Chem Lab

By Davy Jones

Published on Mar 14, 2002



Part 6

The weekend came, I didn't bump into Hugh, Hank was away with his family at their farm (as was his usual habit), and I felt a bit at loose ends. Because we were supposed to practice every day - even on our own - I drove down to the pool Saturday afternoon and decided to do the posted workout. Shortly after I got started, Phillip arrived, and asked if I wanted to do it together. Since I'd just started, that was fine.

As I mentioned before, Phillip was a senior, one of our star swimmers. His speedo left little to the imagination, so I could see his beautiful smooth body. Tall and lanky, with dirty blond, almost brown hair that went well with his sea-green eyes, Phillip was a favorite fantasy object of mine. It was really cool to be working out just the two of us.

Normally Phillip worked out on a shorter interval than I could do, so we compromised on something that was a stretch for me but not too easy for him. Just as well, because it kept me from fantasizing too much about the beautiful guy I was swimming with. We worked out for a bit over an hour - about 3,000 yards - and then went to the change room together, where we stripped and hit the showers.

Phillip seemed very talkative from the time we got out of the pool to the time we got into the shower. I was too tired to say much, although I mentioned how much I loved the warm water after the cold pool, and he agreed wholeheartedly.

"Sometimes this is the best part of the whole workout."

"Uh huh."

Somewhat to my surprise, he had brought a bar of soap with him and started to soap himself up.

"Don't you think you got clean enough in the pool?" I smiled.

He smiled back, "It's to get the chlorine off. Don't you itch sometimes after a long workout?"

"Sometimes. I never see you do that during the week though."

"Takes too long when guys are waiting. I always do it at home after practice though. You should try it." He offered me his soap.

What the heck. "Okay, thanks." I took the soap and started soaping myself up while he was rinsing himself off.

"Want me to get your back?"

"Sure!" I handed him back his soap and turned around. As soon as he touched me, I instantly got hard - I don't even think I went through the semi-hard phase; just straight to full erection. I think he might have spent more time soaping me than was strictly necessary, though, and his hand got closer to my asshole than I think it really needed to. (Or maybe it was my imagination, but real or not, it all contributed to a serious hardon.)

"What's the matter?" He'd stopped soaping, but I wasn't turning around.

"Um, I have a problem." I was blushing really hard, but my dick was firmly, um, staying firm.

"What?" He stepped over into my shower. "Oh! I see." Hard to hide it from him - he must have been 6'2" or so. "It's no big deal." A pause. "Um, that didn't come out right." Another pause, and then we both laughed.

"Gee thanks, man!" I grinned and we laughed some more. "Uh, so do you want me to do your back too?"

"Sure!" He handed me the soap and turned around. "Just be careful where you point that thing."

I ignored that and started soaping his back. It took a bit longer, since his back was so much larger and my hands were smaller. He actually had pretty big hands, now that I thought about it. Continuing to touch him made me continue to be hard, of course. When he turned around, he was semi-hard as well.

"Looks like you did it to me too," he smiled. His dick was bigger than mine - the biggest I had ever seen up to that point, in fact. In the guise of rinsing the soap out of his crotch hair, he rather transparently played with himself, and soon was fully erect. I was mesmerized. "You can touch it if you want to."

In a daze, my heart in my throat, I stepped over and wrapped a hand around his shaft and started stroking him. I slipped my other hand down and felt his balls. "Yeah, keep doing that. It feels nice." Obediently, I kept stroking him as we both stood under the hot shower, and I felt one of his big hands stroke the back of my head. I felt his fingers in my wet hair, and I really liked feeling him touch me like that. Then he pushed my head towards his cock, and I knelt, knowing what he wanted.

As I worked my lips around that enormous erection, he said, "Oh God, that's great, oh Yeah!" And he bucked his hips, almost choking me on his dick before I got a grip on the shaft. Even so, he got a grip on my head and started fucking my mouth while I held on for dear life. It couldn't have taken very long, but it seemed to go on forever before he unloaded in my mouth - enough that I couldn't swallow it all, and some ran out my mouth when he pulled himself out.

"You know, I've suspected you were a cocksucker for a while, Davy." I looked up at him from where I knelt on the floor, still erect, his cum dripping down my chin. "I caught you checking me out a few too many times, you know?" He paused, but I didn't say anything - I had an uneasy feeling about how this was going to go. "Clean yourself up." He stepped away from me.

