Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Mar 14, 2005




The Ties that Bind

To say that Chet Pectoral was beautiful was an understatement. Everyone stared at him guys, girls, small barnyard animals. He had perfection of both face and form. Maybe it was that very fact that caused his brother to hate him so much. They were not blood brothers. Matt's mother married Chet's father several years before and Matt resented that Chet instantly became his younger brother. Matt lost a great deal of freedom and was even forced to skip college to take care of Chet, who was ten years his junior.

Their father, Michael Pectoral, died shortly after Matt's twenty third birthday. It fell to Michael to take care of the aging farm his mother inherited. Four years later, during Chet's last year of High School, their mother died. Leaving Matt to take care of both Chet and the farm. Matt forced Chet to work long and hard in the fields as soon as he was able to have total control over Chet. Because of the physical strains placed on Chet, he began to grow into an impressive young man.

Even at eighteen Chet had broad shoulders and thick muscles. He already stood 6 feet tall, five inches more than Matt. In school he was on the football team and rushed home every night after practice to work for Matt who he trusted totally.

It was almost three months to the day after his mother died that Matt decided to take out his aggressions on Chet. It had rained all day and Chet, believing that there would be no work at home that day stayed late at practice. Although very popular, he rarely socialized with anyone else from school.

But along with the development of his body came his interest in men. Chet played nose tackle on the High School football team and had begun to develop an interest in the quarterback Dean Montana. Dean was a fair haired, tautly muscled boy with short cropped hair. His body was hard and tight and Chet often snuck glimpses of him across the locker room as Dean changed. Chet never stayed - just long enough to shower, just to take off his pads and head home to work but he loved looking at Dean's body. Especially after Dean showered. His body, hairless and dripping with water was beautiful to Chet. When he would see Dean's cock semi-soft bouncing against his thigh, his own would get hard in his pants and he would run home.

He thought Dean liked him too. Not just as a friend, but in that other way, that men discover. Dean would often try to talk to him and on several occasions they would practice snaps. On one occasion they were in shorts in the gym and as Dean would wait for the snaps, his hand would brush against Chet's crotch. Chet was immensely turned on by this, his dick growing hard in his jock. Whether it was because Dean wasn't interested or they were too young or shy to actually do something about their interest, nothing happened between them until that last day in September.

Practice had been canceled that day, but Chet didn't tell Matt. He wanted to enjoy this rare day of freedom. He decided to take advantage of the gym and lift some weights. The gym was empty and Chet stripped down to his shorts. His chest was by far his best feature, his pectorals large, rounded and full capped with quarter-sized nipples. Hair covered his pecs and lead in a thin line down to his washboard stomach. His stomach was tight and rippled. The team had taken to calling him Pec, partly because of his name and partly because of his chest development.

He had already worked his back and shoulders and sat down on the bench to do presses. He had no trouble until his last set where he had difficulty getting the last rep off of his chest. Luckily two hands appeared as if by magic.

"Let me help." He recognized the voice as Dean's immediately.

"Thanks." Chet said getting up and pulling his arms behind him to stretch.

"You know you should always use a spot. Here," Dean said, reaching forward and grabbing Chet's hands, "Let me help."

He came around the bench and put his knee in Chet's back, gently pulling Chet's arms behind him, stretching his chest. They stayed like that for a moment then Dean released Chet's arms.

"You okay?" Dean asked.

Chet stood and turned to face Dean.

"I'm fine," he said, "wanna get a set in?"

"No thanks."

Chet could feel Dean's eyes on him boring into his soul and his cock stirred. He wasn't wearing underwear and his large cock began to push out from his shorts.

"Your fucking pumped Pec." Dean said.

Dean stood then too and the looked each other in the eye. Dean reached out and put his hands on Chet's pecs squeezing.

"Their fucking huge!" Dean said. Dean's hands lingered there on Chet's chest changing from a squeeze to a rub. Slowly Dean's hands moved over Chet's pecs, brushing against the small hairs there. Chet closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of Dean's large hands. He felt Dean's hands move down to his nipples and brush over them then down his stomach.

"Your big everywhere" Dean said, and with that cupped Chet's crotch.

Chet began to say something then but the thought, whatever it was, was lost in Dean's gentle kneading of his dick. He felt it harden then and he felt Dean move it so more of his dick pushed out of his shorts. Dean began to stroke him then and he moved his face even closer to Chet's so their lips were touching.

"I've been waiting a long time for this." Dean said and, with that, began gently stroking Chet's cock. It was impressive at nine inches and very thick. Dean took Chet's hand in his own and moved it down to his cock. Chet felt it, in his sweats, and it was even thicker, though somewhat smaller, than his own.

