
By Scott Smith

Published on Sep 22, 2007



Disclaimer/Background: Do not read this unless you are of legal age in the place you reside. Readers are referred to prior stories, but I am a heterosexual male who for the past year or more has been farmed out by his spouse/mistress to gay men for punishment and humiliation. The stories are entirely true, and documented in the yahoo group my spouse maintains. This story goes further than past ones as it does not just involve my being spanked and humiliated by males, but having my ass fucked for the first time as well as having to eat a male ass. If that does not work for you, then don't read it.

CHERRY PIE By scottieboy Owned by

She had been threatening to have me fucked for a long time. However, it took me by surprise when she asked for my consent. Essentially I was told that I could submit to being fucked, as a token of my obedience and submission. After all I had done to get in this position, it seemed appropriate and I have over the past year come to really care about being a good sub. I would never have believe it, as an alpha male since adolescence, but the sub role has grown on me and feels right.

My spouse told me that Monday would be the day, but that I would be stretched out in advance to accommodate the fucking. We spent the weekend getting ready, first with a trip to a little boutique gay sex shop in town. She accompanied me inside, in the middle of the day and sent me up to the front counter. Only one person was working there, a muscular guy in his 40s who was quite nice, but instantly though benevolently amused by my predicament.

"Excuse me Sir, I am wondering if you can advise me about lubes" I said.

"Sure, what do you need to know" he asked, smirking a little and locking a brief eye to eye gaze on my wife.

"Everything" said my wife, "He is getting fucked for the first time on Monday".

I know my face turned beet red at this point as the man looked first at her, then at me, a knowing smile dawning on his face. I felt so humiliated: I was sure this man was gay, but the fact that I was gong to get fucked seemed a very private thing to me, something I was not yet comfortable with myself.

"Well do you want silicone or oil based" he asked me.

"I don't know Sir, is one better than the other" I replied.

He then said "Depends on what you are using them for, but since you are getting fucked for the first time you will want a lot of lubrication (broad smile as he stares into my face). These two are the best".

He handed me the first one, a product called "elbow grease", and definitely not anything I had seen at the drug store. The second looked a lot like it but said "Slam Dunk, the ultimate penetrating creame". I immediately caught that this lubricant was not exactly the same as a penetrating oil, but in fact was to allow penetration I thought to myself `cute, really cute'.

"The second one has a little bit of camphor in it; makes it more comfortable by deadening the sharp sensations a little; not enough to ruin it but enough to make it more comfortable".

"Thank you Sir, I think I would prefer that one" I replied.

"Who is the lucky guy" he asked me, offhandedly but again sort of teasing me.

"I don't know Sir" I replied.

He sort of pursed his lips and blew, again smiling.

At this point my spouse said "Scott, come over here". She had a thin rataan cane, 2.5 feet long or so. "Stand in that doorway an stick your ass out" she said.

Feeling totally humiliated, and thankful that the audience was the clerk, I did so and received two strokes of the cane across my ass. I held still well since I was wearing jeans and undershorts.

"We'll take this too" she said, and handed it to me to take to the man in order to pay him.

The "Slam Dunk" fit in a bag, but the cane did not. Mistress carried it in her right hand, having me walk in front of her so that anyone who saw would have no doubt about who was going to be swinging the cane. Fortunately, the street was pretty quiet and I didn't see anyone I knew.

We went home and the ritual was as follows: twice a day she would use the Slam Dunk on me and a dildo that was more or less the same width but a bit longer than my 7 inch cock. She was really pretty gentle about it, and was trying to help me loosen up. It seemed like a team effort to get me ready, and I felt proud that I was submitting to this as a gift to her.

Monday morning came and I was handed a douche bag and told to clean out my ass. I did this in the shower, and must have sent 6 bags through before it came out clear. Then she lubed me up and did some stretching with the dildo and announced "OK, time for you to go, he is meeting you at your office ".

