Cherry Cop

Published on Nov 7, 2023


CherryCop 5B As Mac surveyed the 6 naked men he had an idea. Time, he said, to further the German cop’s education he announced. He led three dripping men and the 3 newcomers into a bedroom and directed Klaus to sit in a straight back chair. His fat cock was hard and dripping cum. Klaus did as he was told as he either had been told or just knew that what Mac wanted Mac got. Klaus was by far the least attractive man in the room. Yet, he was not a queen and had no female qualities and was all man, if a fat one. He had Hans crawl over to his dripping cock and he was ordered to blow him but to clean his cock first. Mac had correctly figured out that Klaus had had sex all day yesterday and had not showered. He smelled a new sensation for the German cop. Hans was almost overcome by the smell but it was cock and he needed cock. He licked the drops of pre-cum from the cock head. Mac directed him to clean off the German’s balls. He had big balls and as Hans stuck his tongue and nose in he could smell the result of a couple of days of fucking and not washing. He cleaned each ball in turn and in spite of what his eyes were seeing he was getting turned on by this man. Klaus treated the German cop like a slut. Hans was learning that he was a bottom and tops would just naturally take from him what they wanted. The fat man had a hand on his head to keep him firmly in his short hairs. The other guys were standing around. They were aroused but Mac made it clear that they were here as observers for the moment. They watched and listened as the Klaus ordered the police man about. This would have been inconceivable a day ago. The cop did as he was ordered. Hans was again amazed. Without being told the other German just knew that Hans would do whatever he asked him to do. He orders the cop to clean under his skin. Hans gets his tongue under the fat guys uncut cock skin to encounter a new sensation. He tasted cock cheese for the first time. It did taste of cheese mixed with sperm. He is a bit shocked to understand that he is eating the mans smegma. Mac suddenly announced that smegma was the result of lubricants oil from the foreskin and when a man like Klaus has a big foreskin you don’t have to wait too long for it to form. Add stale piss and stale cum and you get cock cheese. Real cum lovers love it and I am sure that Hans will do a great job of cleaning it up. Hans was indeed eating the man’s solid jizz which has formed over the past day or couple of days. He cleans it all, eats it all and while he is sucking and licking he cums himself. His shot lands on the German’s cock to add to the mixture that he was sucking. That’s it Hans, clean it all up. I am sure that is why Murphy was late yesterday as he is a cum slut too and cannot get enough. Klaus was saying Ja, Ja eat it up cunt boy, clean your daddy. Mac ordered the rest of the guys to refrain from cumming. Klaus, after all, is our host and this is our thanks for his wonderful hideaway in the forest.

Hans had now moved to sucking the cock and the German was getting close. He could not believe a German polizist man was down on his knees in front of him taking his cock deep. Hans had learned a lot yesterday and had no problem sucking him. Klaus now put both hands behind the cop’s head and held his face firmly in his crotch and began to face fuck him. He rammed his cock into the cop’s face. He came with a roar and Hans had to fight to get it all down. But get it all down he did. When the cum stopped flowing Hans did not have to be told that he needed to clean up the fat cock that had just deposited the first load of the day into the cop’s face. When they were finished and the both stood up Klaus said you liked that did you not Herr Polizei? I am going to fuck you later. Hans was once again amazed that he could know that he would be fucking him. Did it already show that his was a true cunt? Klaus just would do whatever the fuck he wanted with Hans and the cop would obey. And he would do it with enjoyment. Mac quickly organized the household. He ordered Tim and Muscles into the kitchen to make a huge breakfast. We will need all the protein we can get he announced. He directed Hans to take a quick shower and then head to the kitchen to set up the table. He told Andy to get into the shower with Klaus and ordered him to clean him out everywhere. That means he said, clean his cock head, under his foreskin and the rest of his dick and balls. Don’t forget his balls and then get to his ass. I want it all clean. Murphy was also ordered to forego any sex just clean the German up and he was to do it each day we were there. When we leave Murph you can let his cock cheese grow again and when we get back to Munich you can eat all the smeg he can produce. When we had all filled ourselves with an excellent breakfast and cleaned up the table and the dishes Mac gave the orders for the day. Hans marveled at his control and mastery. All his pussy boys were big powerful masculine cops and yet they were eager to do his bidding. He said that Sarge Tim was to be in the sling first for a few hours followed by Muscles and all were expected to make deposits in their asses. The only firm rule was that Hans was not to be left without a dick in his mouth or his ass. Hans would be allowed to fuck anyone in the sling as long as he had a dick up his ass or down his throat at the same time. Mac took Sarge’s ass first. Yesterday was a rare day in which Mac had not fucked his lover. He took him with ease and was soon pounding the cop’s ass. Sarge was urging him on and telling him he loved him as he got fucked. Mac looked around and was perhaps surprised to see Klaus fucking Muscles up against the wall. Thinking about it he figured that it was really not a surprise. Klaus had shown himself to be all man while Hans was sucking and cleaning his cock. Muscles loved to be told what to do and despite a bit of a language problem the German had little trouble understanding that the American muscle cop wanted him to fuck harder and deeper. Hans and Andy were the third pair. Also a bit of a strange combo. They were both bottom slut boys who loved taking dick and cum. They had both been taught by the master and Hans was wolfing his cock down. Andy moved around and soon they were in the classic 69

