Cherry Deflowered

By Carl Webster (Cumfusion, Karl Webster)

Published on Nov 24, 2010


"No I didn't have it on Shirley! What do you mean? Of course I wouldn't, would I? What about getting laid anyway, I never said that! Oh come on Shirley you're being ridiculous.... Yea but....oh I see!! sorry I got you wrong.... Oh yea right!"

She laughed to herself then turned to me.

"Carl! Yea .... OK but... um... you've just got to be at the New Year party it's a must because er...." she giggled.

"Look Mandy we've got these end of year financial status things out; Brian's been on at me about it" I had to say this without looking her in the eyes otherwise I knew what would happen.

"We've done all that darling didn't you know?" Shirley stayed looking at her screen several desks away.

"Be easy on him, he's only just twenty and yea, I know he's all fresh from college but he's our pretty boy aren't you Carlie?" Susan's desk was the other side from Mandy

We got the signal from a girl over at the far end. All the other secretaries put on their head phones like they were having important discussions with their managers.

"It's that jerk Tom" Mandy whispered. "What's he want now?!"

"Right Webster" Tom would never use my first name. "I shouldn't have to remind you of your obligation to submit work in support of any desire you might have of attaining a status of permanency in this company, so here's your task and we need it by 3 pm tomorrow at the latest" he left without looking at anyone. I didn't know I still had a test to do after all the medical tests they had done on me, I though that was it. Some of them had been really intimate too! Anyway they were all round me now, I was mobbed..

"Hey lets see!" they were all saying.

"Give me that!" said Angie firmly seizing out of Shirley's hands. There was a brief silence as the one page document was perused. "As office manager I can tell you this is complete crap! `A complete and detailed list of fiscal indentures' what the hell's that?? There's no such thing of course! Don't fall for this Carl! You've got to stand up for yourself. This is nothing; it's just a challenge to your manhood. You've got to show him you're not going to be pushed around by any old ponce." Then seeing my doubtful expression added. "Do you know what Brian thinks of this? because I do and I know what this is all about. You are on trial but not in the way you think. I mean this! It's just fucking junk and nothing else!" she said laughing as she chucked it in the bin.

Mandy did stay for a few moments with her hand on my shoulder as all the others went back to their desks. So once again I was left sitting there wondering how to take control of things and wondering if I should retrieve the Tom's paper.

"Hey did you think I don't know what you're thinking?" Mandy suddenly jumped up again and put her arm round me. "You've got to show them you've got balls" she giggled a bit. "No I really mean it!"

"Isn't that a bit difficult when he hasn't got any!"

"Shirley that's not fare of course he has; haven't you dear" she said comfortingly "And you're going to be a big man and show 'em"

"Show what?" asked Shirley giggling. "anyway that brings us back to the party doesn't it. Mandy and you Susan it's your responsibility to make sure he's there. We don't want any chickening out of that"

It is a thing about the southern hemisphere that beach parties are a good way to celebrate New Year. Our lot had a bit of a reputation too. The offices were set out so most of the female secretaries were in a different block from the guys. Actually the managers weren't all guys either, there was Helga, but more of her later. This arrangement wasn't deliberate it was supposed to be just until the new office block was finished.

"It's Sue and Mandy are you there?" they shouted through the door. "Hey you can't go in that! Did you think it was a board meeting?" Susan exclaimed. They both fell about laughing. "Get those off! Mandy's brought some stuff with her. Here put these shorts on for a start." She held them out with one hand while rummaging in Mandy's bag with the other. "Go on put them on! Oh come on he's shy!! Carl darling you know us, you're surely not shy of showing a leg; we're not innocent little school girls you know!"

My jeans weren't that smart it's just that they were new. Anyway I felt I couldn't go to my room and be all private so I dropped them in front of the girls.

"Oooh feel his legs Mandy they're lovely!! Wow you are a sexy boy, do you know what if we just put a long shirt on him like that everyone would go mad!" both girls were now fondling my briefs.

"It's not much is it!" Susan was squeezing my erection from the outside of my pants. "What do you think Mandy?"

"Lets answer that question then shall we!" Mandy replied and at this point I felt them pulling the lower elastic aside and the I felt their fingers on my bare testicles.

"Well now we know you've got balls darling. OK they're not very big but they're there alright" Mandy said while gently kissing my scrotum.

"Thanks Mandy" I said simply, it didn't know what to say really. "But look couldn't I just wear those shorts because I'd be really embarrassed in front of the guys in just my underpants.

"Yea OK here you go then"

"No not yet"" interrupted Susan. "Here come on quick get your pants off we've just got to see your bum" I didn't get a chance to resist, the two of them just pulled down my legs.

