Cherry Cop

Published on Dec 8, 2023


CherryCop 8 The Sarge I was home from the Marines for a year. My business was going well and I had more than enough cop pussy to keep me busy. However, I wanted more in my life than just sex and I set out to get Tim Jones aka The Sarge. It all started at a hockey game. Tim was working the game and he was near my section. He was in his mid-forties and looked like a cop is supposed to look. At 6’3 he was slightly taller than me and at 240 he had 45 pounds on me. Those 240 pounds were distributed well. He had a gut and a big ass but otherwise was in good shape. He wasn’t handsome but he was very masculine and to me very cute. At the first intermission, I talked to him as he watched the crowd mingle around the refreshment stands. Like many Irish men I have the gift of gab and I had him smiling and laughing. He could not drink on duty but he said something about how a cold one would be real good. I had the answer. I went and bought a large coke and emptied the fluid and ice in the drinking fountain. I bought two beers and poured one into the coke cup. If anyone looked he was just drinking a coke. I made a friend that day and to tell you the truth if I had wanted a quick piece of ass I know I could have had him that day. However, I wanted more. Most games he was in my section and stood in the doorway as the game played right next to my seat. I made sure he got a good view of my cock and balls and at every intermission some “innocent” contact was made. He mentioned to me that next Saturday’s game he had off but he was thinking of coming to the game as a fan. I told him he could sit next to me as getting in for free was no problem for him. I had heard his story by now. Such a typical cop story, divorced and it was nasty at that. He had actually chased the bitch and her boyfriend over the interstate reaching big speeds before he came to his senses and stop the chase. He lost the house in the settlement but was paying no alimony as the silly bitch went and married the other guy. He had a 16 year old son who hated the father in law but they moved out of state and Tim rarely saw him. He had promised his son that

he would pay for University and was aiming to get him to go to a school near him. We had a good time at the game. Sarge had plenty of beer and he was “in his cups” by the intermission between the 2 nd

and 3 rd

period. There had been a lot of touching as we sat side by side and my big cock was clearly evident. Damned if the Sarge did not sport a woody as well. Between the periods, I announced that I was driving him home. He acquiesced as I took my normal roll of boss. We set out for his rather drab apartment but I took the long way as we talked. I parked behind an all night chicken place where I could park away from prying eyes and keep the engine running. I asked him point blank about the last time he was laid. He said he could not even remember but what he could remember was that it was quick and not very enjoyable. Now, Sarge had heard the rumors. He knew I was gay and that I was fucking fellow cops. I asked if any of his buddy cops had provided any help and he bitterly said NO. At that point, I pulled his big left arm over to my hardening cock. He put up no resistance and began to rub my cock through my jeans. He did not seem surprised when I popped the button and pulled the zipper down. My 7+ fat inches sprang out and reached for the sky. He said: Wow and continued to wank on my prick. I moved around to give him a better angle at my weapon and gently pulled on his neck to bring him to my crotch. He paused to say: I have never done this before. I told him I knew that and I would be gentle and he would do all right. He mentioned that I had a very big cock and I told him that I did not expect him to take it deep throat the first time. That takes practice and desire and I am sure Sarge that you have the desire and I will give you plenty of practice. I told the big cop to lick the pre-cum from my big dick head. He licked, liked it and swallowed it. I had him clean the smooth dick head and then had him move on to the skin. Now, I am cut but there is still some skin there. He started slowly but he was horny for the smell of a horny man with a hard leaking dick. I then instructed him to think of my dong as a three sided stick and to lick up from the bottom to the top on all three sides.

He did as he was asked. I kept telling him what a good job he was doing. He had wet my root pretty good when I told him to take one of my balls in his mouth and to use his tongue and mouth on it. My balls were big and they were pungent. It had been a long day of work and the game and they were sweating and smelly. He sucked like it was a lollipop. I asked him how he was doing and he came off my pecker and said: great this is wonderful. He did the second ball sac and I was really horny now. I told him to get back on the head of the cock. I am going to cum and you’re going to take every last beautiful drop. I also told him that this was just the appetizer. He began to take 2 to 3 inches into his mouth. I made sure he used his tongue as he sucked. I put another couple of inches into his mouth and he stayed down like the good cocksucker he was going to become. His breathing was heavy and his face was red but he was a determined new sucker as he gave the first blow job of his life. At 6 inches, he began to gag a bit. I let him up but not off my meat. I told him that he would learn to get over the gag reflex. Now, I could have just pushed past the gag reflex and lodged my big prick in his throat. However, I wanted him to get as much enjoyment as possible. He was going to see a whole lot more of my knob. I was going to see to that. My dick was energized and he later told me he could feel it grow even larger in his mouth. I was not face fucking him but letting him take his time to coax my cum out of my hard on. I was able to prolong it a couple of times but the third time my balls had had enough and the Sarge felt and tasted my swwet juice for the first time in his life. I held him firmly behind his ears and told him that he was to take all of my cum without spilling a single cum droplet. He had to work hard as my big prong was erupting in a series of cum drops. For a beginning cocksucker, he did very well and he worked to take every last bit of my man cum. When I finally ended my shooting he began to give up my cock from his mouth. He had to learn so he might as well learn early. So, I told him to stay on my dipstick and clean up the mess. Sarge learned fast and before he came up for air he had tongued me clean.

