Chesters Intergenerational Lust

By chester

Published on Mar 16, 2011


We arrive at the front room of the club and make our way to the bar. The sleazy doorman is now playing bartender. He has his back to us as he fills some pint glasses with beer. He has a nice ass for a guy with a bit of a gut, like the butt of a rugby player past his prime.

As we lean against the worn leather edge of the bar, Antonio throws one arm around me and pulls his head closer to my ear.

"So, you've had your eye on me then?" he says to me almost like an interogator.

"Yeah, for the past few days. You're all I can think about," I say whispering back into his ear.

I turn my head so that his face is right in mine. He kisses me and lets his tongue linger over my lips for a few seconds.

His arm tightens around me. He draws me next to him so we are moist sweaty skin against moist sweaty skin. He nibbles on my ear. I feel his moustache tickle it. His big hand slips down and squeezes and massages my asscheeks. The span of his palm is so wide, I can feel him finger my bumhole with his middle digit, while the rest of his hand kneads my assflesh. I am putty in this older man's hands.

"Beer's ready," says Mickey from behind us.

Antonio loosens himself from me slightly and reaches for the pint glass in front of him. I take such pleasure watching him grab the glass with a thick and hairy fist. He downs several gulps before saying, "Fuck, I was parched."

Mickey finishes half of his beer in a few gulps and belches.

"Porco!" Antonio says to him.

"Indeed, I'm a pig...and proud of it," says Mickey as he winks at me, rubs his stout hairy belly, then burps louder yet again in my direction.

I'm not sure what to make of Mickey. He pales next to Antonio, yet there's something sexy about him, in a brutish sort of way. He looks a bit like one of those slobs you see in television sitcoms, yet he's somewhat sexy because of it. Plus he has that twinkle in his eyes like he's just told a dirty joke.

"I think young Chester's a bit of a pig too. He seemed to like drinking grampa Antonio's cockjuice. Didn't ya, boy?" he says laughing at my expense.

Fuck, he's forward. Now I'm blushing. He's right though, I'm turning into a real pig for Antonio. Who the fuck am I?

"Ha ha...he's blushing. Well, isn't that cute? We have ourselves a shy one here," Mickey says.

"Not too shy to follow an old man all the way into the city to a sex club where he seduces him," says Antonio massaging my ass again like he's kneading a loaf of bread with his big hairy hands. The rough manhandling is making me melt like butter. I feel so horned up.

Rob the bartender comes over to us and leans on the bar.

"So Chester, you certainly wasted no time in finding some friends here. And what friends you've made! These are two of the sleaziest fucking daddies around. Hope you know what you're in for, dude" Rob says to me as he reaches over the counter and rubs my nipples with his hands. Antonio stops massaging my ass and a second later I can feel his face plunging into my ass.

I close my eyes and bite my lips. Fuck, this is heaven. Antonio has both hands spreading my ass wide so that his tongue can lick my hole deep.

"Fuckin sweet hole," I hear him say through his sloppy rimming of my butt.

I had rubbed some honey on my asshole before I left home. I'm always afraid my butt will taste weird to other guys.

"Rob, you're the dirtiest old man I know!" says Mickey laughing.

Rob's eyes are fixed on me. He's licking his lips as he manipulates my nipples.

"They call him Whitebeard around here," Rob says tilting his head toward Mickey.

"Who?" I say, barely able to talk through the pleasure of the deep ass eating and nipple rubbing that I'm receiving.

"Mickey," says Rob. "Mickey's beard is brown, but at the end of any given night here, it's white with loads and loads of cum."

Mickey laughs loudly. "Fucking right! Love me some mancream on my beard."

I look at Mickey. His beard is cropped short but is full. I can see some dried cum on the left side. He comes closer and brings his face and beard next to mine.

"Love the smell of cum on my beard, Chester. So yeah, guilty as charged!" he says as he reaches down to my cock and plays with it.

"So you like dirty old men, Chester?" says Rob tauntingly.

I blush again and look down. It really feels too good to talk- my cock is buzzing, my ass is loving Antonio's tongue and stache, and my nips are sending sparks to my prostate and flooding my mind with horniness.

"Yeah, you're a dirty lad Chester and you like your daddies, don't ya?" he growls.

Mickey is nibbling on my ear while stroking my cock. I can smell the beer on his breath, the aroma of sex and cockjuice on his beard, and his strong stench of sweat. These smells are really breaking down the last of my defences.

I push Mickey off, lift up his arm, and shove my face into his armpit. His pit hairs taste so sweet, but it's strong and it fills my mouth and lungs.

I lift my head up for a second, but the sight of his black and wet hairs is too much to resist. I stick my head right back into his armpit.

"Yeah, you little daddy fucker. Lick out my fuckin pits" Mickey says.

"Eat them stinky manpits, Chester" I hear Rob say.

I feel Antonio slide up along my back now. He says something I can't make out, but soon has his face inside my other armpit.

It feels exquisite. It tickles, so I start laughing into Mickey's pit.

Mickey backs off, lifts up my free arm, and bends down to start licking my other armpit.

