Chem Lab

By Davy Jones

Published on Feb 3, 2002



Part 5

Then, more seriously, Hank asked, "will you tell me about how you got started with your cousin?"

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Just tell the story."

"Okay, well, his name is Frank, and he's about three years older than me. We always used to play games where we'd undress together or touch each other or things like that, but this one time when I was 13, he and I were sleeping in the basement together, and we had real sex."

"Which means he cornholed you?"

"I WISH you'd stop saying that." Then, with a grin, "Yeah, among other things, that's what happened. We'd actually tried to do it before, but he couldn't get it to go in. But I think of everything before that as just us being kids fooling around, if that makes any sense."

"Sort of. So it was just the fact that you guys actually did it? Trying didn't count?"

"No." I thought that over for a moment. "What made this time different from all the rest, though, was it was the first time I knew what we were doing was 'queer.'"

"So why'd you do it?"

"I didn't want to at first. I told myself I was going to say no. But the instant he touched me, it felt so good . . . touched me on the STOMACH, pervert. No, don't respond to that!" We both giggled for a moment. "So anyway it felt so good when he touched me that I forgot everything else. It seemed silly that I hadn't wanted to do this."

"So then what happened?"

"You want technical details?" I smiled at him. I was actually pleased that he seemed so interested. Maybe he'd be interested enough to try some of it out after all.

He got a big grin on his face and said, "Strictly scientific curiosity, you understand."

"Well, okay. So I felt his hand on my stomach and it felt so good I quit trying to push it away. I just lay there and let him feel me up for a while. He slipped it under my pajamas and found my dick, and I heard him make a satisfied noise when he found it was already hard. Then he took my hand and guided it to his dick."

"He hard too?"

"Yeah, and it seemed to be enormous. Long and thick both. He'd grown since the last time we'd played. Of course, he was 16 and I was just 13, so it may not really have been so big as I imagine it to be now."

"You two jerk off together before?"

"I'd jerked him off before, but he'd never seem me cum. Anyway, we got naked and he started to suck on me."

"You do him too?"

"Yeah. I'd done it before, actually, and he knew I wouldn't do it unless he did it first."

"He cum in your mouth?"

"Not right then, no. Not before either. Anyway, we took turns at that for a while, and then he turned me on my side so he could try to 'cornhole' me."

"Hey, that's MY word!"

Grinning again - I wondered if he could tell I was hard just telling the story - "Anyway, something else that was new was that somehow he'd brought a little jar of Vaseline with him, and he used that to loosen me up first."

"Didn't it hurt? It hurts when the doctor puts his finger up there."

"No, but I think that's because he took more time that the doctor does. Also, I think being sexually excited makes things easier to do in general."

He just nodded, so I went on.

"Anyway, after he'd fingered me a bit, I felt his dick up against me. That actually felt really good at first, just pressing against me there, and the harder he pressed, the better it felt, up to a point."

"Then what?"

"Then it hurt - a lot. But I didn't say anything to him, I just let him keep going."

"Why not?"

"Well, among other things, my brother was asleep in a sleeping bag in the floor."


"When his folks visit, we boys would always sleep together in the basement. His parents would take my bedroom upstairs, and his sister would take my brother's room. Same thing when we'd visit their place."

"Okay, I get it. So you two waited until he was asleep?"

"Well, we tried to be real quiet anyway. So even though it hurt, I really wanted to be quiet. I don't blame him. I think he tried to be slow and easy."

"You never talked to him about it?"

"I've never talked to anyone about it except you."

"Not even Hugh?"

"Hugh and I haven't exactly talked a lot about what we've been doing."

"Let's get back to that. So what happened next?"

"I think he came real fast. I don't remember him taking more than one or two strokes inside me. Then he pulled out."

"So he didn't make you cum?"

"Yeah, after resting just a bit, he started stroking me, and then switched to sucking me. When I got close, I tried to signal him to stop, but he let me shoot in his mouth and swallowed. I was amazed. Of course, after that, he expected me to do it too."

"Right then?"

"No, we were done for the night. This was over the next couple of days. I wouldn't let him try to fuck me again because it still hurt."

"So what's it taste like?"

"Promise not to laugh?"


"It tastes like snot."


"Well, I mean it tastes like the snot that's always running down the back of your throat. I guess that really means it doesn't taste like much of anything."

"You're not really making this sound like it was much fun, you know."

"Well, in a way it wasn't. Every time I was with him, I always felt used. Except for sex, he'd rather play with my brother, for example. "

"Was he the only guy before Hugh?"

"No, the next time I was down at their place, I went alone and spent a week in the summer. He introduced me to a couple of his friends, and we all fooled around together a few times."

"Hmmm." He seemed uncertain what to say next.

"Ask me anything, Hank. I really don't want any more secrets between us."

