Cherry Cop

Published on Oct 30, 2023


As the red headed newly fucked cop, Andy Murphy, drove me home from the locker room I was a changed man. Taking control and being on top just came naturally to me. He was a subdued cop on the ride home with a belly full of my cum. I told him I would be over to his house after the game on Saturday and planned to stay over and watch some NFL football with him. I instructed him to wash his ass thoroughly and be ready for some heavy duty fucking. He told me he had a problem as Coach Angelo was coming over after the game to play. This was perfect. I wanted Angie’s ass bad, I was going to wait until my playing days were over but no longer saw that as something I was going to wait for. I got out of the shower in quick time; Murphy was waiting for me out side in his car. I wanted to beat Coach Angie to Murphy’s house. We had won big time and coach would have to answer some newspaper reporter’s questions. Andy left a note for Tomasso on his front door telling him to come straight to the bedroom. I let Andy suck on my big dick while we waited but did not want to cum before the coach arrived. When we heard the front door, I flipped him over and in one motion pushed my fuck stick all the way up his ass. He yelled in protest and I told the asshole he should have been prepared and that includes having his ass already lubed. Tomasso walked into the bedroom dressed in cutoff jeans and an old football t-shirt. He was a short but big man. Only about 5”5 but with a massive body he was hot as hell. He had large shoulders, a bit of a belly with big legs and almost no neck. Everywhere you could see their was black body hair. His mouth was open and his eyes wide as he witnessed me fucking the cop. The first words out of his mouth were: Andy I did not know you took it up the ass and Mac what the fuck are you doing. I looked at my hunky coach and told him that I took Andy’s cherry last night after practice and I was going to fuck both of them tonight. I told him to get undressed and like the good bottom boy that he was and is he did as I said and came over to the bed I grabbed him as he got close and kissed him deep. He returned the kiss and sort of hummed in satisfaction. I laid him down on the bed and told Andy to get between his legs and blow coach. I climbed up on his massive chest and wiped my already cum flowing dick on his face and lips. He took me deep throat as he turned out to be a great cocksucker. I told Andy that I understood why he loved fucking around with Angie. Murphy could only murmur something as he had the coach’s 5 fat inches filling his mouth. I told Angelo that I wanted to fuck the first cum out of him tonight so under no circumstances was he to cum in Murphy’s mouth. Murphy would get more than his full share of cum tonight. As the coach lapped up my cock I told him that I have wanted to fuck him since the first day I saw him in the locker room. I also told him that I knew he looked at my prick when he though I did not know.

Angie was making like he might cum so I told Murphy to get off his fuck stick and come up here. I had Andy lick my dick as it push in and out of the coach’s mouth. Under such circumstances I was not going to last too long and soon my dick jumped and I started shooting liquid gold into the Italian stud’s face. Andy was lapping around the corners of his mouth getting some of my cum. After three shots of cum deep into Angelo I pulled out and let Andy take the last two shots. I pulled out of mouth and directed Andy to kiss Angie and they shared my cum. I knew that I could do anything I wanted with these two now. I directed Andy back between coach’s legs and had him lift his big legs onto Andy’s shoulders. Ok Andy, I told him, now get your tongue deep in Angie’s ass, lube him up good as I am going to fuck him next. Andy put his tongue at Angie’s beautiful ass opening and pushed. He was tentative but I put my hand on the back of his head and pushed. I told him to get his tongue in deep and fuck that was with it. Coach Angelo responded with delight. He was moaning and crying out in pleasure. Neither of the two had ever done this before. Angie was encouraging the cop to get his tongue deeper and asking him to fuck him with his mouth. It was obvious that coach had never been rimmed and he was loving it. Andy, now an ultimate bottom boy, started slowly but picked up the pace as coach was enjoying this new experience. It is time to fuck, I yelled, coach move your ass so that it is almost off the bed. I moved in and put the handsome mans legs on my shoulders spread wide. His ass blinked up at me like a star in the heavens – just demanding exploration. I directed Andy to get under so that he could reach Angie’s big balls and my dick. I told him that if he wanted to he could push his tongue in with my fuck stick in Angie’s ass. Coach, as I eyed him below me, I am going to fuck the shit out of that Italian pussy ass. I have been wanted to do this for a long time. You in for a hell of a ride and you will cum like you have never cummed before. I put my leaking cock head up to his back side and just let him feel it. It was pulsing and ready for some coach’s butt. I showed him no mercy and just suddenly pushed my entire cock right up to my balls into his cunt. He let out a sigh as his pussy took my hard as an iron cock. Andy was licking his balls as I began to thrust in and out of the coach. A couple of times I took my whole prick out and punch fucked it back in. Angie was a great fuck. He used his ass muscles to hold on to my prick as it pulled out but was open again when my dick went back in. Andy, you got to take lesson from this man, I said to the cop who now was licking my fuck stick as it entered and exited the football coach’s butt. I was pinching Angelo’s tits which only got him hotter and hotter. He was screaming: fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! He loved every minute of it. Suddenly he yelled I am going to cum and a great load of Italian cum shot up into the air. It came down on his face and upper body. I used my fingers to give him a good taste of his stick juice. As he was calming down from his cum I began to shoot into his great ass. Fuck, I can feel you filling my ass with cum, Mac. Get used to it coach, I am going to fuck you a lot in the future.

