Cherry Trees

By Attemptatinger

Published on Apr 17, 2000


After a minor break (hey, don't hit me! It WAS, er, SORT of minor, wasn't it?) I'm back. Whether this was worth the wait or not you'll have to decide for yourselves, but like it or not this won't be the last you'll hear from me. Now, should you want to read EVEN more of this story you can go to my new website at Remember, this posting contains chapters 18 and 19 - just so you won't be confused when you see the numbers on the chapters at the site. And now, let the old circus horse dance once more:


Cherry Trees

Chapter 18:

"What are you thinking about, Neil? You look.. worried," Sarah commented. She was holding her coffee mug in both hands. "Oh, nothing," Neil replied. "It's just I don't know what to give Tommy for his birthday. I've been thinking about it all week, and it's the day after tomorrow." "Well, you're lucky, Sarah the love doctor is in. What seems to be problem?" Neil glared at her but decided to go along. Who knew, maybe Sarah had an idea. "I want to give him something meaningful, you know. Romantic." He winced. "But I just have no idea." "Hmm. How about a ring?" "A ring?! He's not a girl, you know. Anyway, jewelry isn't his kind of thing." "A poem. Write him a poem." Neil scowled. "Oh. No. Better not, considering your abilities in the field.. Well, how about giving him something he'd like, something he doesn't have," Sarah said. "Like what?" "I don't know! He's your boyfriend after all. You think about it." "Something he could use? Hmm. It's a better idea than anything I've got," Neil sighed. "How's the planning coming along?" "Fine, although I've a thousand things to do!" "Mm-huh. Like mrs. McGann isn't doing all the work." "Oh, all right, but I'm helping her!"

"Relax baby," Neil smiled. "It'll be all right. Trust me." "I know," Tommy said, "but I can't help it. Dinner will be nice though." Neil nodded. They'd decided to be just Tommy, Neil, Tommy's mother, Jeremy and Sarah for dinner, and the others would come by later. Neil fiddled with his bag trying to find Tommy's present. Tommy had obviously guessed what he was doing - at least judging from his smile. "Here, you might as well get it now, but I simply didn't know what to get you," Neil said. "In the end I decided nothing would express my love for you anyway so I got you this instead." He gave the wrapped object to Tommy. "You're getting me curious," Tommy mumbled, his attention focused on unwrapping the gift. "What is it.. Oh! Oh, shit!" "You don't like it?" Neil asked worried. "It's a camera! But Neil.. this must have cost a fortune!" Tommy sniffed. "Are.. are you crying? Oh, I'm so sorry, I know it wasn't any good, I just.." "Shut up, Neil," Tommy said - effectively making sure Neil did by kissing him. After a while they parted. "I love the camera. I just can't believe you spent that kind of money on me.. you could have given me a book or something.." "I.." "Stop worrying, please. I love the camera and I love you. I love you!" "So you do like it?" "Yes!" Neil sighed deeply. "I'm so relieved. I've been worried.." "Well you shouldn't have been. You could have given me anything and I would have loved it. Besides, you already gave me the best gift of my life.. you." Neil snickered, and Tommy punched him on the shoulder. "Auw! Sorry! But that was.. corny," Neil laughed. "I guess you're just not as romantic as me," Tommy said, trying his best to look insulted. "Guess not. Anyway, thank you," Neil said kissing Tommy. "I love you." "Mmm, I love you too. But nice as this is I have to go show mom this camera!" Tommy said, sliding away and running to the kitchen with the camera. Neil got up and followed him. "Wow," he heard mrs. McGann say. "This is.. wait a minute, this is a better camera than mine!" Tommy giggled. "I know." "You! You knew," mrs. McGann said, wiggling and accusing finger at Neil when he appeared in the doorway. "Now I'll have to get a better camera, won't I?" Neil grinned. She looked less than menacing in an apron with pink bunnies on it. Mrs. McGann softened slightly. "Are you sure you can afford this, Neil?" "Yep!" "If you say so. What are you moping for, young lady?" mrs. McGann said addressed to Sarah who was slicing an onion. "Nothing. I was just thinking about what he got me on MY birthday," she said sourly. "Lower your voice an octave and put on some pants, Sarah," Jeremy said dryly, looking up from the garlic he was peeling. "You think that would do the trick?" "No, but it would become you." Jeremy laughed at his own joke. Sarah hissed. "No, tell you what," Tommy giggled, "try keeping your mouth shut and he might reward you!" "Well I never..! Here I am, laboring away for your party and I have to take this!" Tommy tried to say something, but Sarah pointed her knife at him. "Don't say anything! If you do I'll drop the salt pot in the sauce!" Mrs. McGann shook her head. "Neil, why don't you cut the salad. Tommy, you can just relax. This is your birthday after all." "Oh! Well, I'll just supervise," Tommy replied, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, from the sofa," mrs. McGann said. "I won't have you laughing at my cooking."

