Chem Partner Bully

By moc.loa@drayBB

Published on Aug 25, 2023



by Chris Andy

"Johnny Bruce! Man! I asked ya not to mark up the pussyboy!" My master, Bill said.

"But, Billy. We was just tryin' to...............", Johnny Bruce said, but Bill interrupted him, saying, " I fuckin' know what youns was tryin' to do! 'Don't whip the cockslave' I said. And what do ya do? Whip the cockslave!"

Johnny Bruce, Rick and Javey backed off and stood in silence. I didn't know why my Billy was so pissed! It didn't hurt much--actually, I kinda liked it, truth be told. And last night all the guys had pelted me with their fists, kicked my ass, humiliated and spat on me. Why was this annoying him so much?

"Master Billy, Sir," I said, "Permission to speak, Sir?"

"What d'ya wanna say, cunt?" Bill asked.

"Well, master, sir......," I said.

"C'mon, dude...what?" Bill asked.

"Sir, I really don't mind..." I said, and the next second I lay sprawled backward on the floor. Bill had decked me!

"But, Billy." Rick said. "Faggots need whipped and shoved around and ----even pissed on!"

"Yeh, but I told Joey--only fuckin' and suckin', dude!" Master Bill replied.

" You think the fag had a choice, bro? We'd have pounded his fuckin' face in if he said, 'no' " Rick said.

Johnny Bruce added, " Hey, Billy. We're fuckin' sorry, man! We was just havin' a little fun."

"It's O.K., dudes. I'm pissed at the bitch! Get over here on your knees, queerboy!" Bill directed.

"Yessir!" I said, crawling on my knees to my master. He snatched me by the hair, yanking my face to the lump in his jeans.

"What you got your face on there, twatmouth?" he asked me.

"That's your dick, Sir." I said, and Johnny Bruce, Rick and Javey kinda giggled.

"No, Joeyboy, " he said, slapping my face with his open palm. "Try again!"

"That's your cock and balls, Sir!" I said.


"Those are your privates, sir!" I said, trying to use the correct term.

"No, faggot! That's your fuckin' master. Your only job in life is to worship and seve my dick! Now!" Bill ordered, "Now, unbutton my jeans, take your master out, kiss him on the head and apologize to him, cunt!"

"Yessir," I said, reaching over and unbuttoning his fly. I gently tugged his beautiful peter from inside his pants and pursed my lips! Yes! This was my Master--no, more than that--this is my God! I licked and kissed it. Bill smirked and the other dudes snickered.

"Apologize, dickbreath--to your Master," Bill said.

"I'm very sorry, Master," I said to the cock.

"You gonna obey this dick, slut? Or am I gonna have to put him back in my jeans--never let you touch him, again!" Bill asked.

"Yessir, " I said, groaning at the thought of being cut off from the 'snake' that pleasured me so much!

"You gonna be his bitch?" Bill asked.

"Yessir," I said. I was afraid I'd lose him!

"Say it, pussyboy!" Bill said.

"I'm your bitch, Master!" I said to the cock.

"You want my big dick, dontcha boy?" Bill asked.

"Yessir!" I shouted.

"O.K., twat, " Billy explained. "This peter, your Master, wants you to go outside and out in front, next door, there are three workmen building a new porch and steps. Go over to 'em and ask 'em if they want blowjobs. Tell them you'd love to suck 'em off. Tell 'em there are some woods behind this house. Ask 'em to follow ya and head for the woods, twitchin' your girly ass, lettin' 'em know it's available!"

"Yessir," I said, struggling into my very brief running shorts.

"O.K., cunt--we'll be watchin' from this window." Bill said. "And you fuckin ' better do a good job, or you'll never get your Master back inside ya again!"

I bolted down the steps and approached the workmen, hoping they'd let me serve them. I couldn't face life without having my master's cock! I needed Bill's peter like flowers need rain!! (Oh, shit! I don't fuckin' believe I said that!)

The dudes were actually young and kinda hot. Not a fat old dude among them! They were shirtless in blue work jeans. One guy was of Oriental descent. His twinkling dark eyes and short, spikey hair glistened in the late morning sun, accenting his long, stretching muscles, arms and shoulders and flat abs. His jeans had ripped knees and back pockets (from hard work--not fashion!) and he carried a hammer on his thick, black leather belt. He was measuring lumber planks on a sawhorse and wore working man's gloves. His crotch bulged, trying to contain what appeared to be a nice size cock--and balls!

The second dude looked like he was about 30 points lower on the I.Q. scale, but who the fuck cared? What he lacked in the brain department he more than made up for in brawn! His head was nearly shaved, cut down to maybe an eighth of an inch--almost matching his sexy three day beard. He had dark brown eyes and a pug nose., lucious lips, and a determined chin. His face registered disgust at my appearance and obvious interest in his equipment! His belt was hanging lose and he carried a sledge hammer to bust up the old cement steps.