They only had a moment to enjoy each other though, as they heard a voice from behind them.

"What the hell is going on here?" Chet recognized his brother's voice immediately.

Matt's face was red with anger as he was the two playing with each other.

"YOU!" Matt screamed at Dean, "GET OUT OF HERE NOW BEFORE I KILL YOU."

Dean had already gone limp from the shock. He began to move towards the door but paused, for a moment, to glance back at Chet. Chet was awkwardly reaching down pushing his dick back into his shorts. Dean didn't have a chance to say anything but hoped Chet could read his face and tell how sorry he was. As Dean left he made sure to give Matt a lot of room and went around him in a large circle.

Chet was left in the weight room with Matt. Even though Chet was much taller than Matt's five feet nine inches and outweighed Matt by almost fifty pounds, he still felt like a little brother and he was used to being bossed around by Matt.

"Your supposed to be home right now." Matt said coming closer to him, "and I find you here fucking around with that guy."

Matt was furious and he moved towards Chet with such speed that there was no time to react, no time to do anything really. All he remembered was Matt coming at him with a rag that smelled funny. Chet fell, loosing consciousness, blacking out for a time.

The rest came in brief snippets of consciousness. Being put into a car, probably Matt's old Buick. Driving somewhere, probably out to the farm. His heals dragging on the ground as someone, Matt, pulled him across the dirt. Smells, horses, hay and wet wood. He faintly heard the rain falling; it was muffled, and sounded far away.

He came to sometime later.

That's when the nightmare really began.

Chet woke with a headache. His first thought was that he was in the barn on the farm. He could recognize the rafters and the stalls, though the horses were gone. The doors were closed but he could hear the rain outside. Then he realized that he was standing up and that his head hurt. Only when he went to touch his forehead that throbbed painfully did he realize his hands were tied over his head. His hands were tied together and a chain was wound under the rope and up and over the rafters.

He was naked and dirty with mud that was only now drying on him. He was cold and damp. There was blackness again for a time during which he dreamed that he was with Dean and that together they had made love in the gym and then had gone away together.

Matt woke him then, by throwing cold water on him. Chet woke with a start, his hands still tied over his head. His long dark hair hung limply in front of his face and he tossed his head trying to move it. Matt was dressed in black jeans and a black shirt and moved closer to his, taking his face in his hands.

"I've had enough of you," Matt said.

The barn was dark, full of shadows, and Chet noticed one of them moved. Someone else was here with them, watching.

He opened his mouth to speak, to try to ask Matt what was going on here. Why he was doing this to him but as he did, Matt shoved a hanky in his mouth, silencing him.

"I've heard all I'm going to hear from you now," he said, "now your going to listen. . . and learn."

His arms began to throb the blood draining out of them as they were stretched out above him. Matt walked up to him getting so close that their bodies were almost touching.

"So you like guys," Matt said to him grabbing him by the cock and balls and squeezing.

Chet tried to squirm out of his grip but couldn't. His feet barely touched the floor and any movement only added to his discomfort.

"Let me introduce you to someone," he said, motioning to that dark area of the barn. A large, black man stepped out of the shadow. He was dressed in leather from head to toe. Leather boots, pants and jacket. All black. His skin was cocoa brown and his head was shaven bald. The only hair on his face was a goatee neatly trimmed. His body was large, bigger than Chet's. His muscled huge with size that comes out of maturity. His muscles pushed out the leather that covered it, stretching it like a second skin.

"His name is Brick." Matt said gesturing to him.

Brick said nothing but simply nodded in Chet's general direction.

"He's going to give you a little well needed training. Then I'm going to decide what to do with you."

Matt turned then and began to walk out.

"Matt!" Chet called after him, "Let's talk about this. You don't have to do this."

But Matt ignored him walking past Brick and whispering something to him before he left the barn, closing the doors behind him. The barn became quiet then. Brick did not move for some time but simply stood there and staring at Chet.

Brick approached him and walked around Chet's naked body, studying him carefully.

"You sure are a pretty thing." Brick said, and began to touch Chet, his hands moving down from his shoulders to his chest. The grabbed the massive slabs of chest muscle there and gently moved over his nipples. His hands roamed from his stomach to move onto his butt. Despite himself, Chet felt his cock begin to stir with a life of its own.

"But," he continued, "I been hired to give you some teachin. Lesson one," Brick said with a smile as he began to back way from Chet. The whip came at him so fast Chet never saw it coming let alone have any time to react. It struck him, just below his rib cage, driving all the wind out of him, leaving a red mark, but not breaking the skin. His body buckled under the shock of the blow his feet literally lifting off the ground.

