Chem Partner Bully

By moc.loa@drayBB

Published on Aug 1, 2023



by Chris Andy

"Joey! Telephone!" I heard my mother calling me and I picked up the phone from my nightstand and muttered, "Hello."

"Hey, cunt! Get over here. I got my morning wood and I want ya to suck it down!" Johnny Bruce shouted.

"Yessir!" I said, grabbing my jeans and tee and racing to the Postle house, since my brother, Michael, had our old Ford, I ran fast as I could. Knocking, I waited until Johnny Bruce's brother, Tony, answered the door. Smirking, he asked, "What do you want, prettyboy?" (he was a real hunk--dark hair and eyes, nice, frat boy haircut) He and my brother played football together at Kenova College where they were both Kappas.

Tony wore a Kappa tie and a white shirt, tucked into faded, worn Levis. My cock zoomed like a rocket--'Fuck! I love a man in a shirt and tie and I cream over Levis!' I thought.

"A-uh....." I stammered.

"Who's there, Tony?" asked a voice I recognized as my brother.

"Your faggot brother's here, Mike." said Tony.

"What do you want, Queerboy?" Mike asked (actually, he and I were good buddies and liked each other, but no way was he gona let his best friend find that out!)

"Is the faggot down there," Johnny Bruce called from upstairs.

"He sure is, bro. Is he gonna suck you off?" Tony asked, good naturedly. (He didn't think I was actually there to do just that!)

'No shit?" Tony asked. "How bout him doin' me and Mike?"

I looked at my stud brother and he was grinning at my humiliation, but I could tell by the lump in his jeans he was up for it!

"Sure dudes," JB. said. The kid is a cock hound. He can't get enough peter! Get up here cocksucker! I need my balls drained!"

"Yessir!" I said, climbing the stairs. I wondered what my bro thought. 'But, fuck!' I thought. 'I gotta do it. Johnny Bruce'll kick my ass if I don't.' I guess I was less afraid of what Michael thought than I was of JB's fists!

At the top of the steps, Tony shoved me toward Johnny Bruce's room. I saw him from the hall. Lying on his bed, he was swirling some pre-cum around the top of his big prick! Jesus! He's so fuckin' hot!

"C'mon, homo." JB called. "Get on it---NOW!"

As I slid to my knees, I grasped the peter in my right hand, rubbing his nuts with my left. But Johhny Bruce slapped my head. "Dumb cunt! You was supposed to be here when I woke up!"

"I'm sorry, Johnny Bruce," I said.

"Sorry don't get it, asshole!" he said, rapping my head so hard I fell over and on to the floor.

"Strip, pussyboy," Johnny Bruce ordered. "Then, beg me to let ya suck my cock!"

Picking myself off the floor and peeling off my shirt, I glanced at my bro. He had an astonished look on his face and he glared at me, saying "Shit, dude. I always fuckin' thought you were a faggot! But if mom ever finds out--you better fuckin' leave town! I'll kick your ass from here to Randolph County." And he stomped out.

"Hey, wait, buddy," Tony said, following him.

I heard them discussing me. Man--I loved my stud brother and his best friend. Both college football dudes, Michael was 6'3--195 pounds, blue eyes, bleach blonde spiked hair. He had a weight lifter's body--a barbed wire tat accenting his bulgin bicep. Mike played tight end for the Kenova College Bears. The thought of sucking off both college men made my mouth drool. 'Man' I thought, ' I really am a cockhungry slut! In just a few days I had become addicted! I crave the smell, taste and texture of a dude's hard peter!

"Beg for it, bitch!" Johnny Bruce told me.

"Please, sir. Let me suck your delicious cock," I pleaded

JB laid back against the headboard, hands behind his head. He smiled at me--a shit-eating grin.

"Lick my balls, first, pussyboy! Then I might let you have some of the cockjuice you crave." he said.

"Yessir!" I said, diving between his legs and sticking out my tongue to lick his hairy ballsac. He tasted so fucking good! He must not have showered this morning because I smelled last night's cum and ballsweat.

I was intent on my ball licking and was surprized to hear Tony say, "Hey, John. How bout lettin' the fag boy suck me and Mike off? We gotta go to fuckin' football practice, dude." Tony asked

"Ah, man!" It's just beginin' to feel good. I fuckin' love having my balls licked!" Johnny Bruce said. "But, shit, I guess so. Get over there and suck off your brother and mine, slut!"

"Yessir, " I said, crawling toward Tony and Michael. 'God,' I thought, 'What's Michael gonna think of me--his cocksucking brother?'