When he got off my dick I pulled him to me and put my tongue deep into his mouth. I could taste the residue of my sperm in his mouth. I kissed him hard and he kissed right back. When we backed off I said: great head Sarge and he responded by smiling that lit up that big cute face. He said it was the best sex he had ever had in his life. I told him we were going to my place and I was going to fuck his cop pussy. He told me again that he had never done that before. No Shit Sherlock, I replied by the end of the night there is going to be very little that you have never done. We drove to my place and parked in the back alley next to my car. It was only a couple of minutes from the arena. My apartment was above my business and we rode the elevator up to the third floor. When we got inside the apartment, I got him and myself a beer out of the fridge. We could see that even late at night the prostitutes were working the transit and railroad center across the street. As we drank, I read him the riot act. Listen well, big man, I have cut you out and your mine! If you don’t want that then you ought to leave now because after I am done with you tonight you will never leave. I had my arm around his big neck and pulled him into a big hug which he returned with interest. I told him that he was mine to do with as I pleased. I had no intention of letting him go with other men (except at parties where I was present and on holidays). On the other hand, I needed more than one piece of ass to satisfy my sex drive. But, big guy, I said, you’re going to be #1 man in my life the others are just entertainment. He asked if it was true I was fucking the whole department. Shit no, but I am working my way through them. I expect you know I am fucking Andy Murphy? He said lot of cops thought so and I explained how on the same weekend I had taken his virgin cop’s ass and Coach Tomasso’s ass as well. Sullivan, he said, you fucking him too? Yep, and I told the name of a few others that were taking my cum up their cunt as well. I told him that he was the guy I wanted to live with and fuck every day but that there were at least a couple of others that I intended to take their cherries. Who, would that be he asked? John O’Connor for sure I said. Muscles, you think muscles will let you fuck him. No doubt about it Sarge, it is just a matter of time. Who else he asked? He was shocked when I announced that Archie Donnelly was a target. Donnelly, he

exclaimed but he is the biggest cunt fucker on the force. He has women everywhere and his cunt of a wife just accepts that. I told him that the big motorcycle cop – he was a giant – was ripe and when he came into heat he would be under me. I explained that many men were just born pussy. Most did not even know it. They fucked women but they never got out of it what they expected. They listened to other men tell them how great this piece of ass was or that piece of ass but they did not get it. They fucked, they cummed but they never really got the type of sexual enjoyment they needed. Archie fucked all those women trying to find the one that would satisfy him. What he needed really was a big fat cock up his ass. Sarge never really said much about the rules I had set down but he showed that he understood and agreed. I marched him into the bedroom and told him to undress and get on the bed. I followed suit and got in bet with him. Normally, I would have just turned the cunt over and took his cherry post haste. This man was different. I made love to him. We kissed and hugged and touched. He could not stop smiling. H reached over to take my dick in his hand and said in wonderment, are you really going to shove that up my ass? Don’t worry about it, Tim, it will hurt some the first time but soon that would be gone and you will feel the best you have ever felt in bed. I am going to open you good and showed him the lubricant that I was going to use. While we kissed, I spread some lube on my fingers and moved to his beautiful ass. I rubbed the silicone based product with the name of “Gun Oil” into the big cop. I got enjoyment at the name but, in fact it was a good product if you were going to bare back and I only fucked bareback. Tim was moaning as I pressed a finger past his ring and into his inner ass. He soon got used to one and I lubed up a second and put two in his ass. He was thrashing a bit on the sheets but never took his butt away from my invading fingers. I hit his prostrate and he later described it as a feeling that he never experience before in sex. A third finger followed the first two. His cunt was opening for me and I knew he was near to being ready. I kept talking to him, calming him and explained everything that was going to happen along the way. I was using the gun oil with a mixture of benzocaine. This was a mild numbing agent that numbs the anal area to make the fuck more comfortable. It also meant

