Cherry Cop

Published on Nov 7, 2023


CherryCop 5A Getting some Foreign Cop Pussy Michael Patrick McDonald better known as Mac led the three cops off the Air Lufthansa flight at Munich Airport. John O’Connor aka Muscles was next followed by the red headed cop Andy Murphy and they were followed by Sarge aka Tim Smith. Coach Angelo Tomasso and cop Billy Sullivan could not join them for the first week of the 3 week trip. Angie had to go on holiday with his wife and kids but he was coming over for the 3 rd

week. Sully could not get time off at the same time but he would be there for the 2 nd

week only. Mac was the only one who had any German from the year he had been stationed here in the Marines. He would have been the leader any way of course. Mac and Muscles were off the Autobahn just before the Black Forest waiting for Sarge and Andy. They were already an hour late. A German motorcycle policeman or a bulle pulled in and parked his BMW Bike next to the two Americans Harleys. He wanted to know what they were doing in this deserted rest stop at dark and asked for our id papers. Muscles opened his wallet and the German cop saw that he was a cop while Mac showed him his passport. They explained that they were waiting for 2 cop buds who were already 1 fucking hour late. The cop was a big man but nothing compared to Muscles and Mac. O’Connor was as his name implied a huge man with muscles everywhere. Mac was taller and bigger than the cop as well. The cop visible relaxed and a conversation ensued. The Americans were going to a cabin in the Forest that a German gay had given them the keys to. They had met the man in a gay bar in Munich. He was a fat man. He was fat everywhere: face, arms, belly, legs and his kolben or cock. Murphy went off with him for an hour because he fancied his first German prick. They both came back smiling and he gave the guys the keys and directions to the cabin. Mac was getting pissed at the other two guys. They have probably found themselves some pussy he said and while saying that moved his half hard cock to his left thigh. Hans noticed but did not say anything. It turned out the Hans Shultz was just going off duty when he saw the two. The Americans said they were going to drink beer, play poker and generally fuck around. They asked the German cop if he wanted to go with them. He was not married (said he had a girlfriend) and was off until Tuesday. Mac told the cop that they had some clothes he could wear. The guys were going to stay until Monday. He accepted and Mac announced, Fuck Them, let’s go and they can find their own way. All three set off on their cycles with the German in the lead with the map and Mac and Muscles. The Americans could communicate with each other and Mac told him that they were going to turn the German cop into a pussy or a mieze. Muscles said that we don’t even know he is gay. Mac just said, no problem, were going to break his cherry and turn him into our boy toy for the weekend.

The German cop had made a big mistake which he had not realized. He had assumed Mac was a cop like the other 3 and that had allowed his defenses to drop. He had never had any involvement with another man. He did look and indeed he did notice that Mac had a huge package under his leathers and occasionally had occasional thoughts that he always tried to get out of his mind. The cabin was more like a house. It had 4 large rooms on the bottom floor and 5 bedrooms on the second floor. Mac and Muscles could not wait to get out of their hot leathers. Hans’s Polizei uniform was made of Gore Tex. It was lighter and warmer. Both the Americans felt the fabric and the German cop was getting a little bit red as their hands lingered maybe a bit too long. O’Connor suggested they get to their rooms and get out of these clothes. Mac gave the German some of his clothes. When they all got downstairs again Muscles already had the beer out and Mac and Hans laughed as they both had chosen a pair of US Marine shorts and a US Marine red and yellow t-shirts. O’Connor was in a tight white t-shirt which hid nothing about his amazing body. His small white shorts barely contained his big balls and dick. However, it was Mac that Hans could not keep his mind or eyes off of. His prick was hardly contained by the thin shorts. Hans wondered how big it was and what it would feel like. He tried like hell to stop thinking of it. After two or three beers they were all feeling pretty good. Mac had called the guys in the hotel in Munich. They had been held up and would be coming up the next day with Andy’s new friend Klaus whose fat cock apparently trumped his fat body. All three of them had been upstairs to the bad or toilet and when Muscles returned he showed Mac the cop’s handcuffs which he had taken from his room. The German cop had his back turned and did not notice. Mac’s first step in his plan was about to get underway. Hans had just returned from the kitchen with three more beers when suddenly Muscles grabbed him from behind. He was much stronger, much bigger than the German and had taken him by surprise. Mac moved quickly over and before he knew what hit him it was all over. Shit, Hans thought, they have me in my own handcuffs. He knew he was fucked. He was shamed by how it had happened. He tries to ask questions but he is told to shut up and led upstairs to the largest bedroom. His eyes bulge when he sees nothing but a big bed and a sling set up in the corner. He knows now what they want to do and he has fear, shame and he can’t help it he is also excited. Muscles takes his clothes off and he is truly a monster. Huge upper body with arms and legs of a monster. His big cock swings free over his huge balls. However, it is Mac’s prick which he can’t take his eyes off of. It is obvious that Mac calls the tune and John gets the cop’s shorts off while Mac rips his t-shirt off. If he could he would cover his dick and balls. He was not small downstairs but unused to other men looking at his stuff. He fought them a bit but it was hopeless. They just carried him over to the sling and Hans saw no advantage to resistance. They got him into the leather sling and attached his legs to straps and then they

