Chem Lab

By Davy Jones

Published on Jun 22, 2002



Part 8

The week went by without significant incident. The only awkward thing was talking to Hugh on Monday. I bumped into him in the hall, and he was instantly all smiles.

"Hey man! How was your weekend?" He seemed so genuinely happy to see me that I felt really bad. "Something the matter?"

"Yeah, kinda." What the heck was I going to say? "I'm gonna be stuck at home the next few nights, I think."

"Uh oh. What'd you do?" Trust Hugh to think I'd gotten grounded for something. Then inspiration struck.

"Me? Nothing. I'm a good boy, remember." I smiled angelically, but Hugh just snorted. "Okay, some relatives are visiting and mom wants them to have the car." This excuse was PERFECT. "I might be able to get it some nights, but I don't know for sure."

"Gee man, that's a drag." He pondered for a moment, "well, I guess I can look in around 9 and if there's no one there, I'll just cruise." He sauntered off.

What I really did, of course, was talk to Glenn every night on the phone. It was hugely frustrating that I couldn't do anything with him during the week, but his folks wouldn't let him go anywhere on a school night, and at 15, he couldn't drive anyway.

That Wednesday night, I decided to talk to him about Hugh.

"You remember that guy I told you about?"

"What guy?"

"The other one at Bailey I fooled around with?"

"Oh yeah, I wondered about him."

"Well, I haven't been seeing him since we've been together."

"It would be okay if you still were, Davy, but I do like how that sounds - that we're 'together.'" I guess that WAS the first time I actually said it.

"Well, Glenn, I sure want us to be boyfriends, if you feel the same way."

"More than anything else in the world, Davy. More now than when I was just dreaming about it."

"So, anyway, I didn't think I could fool around with Hugh anymore; it's not fair to you."

"So his name is Hugh?" Shit! "Do I know him?"

"Oops. I didn't mean to use his name. No, probably not. He's two years ahead of you, and he's not a swimmer."

"Oh, okay. I still think it might be nice to meet him."

"You really wouldn't be jealous if I fooled around with him sometimes during the week?"

"Do you want to?"

"No, I jerk off every night thinking about you."

"Me too." A pause and then, "You doing it now?"

I blushed, "Yeah, kind of. Are you?"

A giggle, "uh huh. I always do when we talk. You couldn't tell?"

"No, you must be real quiet."

He giggled. "I always cum at least once whenever we talk."

"God, I can't wait until Saturday!"

"Me either. So we'll meet at my place early then, and go straight to the pool?"

"Yeah, I want to be sure we avoid Phillip."

So we talked on, and eventually jerked off together. Phillip wasn't to be avoided so easily though. Within an hour of us getting off the phone, my phone rang, and it was Phillip.

"How're you doing, Davy?" My heart sank when I heard his voice.

"Okay I guess." Anything but!

"You planning to swim this weekend?"

"Uh, probably."

"What time?"

Shit! Then inspiration. "Glenn asked me for a lift there, so we'll both swim kind of early."

"Yeah, you and Glenn are queer for each other, aren't you?"

"What?" Damn, that sounded too weak.

"You don't fool me - I see the way you two look at each other." He sounded smug. "Early is good - there won't be anyone else there."

"I don't think I want to do this, Phillip."

"Do you want everyone to know you two are fags?"

"No!" I thought about asking if he wanted people to know he liked to fuck fags, but I chickened out.

"So when are you going to be there?"

Feeling trapped, I gave him the details of our swimming plans, after which he hung up, with a warning that we'd better be there. I just felt sick. I couldn't even call Glenn back, since we'd already talked so long. I didn't sleep well that night.

I couldn't even bring myself to tell Hank about it, but I did manage to tell Glenn the next night. After some discussion, we agreed the best bet was just to give Phillip what he wanted and hope he'd leave us alone. Still, I waited for Saturday with dread.

