Cherry Cop

Published on Dec 5, 2023


Cherry-Cop 7A Mac had plans for the 4 G.I.’s. Like normal he kept it most to himself but he gave clear orders to Muscles and Sarge. The two cops were to take both the two Sergeant’s and get them in the side by side slings. Sgt. Mick MacDonald (basically same name as Michael Patrick McDonald or Mac) would be called Mick or Sgt. Mick. He was a large man. He had a big upper body, arms and legs to match. He was a basic top until a few years ago when Mac (then a Marine) turned his life around completely and took his cherry. He went from top to bottom in a couple of nights. He would go into the sling easily and Muscles got him seated with his arms and legs restrained. Cp. Tom Cassidy was a 22 year old who was Mick’s top. He though it was great when Mick got in the sling. Sgt. Al Baker was built like a bulldog. He had almost no neck and was only 5’5 but what he lacked in height in made up with a great hairy body and a long thin dick. He was all top but he was not a cherry pussy. Mac had fucked him while he was stationed in Germany. Baker had not had anything up his ass since that time. Sarge and Muscles, the two cops, lead him to the second sling which was alongside Mick’s; before he knew what happened to him he was securely in the second sling. He was yelling and swearing but everyone knew that Mac was in charge and Andy Murphy shut him by stuffing his mouth with his used and dirty jock. Baker could only barely mumble as he tasted the cum in the Redheaded cops strap. Pvt. Carl Townsend was 19 year old who looked like he was 13. Blond hair and a slight build he was Baker’s pussy who know was going to watch his boss get stuffed. Klaus the fat German top had been invited and Mac instructed him to fuck Baker’s mouth. The Sgt. did not open his mouth and began to scream and yell. However, Klaus just slapped the shit out of his face and Baker lay back and his mouth opened. Klaus got his head in, allowing the solider to smell the piss and cum on his dick. He ordered the G.I. to clean his cock. Baker had no time to argue as Mac stepped up and drove his big fat cock all the way into his ass. Baker’s scream was muffled by the big German cock in his mouth. I been waiting a long time to fuck you again, he told Baker, and wasted no time thumping his ass. He invited Carl to get underneath and use his tongue and mouth to wet down his prick as he ravaged Al Baker...

Meanwhile, Klaus was making the former top clean up his smega. He had him use his tongue to clean all the dried piss and cum under his foreskin. Baker gagged but the German took no prisoners and soon he was clean and began to violently fuck Baker’s face. Mick was double teamed with Muscles up his ass and Sarge on his cock. He was in 7 th

heaven as the two American cops use both his holes. Andy Murphy had Tom Cassidy in his throat and was sucking the young top. Mac had special plans for him too. The smell of men and musk and sex was overwhelming in the small room which was a cellar in Klaus’s club. Mac told Baker straight out that he was not leaving this room until he was switched from a top to a bottom. Baker was in his mid 30’s and his life would change this evening. Mac was not going to last long and his first cum of the day was strong. He planted it deep in Al Baker’s ass and he shot 5 powerful strings of sweet cum into the G.I.’s ass. Baker was overcome with two huge dick invading his body. As soon as Mac had cum, he motioned for the German to change places. Klaus was delighted and quickly had his fat cock up Al’s ass and was rocking him in the sling with the strength of his fuck. Mac had Al clean off his balls and dick. As he worked on Mac’s dick, he was told that everyone in the room was going to fuck him at least once this evening. Baker sucked on his balls and cock with a glazed expression. He had come here tonight expecting to fuck American cops and his world had been turned. When Mac was through with Baker he signaled Andy Murphy to stop blowing Cassidy and to come over and fuck his mouth. Muscles planted his seed in Mick’s asshole with a mighty roar. He took Townsend by the air and had Baker’s former bottom boy to eat his cum out of Mick’s ass. Muscles moved to Mick’s mouth and had the 45 year old Sgt. Clean his knob. Sarge joined Mac as they advanced on Tom Cassidy. Cassidy was young and cherry and Mac had him second on his list for the night. Cassidy looked frightened as the two big men approached. They got him on is back and the American cop sat his big ass on his face. Cassidy had never rimmed a guy before and he did not want to start now. He had no chance. Mac used to fingers to force Sarge’s ass lips open and pushed and urged Tom to get his tongue in