"Aren't you going to do anything for me?" I stood up and stepped back into my shower.

He ignored me. "You know, I can't even get my girlfriend to do what you just did?" He took his soap and started carefully cleaning off his dick. "Looks like you even swallowed most of it. Did you?" All the light, friendly tone was completely gone from his voice.

"Yeah." I looked at the floor. This fantasy had gone wrong fast.

"You like the taste?" I didn't say anything. "Come on. Did you like eating my cum?"

I mumbled, "Yeah, kinda."

"What's it taste like?"

I perked up. "Want to find out?" I grinned and grabbed my own cock, still not softening despite my discomfort.

He reached over and slapped me, hard, and I fell to my knees again, my face stinging. Tears came. "No," his voice shaking, "I don't think I'm going to do that." He loomed over me, and I put my hands over my head, cringing. On the floor, despite myself, I started to cry.

I'd swear he was going to hit me again, but he changed his mind and continued soaping himself. Almost casually, he asked again, "so tell me what it tasted like."

I sniffled a bit. "Salty," I choked out. "And thick."

"And you liked that?"

I almost didn't answer, but I was afraid not to. "Uh huh."

"So have you sucked a lot of cocks? You seem real good at it?"

Now this was unfair, since he'd done almost all the work, but I blushed bright red and looked at the floor. I wished I could follow the water down the drain.

"Come on, how many other cocks have you sucked?" He reached down and grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head up.

"A a few," I choked out. I'd always thought he was so nice, I couldn't believe he could be this mean. I'd never even heard him raise his voice to anyone before.

"I knew it." He let me go. I sat on the floor under the shower miserably. I'd lost my hard on now, and my dick and balls seemed to want to hide just as badly as I did.

"Please don't tell anyone."

Again he ignored me. He just stood under the hot spray enjoying it. I noticed he was fingering his cock again, getting hard again.

"Suck me some more."

I crawled over to him and started sucking him again. He got hard in my mouth fairly quickly, considering he'd just cum five minutes before.

"That's good," he started petting me again, and, despite myself, I started to get hard again. He let me suck him for a while. "So what else do you do besides suck?" He pulled his dick out of my mouth. "Are you a pussy boy as well as a cocksucker?"

I guess my face answered his question because I turned really red.

"Turn around and let me see your pussy." On my hands and knees, I turned around for him and I felt him soaping me up back there, then felt him roughly finger my hole. Part of my mind noted that he had to have done this before. I looked back and saw him lathering up his cock really good, then he straddled me and pushed it against my hole.

It really hurt as he shoved that monster up into me, although I'd have probably enjoyed it if he'd gone slow and easy. All the way in me, he leaned onto me, his body across my back, his head over my right shoulder, breathing into my ear.

"You've got a nice, tight pussy, he whispered."

"Stop, please stop, it hurts!"

"Shhh." He put a hand over my mouth. I squirmed and moaned.

I'm not sure if he deliberately gave me time to get used to him being in me, or if it was just awkward for him to fuck me with his hand over my mouth. Either way, it seemed like forever but was probably no more than a minute when I stopped making noises and he pulled his hand away. It still hurt, but I was handling it better, and was resigned to it now. It wasn't like it was my first time, after all.

Then he started pumping my ass. His strokes were long, hard, and deep. Since he'd already cum once, he went for a long time. I'm not sure if the water running down on us helped or hurt, but gradually the stinging in my ass faded to a dull ache, although sometimes he'd punch hard enough on the down stroke that it would hurt inside. Still, I was finally able to enjoy the feeling of his body against me and his arms around me. As he continued to fuck me, I started to get hard again.

Just when I was starting to think he would fuck me forever, I felt him grip me tighter, pump me harder, deeper, and faster and I knew he was shooting inside me. I heard him sigh deeply right into my ear, then he abruptly pulled himself out.

He stood back up and resumed soaping up his dick. I stood up unsteadily and started trying to rinse my sore ass under my showerhead.

"Looks like you liked that." He pointed at my erection.

"Some of it." I studied the floor some more.

"Look at me." He put a hand under my chin and made me look up. "I'm not going to tell anyone about this, okay? But you'd better not tell anyone either, understand? Not even whoever else you do this with. Is that clear?"