"Oh boy that's the best bum ever, hey Mandy I wish mine was as sexy as that! Come on where's that cream we'll have to prep him a bit."

It all happened so suddenly. The next thing I knew Susan was squeezing out this cream from a tube Mandy had brought and was working in between my buttocks.

"Hey Mandy just hold him apart a bit will you, yea that's right, brilliant!" First she worked some around my asshole then I think she must have put the nozzle of the tube almost inside me as she squeezed it empty I felt a sort of cool sensation coming up my bottom.

"There you are darling that's you all ready for the party now. So let's pull your pants up and put those nice tight shorts on shall we? Oh yes they'll like that!" But before I could even think of who `they' were Shirley and Angie had arrived to join us.

"Hmm! not bad! but he's not going in that shirt I hope" Shirley said while admiring my bare legs. If she been a bit earlier ... well yes!! "Come on get this silly shirt off what you need is a nice tight T shirt.. Wow you don't look too bad with nothing, hey you don't often see a guy with such a smooth chest. It's nice actually" she said running her hands down my bare arms.

"You look a bit like those Olympic swimmers except you don't quite have their muscles" she said squeezing my feeble biceps. "Hey shall we slip his pants down?" Angie seemed to be getting very excited.

"We've just had them down" protested Susan.

"You never told us" she retorted as if making it an official telling off from the manager.

"Oh yupy doops this is it!!" she said groping my genitals and buttocks. "Did you cream him up like this or did he do it?"

"No we did we thought it best to get him ready you know"

"Yea I know Ewan and Andy have been boasting about, what did they call it? `Deflowering' I think that was the word he used. Don't ask me what it means but I could guess!" said Shirley giggling.

"Are you sure it wasn't cherry picking he was talking about?" suggested Susan with an impish chuckle. They all joined in the general giggling.

"Wow I hope someone's remembered to bring some condoms, because they're certainly going to need them" Angie was being a bit forward in fingering my cunt and she groped my balls in a way I could feel she was checking up on me.

Mandy whispered in my ear "Don't worry anyway, all the guys are tested negative!"

I've got to say that up to this point I hadn't fully appreciated that they were preparing me for the guys. I suppose I still nursed some vague idea that they appreciated me as a man.

Shirley then said we had to go via her place on the way to the beach as she said she had something more suitable for me to wear. So waited in her house while she dashed upstairs. At first I was more concerned that we were getting late but then she came down with this sort of blouse. It was very girlie and she just put it on me (I had no choice) It had frilly arms and just reached to the same level as my shorts so it looked as if I was nude underneath. "That's absolutely perfect!! You couldn't look better and it suits you so well. What do you think girls?"

"Yes!!" they all squealing in unison.

It was a nice quiet beach beneath some cliffs but by then you could not see much except the fire the guys had lit for the barbecue.

"Oh yea wow man! Now don't tell me you created that get-up! Come on girls own up! Who did it?" Ewan was eying me up in a way I had never experienced from a guy before. It made me feel really good but there were consequences for him!

Because it wasn't a fancy dress party, my `get-up' immediately got everyone's attention. The girls were mostly in frocks over their swim suits. The guys just had swimming trunks, except Tom who also looked like he was going to a board meeting. He glanced at me then quickly looked away. I think I had just made him feel more embarrassed about his over-dressing. On the other hand Ewan's trunks or pants seemed to be made of a very thin and highly elastic material.

Anyway the swimming gear was all because of the Island Race. It was said to be traditional but whenever I asked anyone what was special about it, they would all, especially the girls, start laughing and saying things like "you'll be the one to find out". Ewan seemed to be turning away and looking a bit embarrassed.

"Yuppie Ewan!" exclaimed Susan running around him and waving her arms around "Take care you don't get too big for your pants now!" This produced howls of laughter from all the girls. His erection was so big that you didn't just see a massive pointed profile in front but it had pulled the elastic right away from his body. It was easy for everyone to see his pubic hairs and more!.

"Oh dear Ewan! We thought you'd be too hard-nosed to affected by this sort of thing" Mandy said, giving my bum a gently pat.

"Well perhaps its not his nose that's hard Mandy, I think it's something else! Eh Girls!!" Ewan had to make a hasty retreat amid lots of laughter and giggles.

"Ill just go and tell Brian you're here" he said rushing off while clutching his pants. "Hey Brian!" he was shouting "Come over here we have a star attraction." This brought all the guys over. Apart from Brian and Tom, who was not to be seen, there were the two under managers Andy and Roger and, by the looks of things, they all had pants like Ewans. And how could I forget Helga! the young but very muscular Lithuanian woman who held the title `Chief Engineer'.

"There you are!" whispered Susan in my ear in a way that nearly made it audible to all. "I said I wished I had a bum like yours. Look at them all!"