position. Andy was showing Hans all his tricks on a man’s dick and Hans was trying to duplicate what he was doing to him. It was hard keeping up with the action as the pairs were soon consumed with their own fucking and sucking. Mac let loose his first cum of the day into his cop lover’s ass and the Sarge was so happy that Mac had done him first. As Mac was finishing his fuck into his best friend he notice and heard that Klaus was filling Muscles ass. Without any words spoken Hans and Andy got off the bed. Hans went to Muscles and started cleaning Klaus’s cum out of his ass. Murphy went to Tim’s ass and eagerly ate his first load of Mac’s cum of the day. It was not contest as to who would have the most loads at nights end. Murphy had become a supreme slut and cum boy. Mac went over to Klaus and told the schwanzlutscher to get to work on his cock. Klaus did as he was ordered and he turned out to be an excellent cocksucker as well. He got both Mac’s balls into his mouth at once and not many could accomplish that. Mac wondered how the next pairing would look like. Too many bottom men he thought as the boys began to re-organize. Klaus moved over to the sling and quickly had his dick up Tim’s freshly fucked and cleaned ass. Klaus was proving to be much more of a top man than the cops combined. All the cops basically were bottom guys. Hans walked over to Muscles and bent him over a chair and began his first ever fuck of a man. Mac obeyed his own rule and went over to fuck Hans as he experienced his first ever fucking of a real man. That left Andy and surprise, surprise he went over to the Sarge who was enjoying Klaus fucking his ass as you could tell by his moaning as he urged the German civilian to fuck him hard. Andy got down on the floor and licked Klaus’s dick as he fucked into the cop. It was obvious why Andy has spent a couple of days with Klaus. He was the only other top and since Murphy could not have Mac’s dick 24/7 he would take what he could get. Both Hans and Klaus could not last two long. They were both double teamed or double teaming and Mac figured that when they blew the other guys in the triads would be off as well. Well, that did not count Muscles and Andy although as it happened when the German cop exploded into Muscles the response by the big cop was to blow a load of his own all over the wall. Mac gave his cream to Hans as this was happening. Meanwhile Klaus fired into the Sarge’s willing ass and you could tell it was a real good load from Tim’s response to being fucked by the German. Andy was off like a shot to take Mac’s cum out of Hans’s ass. Hans stayed right where he was and took his own cum out of a grateful John O’Connor. Mac went over to Tim and let his lover gently clean off his cock. Sarge like the mixture of Mac’s cum and the German cop’s ass. Mac was aware that Andy Murphy had yet to cum and Muscles had yet to come in anyone. Like a conductor of a symphony He got Muscles to slide his cock into the Sarge. He knew that his lover would be greatly excited by this as he had never been fucked by the mythical body builder cop before. He got Murphy into Hans’s ass and he was soon fucking away. He took Klaus’s ass. He knew he was a top but he had to remind him that he was second fiddle in this room.