When I was done dropping my load in his cunt I pulled my penis out and it made a loud sound as it exited his ass. I then pushed Andy’s mouth onto his cunt and told him to suck up my cock juice from his butt. From now on, you guys are going to share my cum loads. I moved up to the top of the bed and fed my rod to Angie. Taste my cum and your ass Coach and clean off my cock. Angelo could not talk now with my dick again stuffed in his mouth. He was, however, enjoying the cop as he licked his asshole clean of my cum. Andy Murphy, formerly a top cop, was now a cum sucking bottom and loving everything. When he finished the job I had him come up with us and he and the coach kissed deeply again sharing my cum and Angie’s ass together. I got a lot more planned boys do you want to take a break? Angie indicated that he had to get home soon. He was married with 5 kids and I told him he was not going to be in any shape to fuck his wife tonight. Murphy had not been fucked yet so he got in position on the edge of the bed and Angie got under his balls as I took his spread legs on my shoulders and put my big rod up against his anus. I was great to be 17 as I had cum twice already but I was loaded and ready for action again. The cop was gagging to be fucked. I speared his ass and he reacted by humping back as I pulled out. Angie got to work on the cop’s balls and I got to work thrusting like a piston in and out. He was still a tight mother but he wanted my cock so bad. Angelo had both his balls in his mouth and that only turned the cop into a wanton slut. The husky red head was in cop fuck heaven. I lasted for a long time until Angie began to put his tongue into Andy’s ass with my prick. This load was not as big as what I had erupted into the coach’s ass but it was still a big load. Murphy was moaning in pleasure and I filled his cunt. I took my shooting prick out and shot on the coach’s face before he licked the last of my cum out of me. Without being asked, as I pulled out and stood up Angelo went straight for Murphy leaking ass. He was sharing my cum and took it straight from the cop’s ass. As I moved up the bed to the cop he was saying that this was the best sex he had ever had in his life. And, I said, you get to lick the fuck stick straight from you fucked ass. He did so with enthusiasm. When Angelo finished we all lay on the bed, a little worse for the wear, but the evening was not over. I told them that before Angelo had to leave they were going to fuck each other while I would be kissing the guy getting fucked. Angelo said to Andy that he had been holding out on him. Murphy responded by saying he had no idea how great it was to take a prick up the ass and told Angie to get up and fuck him. Angie did so with relish and he talked dirty to the cop as he did. You red headed cunt, I am going to breed your cop’s ass. Angie was fucking like it was his first time. He was just power stroking Murphy cunt. His powerful thighs were slapping on the cop’s ass with a

sound that could be heard in the next area code. Murphy was taking the fuck like the bottom he had become in the last 24 hours. The Italian stud was raping the cop’s and he was soon loading the grateful cop with more than an ass’s load. With the coach now deep in his ass and creaming him the cop’s ass could not contain it all and Angie’s cum was leaking out the sides of the coach’s prick. Angelo got in position to take Murphy’s tool. He and I kissed deeply and he told me that he was so happy that I had made this happen. Murphy, who had yet to cum today, wasted no time and put his iron into the hot furnace that was Angie’s cunt. Angie used all the tricks of his trade. He used his ass lips like his throat to grab on and increase the pleasure from the rutting copper. He had a vice like grip on his cock as the cop took it out. Oh fuck, Angie, that is fantastic you got to teach me how to do that. It was never going to take long and soon Murphy was finally shooting. As we lie on the bed kissing, Angelo knew that he had to take a shower and get home. I told him not to worry – he was not going to go long before he got fuck anymore. My next cop was pure luck one night as I returned home from my job after my junior year in high school...

Next: Chapter 4

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