Cherry Trees

By Attemptatinger

Published on Nov 23, 1999


Hey all! No I didn't die, just had a busy week. Here's more from my sentimental self - hope you like it. As always, don't read this unless.. you know.

The Cherry Trees

by Attemptatinger

Chapter 11:

Neil stirred, only half awake. The rain outside the window had awoken him, but it was still dark, and the house was silent. He felt the warmth beside him and sighed happily. He was at Tommy's house and sleeping with the boy he loved. Maybe it was a good thing he was awake, because it was almost a shame to sleep from something as good as this. He looked at his watch on the table. 5.30. He got out of bed and slipped quietly into the kitchen to get a glass of water. His eyes had adjusted to the dark, so he didn't turn on the lights. Greedily he gulped down the water. "Good morning, mr. Richardson." Neil jumped, spilling the last water over his hands. "Good - good morning, mrs. McGann." Neil put down the glass and blushed deeply from embarrassment, because he wasn't wearing any clothes. He edged towards the door. "Why don't you put on some clothes and come back. I'd like to talk to you." Neil didn't reply. He hurried to Tommy's room and threw on his boxers and a T-shirt. He was grateful she hadn't turned on the lights. At least with them she wouldn't have seen him blush, even if she'd seen just about everything else! He went back to the kitchen, thinking how Tommy would think it was all hilarious. The thought brought a slight smile to his face. "Hey. Want coffee?" "No thanks." Neil yawned. "Sorry." "I won't keep you long. But I want to ask you - did Tommy tell you about his father?" "No." Neil cleared his throat. "No. I never thought about him having a father. I can't even remember a man round here." He realized he'd been less than tactful. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." "Forget it. You're right." She sighed. "But I don't know if I should tell you then. Do you honestly think you'll stick with my son?" Neil frowned, confused. What was she getting at? "Of course. If it were up to me I'd be with Tommy always. I don't think I'll ever find anyone I get along with as good." "Hmm. The thing is.. Tommy's father and I split up when Tommy was less than a year, and he never knew his father. But a few years ago - Tommy must have been 13 - Gary suddenly called and wanted to meet his son." She sipped her coffee. Neil got the impression she wasn't comfortable, but it was difficult to tell with mrs. McGann. "Tommy of course wanted to go. Maybe I should've stopped it, but I just couldn't. Your father and mother are still married, aren't they, mr. Richardson?" Neil nodded. "Yeah. Almost 20 years." "Then you don't know what it's like. Tommy.. he has always had a vivid imagination, has my son." She smiled. Even in the semidarkness Neil could see her love for her son on her face. "Tommy has always idolized his father without knowing him. I tried to tell him how it really is, but it's difficult with a little kid. Do you understand?" Neil was beginning to think he did. "Yeah, Tommy's father wasn't what Tommy expected." "Exactly." She put down her coffee mug. "Tommy was so happy when Gary called. It was almost obsessive; he didn't talk about anything else and he wouldn't listen to me. I don't remember seeing him so happy - well, except recently." She poured more coffee. Neil blushed from happiness. What she'd said meant a lot to him. "So Tommy went, and when he came home I knew instantly it'd been a fiasco. He didn't want to talk about it. For two days he hid in his room, but eventually I got him to talk about it." "What went wrong?" "I don't think Gary was ready to face his son after all. He freaked out. They had a row, and he left Tommy standing outside his home. They'd been together for less than an hour. Tommy came straight home." She pushed away the mug. "He's never mentioned his father again, even to me. It was very hard on him." Neil fidgeted with a small hole in his T-shirt. "I think I see what you're getting at." "Of course. You're an intelligent young man. The only one who could ever rival Gary in Tommy's world was you." She crossed her arms. "I don't know how he'd take another disappointment. I suppose I'm trying to tell you that unless you're completely sure you want to get involved, stay away. He's getting more attached to you every day." Neil looked at her. "I'm getting attached to him too." "I noticed - but it's either all the way or not at all with Tommy. There's no in between." She smiled. "I have never been afraid of saying what I think." Neil could believe this. "I'm telling you now: I won't let my baby get hurt. I'm not sure he'd be able to take it, 'cause he already thinks he isn't worth much. If you hurt him I'll make you regret it." She smiled wider. "When I was young I was known as the lion from Portswick. I still have it in me." "I promise you I won't hurt him if I can help it." Neil sniffed. "I love him so much, I can't believe it myself. It's like I get all.. fuzzy when I see him, you know? Just the look of him, or the scent.. I'm hooked." He smiled. "And that's no doubt the best thing that ever happened to me, and I know I owe him. He's given me so much, and all I've ever done is take from him. I'm aware of that." "Good. I believe you. Now I have to go to work." "Now?" "The sick don't wait for normal opening hours, mr. Richardson. Neil," she corrected herself. She padded him on the back. "Now you go back to bed." "Thanks, mrs. McGann." "Call me Dora." She grabbed her bag. "I'll be going. By the way.." "Yeah?" "Nice tush." Neil could still hear her laughing when she'd closed the front door.