I'm half-laughing, half-moaning: this is the most sensual feeling my body has ever experienced. I have Mickey's pit aroma and taste in my mouth, I have two men sucking on my pit hairs: I feel like I'm living the sex life of a stranger. I've become someone else.

Rob the bartender's enjoying this scene. His eyes are fixated on me with my two arms lifted high with a grampa and a big hairy bear eating my armpits. He is standing back, pulling the chains between his nipples, and jacking his cock inside his jockstrap while he looks at us. He licks and bites his lip and shakes his head growling `fuckin daddy fucker' over and over.

I fuckin love that I've turned these guys on. I moan loudly and I know that pushes them further and further. I gasp as both Antonio and Mickey have found their way to my asshole with their free hands. Their fingers are battling for stabbing and prodding rights of my asshole.

Moaning and cursing like a slut speaking in tongues in a gangbang porno, I feel like I could cum at any moment and from every pore in my body.

Rob approaches closer to us. He takes a swig of beer from one of the pint glasses next to me. He spits it on me and Antonio. What the fuck is this? Antonio lifts his head and coughs for a second. He catches his breath then starts kissing me.

Rob spits beer on both of us again and again. I was drenched in sweat before, now I'm dripping beer.

Antonio is panting and growling. I catch that menacing look in his eyes and I know he is lost in his lust. He stands back, takes a gulp from his beer on the counter. I open my mouth. He knows what I want: He kisses me and feeds me the beer from his mouth.

Mickey drops my arm and pulls his fingers out of my bumhole. He must have liked what he saw, because he too started swigging beer and spitting it on Antonio and me.

Antonio tongues me deeply. He has his hand on my cock and I know I need to squirt. I grab his head and say, "I'm going to cum". Antonio drops to the floor and jacks my dick into his mouth.

Mickey flicks my nipples. "Cum you little grampa whore...give gramps your mancream...give Antonio your white juice Chester!" his sleazy encouragement is all I need before I start spewing my load into Antonio's mouth.

I hear Antonio make guttural noises from his throat. He sounds like a pig devouring a meal.

"Good man, Chester" Mickey says.

He takes the rest of the beer in his glass, and dumps it over my head. Rob does the same. The wet frothy brew from their glasses slides down my body. Antonio is quick to lick it up.

Man, this is too much. I collapse against the bar, panting. My body feels at once drained and exquisitely stimulated.

But a few moments later, a rush of shame and guilt washes over me. I hide my face in my arms against the bar padding. Part of me feels so fulfilled. Another part feels disgusted. What the hell...I enjoyed that...why should I feel guilty?

A warm hand is on my shoulders.

"You all right, Chester?" asks Antonio.

"Yeah," I say without looking at him.

"You sure, buddy?" says Rob.

I stand up and smile at Antonio.

"No, that'm speechless," I say chewing my words.

Rob throws me a towel. Antonio picks it up and wipes me dry.

"Why don't you sit down for a minute? I'll bring some fresh beers over," says Rob. His voice now sounds like that of a pleasant person you'd meet on the street.

Antonio puts his arm on my shoulder and leads me to an area left of the bar with worn out lounge chairs, a few coffee tables, and a beaten up sofa.

He sits on the sofa first, pulls me down to him, and has me turn me around so that my back is against his chest.

He kisses me on the ear. Damn, this feels fine. His strong hands are cradling me and massaging my arms.

It smells like beer and sweat, but I remember that must be us.

"I really enjoyed that, Chester. I'm glad you followed me here tonight. Are you glad you came?" he asks me sincerely.

"Yeah...I guess," I say. "I'm sorry, I really enjoyed it. I'm just suffering from some Catholic guilt. I haven't felt this way in a while. Like when I was a kid and I would jerk off, I always felt really guilty afterward. I sort of feel that now...guiltly, ashamed, and...well..."

"Confused?" Antonio asks.

"Yeah, confused. I've never been to a place like this before. I never had sex with a man older than me before. It feels liberating. And strange," Antonio strokes my head as I talk.

"Chester, I know what you mean. Believe it or not, I understand," he says slowly. "I am from a religious background too and I know the burden you can feel when you express yourself freely."

"You do?" I ask feeling somewhat relieved.

"I almost became a priest," he said as he chuckles.

"Wow. Then you know how it feels," I say.

"Sure. But maybe you are feeling weird now because you have had sex for the first time with men who are older, and let's be honest, who are much less attractive than you. Do you feel weird about that?" he asks.

I'm silent, but he doesn't rush me. After several long seconds I say.

"I guess I do feel weird about it. But I don't know what part of it I feel weird about," I say. "I mean, I've been lusting after you for days and that feels and strange..but great."

"But it's unusual for men with almost 40 years between them to be close sexually. To most people that looks weird, if not downright wrong and disgusting," he says.

"Well, maybe that's what I have going on in the back of my head. It's new territory. You know? It almost feels like I'm a deviant when it feels so normal and good to be close to you and to want to be so intimate with you," I say.

"And Mickey too...and Rob," he says with no hint of jealousy or judgement.