each took an arm of the German cop and took off the handcuffs. His hands were quickly fastened and he was on his back naked and open for whatever the American had planned for him. Mac told him straight. We are going to turn you life upside down cop. When we get done with you it will be all different. Once you lose you kirsche or cherry you will be a different man. You will need cock up your ass for the rest of your life. As he talked, Mac was slowly stroking his huge cock and Hans could not keep his eyes off it. Hans tries to fight it but he is in a hopeless position and he is strangely excited by it. Mac gave him no time to think. He put his big prick up against his pink virgin ass. Hans could not believe how long and fat his schwanz was and it was knocking at his back door. He clenched his ass to try and stop him from raping his ass. One way or another cop, I am going to take your ass pussy. You can have it easy or hard. Either way you get fucked, said Mac, as he used a tube of lubricant and shoved first one finger and then another violently up the cop’s ass. Mac was getting off raping the cop and soon had three fingers fucking the cop. Muscles pointed out that the cop was hard as a rock. Your getting off on this cop said Muscles. This is almost too easy. Mac replaced his fingers with his big cock head and pressed into the cop’s anus. It will hurt less if you push out like your taking a shit cop. Hans figures he has to cooperate and tries to relax his sphincter. Mac shoves his cock head and three or four inches into the cop. He can’t believe anything that big can actually get into his ass. His virginity was gone. Mac keeps pushing until he has all 7+ inches deep in the German cop. It still hurts the cop but it is beginning to lessen. Then something happens to the Kraut that he had not anticipated. As he pulls out slowly from the cop he feels in his asshole like nothing he has ever felt before. Muscles is playing with the cops balls and he tells Mac that the cop’s cock is getting harder. He is turned on big time Mac. You have done it again, one more cherry cop cunt added to you list of pussy boys. Hans gives up complete control to Mac. He widens his legs to give him better access. He has surrendered his ass to this American invader. Hans realizes that he will never go back to women again. This giant American cock is brutally raping his ass but he loves what it happening to him. As Mac slams him harder and deeper the German has feeling unlocked that he never even knew he had. It seems like the Americans have unlocked a secret in this German and he was in heaven with this big cock punishing his ass. John was still playing with the cops balls when his rod stiffened and the most stupendous orgasm of his life erupted from the boiling balls and hard cock of the German cop. Mac laughs and fucks harder. I told you cop, you needed this so bad and your body is showing you the way. The cop’s cum fires up toward the ceiling and comes down on his stomach, his dick, his balls and Muscles. Muscles gets some on his finger and immediately puts it in his mouth. Sweet cum cop, here let me get you some. He scoops some more up and rubs a bit on the Hans own lips. Without thinking the Cop opens his mouth and tastes his first cum and it is his

