Chem Lab

By Davy Jones

Published on Jul 20, 2002



Part 9

"Davy, I think you need to do something to make this problem go away."

"I know." I'd leveled with Hank about Phillip, and he didn't like it one bit.

"I think it's good that you and Glenn found each other, but I think it's best if you just keep to each other."

"So you ARE trying to marry me off."

"Well," he paused for a moment, "I still don't think being gay is such a great idea, but if you're going to be that way, I think it's best if you can just stick with one guy."

"I'm not totally sure I like how that sounds, Hank." Then I giggled. "You make it sound like it's some kind of weird hobby."

Very seriously he said, "Well, I guess I'm really afraid for you sometimes."

"That's okay." I wished I could hug him right then. "I'm really afraid for me sometimes too."

"Anyway, I have a plan to deal with Phillip."

"You do?" I was all ears now.

"Yeah, but you'll have to 'come out' to Mark too."

That surprised me. "Why Mark? I mean, he's a nice guy, I guess, but what's he got to do with anything?"


He outlined his plan to me, and I eventually agreed. It was crazy, but maybe just crazy enough to work.

Mark was a serious amateur photographer and carried his camera and bag everywhere. After lunch on Monday, Hank and I got Mark and his camera into an empty classroom and closed the door.

"What's up guys? You both look like grim death." He set bag and camera down on a desk and then sat next to them.

"We need your help, but first Davy has something he needs to tell you."

I'd rehearsed this a time or two, but I was really, really dreading it.

"Um, you remember when Mr. Henderson taught us about Oscar Wilde last year?"

"Vaguely. Why?" He looked clueless. It would help me a lot if he'd just guess it and not make me say it.

"Um, do you remember what you said when he told us Wilde was convicted of homosexuality?"

"Um, not exactly."

Now I was getting flustered. "Well, what do you THINK you'd have said."

"Oh probably something like that that's not something anyone should go to jail for." Then he looked suspicious, "this isn't some religious thing, is it?"

"No no!" I glanced over at Hank, but he wasn't giving me any help this time. "No, it's not about you - it's about me."

He looked at me curiously and a strange smile appeared on his face. "Go on."

"Um, well." I looked pleadingly at Hank again.

Hank looked disgusted, "I can tell him for you if I have to."

"No, I'll do it. Um." I couldn't believe how hard this was. I suddenly realized I had never come out to anyone by just telling them - certainly that wasn't how Hank had found out. "I think I'm gay."

"Are you sure?" Mark's voice became very gentle and he sounded very concerned.

"Yeah, he's sure." Hank sounded in a hurry to get to the details of his plan.

"Oh, are you two, um . . ."

"No!" Now Hank looked flustered. "It's just him."

Somehow this cracked me up. I guess up until this point it never dawned on Hank that he could be considered guilty by association. He smiled weakly while I laughed until tears came..

After I calmed down, Mark looked at me very seriously and said, "Well, I wouldn't have guessed it, but I'll always be your friend Davy." Then he thought for a second, "and I'm happy you trusted me enough to tell me."

"Eventually," Hank put in. We all smiled at that.

"So what kind of help do you need?"

I told him about Phillip. He seemed very surprised. EVERYONE had this wholesome image of Phillip! Then Hank outlined his plan, and Mark immediately agreed, with one proviso.

"Phillip's a big guy, and he's strong. I doubt the two of you can stand up to him."

"I can bring my, um, boyfriend too." It was an effort to say that, and I'm sure I saw Mark's eyes widen just a bit at the word.

"Glenn's pretty small, Davy. Mark is right, I don't think that'll be enough. I didn't think this part through completely."

"What about Hugh?"

Mark looked a bit confused. "Who are these guys?"

"Um," I ventured, "it's complicated."

"Davy's not the only gay guy at Bailey, Mark. Can you keep everyone's secret for them?"

"Oh sure. Anything for another Skylab," and he punched me on the shoulder.

"Anyway, Hugh's almost as big as Phillip, even though he's not a jock. That'd be five to one - that should be plenty, I hope." They both agreed with this, and I went off to my classes, feeling very nervous.

I figured I'd discuss the plan with Glenn that night on the phone, but I wasn't entirely sure the best way to find Hugh. Hank finally agreed to talk to him in their Phys Ed class, telling him I'd look for him at the computer center that evening.

"Hey man! Long time no see!"

Now maybe I'm just dense, but until I saw the happy look on Hugh's face, I didn't realize how he was going to interpret Hank's message. Suddenly I felt like a real dirt bag.