She handed me a nylon zippered bag and one of those tubes used for mailing posters, which of course had the cane in it. The bag had condoms, the Slam Dunk, my heavy western belt, camera, tripod, and a paddle.

I got to the office and no one was there, so I set everything out and waited. My cell phone rang about a half hour later. "He is downstairs on the south side of the builidng driving the grey Toyota corolla, go get him". I complied and met, to my total surprise, a kid of maybe 19 or 20 years of age. He looked to be about 5-4 and 130 lbs soaking wet. Dirty blond hair topped a boyish face, but more concerningly were the eyes: this kid was looking forward to beating my ass, I could just tell".

"Uh........... " I stammered........... "Are you here to do some work for my wife?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said.

I led him up to the office through locked doors and into the inner most office in my suite where I had laid things out for him.

I stood there a minute, not sure what I should do, and he said "What are you waiting for bitch, strip".

I did so quickly, folding my clothes neatly on a chair and stood there for the 30 seconds or so that he appraised my body and stared at me, a look of bemusement and hostility on his face.

"Now me" he said.

I knelt and untied each shoe, and slipped off the socks, noting that his sneakers smelled as I did so. Then on my knees I undid his belt and fumbled with the buttons of his 501s, ultimately releasing them. To my surprise he had no underwear on and I was immediately looking at about a 6.5 or 7 inch uncircumcised cock, at half mast.

I folded the pants and set them aside, then turned back to face him and he held his hands over his head so that I could slip off his t shirt.

The kid was obviously a soccer player. Not super muscular but strong legs and tight compact body. He also appeared to be a guy who trims his pubes and shaves his abdomen, balls, and chest.

"Get over there and lean against the wall" he commanded.

"Yes Sir" I replied, immediately feeling the fool for calling a kid "Sir".

I did so, noting that my dick was hard now too, something that always happens when I am going to get whipped but frankly happened a lot faster with this kid than it would normally. The undeniable fact was that his tight body turned me on.

I leaned against the wall with my arms and spread my legs; exposing my balls and asshole as I did so.

He then came across the room with the cane, swinging it around a few times with a nasty whistling noise. He touched my ass with it and laughed a little, then swung it with moderate intensity against my ass.

"Thwack" I heard, but it was not delivered all that sharply so I did not make any noise.

He then did it again, this time with an intense wrist action:

`Thwack" I heard, as I squeezed my ass involuntarily and gasped a little.

"Thwack, Thwack, Thwack" came the next 3, indeed the next 20 as he applied them rapid fire with his wrist as fast as he could.

"Ow...........OOOH..........AAAH..........that hurts...........OOOW" I exclaimed, knowing that I was probably dancing around and looking the fool.

After this he told me to turn around, which I did, and get down on my knees. I did so and he stood there and said "lick my feet bitch".

I hesitated a second over his feet: I certainly do not have a foot fetish and his smelled a bit; kind of like he washed them that morning but then wore them, no socks, in dirty sneakers (the ones I took off his feet). I knew though that I had to do this and got to work tentatively licking the surface of his feet.

"Do I need to cane you again bitch?" he asked.

"No Sir" I replied and starting really licking them hard. Once I got the taste in my mouth there was really no difference between licking them tentatively or hard I found.

"Suck my toes" he commanded.

I began with the big toe and worked my way down, sucking each one as though it were one of the cocks I have had to suck since becoming a sub. When I finished the left foot, he withdrew it and held out the right which I also serviced.

I found it pretty gross really; licking some 19 year old kid's feet. I am sure my face was as red as my ass, but in all honesty even I could see the genius of it. I mean I had gotten into this position in part by being physically abusive of my son, now about 5 years younger than the 19 year old whose feet I was licking. Further, my wife has often chided me for the way I criticize this younger generation, a group who as a whole I view as lazy and useless. What I couldn't figure out, and kept wondering, was why does the kid want to do it?

After I finished the toes on his right foot, he withdrew it and said "back against the wall".