"Do Mike first, bitch!" Tony commanded

"Yessir!" I said, reaching over and undoing my brother's jeans. He wasn't going to help me at all! I looked up at his stone face. He glared down at me--challenging me to make him feel good!

"Make me cum, queerboy!" Michael said, standing straight while I pulled his beautiful uncut peter through his fly. (Our whole family is uncircumsized.) I kissed his cockhead, tonguing his piss slit. Glancing up at him, I saw a look of disgust--and curiosity. Since Johnny Bruce had outted me to my brother and his best friend, I was determined to give them the best head they'd ever had!

Sticking the tip of my tongue, gently, under his foreskin, I cleaned the 'duck cheese' out. It tasted good--a combination of piss, jism, sweat and, I thought I sampled a smattering of cunt juice! 'I bet he screwed that tight-assed bitch, Shelley Strifel last night. The thought of this dick slamming Shelley's pussy till she screamed, "Fuck me harder, Michael! Fuck me harder!' made my own dick iron bar hard. I had snuck into his bedroom one night and watched 'em fuck. He had her squealing like a pig in shit!'

Running my tongue up and down the shaft while I played with his swollen nuts got him moaning, "Oh, fuck, cocksucker--this feels fuckin' fine! Suck me, bitch! Suck my fat prick! Take it down your cum eatin' pussythroat!"

The more he moaned and shouted obscenities at me, the harder I sucked. He rammed his dick down my throat and I bobbed my head up and down--tonguing his cockhead as I sucked.

"AAAHHHH FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!---I"M gonna cum! Swallow my jism, little brother!" Michael shouted.

He shot a huge wad and I guzzled it down, hoping to please him. After all--he's my Big Brother!

"Is that the first time the cockslave sucked you off?" Johnny Bruce asked Michael.

"Yep," he answered. "But it fuckin' won't be the last!! What a load I had! Fuck! That was awesome! Damn!" Then he laughed and held my head down on his softening cockhead. I licked up every drop of his juicy sperm and milked him for the last drops.

"Hey, c'mon--it's my turn, Mike," Tony said, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling out his hard mancock. "Don't get any cum on my Levis! And suck hard, homo! We gotta get to practice."

I slurped up his peter, licking and sucking the shaft, rubbing his balls.

"Look at that pussymouth lap up your big prick, Tony!" Michael said. "He's fuckin' worshippin' cock, bro!"

"Aw, shit!" Tony said, his dick swelling and his hips thrusting. Take my load now, cocksucker! Damn! Damn! OOOOOOHHHHH YYEEEEAAAAAHHH!"

"Hey, wassup, Rick?" Johnny Bruce asked.

"What's happenin', bro?" Rick answered.

"Hello! said an accented voice.

I was draining Tony's balls and was surprized to hear the greetings. I looked over and saw two guys dressed in Catholic High blazers, high-fiving Johnny Bruce and my brother. I was lifting my mouth off Tony's sweet peter to smile 'hello!'--but he smacked my head and stuffed it back in my mouth!

"Clean it up, cumdrinker! And don't get jism on my jeans!" Tony ordered.

"Yessir!" I mumbled. While Johnny Bruce introduced the newcomers to my brother , I continued to slurp down Tony's dicksnot."

"Hey, bro, "JB said to Tony. "You remember, Javier Ramonez? Javey's from Brazil."

"Nice to see ya, again, Javey," Tony said, extending his hand to the stunning-looking black boy with dreadlocks.

"Nice to meet ya!" said my brother. "I'm Mike."

"Very nice to make your acquaintance." Javey said in stilted English.

"You here for the cuntmouth?" Tony asked.

"Yeh," Rick said, laughing. "John said we could get our ashes hauled anytime--as my ol' man calls it!"

"This is the place, guys! How are things down at ol' Catholic high--since we whipped your asses?" Johnny Bruce asked, smirking.

"O.K......." Rick answered. "Nah, fuck! Actually the place sucks! I wish my ol' man'd let me go to public school!"

Javey asked, "Is this the cocksucker you tell me about, Rick?"

"Yeh. You think he can suck down that Brazilian salami you got, Javey?" Rick asked.

"Salami?" Javey asked, not sure of the English word

"Wait'll the faggot sees the cock on this Brazilian stud. He'll fuckin' cum, lookin' at it!" Rick said.

"Nice meetin' you, Javey. See ya, Rick. We gotta get to practice." said Tony.

"See ya, dudes!" said Rick.

"A pleasure!" said Javey.