Then Brick walked behind him. He grabbed Chet by the hair, pulling his head back till they were almost able to look in the eye. With his other hand, Brick reached between Chet's legs and grabbed his scrotum, squeezing it painfully.

"Don't every speak unless I instruct you to." Brick grabbed him even harder then, emphasizing the point.

"Do you understand, boy."

"Fuck you." Chet said. Trying to yank himself out of the black man's grasp.

Brick released him then walking in front of him. When he did Chet raised his knee, driving it into Brick's balls. Brick had started to say something then but stopped in mid sentence. He bent then crumpling under the blow. He looked up at Chet, part in anger, part in disbelief.

Brick didn't move for some time then and Chet tried to get out of his chains by slowly climbing the chain, link by link. He had almost made it, inching link by link by moving his hands, one above the other, and relying on his arms and shoulders to do the work. But, as he neared the top Brick began to move.

"I like a challenge." Brick whispered, and with that began to move slowly to a trunk which had been sitting, unnoticed until now, in the middle of the barn.

Brick took what looked like a gun out of the trunk and shot him. For a second, before he lost his grip and fell, Chet was able to look down and notice a small dart, embedded in his side.

Then there was blackness.

It was pain that finally brought Chet around. He woke to the sound of someone screaming and found out it was him.

He was now tied spread eagle. He was still standing in the same part of the barn but his arms were pulled out from him to either side as were his legs. His body forming a big "x". His one advantage, having his legs free had been taken away from him. Brick was standing in front of him his hand on Chet's right shoulder. Chet must have dislocated it falling from the rafters. It was throbbing horribly and Brick continued to dig his fingers into the flesh there.

"Now where was I?" Brick said smiling. He was still bent over a bit from Chet's well placed kick.

"Fuck you." Chet said again, though this time even he noticed it was with less conviction than before.

Brick walked to the trunk and reached in, taking out a large dildo.

"No," he said, "fuck you."

The dildo must have been over ten inches wide and half as thick. Although Chet's cock was almost as long, he could not compete in the thickness department.

"You going to be my slave boy," Brick said as he walked behind him. "When I'm done your going to lick my boots and serve me even though your not tied there anymore."

With that Brick shoved the tip of the dildo into Chet's butt. He forced it in and Chet gasped at being penetrated. Chet tried to move forward, away from the assault but Brick had a firm grip on him, pulling him back by the hips.

"You got a virgin butt there don't you boy." He said. Brick pulled the tip of the dildo out of Chet's ass and walked back to the trunk throwing it in.

"Why should the dildo have all the fun."

Brick took off all his clothes then, exposing himself. He was densely muscled, his black body packed with muscle. As Chet was beefy and broad, Brick was bodybuilder huge. Chet gasped when he took off his leather pants, Brick's cock was almost as large as the dildo and just as thick. He was rock hard. His cock pointing slightly to the right. He took out some lubricant and lubed himself up.

First, though, he took a couple of things out of the trunk. The first Chet recognized as tit clamps attached to each other by a large metal chain, the other was a short piece of leather with a buckle at the end. Brick also carried a small, round piece of metal. He used that first and grabbed Chet's cock and balls, forcing them into the cock ring. The contact of the cold metal ring on his dick made Chet harden in spite of himself.

"Like that boy?" Brick said, noticing his response.

Then Brick grabbed his tits and began to twist them. Chet's nipples had always been his most sensitive part, sometimes even getting hard when the rubbed against his shirts and Brick was rough with them twisting them harshly and then flicking them with his finger tips. Chet's cock jumped with each touch and despite what his brain was saying, his cock was now at full attention. It stuck straight out and occasionally brushed up against Brick's cock, like dueling swords.

Brick held the tit clamps in front of Chet's face.

"Ever had these on boy?"

Chet didn't answer him.

"I'll take that as a no," he said. "I'm not going to put them on you just yet. First we're going to make those nice tits of yours really sensitive."

He reached back into the case and took out two small, plastic cups. Then he leaned down and did something that caught Chet totally by surprise. He took his left nipple in his mouth. Chet gasped, no one had ever done that to him before. He had gotten close to kissing Dean in the gym today and of course they had touched each others cock, but this, this was so intimate between them.

Brick wasn't gentle with the tit, by any means. First he licked it, flicking it with his tounge back and forth, like he had previously done with his finger. Then he took the whole tit in his mouth sucking it forcefully. Chet closed his eyes, marveling at how good it felt, how much talent Brick had for knowing what to do with his tits. When Brick bit down on the nub of flesh at the center of his tit, Chet threw back his head moaning.