I did so, wondering what the fuck I did to get it again, then seeing his face and knowing" I hadn't done anything; he was just getting off on the power, clearly enjoying this immensely.

He took out the cane again and this time gave it to me very rapid fire for about 2 minutes: wrist action only, one blow a second more or less, but covered my ass from the top to the upper thighs. I was dancing around and saying "ooow.......... Aaaaah..... Please Sir for most of it.

The kid actually laughed a couple of times at my predicament and said "dance bitch" as he whacked me harder to get a stronger reaction. I looked to the side and saw his dick was totally hard and even leaking a little from the experience. At one point I saw he was playing with his cock with one hand while swinging the cane with the other.

Suddenly he stopped and walked across the room. I heard him say "come here bitch" which I did, standing before him.

"On your knees bitch" he said, to which I complied.

"Feet bitch" he said and, quite literally, snapped his fingers.

I went back to servicing them and was kept down there for 5 minutes or more. I looked up a couple of times, but did not pause from licking his feet, and saw that he was jacking off during all of this, staring menacingly back at me when he caught me peeking.

"Now lick my balls bitch" he said.

I straightened up and began tonguing his shaved, but frankly a little stubbled, nut sack. I immediately noted that he has big balls, bigger than mine. I tongued all over them and the inner thigh as well, tasting what all of us have smelled in the locker room: male crotch. I took each ball in my mouth individually and caressed it with my tongue.

He continued to jack off during this, but in a leisurely way, obviously saving himself for later. I couldn't help but think during all this "Oh please cum, cum now and don't fuck me" but of course I wasn't going to say it.

"Now suck my dick boy" he said.

I did not miss that this 19 year old boy called me boy, nor that he was right: I was his boy and had to do whatever he said. I engulfed his cock, much more comfortably than the first couple of times I had sucked cock. I really went at it hard, hoping to make him cum so he would not fuck me. I had some confidence in my ability to do so as I knew my skills as a cocksucker have come a long way.

I immediately tasted precum, and a lot of it. He was obviously pretty turned on and those huge balls were obviously churning out the juices.

After about 3 minutes he pushed my head away, I think because he was ready to cum, and said "back against the wall".

I went back, worried that I was going to get caned again as the last time had been pretty bad.

Instead of the cane whistling though the air, I heard and felt my heavy western leather belt hitting my ass. He swung it at full length and was right on target, causing me to jump a bit. I remember thinking "damn, has this kid done this before? Perfect aim".

He whacked me again and this time I heard the belt whistle a little bit "WHAACK".

"UUUGH" I grunted, tempted to break position but knowing better.

"WHAACK" it came again.

"Oh......... fuck"..... "WHAACK"......... "please Sir"............ "WHACK".

Finally it ended after maybe 25 blows, and the kid went back and sat down in the chair. Snapping his fingers he said "feet".

I did not mind at this point; all I was tasting was my own saliva since I had licked the smell off of them the first time. I went back to sucking his toes and licking his feet, feeling foolish of course but really knowing that at this point it is my place and it could be worse.

Then it got a lot worse. He leaned back on the stuffed chair, picked his feet up an set them on the cushion, slid his ass forward so that it was exposed and said "Eat my ass".

I froze. I have only eaten my wife's ass a few times, and never a guy's ass. I am a very hygienic man and the whole shit thing turns me off. Even if it were clean, I could not imagine sticking my tongue up an ass, and sure as hell not up the ass of a guy barely out of High School.

"Sir, I would prefer not to" I said, as respectfully as possible.

"FUCK WHAT YOU WANT" he exclaimed, jumping to his feet and grabbing me by the arm. He reached over and seized the paddle I had brought along and pulled me to the sofa across from the overstuffed chair on which I had been servicing him.

He yanked me across his lap and started flailing on my ass with the wooden paddle. He was SLAMMING it down on my ass and I was begging from the start.

"SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM" came the rapid fire blows.