"Yes, but I came here for you. But I suppose I got caught up in the action," I say shyly.

"Chester, we have a special feeling together, but don't worry about your attraction to other men," Antonio says.

I get up and lay back down on top of Antonio so that we are face to face. I feel his hairy body underneath me, and his pubic hair and genitals press against my stomach.

I lay my head on his chest.

"I like this. I like this moment between us. I like this feeling Antonio," I say.

His long arms reach down to my asscheeks. He massages the length of my back slowly bringing his rough hands up along my spine.

"I like it too, Chester," he says. I feel his cock harden against me as he says it.

I lift my head and look at him. He looks relaxed. I look closely at his salt and pepper moustache, at the wrinkles around his mouth.

"How can you say you are less attractive? I think you're hot" I say.

Antonio grins and grabs my asscheeks.

"Thanks, young man," he says.

I bring my head closer to him and we kiss. Antonio's tongue is long and meaty: it fills out my mouth as it moves inside it. It feels magnificent.

"Hey, lovebirds," I hear Rob say. "Here's some fresh brew."

We break our embrace and look up at Rob who is standing close to us. He puts our pints on the coffeetable.

He rubs his jockstrap as he looks at us.

"You two make a fine pair. Two fine men," Rob says.

I feel calm yet emboldened with Antonio beneath me and the knowledge of what we all shared at the bar.

"How old are you, Rob?" I ask.

"None of your fuckin' business, you twerp," Rob says feigning annoyance but still tugging at his well worn jockstrap.

"Well, you asked my age at the door. It's only polite to answer me," I tease him.

"That's `cause I'm the owner of this fine establishment. And I let in who I want, ya got it? Fucking polite my fat ass!" says Rob.

"Rob's a young daddy, Chester: he's only 50. We celebrated his birthday two months ago. A group of us took him to Amsterdam for a week," Antonio says as he squeezes my ass.

I'm surprised because I thought Rob was older.

"That's where I got this done." Rob approaches and stands right beside us. He lifts one side of his jock strap and his large hairy ballsack drops out. He lifts up his balls and points to a huge piercing between the base of his cock and the top of his ballsack.

"Doesn't that hurt?" I ask.

"No. It feels great actually. Gives some added stimulation," he says as he stands right next to us.

Antonio's head and mine are now at eye level with Rob's hairy scrotum. I look at Antonio and laugh. Rob bends his knees so his balls hang just at our mouths.

Antonio sticks his tongue out and starts licking. At the same time, I feel his hands kneading my asscheeks again. I lick Antonio's chin then tongue his mouth and Rob's nuts which Antonio has taken deep. Rob's nuts smell very musky.

"Get in there, Chester. Help yourself to daddy Rob's nuts," he growls lowly

I get my mouth as close to Antonio's as possible. We lick simultaneously and come into contact with Rob's upper scrotum piercing a few times.

"Fuck yeah," Rob growls.

Rob's balls taste sweet. They are very hairy and the hairs are long and tickle my face.

Rob pulls his balls out and wipes them over my face then over Antonio's and back and forth. His nutsack has dropped considerably and is very long and full.

He pops his hard cock out of his jockstrap next.

"Do me a favor men, help get Daddy Rob off. You get me off, and the beer's on the house. I want to see grampa and grandson sucking my cock and sharing my juices," Rob says as he tweaks his nipples.

I look Antonio in the eye then open my mouth. Rob's foreskin dangles on my tongue. Antonio's mouth opens on the shaft of Rob's meaty cock. I engulf the head and the foreskin. Fuck! A huge glob of precum coats my tongue.

Antonio's mouth comes up to the head of Rob's dick and with mine on the other side, we both move our lips and tongues back and forth on either side of it.

"Oh, you cock suckers!" Rob says.

Precum is leaking and leaking from Rob's cockhead. His shaft is getting wet with our saliva and his own voluminous dick juice. In perfect rhythm, Antonio and I increase our speed and pressure on Rob's meat. Our heads move back and forth, back and forth, as precum leaks and Rob moans.

"Fucking slutty grandson and grampa", he says as he puts his hands on our heads. He bucks quickly between us, fucking the space between my lips and Antonio's.

"Holy fuck...," Rob moans with mine and Antonio's faces pushed tightly together.

Rob's hot cum bubbles out of his thick foreskin. Antonio and I stick our tongues out to catch some, but it spews all around our mouths. I even get some up my nose, at which point I cough and move my head away so I can breathe.

Rob takes his dick in his hand, panting and growling, jacking his cock quickly: intent to get out the last bit of feeling and cumjuice from his large pierced nuts.

His body shakes and his eyes are closes as he shakes and squeezes his thick short cock.

Then, he opens his eyes, sighs contentedly and stands up fully with his hands on his hips.

"Now let me see you kiss, fuckers," Rob says laughing.

I lower my head to Antonio's and we kiss deeply and passionately. Robs cum bonds our tongue and lips together. Antonio's tongue fills my mouth and feeds me the sweet mancream we worked together to produce. I melt into Antonio as we continue to enjoy the best kiss I have ever shared in my life.

(chapter three cumming soon)

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