He slipped back into Tommy's room, shed his clothes and crawled under the covers. It was a wonderful feeling. The bed was warm, and Neil moved close to Tommy to feel his skin against his own. Tommy smelled wonderfully erotic, and Neil could feel himself responding. He knew he'd have to face the whole school on Monday, and they'd all know what he'd been hiding for years, but he felt he could do it. Mrs. McGann had given her blessing to their relationship - at least Neil thought she had - and he had Tommy, which would be worth everything. In his sleep Tommy pressed close to Neil and sighed contently. It almost made Neil cry. Get a grip, man, you're loosing it, he thought. But he really wanted to lose it with Tommy.

Neil opened his eyes. Something was nibbling at his ear. He smiled. "Good morning, baby. Sleep well?" "Mmm," Tommy replied. "I love you." He caressed Neil's chest with his right arm. "What's wrong, babe?" Neil asked, grinning. "You know what's wrong. Seems to be wrong with you, too," Tommy smiled, pointing at the tent in Neil's blanket. Neil shrugged. After all, what could he say? Tommy crawled on top of Neil, and Neil embraced him forcefully. "I love waking up with you here," Tommy mumbled between kisses. "I love that too," Neil whispered, caressing Tommy's backside.

Chapter 12:

Well, things were going reasonably well so far, for a Monday. Of course this was no ordinary Monday. There was a lot of whispering in the corners, and some of the boys from the soccer team seemed to avoid Neil, but still it was better than expected. "Hey man. Is it true?" James, the guy with the limp, said, pulling Neil aside. Neil didn't have to ask what he meant. "Yeah." James smiled a bit. "Oh. I guess I can live with that." "You'd better." Neil cleared his throat and smiled. "I'm not changing." "But we're still buddies, right?" James asked nervously. "I mean, even if you have a.. a.." "A boyfriend." "A boyfriend now." "Sure." "Great! You're the best, man." "No, but my boyfriend is." Emotion colored Neil's voice. James raised his eyebrows. "You have it bad." "I know, does it bother you?" "No. It's still weird that you have a boyfriend, but as long as it's what you want.." He trailed off, smiling. One down, a couple of hundred to go, Neil thought. A couple of hundred and Brad Johnson who spotted Neil just then. "Hey, fag boy!" he shouted. He had a powerful voice, partly due to his bulk, so everyone heard. "Where are you keeping your pink underwear?" This was what constituted a joke with Brad Johnson. Neil turned round. His cheeks were glowing, not from embarrassment but from anger. "You shut up, Johnson. Don't you know whales can't speak?" "Huh? You calling me a whale?" Johnson hurled himself at Neil, who easily sidestepped, but even if Neil won the fight he was bruised and sore afterwards. Not like Johnson, though, whose nose was bleeding. At least he didn't speak when he was bleeding. "I guess some people never change, huh?" Jay said. He'd heard the noise. "Guess not," Neil replied, grimacing with pain. "Are you okay?" Jay looked worried. "Yeah, I just need a minute. Class begins now, don't worry about me," Neil said, gesturing for Jay to move on. Hesitantly he did. "You certainly know how to fight." It was Jeremy. He was smiling faintly, but Neil saw distaste as well. That was unusual for Jeremy; normally he never showed his emotions like that. Neil began to speak, but Jeremy stopped him. "I know - class is beginning. But I'm in yours. Come on." He helped Neil down the corridor. "Jeremy, are you okay?" Neil asked, frowning. "I wasn't in a fight, remember?" "Yeah, but I mean.. you're acting kind of strange. Coming to think of it you're beginning to act normally, if that makes sense." "It makes perfect sense, but what can I say. I'm fine. I always am." There was an edge of bitterness in his voice. "We really have to hurry now." Neil complied, but he wasn't going to let it go that easily. For the moment he had his own problems, though.