"Hi Hugh." I tried to sound cheerful. I pondered exactly how to begin.

"Ready to go do some more chemistry?" He grinned evilly.

Actually, I needed to show him what we had planned anyway, so I said, "sure," thinking I'd buy a little time - not thinking that this was just leading him on even more. So we climbed up the steps and went inside. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. It actually felt pretty good, and he tasted like he'd brushed his teeth first so he could be his very best for me.

I realized I had a hardon.

"Oh man, I've missed this so bad!" he whispered and started to undress himself. As before, he got stark naked and knelt on the floor, while all I did was undo my pants and pull out my cock. He put it in his mouth and started sucking it eagerly.

"Uh, Hugh?"

He stopped sucking and looked up, "Am I doing it wrong?"

"No, no. It's great. I just feel kind of guilty. I mean, it's like I'm always using you." I was REAL sensitive to that concept now. "Do you want to switch places or something?"

"Do YOU want to?"

"Um, not really; this is very nice, actually."

"Cool." He went back to sucking me.

I didn't cum immediately though, and after a while I asked, "do you want me to fuck you now?"

Without a word, he turned around and got on all fours. I patiently lubed him up and entered him, and his happy sigh when I was all the way in made me feel better. Still, this wasn't like tenderly making love to Glenn at all; I was about to fuck Hank like a dog, and part of the excitement was precisely because I was using him. Yet it seemed to be what he really wanted.

"You really like it this way, don't you Hugh?"

With that embarrassed little boy voice he said, "Yeah."

"Okay." So I started fucking Hugh up his now-practiced asshole. "It's always good to be inside you, man."

He just moaned. Riding his ass, standing more than kneeling, I fucked him hard and fast, bucking and thrusting my way to another orgasm, giving him what he wanted, pumping him full of sperm again. As before, I jerked him off before I pulled out of him, thoughtfully catching his load in a paper towel.

As he started to pull his clothes back on, I asked him to stay and chat for a bit. He seemed a bit surprised, but he pulled up a chair, and I told him about Phillip, and about Glenn. I told him how much Glenn meant to me. I told him how upset I was with Phillip - a point that took some explaining because it was obvious he thought it would be heaven to be fucked by Phillip Mitchell - anywhere, anytime. Finally I outlined Hank's plan and the role I wanted him to play in it.

He thought about that for a little while.

"Okay, Davy, I'll do it." Then he grinned. "It'll be like Mission Impossible!"

I laughed at that. Then I asked, "Are you SURE you don't mind always being the one who gets done? I mean, I feel kind of guilty."

"Yeah, I got that. But I think this is all I really want to do with a guy. Anything else, I'd rather do with a girl."

This confused me. "You like girls?"

"Sure. Don't you?"

"No, actually they don't do anything for me at all."

"Ever tried it?"

"No, have you?"

He grinned real big and said, "Yeah, a few times. It's nice." He reached over and squeezed my arm, "You're nice too."

"Um, thanks."

"Anyway, I'll be there for your "Mission Impossible."

We finished cleaning ourselves up and I went home. Once I got home, I gave Phillip a call myself.

"Hey man, can we talk for a bit?"

"Oh hi, Davy," he was all sweetness and light, "what's up?"

"Uh, I've been thinking about the last couple of weekends."

"Yeah?" He sounded pleased. "So have I. A lot, actually. I definitely think we should do this more often."

"Um, I have an idea for that, actually."

"Really? Tell me."

"I have the key to the Chem Lab. It's a lot more convenient place to fool around after school. We could head up there after practice sometimes and no one would bother us."

"Sounds like you've done this before."

"Uh . . . kinda."

He laughed. "So that's where you and Glen do it, huh?"

"Yeah," I lied. "Anyway, would you want to join us there? Tomorrow maybe?"

"Sounds like a plan."

"One other thing." This was the part I was most worried about.

"What?" His tone got a bit cooler.

"This would be a lot easier if you'd at least do a little something for us too."

"Oh?" Now he was decidedly unfriendly.

"If you'd at least take one of us in your mouth - not even for very long - just enough so you can't call us cocksuckers - then we'd do anything you wanted."

"Anything?" He sounded interested. I shuddered to imagine what he had in mind.

"Yeah, anything."

"I'll think about it. Anything else?" He sounded all business now.

"No, I think that's it."

"Okay, then," sweet and happy again, "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

As I put down the phone, I realized I was shaking. Then I called Glenn and told him everything.

--To Be Concluded.

Next: Chapter 10

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