"Hey, Johnny Bruce," my brother said. "You think we could borrow the cuntmouth some weekend? We could take him up to the Kappa house."

"Yeh, Mike," Tony agreed. "We could stash him in the storeroom and the brothers could get their balls drained all weekend!"

(Ah, man! I was hoping to become a Kappa! But not as their 'twat!')

"Sure, bro," Johnny Bruce said, "but I gotta check with Billy, first. He's the fuckin' cunt's Master. Fucker will do anything to feel Billy's cock up inside him!"

"That'd be awesome!" Michael said. "As much as we'd like to hang around for another piece of this pussy--we gotta get to practice! C'Yas!"

"Later, man!" Rich said, rubbing his bulging Levis, "Jeez--I'm horny as fuck! Does the cunt take it up the ass?"

"He'll take it anywhere, dude!" Johnny Bruce said. "But, should we let our visitor from South America have the first piece?"

"Yeh--I guess." Rick said. "Hey, Javey. You wanna blow job or a fuck?"

"Hmmmm---I think--the blow job!" Javey answered.

Both dudes stripped and tossed their jeans and tees on Johnny Bruce's dresser. Jeez--I was stunned at the size of these boys' wangers! Jesus! Rick's might be a foot long! And Javey's was thicker than a beer can. Fuck, man! I doubted I could get my lips around it!

"Look at the cocksucker drool over youns guys' cocks! He's gonna fuckin' shoot!" Johnny Bruce hollered.

I was salivating. These guys had turned me into a faggot cocksucker--pussyboy! From my place on my knees, Rick's cuntsplitter looked about six feet long!

"Do Javey first, homo!" Johnny Bruce ordered. "Show him how good American cocksuckers are!"

I started licking and kissing the Brazilian boy's dick. And it swelled---and swelled--and swelled!

"Jesus, Javey! Can the twat get his lips around that sucker?" Johnny Bruce laughed.

"Yeh!" Javey said, sitting in the desk chair and clutching my head--steering it down on his fat prick.

"Yeh, whiteboy! Suck my fat peter--I got a big one--what all you white faggots want!" Jasey taunted.

"Take it all, cunt!" Johnny Bruce shouted. "Javey--cram it down his throat!"

Javey crammed and I gasped--I fuckin' needed air! I couldn't breathe. I slammed my fists against his hairy legs, trying to get him to back off--to let me have some air! But, he just laughed. He fuckin' wanted to strangle me! "Help!" I croaked.

Johnny Bruce and Rick were laughing their asses off.

"Fuck, look! Javey--I can see your fuckin' cock stretchin' his pussythroat from the inside!" Rick said.

"Ah, man! That gets me hard--hurry up Javey. We all wanna turn!" Johnny Bruce said.

"I gotta idea," Rick said. "All faggots like to be bullied and whipped Reach my belt, Johnny Bruce!"

Javey fired a volley of cum--pulled out and shot more on my face and hair. I panted and puffed, filling my starving lungs with air--and my stomach with Jarvey's jism! As I swallowed I felt a stinging sensation on my butt! Jeez--now what? I pulled off of Jasye's brown pecker and saw Rich standing behind me with Johnny Bruce's belt--spanking my ass!

"Look, guys! The bitch fuckin' loves it!" Rich yelled.

"Yeh--look at his dick, throbbin' and pulsin' to each swat!" Johnny Bruce said.

"I'm gonna fuck the cunt and smack his ass while I pump--he'll pull on my cock with his pussyass with each slap! Watch!" said Rick.

Rick stuck his thick pussystretcher in my hole and began grunting and buckin like a stallion! As he rooted, he slammed his hand against my ass! "Jeeessuuuss!" I screamed--cum shooting out of my dick and landing on Johnny Bruce's floor!

"Man--that is so fuckin' hot! The twat loves gettin' spanked! Fuckin' pussyboy! Try it John!" Rick said.

Johnny Bruce plunged his peter into my boycunt and rammed in and out, all the time smacking my red, sore ass! But, fuck! It turned me on Big Time!

"That's awesome, dude!" said Rick. Javey just stood there looking at the two dudes pounding my butt when my Master, Billy walked into the room.

"What the hell are you fuckers doin'?" Bill asked.

Rick laughed and Johnny Bruce kept right on plowing!

"The sucker of cocks seems to enjoy getting his backside spanked!" Javey said, in his formal English. I loved hearing him talk!

"Hold on a minute, JB! I tole ya--no physical damage!" Bill said.


Next: Chapter 6

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