So bright and early at 8:30 AM on Saturday, I picked Glenn up and we drove to the pool together. 9:00 was the earliest we could get in, and, somewhat to my relief, Coach Johnson actually hung around a bit after we started the workout. He offered us a few words of encouragement, emphasizing that moving us up to the Varsity team really had been the right idea, even if it didn't seem like it right at the moment, and offering personalized tips on improving our form.

Phillip seemed his usual, friendly self as he dropped in about 15 minutes after us, and the Coach offered him a perfunctory greeting and let him do his own workout. I had hoped the Coach would hang out long enough to prevent Phillip from doing anything to us, but after about 30 minutes, he made his excuses and headed off. Glenn and I finished our workout together, and, as we got out of the pool and headed off to the showers, Phillip joined us.

"Wait up, guys; I'll join you." He sounded completely friendly and casual. We waited for him, and we all walked into the shower room together.

Even before he undressed, Phillip's hard-on stood out through his suit. He casually dropped his Speedo on the bench, and motioned me to suck him. Wordlessly, I did as he wanted.

"Oh yeah, you're a good cocksucker, Davy." Then, looking at Glenn, "So do you suck cock as good as your boyfriend?"

I couldn't see Glenn's face, but he stammered, "Um, uh, I dunno."

"Well let's see. You two switch places." He pushed me off of him. "And take off your suits. I don't want to be the only one naked in here."

Mutely, we complied, and Glenn knelt and handled Phillip's tool uncertainly for a bit.

"Suck it, pygmy, don't study it."

I didn't realize how much it would hurt to watch Glenn sucking Phillip's dick. I really cared for Glenn, and I felt I'd totally failed to protect him.

"Davy, I think Glenn's a better cocksucker than you are. Did you teach him?"

"Uh," I didn't like this at all, "yeah, I guess."

"You fuck him too?" I blushed bright red, and looked down. I could see Glenn blushing too, even while he was working on Phillip's tool. Taking that for an answer, Phillip asked, "He fuck you too?"

"Uh, not yet, no."

"His pussy nice and tight?" I didn't answer this. "I'll bet it's real sweet, is it? Come on."

"Glenn is very nice," I said thickly.

"Loosen him up before I fuck him."

I dreaded this, but I was expecting it. "Um, do you have lube?" I cursed myself for not bringing Vaseline.

"Use your tongue."


"You heard me. I want to see you lick your boyfriends asshole." This was something I'd never even thought about before. "Or would you rather I just fucked him raw?"

That stung me, so I knelt between Glenn's legs and spread his cheeks. After an hour in the pool, he actually looked immaculately clean back there, and all I could smell was the chlorine, so I hesitantly started to lick his hole. From the sound he made, I gathered he liked it, and I reached up and patted him on the back for comfort.

"You two look SO sweet!" Phillip's sarcasm cut like a knife. Then his breathing picked up, and he unloaded into Glenn's mouth. Glenn swallowed all of it without protest, and Phillip sat back, a bit out of breath.

Deciding to take advantage of the moment I asked, "can we go now?"

Whether that was all he'd wanted, or if he felt a bit disgusted with himself between loads, or whatever, he nodded, and we hurried into our clothes and out the door back to my car and then to my house. Back in my room, I locked the door, and we fell into each other's arms.

"Glenn, I am so sorry about that."

"Don't be. It's not like it's your fault."

"Well, I feel like I got you into this."

He hugged me. "I'm where I want to be," he whispered.

We got naked, cuddled, then 69ed for a while. Lying there naked with my boyfriend, tasting his cock in my mouth, feeling his warmth on mine, all the troubles in the world seemed very far away. We lay there together, lackadaisically sucking each other for a while.



"Do you want to fuck me this time?"

Raising his head up. "Sure! I wasn't sure if you'd want me to."

"Well, I don't want to treat you like Phillip treats us." I rolled onto my back.