Brick licked all over his chest, slobbering it up with his spit, moving from one tit to the other until Chet was left gasping. Then Brick put the base of one of the cups in his mouth, getting his spit on it as well. Then Brick put the open end of the cup over Chet's already sensitive tit and took a small gun like devise and attached it to the cup. He then squeezed the grip on the gun. The air was sucked out of the cup forcing Chet's tit to pucker. It was like having a mouth over it. He then did the same to Chet's other tit. Making each tit expand to fill the clear cups.

Brick reached down to grab Chet's cock, "I can tell you like the way that feels. Don't worry though, it gets more painful."

Chet was incredibly hard. The cock ring did the same thing to his cock, binding him, making his cock incredibly hard. He looked down at himself, his tits swollen in the tit pumps, his dick large and veiny.

Brick walked behind him then and grabbed his head again. He forced Chet's gaze towards the short piece of black leather which sat on the floor by Brick's bag.

"See that boy." Brick said his mouth was right at Chet's ear and he said it, almost whispering.

"That's my collar. Your going to call me Master. Your going to ask to wear my collar. That's the only way I'm ever going to let you down. I can take all the time in the world if you want to. That's why I'm not gagging you. I want to hear it when I break you."

Brick reached between Chet's legs grabbing him roughly by the scrotum.

"Wanna make this easy?" Brick said.

"Go to Hell." Chet said.

"Good," Brick said moving back around Chet so he could be seen and reaching into his bag again, "I love a challenge."

He took a large wooden paddle out of the bag. It had several holes in it.

Brick walked behind him and without any further words began to viciously paddle Chet's bubble butt. Chet couldn't go anywhere, nor would he give Brick the satisfaction of yelling or crying out loud. Actually, it was Brick who began to cry out, grunting and groaning with each hard stroke of the paddle.

Sweat began to poor off of both of them Chet from the pain Brick from the physical exertion. The blow had a cumulative effect on Chet, hurting more and more with each blow. Then after an unendurable amount of time, the pain began to end, Chet almost though that it began to turn to pleasure.

When Brick had finished with him Chet hung limply from the straps. He was covered in sweat and his long, dark hair hung dripping in front of his face. Brick too was sweaty, his muscular, black, body glistening, it muscles accentuated and pumped.

Brick took the suction cups off of Chet's tits. They stood out like huge cones. They were actually aching now, throbbing, as blood began to rush into them. Brick held up the tit clamps now, which he had retrieved from the floor. Chet's head hung limply and he grabbed a hand full of hair, pulling his head up so that he could get a good look at what was coming.

They were big, with jagged teeth. Nasty. Brick held one clamp, teeth open, in front of Chet's exposed nipple. Then he let the clamp bite into Chet's flesh. Brick had placed it carefully the teeth only touching the large nub of flesh at the center of Chet's nipple.

Chet let out a deep moan. The pain was unbearable. Brick put the other clamp on Chet's other tit. The flesh bit into his tits painfully hurting more intense than anything else he ever could have imagined. Then Brick released the chain that pulled his tits downward painfully.

Brick pushed the hair back, out of ChetÆs eyes.

"I can see the pain in your eyes, boy. But, this is only the beginning."

Brick went back to the case and took out a large black bag with velcro at the top.

"This if for your balls." Brick said taking the velcro and attaching it just below his cock, at the top of his ball sack. "It weighs five pounds."

Chet's balls were always very tight and the weighted bag pulled painfully on them. He felt it in his stomach, like the time he had been hit in the balls during football practice. His tits were forgotten because of the pain in his stomach. It made him want to double over, but he couldn't because he was chained, spread eagle.

Then Brick began to put his clothes back on.

Chet didn't notice, lost in the pain he was feeling, until Brick was almost fully dressed. He had a tight pair of black leather pants on and a black vest. Then he left the barn, closing the barn door behind him.

Chet was left there, chained up in tit clamps, cock ring and ball stretcher. His ass throbbed painfully and the cold of the barn began to set inn. The sweat began to cool off his body making him shiver with cold and fright.

Every move his body made was painful so he tried to stay as still as possible. He wondered how his brother could do that to him but, he thought, most of all, about Dean, and what might have been. Dean had turned him on like no one else ever had been. Thinking of Dean seemed to help, a little.

Chet didn't know how much time had passed before Brick came back to the barn. He carried a large sack draped over his shoulder. He threw it unceremoniously on the ground and went over to where Chet hung. His hands were numb and he tried to move, to stand a little taller, to face Brick down eye to eye.

"Got a surprise for you." Brick said going over to the package.

He untied the string at the top and dumped the contents out onto the barn floor. Chet felt his breath leave him, his heart stop, as Dean's body tumbled out of the sack.

End Part One.

Next: Chapter 2

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