"Right we've got to get ready for the race now!" Roger announced in a commanding voice. The huge bulge in the front of his pants seemed to accentuate his authority. It felt like some primitive society where the dominant male was asserting himself. It wasn't just their barely concealed erections, their whole bodies looked so beautifully fit. All of them had superb biceps and bulging pectorals. Ewan was smooth chested as he did a lot of swimming but all the others were nice and hairy..

"And remember the golden rule in this race is don't be last" he said this looking squarely at me "because if you are you'll have to leave your pants on the island and swim back all er ...nubile!" This brought a chorus of "Oooooh" from all the girls.

I had no problem with taking my pants off, what I didn't like was them thinking I was too feeble to compete with these guys.

"No don't take your pants off yet, you've got to wait till we get to the island" Andy said seeing me taking my dress off. Perhaps he thought I had nothing on underneath. He obviously had no doubts about who would come last.

A full moon was just rising. "Ready, steady go!!" shouted Brian as we all rushed into the sea. Soon we were thrashing away doing the Crawl in the general direction of the island: it wasn't far.

But the exclamations soon came. "Hey for fucks sake!... gulp..... yup hey what the hell! You can't do that."

"Shit he's overtaking us!!" yelled Brian amid furious splashing. I was cruising nice and smoothly. Why should I have told them I used to be on my school swimming team? "Ewan hey ...gulp... you've er got to.." he was gasping for breath. "Stop him man!"

Ewan was out in front, he must have been fitter than the others but anyway he started getting in my way. For a minute or so we tussled in the water while the others went past. But we were still some way from the island so when they had all gone by I just swam for it. Ewan was too busy trying to keep up and anyway he couldn't be seen to be obstructing me still.

The girls had swum over too including Helga who had actually got there before any of us. "Zat vas cheating I saw it with mine own eyes. Ewan you are zer last! You have to takes your pants down right now!" Nobody ever argued with Helga; you just didn't do it! "So you did not have zer power in your muscles to beat him!" she added as if to rub it in.

"Look!" I ventured feeling myself a bit more now that I had earned some respect. "I think Ewan and I were last equal because I had a head start." This was greeted with "yea!...yea!. yea!!" from the girls with lots of clapping. I suppose you might call me an exhibitionist but I had been secretly looking forward to stripping off in front of them all. It gave a feeling of power, especially as I knew I could provoke their cocks in front of the girls.

I took my pants off first and noticed how they only glanced briefly at my cock which was never very big but was even smaller after being in the water. Everyone was trying to position themselves to see my bare bum so I just spun round quickly to give them all a glimpse then I told everyone to swim back.

"Hey I'm giving the orders here" protested Brian just as Ewan dropped his pants to reveal some really spectacular genitals. By now he had lost his erection but you could see his cock and balls were really voluminous!

"So you have lost also zer enzusiasm I see!" remarked Helga looking straight at Ewans' flaccid dick

We swam back together, Ewan and I, that is. We were both naked of course and had lagged behind the others. We had just got into shallow water where we could stand up with water about our chests.

"Come on you need some help down here!" I said.

"You fucking want it don't you!" His cock was swelling fast in my hand. "You're gonna fucking get it! Oh fuck you are!!" he said in a sudden rush of passion as he got behind and pulled me back on him. His strong hairy forearms were wrapped round by smooth youthful chest. I could never have escaped.

He started exploring my crack with his super hard dick and just when he had located my ass cunt we got interrupted.

"Hey what the fuck's going on. No jumping the gun mate, I don't care whether it's a race over the water or up his fucking ass. Remember what we agreed: anything we do, we do it publicly in front of everyone right? No secrets! right? Roger was a really big guy. In fact in physical terms he was the male equivalent of Helga.

Mandy was her organising self as usual; she had laid down a large towel on the beach and beckoned me over. Helga stood next to her as if presiding over what she would say. I scarcely looked at the towel as I thought she was just preparing the picnic.

"So everyone!" she announced with due pause, "This is the moment when Carl, our beautiful young man and work colleague gets laid!" This brought applause from eager faces all round.

"Yes I sink so too!" remarked Helga nodding as if to emphasise. "Now Ewan I don't know if you are capable but vee vill see who is!" She said folding her arms in a way that emphasised her breasts like a mans pectorals. "Some of zer girls are cheating yes?"

Helga had spotted Angie fondling Andy's cock so suddenly he was able to approach and offer me a fabulous hard on. The sight of me sucking him and his groans got all the guys hard and the girls were enjoying every moment of it. Meanwhile Shirley held my buttocks apart while Mandy applied some more cream to my asshole. At that point I was still on my feet.

"You'll have to lie down to get laid!" giggled Shirley.