"Please Sir............ Please......... I'm sorry......... I'll eat your ass" I exclaimed, not really caring how I sounded but anything to make this pain stop.

"You'll eat my ass when you convince me you want it" he said. "Slam, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM........."

"Please Sir, please can I eat your ass?"


"OOOH FUCK, please SIR, let me eat your ass........... I Swear I will do a good job......... Please SIR allow me the privilege of eating your ass".

He put the paddle down and stared at me, broad smile, clearly laughing that he had an old guy begging to eat his ass while getting paddled.

He told me to get on my knees in front of the sofa, and he lifted his heels up, spreading them wide, and leaning his ass out over the edge.

I couldn't get my tongue at it at fist because his balls were in the way, so I used my left hand to gently pull them upward, resting them on my nose and forehead, as I started to tongue his hole.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been: he was totally clean; no shit smells; no toilet paper wads; nothing like that. He even had shaved his hole. It had the same salty taste as his crotch. None the less, I had to stifle an initial gag at the though of putting my mouth where he shits.

"Get your tongue in it bitch" he ordered.

I hesitated not more than a millisecond and stuck my tongue in there. Gently at first, then hard like I was fucking him with my tongue.

He started jacking off like that and I realized that I was hard too, whether from watching him jack off or from the humiliation of having my tongue up his ass I still don't know.

He kept me down there about 5 minutes, then announced: "Damn, I'm horny, I'm going to fuck your ass".

He pushed me back from his asshole, my tongue still extended, and told me to get on hands and knees and thrust my ass out. I did this and he said "further bitch, stick it out like you want it".

I did so, and could hear the condom wrapper opening behind me, and heard the noise latex makes when it is being put on. Next I heard the click on the silicone lube that he had brought along (Millenium ID was the brand). He squeezed it on his hand, covered his dick, then reached behind me and lubed my hole. He rammed one finger in, then two, then withdrew them. He wiped the excess off into my hair.

Next thing I knew I was feeling the umistakable warmth of a hard latex covered dick against my hole.

I physically shuddered, as though I was cold. Totally involuntary, but it showed the depth of my fear of this. I had agreed to do it; knew I needed it; at some level was excited about getting it, as evidenced by my hard dick. However, the reality of a penis knocking on my back door, the asshole of an up until now heterosexual man in his 40s, was just overwhelming.

I had relatively little time to contemplate it though, as he literally rammed the thing in up to the hilt.

I grunted: the feeling was not unfamiliar from the dildo training given by my wife, but she had not rammed it in and I had been more relaxed when it was coming from a woman. I gasped, and said "Please Sir, please", never really completing what I wanted him to please do.

He actually paused for a minute and then began, slowly and gently to fuck my hole. I could feel it going in until his trimmed pubic hair hit my ass, then withdraw, almost all the way, and back in again. He quickly got into a rythym; the same one I use when slowly fucking a woman. After a minute or so I realized my dick was even harder and I was enjoying this.

"Fuck Sir.......... Fuck............. FUCK ME Sir" I said, not really caring about the fact that I was begging for it. It seemed as natural to me as what I might say to a woman who who was on top fucking me. He responded by thrusting faster and harder. I started pumping my dick with my left hand, resting my chest and head on the carpet.

In about a minute I was shooting a big load all over my hand and the towel I was kneeling on. He must have shot at the same time, but I was oblivious to it. All I knew is that he withdrew and removed the condom. As he set it aside, I could see that it was filled with cum, but otherwise clean. My ass felt like it was shitting due to the spasm, but was not. I actually put my hand back there to check.

He then got dressed and told me to dress. He came over and told me to open my mouth. I did so and into it he inserted the used condom.

"You will suck on this until you get home to your wife and then show it to her boy" he said, then turned and left.

Postscript: As usual, photos and videos were taken of this session and are posted in the yahoo group that my wife maintains. You can reach her at or me at I will reply politely to all, and my e mails are read by my mistress/wife who checks.

We reside in San Diego where my training continues.


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