there. He was slow to do it but he really had no choice and was soon munching on the big cops fat ass. Meanwhile, Mac took his legs up in the air, spread him wide and open. His pink unfucked ass looked so sweat and innocent. Mac used a finger and then a second finger to open the young man’s ass. He was using lube to open that tight pussy open. He wanted to scream but Sarge’s ass made it hard for him to breathe never mind yell. Slowly but surely Mac began to hit his prostate and amid the screams of pain came yells of joy. When his third finger went up that young cunt he was beginning to adapt an attitude adjustment. Mac sent Sarge over to Muscles. They took Baker’s bottom boy Carl and picked him up and sat him down right on Mick’s still hard cock. Slowly but more quickly the Private became to bounce up and down on the Sergeant. Until this moment he had been Bakers private cunt but he realized that those days were over and he eagerly riding him like a bronco buster. Mick was urging him on and asking him to get his cock deeper and deeper. Klaus was power fucking Al Baker. On every third or fourth stroke he took his cock completely out of his raw hole and then immediately slammed it back in. Yea, he yelled, my American solider boy. You will serve me like this for the rest of your time in Germany, Ya Boy. Al, with his ass being forced fucked, for the second time in minutes did not answer. Klaus then twisted his dick and fucked him even harder. Baker’s love button was being relentless pounded by the fat German’s cock and he felt a feeling in his ass and in his body that he had never felt before. He answered with the largest orgasm of his life. His sticky cum shot out and it went all over his chest and even some reached his mouth which he eagerly licked down. Sarge came over and used his finger to clean up the cum and Baker sucked his own cum off his finger and then Sarge kissed him deeply sharing his cum with him. Tom Cassidy – young former top, was about to lose his cherry to Mac. He was protesting but had no way to resist as the big American put his dick head up to the tight pussy. Mac took him with one powerful plunge and the kid could feel his cock hairs up against his asshole. He was screaming. Muscles took his now clean dick out of Mick’s mouth and went over and calmed Tom down with another dick in another hole. Mac busted his cherry wide open. He got into a piston like motion and fucked the kid and had him squirming. Even with Muscles dick in his mouth you could

hear him yell: fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. That was enough for Mac and with a roar he sent another large load of cum up the boy’s ass. Mick heard the yell and was soon shooting his sperm up into Townsend’s ass. Carl was an experienced bottom and he knew what a man liked and he used his ass muscles to clench tightly around Mick’s ass. Klaus was ready too. He was screaming half in German and half in English calling Al Baker a slut bottom and a cock taking fuck boy. Baker was nearly insane but he felt the German’s cum as he flooded his insides. Klaus had been handed two new pussy boys – A German cop, and an American Sgt. – he was taking full advantage. Mac orchestrated like a conductor of a symphony. He sent Carl, bottom boy, over to fuck Tom, top boy. Carl’s riding of Sgt. Mick had wetted his appetite and he just took the newly fucked Tom and drove his cock up his ass. Sarge and Andy were the next to fuck Sgt. Al Baker. Both had yet to cum and Andy took over and popped his dick into Al’s ass until his red cock hair was pressed up against the Sgt. Ass. Tim walked up to his head and mounted him over the sling with his ass in Al’s face. Another new experience for the solider but by now he had learned to take whatever was offered. He pressed his tongue deep into the cop’s ass. Sarge helped by holding his own hole open. Muscles had already cum so Mac just put him up against the wall and slowly fucked the built cop. John O’Connor loved being fucked by Mac and he had told the guys that his ass felt empty without Michael Patrick McDonald’s big prick up there. The two kids, Tom and Carl, were now confused. Who was the top and who was the bottom. They solved the problem by sharing. Carl, despite having cum recently, like most 19 year olds quickly filled Tom ass with a big load. Tom then turned over Carl and returned the favor as his dick now invaded Carl’s willing ass. Andy Murphy was working over Al’s raw newly fucked asshole. He was enjoying taking it completely out and fucking it down to the bottom with a quick stroke. Baker, still sucking on Serge’s asshole, was moaning in both pleasure and pain. He had gone from top to bottom in such a short period of time. As he felt the cop unloading yet another load he was proud of his ability to take so much cock and cum. His work on Serge’s ass had the big cop sporting a