that I could spend more time fucking him and I intended to fuck him long enough so that he would sperm at least twice while my willy was working magic deep in is hole. It probably would have been better to take him doggie style but I wanted to see him and he see me when penetrations was made. He was ready and turned on his back and spread his legs. His pink hole was winking at me and waiting for my cock to take his cherry. He was a bit nervous, but I kept talking to him to keep him and calming him down. I took his big legs on my shoulders and spread him even wider. I lubed my cock good and moved my big head to his anal opening. His two sphincter muscles got tight when a man is not relaxed. I told Sarge he had to relax his ass which, is of course, easier said than done. Tim my cock is going up you rectum, if you don’t relax it will be more painful. I leaned over and kissed him and told him to push out like he needed to shit and it would allow my prick to enter his ass. I pushed my dick up hard to his virgin pink asshole. He tightened but I talked to him and he relaxed and one more push and I had the head and two inches in. He was breathing hard but took it like a man. I stopped and gave him time to get used to my fat cum loaded boner. When he settled down again I put another three inches into him. Again, he got tight which felt great on my dick but it was not good for him so I took my time and talked to him pretty. I leaned over and kissed him and he kissed back hard and told me to fuck him. I gradually slid the rest of my almost 8 inches into his hole. When I reached bottom he could feel my balls against his and my cock hair on his ass. Taking a cherry cop is a very exciting event. However, the benzocaine was also acting on my dork and kept me from shooting too soon. When I slid my dick about half way out Tim reacted by saying Oh My God, that feels great. I buried it back in a bit harder and hit his joy button and Sarge reacted as if he had been electrocuted. He was no saying over and over again, Oh, Mac fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. His deep throaty voice was an octave or two too high as I took his pussy. Well, Sarge you’re a virgin no more and the best is yet to come I said as I began to push it in and pull it out with more and more speed. Without too much warning he began to scream that he was going to cum. His juice lifted high in

the air and came back down on my prick, his ass and his stomach. I got some on my finger and feed it to him. He ate it with relish. I continued my assault on his butt. Most of the pain had gone and he was feeling great and asking for more meat and harder and deeper. I did exactly as he pleaded for and fuck the daylights out of him. You could hear the slap of my thighs on his ass and it sounded like a hammering at a door. Minutes after he shot he came again. He could not believe it. I had not touched his cock and he had just had the best orgasms of his entire life. He told me later that sex with women never even came close to the joy my prick had brought to his body. Now I was trying to make this good for Tim but a man can only take so much. My excitement rose and my prick got bigger in his asshole just prior to my ejaculation. When it came it was a monster. Pure white cum filled that cop’s ass. It seeded him and one wonders how it did not come out his mouth such was the velocity I shot with and gigantic load that I unloaded. I slumped down on his big body with my dick still up his cunt. I kissed him and he told me – out of the blue – fuck, I love you Mac. Please tell me you will keep fucking me from now on. He had to learn and I could not just let him lie back and go to sleep. I explained to him that part of his job was always to clean up the cock that had just done such a good job in his pussy. He did it quickly and with enthusiasm. He could taste my prick and cum and his ass on my cock. When we kissed we swapped the smells and the semen of the fuck. I fucked him twice more that night and when I got up with an early morning hard on to piss, I crawled back into bed and fucked him again. I told him that he was going to move in with me which he wanted but was nervous about. I showed him the apartment next door which was #2 to my #1. I explained that we would knock down interior walls but it would look like a separate entrance. He would get his mail delivered to a different address and had a phone number that was for that address but we would live together in one large apartment. He moved in the next week. It took some time for people and especially fellow cops to realize what was going on. It was Archie Donnelly who finally figured it out. He said in front of a large number of cops that he had not seen Tim as

happy since he kid made the varsity football team as a freshman. You got a cunt you’re holding out on us with, Tim he asked? The look on the Sarge’s face gave it away to Archie. Outside, as they prepared to go home, Archie said: Mac is fucking you, ain’t he Tim? Tim smiled and said it was more than that – they were partners and Tim did not particularly care who knew. Almost one year to the day we had a civil partnership ceremony. I actually wore a tie and Sarge was in uniform. We only invited a few people to the ceremony but so many attended they had to move it to a bigger room. Even the chief showed up and they all cheered as we kissed after signing the papers. We had a glass of champagne and then Sarge went off to work. One welcome guest was his son Tim Jr. He had left his mom and step father at age 17 when it became legal to do so. He was not fazed that I was fucking his father. He was happy to see his father happy. We gave him apartment #3 with strict orders NEVER to walk in unannounced. He would go back to his old school and play his senior year for Angelo Tomasso. He came home to get fucked that night, just like I have been fucking him almost every night since that first time.

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