Muscles was bent over kissing Tim’s tits while he was fucking the Sergeant’s more than willing asshole. The cum was filling the air and added to the sexual tension in the cabin. Mac was tearing a new asshole in Klaus. Klaus had not been fucked much in his life and his pussy was tight but the American showed no mercy and was giving Klaus the ride of his life. Klaus had met his match and he had no wonder that all these big cops were falling over to take his dick. Meanwhile, Andy Murphy was fucking the German cop. Murphy had figured himself to be a top until one day in the football locker room Mac had taught him his true place in life. The cop he was fucking had learned the same lesson yesterday from Mac. Andy was giving Hans a gentle fuck but the German was urging him to fuck harder. They all seemed to explode at once. The fucking and sucking continue all day and into the night. Time out was taken to drink and eat and even a few hands of poker were played. When Muscles was in the sling the first up to bat was Klaus who had already fucked the big cop once today. At least twice Mac noticed Klaus and Murphy worked as a team. Klaus fucked and Andy licked on Klaus’s balls and dick. When Klaus unloaded into the big muscle cop’s ass Andy went to work and took Klaus’s cum out of the big boy ass. Klaus would then have Muscles clean his dick. Sarge rarely got his nut more than once in a day. However, he did fuck the German cop twice and produce cum both times. While he fucked the cop Mac fucked him the first time and fucked Sarge’s mouth the second time. The Americans were going back to Munich that night. They had a play date with 4 American MP’s from the large US Army base outside of Munich. Hans was staying over and he was going to leave for work in the morning. Klaus too was staying over. He was going to clean the cabin before getting back to Munich. Mac told Klaus that he would introduce him to the two bottom MP’s and he could use them for the rest of their tour of duty in Germany. Klaus took Hans overnight a couple of times. The German cop could not conceive a couple of days ago of ever letting this fat German civilian take his sexually. However, Klaus was a real top with a big dick and Hans now craved that combination. He was as subdued with Klaus as he had been with Mac. Hans got up bright and early had a shower and dressed in his uniform. He was in the kitchen having coffee and toast when a still sleepy Klaus wandered into the room. He had not showered all yesterday and was wearing only a pair of undershorts that did not keep his cock contained or out of sight. Hans was ready to leave but Klaus had a different idea. Herr Policeman he almost shouted, you are not done here yet. Hans could hardly believe his ears. This fat man was giving orders and expected the cop to obey. What is more the cop was going to obey. He needed to obey, he needed cock so he did as he was told. He directed the cop to get on his knees on the kitchen floor and let his underwear fall to the floor. He stepped out of them and he had the cop start by cleaning his balls.

Hans could hardly believe what he was doing. The fat man already smelled as he washed his eggs with his mouth. Klaus kept up a steady flow of insults and commands as he sucked. Hans could not help himself – this is what he had become. I think I have built up a little cock cheese for you cop. Get your tongue into my skin and clean that out. Eat my smegma, you know you love it. Hans did as he was told and more. He was eating this yellow, smelly and crusty dried piss and cum with gusto. Happy to be eating his dirty cock and take his sexual dominance over him. He told Hans to suck his cock hard and as he did he talked to the cop. The Americans will be gone soon and you will need another boss. You will need a big dicked man with lots of cum to tell you what to do. I will be that man, Ja Mr. Policeman? Ja Mr. Policeman, he repeated and Hans lifted his mouth off his cock and said Ja Boss. Klaus took the cop into the living room and fucked him like a slut he was up against the wall. He did not use any lubricant and just porked the copper hard and fast. While fucking he told the cop that if he did not want cum stains all over his uniform he would have to close his ass as soon as Klaus pulled out. This was not a gentle fuck but Hans was excited to be treated this way by this man. In 48 hours the proud German cop had become a pussy to be used by real men. Klaus was arrogant and rude but it made no difference. Hans would do whatever Klaus wanted because he needed his dick and cum. He warned him when he was ready to flood his ass. By now the cop was used to the feelings when a man’s cum started gushing and he could feel his dick rising. He worked hard not to cum as he would have to work all day in it. It did not work as Klaus flooded Hans’s asshole, Hans came into his jockstrap. Hans had an ass full of the fat Germans cum. He did as directed and closed his ass to keep the cum in. He did not know how long he would be able to do this but Klaus was well ahead of him. He ordered the cop to stay against the wall and he went up to his bedroom and came back with a modest sized butt plug. He shoved it up the cop’s ass and told him that he should avoid shitting as long as possible to allow his cum to seep into his body. He grabbed the plugged cop and kissed him deeply. Hans kissed him back and knew that his new boss had established his territory. Then he ordered the cop to clean the cum off his dick which he did. He rode off to work. His motor cycle produced a sensation which kept his ass tingling and his dick hard. He reported to work not a minute too early. He stood at attention with the plug up his ass which made him stand straight. He listened to his superior as normal but his thoughts were on the weekend.

Next: Chapter 7

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