"He doesn't do anything! I Do!!" Andy was full of male aggression as he pulled his cock away and picked me up bodily depositing me on my back on the towel. At this point Susan and Mandy grabbed my ankles to pull my legs back but Andy was doing it too! "This is man's work we don't need women interfering here" his voice had the roar of a bull.

This brought Helga to the fore. "Ziss is vat vee vill do" she said grabbing my ankles also and forcing my legs so much further back beside my head it was painful. Ewan now had his hands on the towel while he positioned his cock against my boy cunt. "You have always to apply zer force in zer right place to get zer maximum power you see."

I think she was instructing the others on holding me down but I guess Andy must also have taken note! Anyway I felt it then! He really didn't hesitate much! I felt this huge pressure on my asshole then suddenly a sharp pain and this feeling of something REALLY BIG which was coming right up inside me. I had played with dildos sometimes but this was quite different. He was so big!! And oh! he was so strong!! All I could do was to look up at his massive muscular body as he drove his rock hard dick deep into my bottom. Oh Wow!! what a feeling!! I loved it and that everyone could see me getting it. I felt so proud that such a beautiful man was fucking me.

The girls crowded round and watched closely as Andys cock surged in and out of my boy cunt. You could hear a sort of slurping sound as he drew my juices from deep inside me. I could see his hard cock all slimy every time he drew back. I loved that moment because I knew he would ram it back up me with more force each time. But then he was quickening the tempo until quite suddenly let out a yell that made all the girls squeal with excitement.

"I'M GONNA FUCK YOUR SISSY ASS, YOU PANSY GIRL!!! AAAH!!!!" I felt him shooting inside me. It was like someone spurting a hose right up my bottom. The girls were shrieking and kissing us both wildly. Mandy was making love bites in his biceps. But I just lay there feeling all his male spunk flooding into my rectum. I wanted it so badly; I needed it; I needed a really strong man to get right up inside me and nourish my young naked body. Oh it felt SO GOOD! I was being publicly fucked in front of everyone and I loved it!

It was a quick succession then as all the other guys except Tom. He was somewhere tending the barbecue.

Ewan plunged his penis into my gaping cherry with such force it took my breath away. As he came right up inside me I found myself loving him just like I'd loved Andy when he was doing me. But there was something about Ewan in his eyes. As I looked into them I felt almost hypnotised by his personality. Ewan is just supremely manly. Everything he does is so definite and determined. As he thrust into me with ever quicken pace I just wanted to give my body to him. The girls were all squealing in anticipation, they kissed his broad shoulders then suddenly his face screwed up as his massive male equipment got into action. Ewan really pumped his spunk up me!! It was like some sort of force pump stuffing my bum with his virile male fuck juices. I had that lovely feeling of getting my bum fertilised by a big strong man!

Then it was Brian. I wasn't just getting laid, I was getting ganged! He just stuffed his raw fuck pole straight into my anus. At first his face was severe. His eyes were glistening. He came up so suddenly wand without any hint of introduction. Brian started ramming me really roughly. He was showing off a bit but he went completely wild. I was holding my own legs back now, so perhaps he saw that as an added invitation.

Helga had been massaging his buttocks but Brian was so rough with me we had slipped way off the towel She helped him put me back. Wow that woman had muscles! Brian resumed work on my asshole, he was probing every recess of my rectum. But when he finally orgasmed, Oh boy!! He fucked me so seriously I will never forget it. When he withdrew the asshole was oozing cum so much that the girls were licking it and fingering my juicy hole. Susan almost put her hand up me.

But Roger wasn't going to let anyone get in his way. He was on me with his huge strong body. He seemed to come from nowhere and then all of a sudden as he drove THE MOST ENORMOUS DICK up me, it was bigger than any of the others, I was totally overwhelmed. I felt like a woman, like I had lost all my manhood! He took control of me inside in a way that was just driving me crazy. He could get to places in my rectum that sent me reeling into extreme spasms. I felt like I was getting a huge orgasm somewhere deep in my boy bum. When he fucked me, I made my cherry hole clasp at his dick like he was being sucked off.

"OH SHIT!! YOU FUCKING EFFIMINATE FREAK!! YOU FUCKING PANSY BOY!! OH! AAAAAHH!!!!!" And with that he shot loads up me. He just kept on cumming. Oh wow this was virility, this guy had productive balls! They were just gigantic spunk factories. Roger pumped me, he stuffed me, he flooded me with his virile cum fluids! His spunk felt like waves of the sea flooding into my bottom!

There is more to this story as, for one thing, the girls had plans for me too. Mandy had brought some items in her bag. Then Tom needed to `receive my report' and as for Helga; Yea that all got a bit excessive!

[Meantime did u like it? did u cum? Mail me! ]

Next: Chapter 2: Milkmaid at the Back Door

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