Chem Lab

By Davy Jones

Published on Apr 9, 2002



Part 7

"Phillip Mitchell did that?" Hank sounded incredulous. "Mr. Christian Athlete of the Week? I just can't believe it!"

"Yeah, imagine that." I had no trouble imagining it. I was actually still in some pain; Phillip had used me too roughly the afternoon before.

"You ought to do something about it."

"Yeah? Like what?" I hadn't actually intended to talk to anyone about it, but I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I finally broke down and called Hank.

"Um, well talk to someone."

"Who? The school? The police? Phillip will say I made overtures to him or something. He'll be the victim and I'll be the fag. No thanks."

"You don't know that."

"No, but I can imagine it very clearly." Then an awful thought struck me. "You're not going to repeat this to anyone, are you?"

Hank paused for a moment. "Not if you don't want me to. Besides, I already know much better stuff than this - remember? I haven't told anyone, and I'm not going to."

"Thanks, man." Then I grinned. "Anyway, I did think of someone to talk to about it."

"Who?" He perked up at this.

"You, dummy."

Hank just sounded disgusted. "If I could do anything to help, I would."

"Well, he scared me when he said he'd give me a call sometime. I really don't want to do this with him again. But he can hold it over me now."

"I'm not sure about that, Davy. He's not going to want to tell anyone he had sex with you. And if he just calls you gay without telling people you actually did anything, then people will just think he's hassling you - no one will take him literally."

"I'd like to think that. I guess I'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, I think I'll do my Saturday workouts in the pool downtown."

"One thing puzzles me, if you don't mind me asking about it."

"Ask me anything, Hank." I tried to smile.

"Well, you didn't want to have sex with Phillip after he hit you, right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"And he hurt you when he cornholed you."

I felt myself blush, but I nodded. "Yeah, it still hurts when I walk today."

"So how come you were still horny when you caught Glenn spying on you?"

"Um." I thought for a moment. "Well, it wasn't all bad - I mean, I've done it enough before and all - and I was pretty jazzed up before things went wrong. I guess it just never went down."

He pondered that for a moment. "So who is this Glenn anyway?"

"He's one year behind us, but he's a pretty good swimmer. He and I both just advanced from the B-Team to the Varsity, so we went from being the fastest of the second-raters to being the absolute worst of the best." I grinned as I said that - I was actually quite proud to be swimming with the Seniors and Juniors even though I was just a Sophomore - and Glenn was just a Freshman.

"Yeah, you told me about that, but you didn't tell me the other guy's name. Is it still real tough swimming with the older guys?"

"Yeah, it is, but I think it's getting easier. Of course, it means I see Phillip every afternoon. Up until now, that's been nice, but . . ."

"Sounds like you were a bit too obvious about how nice it was."

"Don't remind me."

"So do you like Glenn?"

"Yeah, kinda. He real nice, and sorta cute." I paused for a moment to think. "He has a nice voice too."

"Do you like him better than Hugh?"

"Are you trying to marry me off, Hank?" I grinned.

He snorted, "No, but I reckon if you have to be gay you should do it with someone you like. My impression is you pretty much think Hugh is a dumbfuck." He paused expectantly.

I was startled for a moment because Hank didn't usually use language like that - then I got the joke and laughed out loud. "See? I did pick the right person to talk to." We both chuckled a bit. After a pause, I said, "Anyway, I do mean to get to know Glenn better."

"I'll bet you do!"

"Not like that!" I grinned again. "Well, not ONLY like that."

About that time his mother wanted the phone, and he had to go. I hung up the phone and sighed. Although he hadn't really solved any of my problems, I felt better just from having talked them out with Hank.

I lay around the house, read, did some homework, and thought about things. On Sunday just after lunch, I looked up Glenn's number in the school directory and gave him a call. He sounded delighted to hear from me.

"So how's it going?" I felt awkward about this. I was essentially trying to set up a date with another guy, and this was a first for me.

"Swell! How's it going for you?" He sounded REALLY chipper. I wondered if that was entirely due to me having called him. For all I knew, he took drugs - except I didn't believe he'd be such a good swimmer if he did.

"Pretty good. I was wondering if you had any plans for this afternoon."

"Not really." He paused like he wanted to say something else, but stopped.

"Would you like to go see a movie?"

"Sure! Which one?"

"How about 'Towering Inferno'?"

"Isn't that rated 'R'?"

"No, it's just PG. Sounds like you haven't seen it?"

"When's it showing?"

"I thought we could catch the 2:00 show, then just hang out for a while."

He went to get permission from his mom, who talked to me on the phone for a bit and gave me directions. Somehow I always charmed adults, who thought me very mature and responsible, and soon enough I drove off with her son, promising to be back by six.