Tommy didn't have classes later than lunch that day, so Neil didn't see him until after school. The rest of school was uneventful, and they didn't have soccer practice until Tuesday. Neil was dreading that, even if it had gone well Saturday at the game. He rode his bicycle because he was out of gas, but it wasn't far anyway. Quickly he entered the house to get changed and go to Tommy's. "Hey Neil, is that you?" It was Sarah. "Yeah, I'm going to Tommy's." "Don't bother, he's in here with me." She appeared in the door to the living room. "Oh," Neil said confused. "But I thought.." "Nah, I'm over that now. Just don't take any more of the cute boys." "Neil?" There was an eager tone in Tommy's voice. "Hey baby," Neil said a bit uneasy because Sarah was there, but Tommy didn't have any such inhibitions. He pushed Neil against the wall and began kissing him with great persistence. There was no way Neil could resist that of course. It made him feel warm all over. "Uh, gross," Sarah said, her amusement showing clearly in her voice. Tommy didn't react, and Neil embraced him tightly. The day was looking up. Eventually they made their way into the living room. "Finally," Sarah said exasperated, rolling her eyes. "So, do you want the verdict?" "About what?" Neil asked. "Tommy wanted to know if I think Jeremy's gay." Neil raised his eyebrows. "Still on about that?" "Well, do you want to know?" Sarah looked at Tommy, who nodded. "Of course he is." "Really?" Neil sounded skeptical. "Are you sure?" "Sure, it stands out a mile." She smiled. "I would have thought you'd pick that up. But you were always slow." "Very funny." Neil smiled. "So, how was your day, baby? You all right?" Tommy nodded, but he looked a bit tired. "I've had worse. Anyway, it's worth it." Neil smiled, falling in love all over again. Sarah again rolled her eyes. "Get a grip. You guys are just too much."

Chapter 13:

Neil lying on his bed at 6 o'clock that same evening. Tommy'd gone home, and even though he was disappointed he understood why Neil felt he should sleep at his own house sometimes. Neil's mother still had a hard time accepting things. Neil was thinking about his day, concluding that he had problems, but he didn't, not compared to some people. That was his next lesson. The phone rang, and Neil picked it up. "Hey Neil, are you home? I don't know anyone else I can talk to." Neil hardly recognized the voice. "Jeremy?" "Yeah. Please, Neil?" "Sure man, what's wrong?" "Can I come over?" "Sure." Neil was getting worried. He'd never heard Jeremy like this. "Do you think maybe you could open the door?" Neil went downstairs so he'd be ready to open the door when Jeremy came. When he did Neil realized why Jeremy had wanted it that way. The other boy was mess, he'd been crying, and he had a bluish eye. "Oh shit! What's happened? Come on in." They went up the stairs. Jeremy still hadn't said anything. "Sit down," Neil said, indicating the unmade bed. Jeremy did. He looked like he was losing control, and Neil pulled him close with his left arm. He waited. Finally Jeremy began to speak. "It's my father.." He stopped. "Your father did this to you?" Jeremy nodded. "He's under a lot of stress. My mother's dying, you know." Neil closed his eyes. He didn't know what to do. "She has cancer. There's nothing the doctors can do. But dad can't accept it." Jeremy fixed his eyes on Neil's bookshelf. "He get's irritable. I don't blame him, I just can't live with it any longer." He turned around, looking Neil in the eyes for the first time. "There's no reason why I should, is there?" "No," Neil said firmly. "Have you thought about seeing someone, I mean.." "What, like a therapist?" He smiled bitterly. "Then my dad would really think I'm the problem. I can't." "Oh shit, this a tough one. I'll do all I can to help you, you know that. You can count on me." "Thanks." He seemed embarrassed. "Do you think.. you don't think maybe I could sleep here, do you? I don't want to go back there." "Sure." Neil smiled. "No problem." "You'd better call Tommy to tell him, though," Jeremy said, giving Neil the phone. Tommy was okay with it. "But don't you dare touch him!" Neil chuckled. "Jealous, baby?" "Yes. I want all of you." "You got it." Neil finally hung up. "I just hope I'll find someone like that one day," Jeremy said, smiling weakly. "There's no reason why you shouldn't," Neil said. "You don't look.. you look.. you look okay." "Gee, thanks!" Neil laughed. "Okay, that was weak. I'm just not used to complimenting boys about their looks, I guess, but there's nothing wrong with you." "Thanks." Neil narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You're not in love, are you?" "No! Well, maybe." Jeremy blushed. "Really? Who is it?" "I'm not saying." "It's a guy, right?" Jeremy looked surprised, but not angry. "Why do you say that?" "Sarah and Tommy are convinced you're gay. I hope you're not mad." "What do you think?" "Well, I though about it, but I can never tell." Jeremy smiled. "At least you sister and your boyfriend has brains. What would you do without your looks?" "Hey!" Neil feigned hurt. "So, they're right?" "Yeah. Didn't realize I was that obvious." "You're not, there's just no escaping Tommy and Sarah," Neil smiled with considerable pride. Neil's father knocked on the door and opened it. "Neil, dinner's ready. Oh! Hello Jeremy, I didn't know you were here. Are you joining us for dinner?" "Uh, I don't want to be any trouble, mr. Richardson.." "You're not. Come on then, while it's hot."