He climbed on top of me. "I never felt like we did anything so far that I didn't want to, Davy." He kissed me, and I loved the feel of his erection on mine.

"So, anyway, the Vaseline is under the bed."

"Okay," but, to my surprise, he spread my legs and started licking my asshole instead. I stared at that pretty blond head down there against my jet black bush and loved feeling his warm wet tongue running back and forth over my anus.

"Hmm, it won't go in."

"Your tongue? Maybe if you put Vaseline on it first." We both giggled. He got the Vaseline from under the bed, but he put some on his cock first. "Um, you should probably rub some of that inside me with a finger first." He grinned and fingered me - way too fast. "Ouch!"

His face fell. "I'm sorry, Davy. Did I hurt you?" He sat back and looked really disappointed. My erection disappeared.

"No, it's okay." I smiled weakly, "You need to go slow and easy, is all. Remember how I took my time with you?"

"Yeah, but I thought that was just because it was my first time."

"Well, it's better if you take it slow - another way you don't want to be like Phillip." I grinned at that, and after a pause he grinned back at me. Then he started fingering me gently, keeping a close eye on me. This was so comical I had to laugh, but I kept encouraging him, and soon enough he'd worked his finger all the way in, and I invited him to try his dick now.

"I'll be real careful Davy, okay? Let me know if I hurt you AT ALL, okay?" He looked very serious.

I smiled. "I will."

But his dick wasn't all that big, and, more important, it wasn't all that thick, and he entered me pretty easily. I held my own ankles to keep my feet out of the way and to spread myself to make it easier for him.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah, Glenn, it feels nice."

He smiled. "You always feel nice inside me too." We beamed at each other for a bit, and he kissed me. Then he started thrusting. At first, he was a little awkward, and it felt like his dick dragged a bit, but I guess the lube eventually got distributed right, and soon enough he was sliding easily back and forth, generally taking short, deep strokes. I let myself relax, and it really did start to feel pretty good - nice and warm, actually.

To begin with, he tried to kiss me and keep his tongue in my mouth the whole time, but as soon as he needed to breathe harder, he laid his head on my shoulder, and I heard him panting into my ear. Then he started taking really fast, really short strokes, almost spasming and he cried out softly, so I knew he was creaming inside me. He lay on me for a bit, catching his breath. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Was that okay, Davy?"

"Uh huh. Sounds like you had fun too."

He sat up and bit and grinned real big at me. "Yeah. That was nice." Then he started gently stroking my cock. "I'll suck you off, if you'd rather."

"No, I want to cum with you inside me." I smiled and stretched a little bit. "Besides, it's no fun to suck a guy when you've just cum."

"Oh I dunno. I hear I'm a better cocksucker than you are." My mouth dropped open in surprise, and he grinned devilishly. We both laughed softly. He started stroking me with his hand. It felt nice to just lay back and be lazy, and his cock, still pulsing occasionally, felt nice up inside me. Pretty soon he brought me off, and I came all over my stomach. As I came, he popped out of me, and he kissed me on the lips again.

Then, to my astonishment, he leaned down and began licking up the load I'd just shot.

"Um, you don't have to do that, you know."

He looked up. "Do you mind if I do?"

"Uh, no, not if it's what you WANT to do."

He smiled sweetly. "Good," and returned to cleaning me up with his tongue. I think this was easy for him because I had essentially no hair between my crotch and my armpits, so he was simply licking my cum off my smooth stomach. When he was done, he put his head on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arm around him and we snuggled.

"I didn't realize you liked my cum that much." I gave him a gentle squeeze.

"I've been thinking about tasting it all week" he whispered.

"Did you like it that way?"

"Yeah, it was nice." Then, concerned, "did it gross you out?"

"No, not really. Surprised me though." I squeezed him again.

He made a kind of a happy noise, and we just lay there together for a while. It felt so nice just holding him there. He was soft and warm, and just feeling him alive and breathing in my arms was heaven.

--To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 9

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