I nodded.

"Say it."

"Yes, I won't tell anyone. I promise!"

We finished the shower in silence, went back to the locker and got dressed.

"Maybe I'll give you a call sometime." He sauntered out of the locker room. I sat on the bench and put my head in my hands.

Still uncomfortably hard, I stepped into the toilet to jerk myself off as soon as he was gone. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Glenn in there, stark naked, jerking on his own cock.

Glenn was about 15, one year younger than me, and we were always friendly during workouts. He was a medium blond guy, a bit shorter than me, and another slim, smooth swimmer. I'd met him here more than once on a Saturday, so it stood to reason he'd turn up here. I wondered how much he'd seen, but the look on his face told me he'd seen plenty.

"Did you like what you saw?"

"Davy, I'm sorry, I . . ."

Still hard as a rock, I undid my pants, "Want to try it yourself?" I stepped forward, and, somewhat to my surprise, he leaned forward and took my cock in his mouth with no hesitation. After my experience, I blew immediately, and he swallowed every drop.

"Thanks man, that was nice!" I patted him on the head.

He continued jerking himself - I guess he'd kept it up even while sucking me (all 15 seconds of that) - and I watched him shoot all over himself.

"Want to shower and get clean before you go in the pool?" He nodded. "By the way, where's your suit?"

"Um, I like going into the toilet naked. There's something kind of cool about it."

I laughed and lead him back into the shower. I seemed to be spending a lot of time in the shower today.

"You seem pretty cool about all this."

"I've been thinking about you all year, Davy." He reached over and patted me awkwardly on the side. I smiled and lowered his hand to my cock, which he gently squeezed and then just held.

"Done this with other guys?" I took his cock in my own hand. I noticed his bush was darker than the hair on his head. I also noticed that he started getting hard again pretty fast.

"No. Just thought about it. Who are the other guys you told Phillip about?" I started gently stroking him, and came back to full erection myself.

"Just one at Bailey. The others are friends of my cousin down in Georgia." Glen started stroking me too, and grinned real big at me.

"Who's the other one here?" He stepped closer to me so we were sharing a single shower now.

I thought about this for a moment. "Would you want me to tell him about you?"

"I dunno. Maybe. Why?"

"Well, he wants me to keep his secret, so I have to ask him first." Actually, Hugh and I had never even had this conversation, and Hank knew about us already, so I wasn't sure he'd even have a problem - probably be interested - but somehow it seemed right to ask him first.

"Oh, I get it. Well, what's he like?"

"A year ahead of me, tall, thin, blond, real sweet - not like Phillip." I lowered my free hand and started to play with his balls.

"I never saw Phillip like that. He was scary." Glen played follow the leader with me. His hand felt good down there.

"How much did you see?" I stepped closer so our hands were brushing each other and I looked down into his eyes and smiled.

He smiled back. "All of it. Starting when you two were just getting out of the pool." I touched my nose to his. He giggled a little bit.

"That explains why we didn't hear the door." I'd been counting on the loud outside door to let us know if anyone had come in. "But why didn't we see you?"

"I watched in the mirror mostly," he whispered.

"Clever boy," I whispered back. I leaned down to his lips and kissed him. He met my lips eagerly, and happily sucked on my tongue when I slipped it to him, all the while continuing to slowly jerk each other's cocks.

After a little while, I felt myself getting close, but I just kept on arm around Glenn, kept kissing him, and let myself shoot on his stomach, cock, and balls. Pretty soon, I felt him shooting on me as well. When he was done, we separated.

"That was very nice, Davy. Thank you."

I hugged him and whispered in his ear, "Hey, I needed something real nice. Thank YOU." He snuggled contentedly against me and rested his head on my shoulder. We could have stood there for a long time.

Right then we heard the front door bang open, and we jumped apart, each to his own shower. As we stepped out into the locker room, we saw Ricky, another older swimmer - not a star - whom I didn't really know very well.

"You guys coming or going?" With great difficulty I suppressed a grin.

"I'm going, he's coming," pointing a thumb at Glenn.

"Great!" Looking at Glenn. "Want to share the workout?"

"Sure," giving me a disappointed look at he grabbed his suit and waited for Ricky to rinse off in the shower before going down to the pool.

I headed back out to the car with a lot to think about.

--To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 7

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