On the drive over, we talked about swimming, and we talked about school, and we even talked about current events, but we didn't touch on sex for some reason. I think he wanted me to bring it up, but I felt awkward about it.

We both thought the movie was very cool. It was near the end of its run, so the theatre was pretty empty and no one sat near us. Once it got dark, I reached over and touched his hand, and he readily put his hand in mine. Anonymous in the darkness, we held hands on and off throughout the movie. (Another first for me: holding hands with another boy.) Considering the risk if we were caught, it seemed very exciting.

When it was over, we piled back in my car and drove to my house. On the way, we talked nonstop about the movie - never mentioning sex once, although we held hands for a bit and smiled at each other a lot.

When we got to the house, no one was there, and I found a note from my mother saying everyone was at my grandmother's. I called down there, told her I was home, but indicated I had a friend with me and that we'd just hang out at home. She was okay with that, and suggested I come down there (20 minutes drive) around 6:30 for dinner.

After giving Glenn the grand tour of the house, we came back to my bedroom and I closed and locked the door. Still not sure what I wanted to say, I just held out my arms, and he rushed into them, wrapping himself around me, resting his head on my shoulder. He smelled nice and clean. I kissed him on top of his head, and he turned his face up to me, and I kissed his lips. I held him and we traded tongues for a while.

Still without talking, I started undressing him, starting with his shirt. He was eager to comply, and hastened to undo my shirt as soon as his own was on the floor. Taking turns, we stripped each other naked and climbed into bed together. I rolled on top of him, kissed him some more, and finally felt like I had to say something.

"This is real nice, Glenn." I rubbed my body against his, feeling our dicks touch.

"Oh yeah! This is much better than yesterday!"

I kissed him some more then sat up. "Do you want to 69?"

For an answer, he turned himself around, and a little clumsily we got into a 69 on our sides. I lay there smelling his crotch (clean but sweaty) tasting his cock in my mouth, feeling his body against mine and his mouth working on my own cock. Somehow the thought kept going through my mind that this cock in my mouth belonged to my teammate, that I was sucking on this guy I swam with every day. Something about that seemed so surreal.

Then he shot in my mouth, and although the angle was awkward, I managed to swallow all of it. When he was done, we both separated.

He didn't look at me "Thanks" he whispered.

"I guess we're even now; you sucked me off yesterday." Although he'd seemed to handle it okay yesterday, I figured he had the problem I often had - feeling remorseful right after I'd cum. "You don't have to do me right now, if you don't want to. We can wait a bit."

"No, I'll do it," and he leaned way over - both of us sitting Indian-style on the bed - and started sucking me. I just sat back and enjoyed it, and in a minute or so I unloaded in his mouth too. As before, he swallowed all of it.

"That was GREAT, man!" I leaned back on the pillow. "Come here." I held one arm out to him. He snuggled up to me, resting his head on my shoulder and letting me hold him close.

"This feels nice, Davy." I heard him sigh contentedly.

"Yeah, it's great, isn't it?"

"Uh huh." He snuggled closer. "I wish this could go on forever."

"Me too." I kissed him on top of his head.

We lay there naked together for a long time. I occasionally stroked his head, shoulders, and back. We changed position once, switching him to my other shoulder. It just felt so good, so perfect. We may have even dozed for a bit.

After a time, I felt myself getting horny again, and I rolled him onto his back, climbed back on top, and kissed him lightly on the lips, then rubbed noses with him. He giggled at that, and I smiled. I lifted my head up a bit, and we smiled at each other, looking deeply into each other's eyes.

"I'm ready to go again, are you?" I kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm ready for whatever you want." I could feel his erection, so I knew he was telling the truth.

"I want to be inside you, Glenn. Is that okay with you?"

"You won't hurt me, will you? It looked like Phillip hurt you the other day."

I reached under the bed and retrieved my jar of Vaseline. "I'll try not to - and I'm not Phillip. I want you to enjoy it too."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just lie back and spread your legs apart." He obeyed and I climbed between them and started gently lubing up his hole.

"That feels nice."

"Just try to relax and let my finger into you."

"I'll try."

I rubbed gently back and forth, but slowly worked my finger up into him. "Still feel okay?"

"Uh huh."

When I'd got the finger all the way in, I slowly pulled it back out and then lubed up my dick. "Ready for the next part?"

"I guess so," he said dubiously. "It just looks too big to go in me."

"It'll fit," I said confidently. "Did you see how big Phillip's was?" I pressed my knob against his hole and pressed gently.

"Oh, that feels good!" he sighed. Then, more conversationally, "yeah, his thing was enormous. You'd never guess it from seeing him in the showers."