OWN. He is not thinking now just doing what they want of him. He likes the taste of his own cum. He has given himself to these two and even he knows that he will never be the same again. Hey cop, says Mac, you’re a natural. You take to this like you have been doing this for a lifetime. As Mac is talking, Muscles moves up and puts his big balls on the cop’s lips. He opens his mouth and takes one in and licks and sucks on it. He can’t take two, they are too big but he takes each in turn and is surprised to find out that the smell of Muscles’ dick and his pre-cum and his own cum is like heaven. He starts to fuck back on the big fuck rod that has taken his cop’s cherry. Your my whore (hure) cop, you will never forget this day or this cock. I am your fucking master and you will do everything and anything I ask of you. Hans tries to say No, your raping me but it is not what he is feeling. He finally says Ja, fuck me, take me, make me your personal pussy boy. This spurs Mac on to fuck even deeper and harder. Hans can’t understand the feeling that this dick is unleashing in his body. It is like he has been hooked to an electrical current as the big American cock pleasures him in a way he never guessed was possible. Muscles now moves his cock to the German cop’s mouth and Hans takes it in. Like the man fucking his ass before him John O‘Connor is now a horny bastard and he just slams his wide dick straight past the cops lips and deep into his throat. The muscle man holds his head and forces the cock in. the German can’t resist it and he is take his oxygen through his nose as he is now being fucked in both holes. Hans thinks now I am a schwanzlutscher too as he sucks cock for the first time. He can hardly believe that he likes this too. He is also getting off on being forced. It adds to his sexual excitement and enjoyment. Enjoyment he thinks? Do I actually enjoy this? He is forced to concede that he does. Mac is doing a good job holding off. He just keeps fucking the cop’s cunt. Sliding his cock in and out until the cop has started to push his ass back at the invading American missile. The fucker has been tamed he says to Muscles. He is getting off on being fucked and sucking your dick. We have changed this cop’s life. Hans can hardly believe it as he feels his balls churning and he realizes he is going to shoot again. He can hardly understand what is happening to him. He shoots another load and again he is astonished by it ferocity. The two best and biggest cums of his life and it is happening with a big American dick up his ass and a big American dick down his throat. Muscles is next as he fires his sticky juice into the German cop. Hans tries hard to swallow and take it all but Muscles keeps shooting more and more and he can’t contain it or swallow it fast enough. His cum shoots out his lips alongside the American cops dick. It adds to the cum which is covering his whole body now. Here it cum cop, my seed is going to fill your body. With that Mac began to pump his semen into the cop. Hans is thrilled that he can actually feel the cum filling his hole. Mac fires shot

after shot in the German cop. The cop almost feels pride at holding his cock juice, hell he does feel proud. He is this man’s whore and he will do whatever he wants. Mac withdraws his dick from the cop’s ass and Hans feels strangely lonely. Not for long as Muscles has been well trained and he moves between his legs and begins to lick and suck and vacuum out Mac’s cum from the cunt. Hans can’t believe how this feels either. Muscles tongue is doing things to him he could not even imagine 4 hours ago. This latest alien invader makes the cop’s body shudder with delight He though he was being taken to hell but instead he was being taken to a place of unlimited pleasure; found in unlimited male sexual expression. O’Connor was quickly taking all of Mac’s spunk out of the Germans ass. Now he feels Muscles at his newly fucked ass’s entrance. I am getting myself a piece of this ass he says as he pushes his thick baby maker into the cop. Hans feels a cock going up his ass and he is thrilled by it. If this is to be my life from now on, then so be it he thinks. How did I ever go 28 years without ever being fucked before? Meanwhile, Mac kisses the cop deeply. He can smell and taste Muscles cum and Han’s cum. He is going to add another couple of smells and taste to the cop. He runs his cock over the cop’s face and instructs him to clean up his dick. Hans can taste Mac’s cum and his own ass on the big dick. He eagerly laps it up and cleans Mac’s balls as well which are covered in cum and sweat and smell so manly to Hans. Mac starts to deep fuck into the Germans mouth and for the second time in minutes he is being fucked in the ass and the mouth by two American cocks. Mac’s dick has shrunk but it is quickly growing in the cop’s mouth. Hans has to work hard to keep it deep as it is bigger than Muscles prick. As Muscles picks up the pace and starts to fuck him harder and harder Hans finds that he loves the smell of the man fucking his face. His man smell, his musk, the smell of his cum is almost overwhelming. He has taken so much sperm and it become his new champagne. He understands that Mac and Muscles have done exactly what Mac had promised. They have changed his life, he will never go back. His is a neue pussy junge (new pussy boy) and he will be looking for dick for the rest of his life. Hans is now so familiar with being fucked and he is using his ass muscles to increase John’s pleasure. Muscles is not as big but it is wide and it is bringing both pain and pleasure to the cop. Hans realizes that the pain makes the pleasure which comes next better. He can feel muscle cop John O’Connor as his dick begin to grow and tingle. He knows that the cop is about to blow another load in his ass. He is elated when Muscles shoots another stream of sticky white cum in his ass. Suddenly, as Muscles is nearing the end of his cum Hans does not want him to empty his ass of meat. Mac, like he can read the Germans mind, pulls out of his mouth moves behind the American cop. Mac took the ass of his buddy cop in one hard deep thrust and Muscles responded by yelling encouragement. Take my ass Mac, fuck me, no one fucks like you and I love when you breed my ass.