Of course the dinner went well and Tommy was visibly relaxing. He was chatting away happily, so much so that mrs. McGann looked positively surprised. This was not what she was used to except when they were alone. Neil was beaming, and Sarah was at her best behavior, clearly enjoying herself. Even Jeremy was smiling. He hadn't been recently. His mother was worse and things with his father no better, but today the general atmosphere influenced his mood. "This feels almost like a family. An expanded family," Tommy said smiling. He had had two glasses of red wine and looked a little flushed and very happy. "Yes," Neil replied, nodding. "It is." "Just one short, eh, Sarah?" Tommy smiled. "But he's coming later so don't worry." "Oh?" mrs. McGann asked curious. Sarah glared. "Well it was SUPPOSED to be a secret.. but I kinda like Jay." Jeremy spluttered. "Jay? Are we talking about the same guy? 'Sport- is-my-entire-life'-Jay? 'Never-opened-a-book'-Jay? 'Always-following-Neil'-Jay?" He laughed. "Yeah, alright, thank you," Sarah said. "He's really quite nice you know. And cute." "You know what I say, Sarah," Tommy smiled. "He difinitely likes you." Neil wasn't listening. He was thinking. Either Jay wasn't the one Jeremy was in love with or he was one hell of an actor. Neil had been trying to work out who the guy was for a long time, but.. "Well try your luck then," mrs. McGann offered. "Never hurts to try." "No, it doesn't," Tommy said, eyeing Neil very obviously. Neil felt warm all over, but Sarah rolled her eyes. "No more wine for you," she said placing the bottle out of Tommy's reach. Tommy just grinned. "Who is coming, specifically. Or rather - how many?" mrs. McGann asked. "12 including us," Sarah replied. "Jay obviously - I think we covered that. Danny, Archie, Dennis, Hannah, Vince and Ramrod. Don has the flu and can't make it." "Ramrod. What kind of name is that?" Jeremy smiled. "Trust me - you don't want to know. It's Harold if you talk to him." "Harold? Isn't he Brad Johnson's brother?" mrs. McGann asked incredulously. "No, cousin, thank God," Sarah answered. "He can't stand Brad, but then who can?" "How about Alex? Didn't you ask him?" mrs. McGann asked. She immediately knew she'd said something wrong when everybody fell silent. "Yeah, but he didn't want to come," Sarah said, cutting her meat fiercely. "His loss. He could use some friends - it's not like he'll ever make new ones." "That's cruel Sarah," Neil said - approving. "I'm sure he'll make other friends. Eventually." "He can start looking for them up his nose," Jeremy said laughing. "It's so big the chances are good." He reached for the wine. "Whatever he finds up there will outsmart him ten times," Sarah added giggling. "And it'll look better," Tommy said. "Oh sweet Jesus," mrs. McGann said. "I knew it was a mistake to give you wine. Are you all ready for desert?"