huge hard on. He and Andy switched holes. Serge’s cock slid up his pussy so easily because of all the cum that was already in there. Andy had the solider lick and clean his prick and cock. Sarge did not last long and the minute he began to shoot into Al Baker’s ass. Andy was telling the Sgt. That he should keep it all in and not spill a drop. Baker had no idea what he was talking about but he soon found out. Sarge wanted his husbands cock up his ass and he wanted it bad. He went over to Muscles and Mac and told Mac to fuck him. Muscles reluctantly gave up the cock and Mac began to slowly penetrate Sarge’s well lubricated hole. Sarge urged him to really fuck him and Mac responded by pounding his cop’s ass hard and then harder. Muscles went over to the two kids and Tom and Carl and he were soon in three way blow job. Muscles wanted to get hard again but did not want to shoot as he knew he was next in Al’s ass. Al was moaning again but this time from a brand new sensation. The Red headed cop was slurping all that cum right out of his ass. Al had been rimmed before but never by an ass pig like Andy Murphy. Murphy was bound and determined to take every drop of sweet cum out of him. Klaus, meanwhile, bent Tom over and began to fuck him while Carl licked Klaus’s tits and kissed him. Tom’s third fuck of his life was an experience. He would never have thought he would have gone within 1 mile of the fat German. However, the German had a big dick and he really knew how to use it. After two dicks had opened Tom’s cunt he was ready for the big German. Klaus pushed Carl off his tits and had him stick his dick into Tom mouth. Cp. Tom Cassidy like Sgt. Al Baker before him had been turned into a pussy boy. When Murphy pulled out of Al’s ass he went up and kissed Baker deeply. He shared the smell of Baker’s own ass and the accumulated cum that he had vacuumed out of his pussy. Muscles took the chance to but his dick up the Sgt. now clean asshole. Baker still resisted but Muscles just took him strongly and soon was deep in his hole. Andy Murphy now put his hot tongue up Muscles ass and John O’Connor had double the pleasure. Murphy fucked the cop’s ass with his tongue as the cop fucked the solider with his fuck stick. Tom got a load from Klaus up his cunt at the same time that Carl filled his mouth. At the same time, Mac was filling his lover’s ass with his sweat cum.

Sarge Tim Jones loved the action with other guys but he lived for Mac’s sperm swimming up his body. Muscles could not last long and he was giving the new pussy boy solider yet another load. Andy soon took that right out of his ass and Baker was telling them how he loved the fuck and the rim job. Most of the guys were lying around tired. However, Mac and Klaus were not through. Mack stepped up to Mick and once again used him like the pussy boy Mac had made him those years ago. Klaus put his fat cock up Al’s ass and the two soon had a rhythm going. The slings were swinging as both tops were power fucking cunt. They allowed the sling to move away and take their cock out and then on the return swing they plowed their ass again. Mick, no surprise, was calling for more. Al, showing how much he had changed, was asking for more dick as well. Klaus and Mac switched holes a couple of times. Muscles’ ass was twitching and he wished he was in one of the slings. Klaus seemed to read his mind as he told the American cop that he could climb into the sling and get fucked all day long the next day. Klaus could hardly believe how much cop ass he had in the past two days. Al Baker had never cummed so much in his whole life. Mick was an old bottom but he too was creaming all over himself. Sarge and Muscles were taking their cum in their fingers and feeding to the guys. Mac and Klaus switched one last time with Mac up his old buddy Mick’s ass and Klaus up his new boy Bakers ass. They were both close and they were going to unload at the same time. They both stopped the slings from swinging and grabbed the hips of Mick and Al. You could hear the slap of their big thighs on the asses of the two bottom cunts. Faster and harder, deeper and deeper they attacked ass. Both Mick and Al were screaming and begging for more and more cock. The other stood around and watched as the big boys finally filled their cunts with cum. As they both withdrew with a loud plop both ass’s were contracting and soon the cum came tumbling out. Too much for Andy Murphy and he went to take Mac’s cum from Mick’s well fucked pussy. Carl, who had been Al’s pussy, preformed once more for Baker and licked his Sgt.’s ass clean of Klaus’s sticky stuff. The night was almost over. Klaus took Al to his bedroom and Mac and Sarge took Mick to their bedroom. Muscles and Andy spent the night together. Tom and Carl went back to back to base both knowing that they had to find new top men.

Next: Chapter 9

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