Hans had realized a long time ago that Mac was the man. He wondered if the other two cops coming tomorrow were his pussy boys as well. Somehow, he guessed it had to be true. Mac’s fucking of the American cop was being felt in the German cop’s ass. He could feel the strength of the American fucker as he pleasured the cop. He could feel Muscles’ own cock growing from the fucking he was taking. At the moment, Muscles was content to just keep his cock deep in the German but as Mac kept fucking him he got more and more active. He soon began pushing his ass back at the big dick inside his ass. When Mac pulled out, Muscles pushed his dick back into Hans. He was wild as he was being assaulted at one end while he was doing the assault at the other end. When Mac fucked into Muscles it felt to Hans as if he was being fucked by the boss as well. Another new sensation for Hans as pleasure followed pleasure. Mac was going to time his cum to match John’s. He told Muscles to let him know when he was real close and like everything else Muscles was happy to do as ordered. He would do anything to please this man and Hans knew in his heart that he would as well. Hans felt O’Connor once again firing cum into his cunt. It was by now a pleasure he easily recognized and knew he would never go long again without. He could tell that Mac was loading Muscles with cum at the same time. When the cum stopped flowing from the two dicks both Muscles and Hans knew what came next. As the two dicks plopped out Muscles move up and put his fucked and cum filled ass into Hans face. Hans had never done this before either but he did as he knew he needed to. He put his tongue deep into the cop’s ass and took his buddies cream out of his ass. From now on jizz was the perfume of the gods for the German cock and he lapped it up. He could hardly stop to take time to think he just knew that he loved the taste of cum, love the smell of cum and taking it out of the American cop’s ass. He did not stop until John O’Connor ass was clean – even then he kept licking. Mac stood over Hans’s face, his dripping cock still dropping cum droplets onto his face. Hans had never been happier in his life. Mac took his chin in his hands to make him concentrate on what the American was saying. You will remember me for the rest of your life Hans. I have taken your heart and soul, you mind and body, your manhood. Tomorrow the boys and I will teach you some more lessons but for now let us get to bed. They helped him out of the sling. Hans was unsteady on his feet as they got him to the big bedroom with a huge bed. He lay in between the two and only wanted to be fucked by them again and again. He can’t count the number of times he was fucked that night. Mac seemed to have endless cum. He awoke to his dick tearing up his ass once again. Muscles woke from the sound and movement and quickly put his dick in Han’s mouth. It seemed normal to Hans. The second day in his new life began the way the first day ended. They were all in the shower together when they heard noise as the red headed cop Andy Murphy asked if there was room for another. Soon, the Sarge and the fat German Klaus were taking off their clothes. Hans was smiling – how could it get any better.

Next: Chapter 6

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