After the dinner they decorated the living room with balloons and paper streamers and put some CD's on the table so people could put on whatever kind of music they wanted. Sarah came in carrying a big bowl of crisps etc. "Would someone get the cucumbers and carrots? Tommy went to answer the phone," she said. "Cucumbers? Carrots? Are my ears deceiving me?" Jeremy mumbled. "See, this is why you'll never be a good soccer player," Neil smiled. "You only like junk food." "What are you talking about? I AM a good soccer player. But cucumber..?" "Why not? I think it's a good idea," Neil said. Mrs. McGann had cut some carrots and cucumbers into sticks as snacks for the party. "You just wait and see," she'd said. "They'll disappear faster than the junk you bought. Except your mother's cake of course." She smiled slightly apologetically at Neil. Tommy came back from the phone. "That was Don. He wanted to say happy birthday and that he was sorry he was sick so he couldn't be here," Tommy said in a slightly surprised tone as if that had never happened to him before. It probably hadn't, Neil thought. "That's nice of him," Neil said. "He doesn't seem to have any problem with all this." "Of course not," Sarah said dryly while blowing up a balloon - quite an achievement. "He's as gay as can be." "No he's not, he's just a nice guy," Jeremy said pointedly in a tone that set off an alarm in Neil's head. Could it be? Don, the math whiz, was he the one Jeremy liked? Hardly seemed likely. Neil caught Tommy's eyes. Tommy lifted his eyebrows questioningly. Had he picked something up too? Neil would have to ask later. "Where is that table cloth?" Sarah asked, breaking the short silence. "Everybody will be here soon. Where is Tommy? Oh there you are. No, you go and change, I'll ask your mother. No, Neil you stay here, otherwise he'll never get changed. Oh, don't give me that - I know the two of you."

Neil just had time to stare admiringly at Tommy before the first guests arrived. Tommy wore a blue shirt that made his eyes even more haunting, Neil thought, and he told Tommy so. "There's no need, though," Neil continued, "you can already make me do anything with those eyes." "Now who's corny?" Tommy whispered while kissing Neil, but just then Sarah opened the door for Archie and Danny so there was no more time. "Here, on many more," Danny said giving Tommy a present. "It's from us all, so don't open it until they're all here all right? It's from Don as well." "Really?" "Yeah, he insisted. Where do I hang my coat?" Neil looked briefly at Jeremy when Don was mentioned, but Jeremy's expression revealed nothing. Still, a seed had been planted in Neil's brain. He let it go - but just for now. Soon the others arrived, and Hannah and Sarah immediately began talking like only girls can. The boys talked about soccer and school, and the atmosphere was good - much to Neil's relief. There were no snide remarks, no hidden glances. Tommy's mother had been right, Neil observed. It didn't take long for the carrots and the cucumbers to vanish. "Shit," Jeremy smiled. "Now she'll insist we have more." And he was right. Mrs. McGann had prepared some more which she brought in, not bothering to conceal the look of triumph on her face. Tommy opened his present. It was some CD's he'd wanted and he seemed pleased. Archie put on some music Neil didn't know and didn't care to get to know either, some boy band no doubt. His expression must have been clearly recognizable, because Archie shrugged and said: "What?! I like them." "Now who's the fairy?" Danny asked. Suddenly he tensed and looked at Neil. "Sorry." "Don't be - I was thinking the same thing." "Oh give it a rest," Hannah interjected. "As if only gays like it. Look at you Neil - you're gay, and you don't like this kind of music. That's how much sense your prejudices makes." "Yeah, what she said," Archie laughed. Neil shrugged, pleased that he wasn't at all uncomfortable with being identified as gay any longer. "It's a money machine, that's what it is," Vince said smiling. He knew it would bug Archie. "Shut up," Archie grimaced. "I happen to know lots of guys who like it. Besides, it has to be better than your country music," he said, pointing at Danny. "Take that back!" Danny said. "I would never listen to country!" "Sure you wouldn't," Archie continued. "Where's your boots and saddle? Did you forget them?" Hannah rolled her eyes. "Boys. I don't see what we need them for." "No," Sarah readily agreed. "Why don't we turn up the music so we won't have to listen to them? Anyone up for a dance?" Without waiting for a reply she grabbed Jay's hand and dragged him up. "Miss Subtle strikes again," Neil mumbled. "I wonder if my mother's rubbing off on her," Tommy said, sounding a little worried.