"Are you in love with Hugh?"

"No, but I love YOU, Hank." There. I said it.

He looked startled, then smiled and said, "I love you too, Davy, but I'm still not going to let you cornhole me - and please don't ask me to do it to you either."

I felt really crushed, and my face must have showed it, because he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back, real tight, and just enjoyed being close to him. Then I said, "we'd better stop this before someone comes by and gets half the wrong idea." We both laughed and disengaged.

"Y'all okay now?" The exaggerated accent was back, and that was a good sign at least.

"As much as I'm going to be. What shall we tell Hugh?"

"Ah rekon ah'll tease him some at phys-ed, but ah won't tell anyone."

"Maybe you should tell him I was looking for him - something about finishing a project."

We both giggled again.

About that point, the bell rang, and we went back to our classes. I felt a lot better after talking to Hank, but I was still disappointed that he didn't want us to be lovers, and part of me was still hopeful it might happen after all - somehow.

That evening, unsurprisingly, Hugh came by again.

"Um, Hank said you wanted to see me." He blushed and looked at the floor.

"Yeah, I guess we should finish our project." I headed for the door. "Come on." He followed me back up to the Chem Lab.

I pulled off his shirt and started working on his pants. "What if someone comes in again?" he asked nervously.

"They won't." I said soothingly, undoing his belt and unzipping his pants.. "Last night was a fluke." I pulled his jeans and shorts down to his knees and motioned him to sit on the table.

"What did he say?" Obediently climbing onto the table. He seemed to have forgotten that last time he'd asked if we'd take turns being fucked. I wasn't going to argue the point.

"He was surprised, but promised not to tell. He give you a hard time in phys-ed today?" I undid his shoes, pulled off his socks, and then stripped his pants and shorts off. He was 100% naked again, dangling his legs off the table.

"Nah, he was cool. Smiled at me a lot. Think he'd want to play this game too?"

"No, he says he's not even a little interested." I gripped his cock and started to suck him. He sighed and lifted his legs onto my shoulders. Now at this point, I still hadn't undressed at all, so there was a lot of inequality in our present situation. Neither of us really needed to be completely naked for this, of course, but he was SO pretty, I really loved seeing his smooth, lanky blond body.

"That's too bad. He's really nice."

"Yeah, I know." And I wondered what Hank would say if I asked if he just wanted to watch Hugh and me doing it - given that he had that "scientific curiosity." The thought of him watching us made me even harder..

He'd leaned back a bit, supporting himself on the table on his elbows, so I could reach under his balls and touch his asshole. I found the Vaseline in my pocket and started to lube him again. Hugh giggled a little as he felt my finger down there.

"Man that feels so nice."

I fairly easily got my finger up into him, and he moaned with pleasure.

"Hugh, have you done this a lot with other guys?"

I pulled my pants part-way down and started lubing my dick.

"I never did anything like this before except with you, why?"

I started rubbing my dick up against his hole

"Well, it just seems to be so easy for you. Did you ever finger yourself or put anything up there before? A finger or something?"

He blushed very red - as only a very fair blond boy can do - and said, "Um"

I laughed, even as I started to slide into him, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Sometimes I use a coke bottle."

I resisted the urge to laugh. "The whole bottle?"

"No, just the top part. Is that really weird?"

By now I was all the way inside him again. I leaned over him and kissed him - I really liked this position - and tongued him for a while.

"Do you like my dick better than your coke bottle?"

Softly, "yeah."

"Good. I love being inside you." I went back to kissing him and started pumping his ass. He made contented noises. Again, I came pretty fast - not as fast as the time before, but still fairly soon. When I was completely spent, I broke my lip lock.

"Done already?" He looked up at me a bit disappointed.

"We could rest a bit and I could probably go again. You want to cum now?" I started idly jerking on his cock.

"Oh, that's real nice." Taking that for a yes, I kept jerking, and soon enough he shot all over his stomach.

"Ready for me to pull out?"

"Yeah, kinda." I eased myself back out of his ass.

"Not as much fun after you cum, is it?"

He sat up on top of the table, dangling his long legs off the side. "No, but it seems like such a good idea BEFORE."

I hitched my pants back up. "You ready to go back to the dorm, or do you want to hang out here a bit longer?" I collected up his clothes from the floor.

"Thanks," taking his clothes from me and starting to dress himself, "I think I'd better be going."

"Feeling okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, it was great!" He grinned again and slid off the table to pull his pants up.

"Glad you liked it." I stepped over to him, put my arms around him, and kissed him on the mouth. He hugged me back and gave as good as he got. "So are you okay with what we're doing?"

"Yeah, I think so. Do you want to keep doing it?"

"For now, sure." We hugged a bit more, then he kissed me on the cheek and headed out the door. I cleaned up and made my way home.

Next: Chapter 6

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