Neil undressed quickly. After all, he and Jeremy played soccer together. "Do you want me to get you a mattress for the floor, or would you rather get in bed with me? I'll be good." "The floor would be the macho thing." "Shut up and get in here," Neil said slipping under the covers. Jeremy followed him. He made sure they didn't touch. "Thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it." Neil didn't answer, he just turned off the light. "Good night."

When Neil awoke Jeremy lay close to him with an arm draped over Neil's chest. Neil didn't mind, he just wished it'd been Tommy. Neil turned off his alarm clock, because it would ring in four minutes anyway. That woke up Jeremy, who retracted his arm quickly. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Don't worry about it," Neil yawned. "We should get up, though." He hesitated. Like often in the morning he had an erection, and he didn't know what to do about it. Jeremy smiled, blushing a bit. "I'm guessing you have the same problem I do." Neil grinned. He shrugged and leapt of bed. "I'm first in the shower. Get yourself a towel in the closet." Fortunately, showers are excellent places to get rid of erections. Neil enjoyed doing that thinking about Tommy.

Chapter 14:

"Hey Neil! Hey Tommy," Jay said, waving at them. He was getting better at being polite to Tommy. "What happened to you?" he asked surprised, spotting Jeremy. "Nothing, just an accident." "Mm," Jay said, scrutinizing Jeremy's face. "Looks like you were in a fight to me." "I wasn't," Jeremy said coldly, passing Jay. He went up the stairs without looking back. Jay frowned, looking hurt. "What's with him?" "Just leave him for a while. Are you ready for some soccer this afternoon?" Neil asked to get Jay off the subject. "Sure, I'm going to wipe you both off the team," Jay grinned. Tommy smiled skeptically, but he didn't say anything. He still wasn't completely at ease with Jay, and it was mutual. Jay kept talking excitedly about this and that, hot girls, soccer, anything like he usually did. Neil didn't listen. He was thinking about getting through soccer practice. He wasn't too worried about his other classes, but the locker room atmosphere was something special. He worried about that. Jay didn't worry. He was his usual talkative self at lunch, but maybe he should have worried. At the end of the break he got up from his chair, stumbled and lost his school bag. Along with his books a picture of a cute boy flew out. He froze. "What the fuck is that?!" Archie asked.

Return of the killer cliffhanger! I couldn't resist it. Anyway, please tell me what you think at - should I continue this? What could be better about the story? I'm looking forward to hearing from you. (And no - my mother isn't dying, and my father isn't abusive. Far from it).

Next: Chapter 6

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