After some beers - mrs. McGann didn't allow too many - some cake and a few hours Archie was getting very friendly. He threw an arm round Tommy's shoulders. "I've always liked you," he said with characteristic disregard for the truth. "You're one of the good guys." "Thanks," Tommy mumbled, trying not to laugh. "Yes. And you're cute. If I was a girl I'd go for you." Archie stuffed a carrot stick in his mouth. "Wouldn't do you much good, would it?" Sarah said. "Girls aren't his first choice." "No, but.. you know what I mean," Archie said. "No," Danny smiled. "We don't actually. Please explain." "Oh, fuck you," Archie said. "Me and Tommy think you're stupid." "Archie, have some more cake. And let go of my boyfriend," Neil said. "You're suffocating him." "It's called being affectionate. I'm a sensitive modern man." This kind of back and forth was so familiar to Neil he couldn't help but feel good. A few months back he was going crazy over it. He'd thought it was infantile, but in the mean time something had changed in him and he'd relaxed, and now he recognized it for what it was, a playful banter. Really it held the friends together. He looked affectionately at Tommy. The warm feeling overwhelmed him and he forgot everything around him. After a short while Tommy noticed and smiled at him. Neil smiled back. He wished the guests would go so he could have Tommy for himself. But Tommy was obviously enjoying himself, and as long as that was the case Neil was willing to go along with most everything. "Looks like Sarah's getting lucky," Jeremy whispered in Neil's ear. "Huh?" "Look." Jeremy nodded his head in Sarah's direction. She'd been talking to Jay most of the evening and now they were slowly dancing. "Oh! Yeah," Neil smiled. "Poor boy - won't know what hit him." "I'm sure he's all right with whatever hits him. I mean - look at him!" "Yeah," Neil agreed. "Seems he likes her." "Oh yes." Jeremy smiled. "No doubt about it. He looks a bit like you when you look at Tommy." Neil frowned. Somehow it was difficult for him to believe someone else could feel as strongly as he did, or even the same. It was a new thought. "I guess," he said. "How about you? When will you tell me who it is you like?" "I won't. I'm trying to forget that," Jeremy said, hardly changing his expression. "Why?!" "Because I don't need anyone, okay?" Jeremy looked at Neil. "But it would be good for you. Besides, you may say you don't need anyone, but I doubt it." "Well thank you mr. Know-it-all, I'll keep that in mind," Jeremy said sharply. Then he sighed and patted Neil's shoulder. "Sorry." "Forget it," Neil said shortly. "I suppose I'm better at giving advice than taking it, huh?" "Yes!" "You didn't have to agree that quickly," Jeremy said jokingly, but Neil didn't reply. Jeremy got up to get himself a soda.

"That went well, don't you think?" Sarah asked, yawning. She was removing some bottles. "Yes," Tommy answered. "It was great. I'm so glad you talked me into this, Neil." Neil smiled. Tommy was very tired, at that always made him very loving and affectionate. Right now he was clinging to Neil, kissing him and caressing his back under the shirt. It all made Neil feel wonderful. "Right, that's the last of that," Sarah said, looking around in the room. "I'll be off. We'll have to clean in here tomorrow." "I'll walk you home," Jeremy volunteered. Neil was relieved he didn't have to do it - he'd much rather be with Tommy. "Well at least there is one gentleman here," Sarah said, yawning again. "You should have kept Jay around," Tommy suggested from somewhere near Neil's neck. Neil smiled tenderly. "No, I had to let him go," Sarah said, "but I'm meeting him in the morning. Oh no! I wasn't supposed to say that. Well just forget it, okay?" "Sure, now go," Neil smiled, one arm round Tommy's shoulders, one in his blond hair. "Well thank you too!" Sarah pouted - too tired to be in the least convincing. "Doesn't she ever let off?" Tommy wondered, then surfaced to thank her again for her help. Finally she did leave with Jeremy. Neil embraced Tommy who locked his legs round Neil's waist. Neil walked up the stairs. "You too tired, baby?" Neil asked. "Mmm. Depends. What do you have in mind?" "I thought maybe you could teach me that math now." Tommy mumbled. "You Richardsons are all the same. Comedians." "Please don't compare me to Sarah. Anyway, do you mind?" "No, I love it when you tease me," Tommy said with a tired, sexy smile that made Neil aroused immediately. "It makes me feel like you love me." "Got that right," Neil said, breathing some from carrying Tommy. "You need to get in shape," Tommy teased. "I'll take your position on the team." "Shut up." Neil dumped Tommy on the bed. "You going to make me undress you?" "Mm, please." Of course Neil didn't mind. Not in the least. When he had Tommy down to his briefs he took off his own clothes and got in bed. "I spend more time here than in my own bed," Neil mused. "That's because my bed is cold and yours is warm." Tommy was too busy climbing on top of Neil to reply to that little bit of homemade philosophy. He lay his head on Neil's chest and sighed contently. Neil wrapped his arms round his boyfriend. "I don't know why I allow you in here," Tommy mumbled, resuming the conversation. "You kick me when you sleep." "Well you smell bad in the morning." "Do not." "No, you're right, that was too transparent." Neil caressed Tommy's bare back. "Are you sleepy?" "Mmm." "Well, I thought.. it is your birthday.." "Technically it ended some hours ago," Tommy said. "Does that mean you don't want to..?" "No." Tommy kissed Neil. "Of course not. Not when you smell like this." Neil rolled his eyes. "No matter what I say, no matter what I do, he just likes my smell.." "Neil?" "Hmm?" "Shut up!"