"Keep relaxing," I coaxed, "relax, relax, relax," as I gradually increased the pressure. He fell silent as I felt myself slowly starting to enter him. I realized I really, really wanted to be inside him - more than I could remember wanting anything - but I knew if I rushed it, I'd hurt him and it would be all over, so I went as slow as I reasonably could, still whispering for him to relax.

I watched his face as my cock gradually opened him up. He had closed his eyes and had a very serious look on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," a bit breathless. "it feels weird, but I think it's okay."

I kept slowly working my way into him. "It feels real, real good Glenn."

He just grunted.

My patience was rewarded when I felt the head of my cock slip past the ring of his asshole, and I knew that the hardest part was over. Nothing beats the wonderful way the flange on your cockhead feels as it slides through that tight, warm tube. As I continued to slide my dick up into him, I noticed he was breathing kind of fast, so I asked if he was still okay.

"Yeah." A pause. "It just feels very intense."

"Does it hurt?" I very much hoped not, because the last thing I wanted was to pull out now.

"No, it's just intense." I slid the rest of the way into him - as far up as my dick could go. He was doubled backwards, and his legs were on my shoulders. I could kiss him again in this position, and I did.

"It's so nice to be inside you, Glenn."

"I want you in me, Davy." I kissed him again and gave him some tongue. "I've dreamed about this for a long time - I can't believe it's finally real."

I kissed him again, longer this time, and I began to fuck him in earnest. Again, I kept thinking that this was my little swimmer pal - not so little as last year, actually - that I had my dick up his butt, that I was fucking him, that he wanted me to. These thoughts made the whole thing much more exciting somehow.

Since it was my second time, I took longer to cum. I kept kissing him up to the point where I needed to breathe through my mouth; it's a pretty athletic position to fuck in, actually, and I sweated enough that a drop or two fell onto him. When I felt myself reach the point of no return, I seemed to linger there longer than usual, and it took me up and up until I was pouring my seed into his rectum, shoving my cock up him as hard and fast as I could.

I let out a huge, shuddering sigh and then kissed him lightly on the forehead. "Thanks, man. That was wonderful! You still okay?"

"Yeah, I actually enjoyed watching you get all worked up. Did you cum inside me?"

"Definitely. Did you feel it?"

"No, not really."

"I never do either. I was just wondering."

"It feels really good having you inside me now. It was only the very beginning that was weird."

"Yeah, that's how it usually works." I was getting a bit uncomfortable up on my knees, so without pulling out of him, I straightened my legs out - one at a time - spreading them on either side of him, and I let his legs down on either side of me. If he had sat up, he'd have been sitting on my cock in my lap facing me. He in wonder as I went through these contortions. Then I started playing with his cock. It had gone semi-soft, but hardened up almost instantly.

"I like feeling your hands on me."

I grinned. "I like touching you." Not strictly true at the moment; I'd just cum twice, after all, so making him cum now was more of a duty, but I was happy to see him smile.

He didn't say anything for a while, but then I felt his anus clamp down on my dick, and soon he was shooting a load onto his stomach.

"All done?"


"Ready for me to pull out of you?"

"Yeah, I think so."

I eased myself out of him, slow and easy. Then I took some Kleenex and carefully cleaned him up.

"You still feel okay?" I leaned over him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Well, I ache a little back there, but it still feels kind of good."

"I mean do you feel okay about what we just did together?"

"Oh yeah. Like I said, it was like a dream come true." He smiled a beautiful smile at me.

I lay down next to him, and soon we were back in the same position as before - me on my back, him resting his head on my shoulder, my arms wrapped around him.

"So you really never did this with someone else?"

"No, but like I said yesterday, I've thought about it for a long time."

"So it doesn't bother you at all?"

"Well, it used to. I'd, um," he hesitated, "I'd masturbate and think about guys, then I'd feel bad after I came."

I chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, I'm just thinking that you're shy about telling me that you jerk off."

"Well, I've never talked to anyone about any of this before." He sounded hurt.

I tousled his hair. "Hey man, it's all okay." I hugged him tight. "I'm not making fun of you." I almost told him I loved him, but I stopped myself; it sounded too ridiculous.

We cuddled for a bit, then went to take a shower. In the shower together we had fun soaping each other up and scrubbing each other with the washcloth. Then we dressed and I drove him home. Again, we held hands in the car, but now it seemed more special somehow. When I dropped him at his place, I was really reluctant to see him go, and he was equally reluctant to leave. Worse, with his mom there, we couldn't even kiss goodbye.

But at my grandmother's house half an hour later, as I sat down to dinner with my family, my little sister innocently asked me why I seemed to be so happy. I blushed and grinned, and mumbled something about how I'd really enjoyed the show. I stayed happy and cheerful the rest of the evening, and finally went to sleep with warm thoughts of Glenn on my mind.

--To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 8

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