The third dude was a light-brown speciman of tight muscle. His hair was clipped short and he, too, had bright, brown eyes--a broad nose and full lips. A slight stache accented his face and he regarded me with a humorous smirk. His jeans were stuffed with a lump of ready equipment. He was the 'hunkiest' of the trio!

"Excuse me, sirs," I said, obviously embarrassed. After all, it wasn't that long ago when I was a 'straight' stud like these guys! "But, my master, up there, (I pointed to the second story window where the guys were hovering. Bill gave them a 'thumbs up' and the worker dudes figured they could have some fun with me.

"What d'ya want, man?" the black dude asked.

"Sir!" I said. "My master wonders if I could give you guys blow jobs on your coffee and/ or lunch break?"

"Man--I could use a little cocksucking! Wife's on the rag! Ain't had no pussy since Thursday!" Shaved head said, straightening and re-arranging his already hard pecker.

"Me, too, John!" Oriental guy said.

"Sirs--I'd love to service you all!" I said. "There's a small wooded area behind the houses here. I could take care of you there."

"Cool!" Oriental dude said, heading back to behind the houses.

"Let's go, men!" Black dude said.

I hustled back to the woods behind Richwood Avenue and the dudes followed, muttering to each other and commenting.

"Look at that bitch twitch!" Oriental Guy said.

"Shake it, baby!" Shaved Head said.

"I'd like to ram my big ol' cock up that tight asspussy!" said Black Dude

"Hey, cocksucker--you swallow?" Shaved Head asked.

I turned around, smiled sweetly (like a good little faggot! saying, "Yessir! I'll do whatever you want, sir!"

Servicing the workers only made me hornier for cock, so I went back upstairs to Johnny Bruce's bedroom, but Javey and Rick had left, JB was still there, but he cut me off, saying, "Get the fuck outta here, cocksucker--your master's gone to work. (Bill had a part time job painting and repairing the fences around Wellingham Farms.)

Not mch else happened the rest of the week, and I just kept my Man and his buddies satisfied. Friday rolled around and my brother, Michael and his buddy, Tony pulled up in our driveway in Tony's old pick-up.

"You ready for college, whore?" Mike asked me.

"Bet you can't wait for those hot college studs, can you queerboy?" Tony said, with a shit-eating grin.

'Yeh, bro--we're gonna let you join the frat!--in the rec room where you can suck 'em all off, if they need it!" Michael said.

"Jump in the back," Tony said.

"Yessir!" I said, leaping into the truckbed, anxious to get me some college cock! 'I really have turned into a cumslut!' I thought. 'But, damn--college peter is awsome--choice!'

We drove quickly to the Kappa house where the the guys told me to sit in the truck, till they figure out what they're gonna do with me. 'Shit,' I thought, 'Just let me roam from frat room to frat room--get the dudes off while they're studying or whatever!'

After a few minutes, my brother, Michael called from the front porch--"C'mon. bitch. We're all ready for you sweet cocksuckin' mouth!"

I went to the porch and followed Mike inside. There were 5-6 studs sitting around in various stages of undress. 'Man!'I thought 'Another fucking banquet!'

"So this is the cum pig?" a hot brother in a pair of loose jeans asked.

"Yep," Tony said. "The fucker can't get enough cock Anything you want--he'll do!"

"Man! This'll be awesome. I can get off this afternoon and last longer in Jeannie's cunt tonight!" a bro that I knew as Brian said.

"No more jackin' off this weekend--cocksucker'll get us off whenever we need it?" Jamie asked. (I knew Jamie and Brian--and another dude, Pete, as Michael's good buddies.)

"He sure will--can't get enough jism!" Tony said.

"And this dicklover is your little brother?" Pete asked.

"Don't even say that jokingly!" Mike said, grabbing Pete by the t-shirt and wrestling him to the floor. "He ain't my brother, no more--he's just a cumhungry faggot!"

"O.K., dude." Pete said. "Don't get your shorts in a knot!"

"O.K., brothers--who wants the first suck job?" Tony asked, ignoring my brother ans Pete.

" I get to go first, man-- ugly bitch has me so fuckin' horny--wouldn't even give me a hand job last night!" said Jamie.

"O.K., Jamie--you can go first. Want the faggot to come up to your room?" Michael asked.

"Nah--he can do me right here--I ain't shy!" Jamie answered

"K., cocksucker! Get Jamie's dick outta his pants and give him the best blow job you know how to give!" Michael commanded.

I headed over to Mike and Tony's football buddy, Jamie, a bleach blonde with spiked hair--big shoulders and 6 pak abs. Dropping to my knees, I unzipped his loose shorts and hauled his long, thick peter out and licked it.

'Yummy!' I thought, 'This is gonna be a fuckin' banquet!"

"Look at that cocksucker go!" said Brian. "He's chowin' down on Jamie's big pecker!"


(I'm running out of ideas, guys! Help me out!--Chris Andy (

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