Chapter 19:

Things were good. They seemed good, and they were good. But they were about to change.

"When I get home I want the mess cleaned up, okay?" mrs. McGann said. "We'll try," Tommy yawned. "What time is it?" "Ten." Mrs. McGann crossed her arms. "About time you got up." "Well, unfortunately we have the game at twelve," Tommy said smugly. "What? Oh, you devious little.. do it when you get home then." She grabbed her purse. "I have to go now, but you'd better be done when I'm home." Tommy smiled and waved at her. "Okay, who gets to wake up Jeremy?" he asked Neil, who smiled. "No one," Jeremy said appearing in the door. "I've had enough of you two waking me up all night." Tommy blushed, but Neil just laughed. "Not ALL night," he said. "Hmm," Jeremy said, pouring milk over his cereal. "Are you okay, Jeremy?" Tommy asked. "You usually don't look this bad even after being up all night." "Thank you so much!" Jeremy poured himself some coffee. "Well if you must know I've thought about reporting my father to the police." "Shit!" Neil exclaimed. "Quite." Jeremy sipped his coffee. "But I won't." "But why not? I mean.. what he's done, it's illegal.." Tommy stopped. "So is what you two are doing, in some places." "Come on! It's hardly the same thing!" Neil frowned. "No, of course not. I don't know.. I guess I just don't want to loose him. He's not worth much, but he's all I have. Or - he will soon be." Neil sighed. Jeremy's mother was definitely getting worse. Everybody knew though no one spoke about it. "You'll have us," Neil finally offered. "You're too busy being Tommy's father to be mine as well," Jeremy hissed before realizing what he was saying. Neil was stunned. "I beg your pardon?" "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. But it's obvious, isn't it?" "What? What is obvious?" Tommy asked coldly. "You think Neil is some sort of replacement father to me? Don't think you know me just because you've lived in my house for a few weeks." Jeremy started saying something, but Tommy wouldn't let him. "No, don't give me that! All your psycho-bullshit, I don't want it. If you want to analyze someone try with yourself!" "What?" "You heard. You're the most fucked-up person I know!" "Stop it, both of you!" Neil shouted. "Before we say something we'll regret." Jeremy wasn't listening. "At least I'm not fucking the guy who's beating me!" Neil felt like he'd been punched in the gut. He could feel his anger rising. "No," Tommy cried, "you're running away. That's what you do." "Shut up! Just shut up!" Jeremy threw his mug at the wall. It broke, spreading coffee all over the white surface. "I'm leaving." "Yes, run away again!" Tommy yelled, his tears flowing freely. "I am! I don't need to see your girl crying!" Jeremy spat at Neil. "Hey! Don't talk to him like that!" Neil replied, overcome by a sinking feeling. Jeremy didn't hear him. He stormed out the door, slamming it after him. The noise drowned Tommy's sobbing.

Okay, that's it. Was it any good for a comeback? If you liked it be sure to go take a look at my new website at There might EASILY be a few more chapters there! (Hint hint)

Next: Chapter 9

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