at the boy's beautiful hole. But, he hesitated. Again the boy moaned.

Chet looked into the boy's eyes.

"I've never . . . done this."

He felt the boy move forward as he began to try to get Chet's large cock head into his ass. At the feel of the boy's ass on his cock Chet could stand it no more and he shoved forward entering his ass in one very long stroke.

They both moaned and Chet could not believe the feeling. The boy was so tight and warm inside, it felt so good.

Is this what his ass had felt like earlier when he had been fucked?

Chet began to move back and forth inside the boy. Nothing had ever felt so good and, in a few more stokes, he was close to cumming.

Chet tried to pull out but suddenly he felt movement behind him. A hairy, bearded man had come up behind him unnoticed.

"Your beautiful slave," the man said.

He felt the man's furry chest against his back and Chet froze and the man's cock pushed into his ass. He didn't fight it. The drug was working and he wanted, no he needed a cock in him. Chet heard the man groan behind him as Chet's ass clenched on his cock.

Chet remained still for a moment adjusting to the feeling of fucking a man for the first time and being in the middle of two men for the first time. He was both the top and the bottom. Chet moved slightly into the boy's ass and as he did he felt them man's cock slide out of his ass. Chet groaned. Suddenly, Chet was moving rapidly, lost in the feelings. Slamming into the boy's ass while taking the man's cock deeper and deeper.

Chet began to cum shooting into the boy and he moaned at the feeling.

The man behind him did not stop and he continued to fuck Chet.

"Keep going," the man said.

Chet did as he asked and continued to fuck the boy even after cumming. He was amazed that his cock was not going down he was still able to fuck even after shooting. But, he was so sensitive.

He fucked the boy and took the man's cock until he felt the man's cock swell in his ass. The man began to shoot in him and when he was done he pulled out of Chet. When he left Chet's ass Chet sighed both in relief and in loss. But, that feeling was short lived because he felt the Asian approach him and then mount his ass. Chet's ass was slick and ready and the Asian slid in easily.

Again Chet was in the middle as he took the Asian's cock and fucked the boy. Chet moaned in pleasure unable to hold back any longer. He had been denied sex and now here he was, in the middle of an orgy that was going on all around him.

Chet looked down at the boy and the boy seemed to be in heaven, his eyes rolling in his head. Chet seized the boy's cock and stroked him a few times before the boy shot an amazingly large load. The boy came so much that cum flew over his head in seven huge spurts. He heard the boy laugh behind his gag.

The Asian moaned and Chet could tell he was cumming. Once done the man pulled out of his ass and Chet fucked the boy for several minutes before shooting a second time.

Chet did not want to leave the boy's ass but pulled out of him his cock sore and aching.

A uniformed man approached and both he and the boy were taken from the room. Chet's time in the room could have been no more than a few hours but he was spent and tired. They were both led to a shower where first the boy and then Chet were each cleaned fully inside and out. They were showered, soaped and each cleaned out inside with hoses that sprayed water into their assess repeatedly.

The boy's gag was never taken off and they did not have a chance to talk but they often looked at each other. They had bonded now and Chet knew the boy was looking to him for help.

Once done with their showers each was returned to their stalls and inside his Chet finally slept. He had been used over and over and his whole body ached but he had found the boy and somehow Chet saw that as a victory.

Later that night Chet was shaken awake. A guard loomed above him in full uniform.

Chet began to get up off his cot but the guard pushed him back down.

"Just spread your legs," the guard said.

Chet hesitated and the guard grabbed him by the nipples twisting savagely. Instantly Chet's cock leaked and he became more obedient laying back and spreading his legs.

The guard unzipped quickly and took out his cock that was about 7 inches long and 3 inches around. The guard slammed into Chet's ass without lube and Chet felt his ass resist the man's cock. He tried to relax but was shocked by the force of the guard's attack.

The guard pounded Chet.




Chet held onto the bed as each thrust of the guard's cock lifted him off the cot. The guard sweated above Chet and the fabric of the man's uniform rubbed against Chet's body.

"I've been waiting for this. Finally, your fair game now."

Chet's eyes widened.

"Your going to be our whore," the guard said. As he said this he began to cum in Chet and Chet moaned.

The guard pulled out of Chet and walked out of the room.

Less than one minute later two more guards walked into Chet's stall. They did not speak they simply unzipped and pulled their cocks out. One climbed onto the cot and shoved his cock into Chet's mouth. Chet felt the other guard enter his ass slowly. As the guard entered his ass Chet came without touching his cock.

The guard grabbed his cock and stroked it making Chet's ass tighten hard around his cock.

They both used him for several minutes before the guard fucking him spoke.

"Rick and Bob get in here . . . yeah guys . . . grab his legs."

Chet felt two sets of hands grab his legs. He moaned. They were using him so hard.

They were gang banging him.

Chet lay back now, the drugs still working on him he let the two men used him one fucking his ass so hard he was drilled into his cot the other face fucking him so deep he gagged with every thrust. The guards holding his legs yelled at the other two encouraging him to "go deeper" and "bang the bitch".

There was nothing he could do.

"I want some," one of the guards holding his legs said and the four men rotated each one taking the place of another.

Because of the rotation the two who were using his face and ass got a break and they were able to recover and hold off from cumming while the other two went to work. They continued like this for a long time, drilling Chet over and over. Each of their cocks was different in size and girth and every time a new cock went in him he moaned.

"Drink my load," the one in his mouth said and just then began to spurt into his throat. Chet drank the sweet and salty liquid. After that each man came in his mouth and when they were all done the last one took his cock and sucked a load from Chet.

When they were done the four left the room, patting each other on the back as if they had scored the winning touchdown.

Finally, another guard entered. Chet recognized him as the one who had been fucking Austin. The guard did not mount Chet but approached him with something in his hand. Chet was panting hard, his body covered with sweat.

"I'm the last one but your a bit used," he said.

Chet lay back, looking the man in the eyes.

The man showed Chet a dildo.

"Every slave here has to endure this," he said, "your going to have a very long night."

With that he shoved the dildo into Chet's ass. It was not a large dildo but it was oddly shaped and felt very heavy in Chet's ass. Chet gasped as it locked into his ass at the widest part.

"Now the fun part." With that the man pressed a button on the end of the dildo.

Chet yelled when he felt it. The dildo came alive in his ass. It changed temperature warming up and getting cold. Prongs pushed from the dildo poking into the flesh of his ass which was already tender from all the fucking. He even felt the dildo twist and turn in his ass. Occasionally, it vibrated very hard, making his teeth chatter.

Chet began to moan and groan as it worked inside him. It never did the same thing. The dildo poked Chet in the prostate and cum shot from his cock. It was the most amazing sensation ever but it was driving him crazy.

The guard got up to leave turning at the door.

He smiled.

"Have a good ride."

Chet grabbed the pillow on his cot and buried his head into it. He moaned for the next several hours into the pillow as he took the abuse. As he was used that night he did not think of Dean. Instead, he thought only of Primbatu.

He was property now.

Next: Chapter 14

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