Chem Lab

By Davy Jones

Published on Aug 23, 2002



Part 10 (Conclusion)

"Sure does get dark early now!"

"I think that happens every December, Pigmy."

Glenn, Phillip, and I were climbing the stairs to the Chem Lab. We'd set out directly after swim practice, and Phillip already seemed considerably more excited than before. He'd clearly been at pains to conceal a hard-on after practice.

I unlocked the door and let us in, then I pretended to lock it behind me.

"We wouldn't want to be interrupted, would we?"

"God, it's DARK in here."

"Yeah, but we can't turn on the lights or we'll be seen." I walked a few steps to where I wanted to be. "We don't have to go very far in here."

"Hmmm." Phillip felt one of the lab benches. "These tables could come in handy."

I grinned in the darkness. "Yeah, you're right about that."

"Okay, get naked." Even in the darkness, I could see him doffing his coat and unbuttoning his shirt. We followed suit.

"Even shoes and socks?" Glenn seemed unsure about that.

"Yes, stupid."

My eyes were better adjusted to the dark and I could see us all fairly well now, all stark naked.

Phillip reached over and grabbed my cock roughly. "So you two will do whatever I tell you to if I suck this guy just for a minute?"

We nodded, "yeah, but you need to do it for a whole minute."

"You got a watch?"

"I do," Glenn offered.

"You cum and I'll kill you, you understand?"

"I won't."

Slowly Phillip got on his knees and took my cock in his mouth. Just as he did, there was a tremendous flash of light. He jerked his mouth off of me and we all looked in the direction it had come from.

"What the fuck?!"

There was another flash. Phillip stood and there was a third flash.

"I'm going to KILL someone!"

He tried to move towards the flashes but they'd destroyed his night vision and he bumped into a lab bench. He cursed and kept going. Glen and I grabbed hold of him and tried to hinder him. Then we heard the door open, and Phillip ducked under a bench for a second, before he realized it had been someone LEAVING the Chem Lab - not someone coming in from outside.

"I'm going to beat the SHIT out of you two!"

Suddenly the lights came on.

"I don't think you're going to do anything to anyone." Hank was standing at the switch, half-way across the room, with Hugh beside him. "Why don't you guys get dressed before Mr. Brown sees the lights and comes in here?"

"Who the fuck are you?" Nevertheless, we all - Phillip included - were scrambling back into our clothes.

Hank smiled, "Let's just say I'm not the one who just took a picture of Phillip Mitchell sucking a cock."

Phillip froze for a second.

"Better keep dressing - Brown could be here any second."

Soon as he got his shoes on, still muttering darkly, Phillip stormed out the door.

"Don't worry. Mark parked his car near the exit. He should be long gone by now. You guys ready to head out?"

"Sure. By the way, Hank, Hugh, this is Glenn." They solemnly shook hands. Then we piled into my car and headed over to Mark's place. He was waiting for us, and we all crowded into his darkroom.

"I can only do black and white, but that should be good enough for what you want."

We watched as the first picture emerged. It clearly showed Phillip's head and shoulders and his mouth on my dick. It showed my body up to my nipples and down to my knees.

"I'm SO glad my face isn't in that pic!"

"I could have cropped it out even if it were, Davy."

The second picture showed Phillip looking directly at the camera, with my erect dick right next to his head. If anyone had any doubts as to the identity of the cocksucker in the first pic, this would eliminate them.

"That was smart of you to take several of these pics." Glenn sounded impressed.

"A good photographer always takes a lot of shots and usually only keeps a few. These are both very good, though." Mark didn't try to conceal the pride in his voice.

The third pic showed Phillip from head to toe, stark naked, and fully erect.

"Man, that guy is BEAUTIFUL." Hugh had been pretty quiet up to this point. Technically, he wasn't even supposed to be off campus, but that seemed such a minor infraction in comparison. Anyway, it seemed wrong not to bring him.

"Think these will be good enough for your purpose?"

"Oh definitely." Hank sounded pleased. "Now we just need to decide how to deliver them."

"I can hand them to him, I guess."

"No, I think we should do it together. Just in case he tries something stupid."

"All of us?" Hugh sounded concerned about that.

"No, I think just Hank and I will be enough."

Mark found a large folder that we could put the pics in - the kind that has a metal clasp you can fold down - and he put the three prints in it and handed it to us.

"I can keep the negatives here, if you want. I don't know if Phillip is crazy enough to try to break into someone's house, but I doubt he'd come here." We thanked him profusely and headed out.

I drove Hugh back to school, and drove Hank and Glenn to their respective houses, after which I went home and crashed.

The next morning I woke up early and perused those prints again. Hugh was right about how beautiful Phillip was - on the outside, anyway. I still couldn't believe we'd pulled this off. I popped them back into the folder and headed to class.

Hank and I managed to find Phillip.

"What do you two want?"

"We thawt you'd lak yore copies of last night's pitchures." Phillip turned pale. "You kin look at 'em rite-here, or maybe that empty classroom mite be more private?"

We stepped into the empty room, closed the door, and let Phillip look at the photos. His mouth hung open and he looked dazed. Finally, very softly, he said, "I didn't think you really took any pictures. Even if you did, I didn't think you could get them developed."

I looked at him coldly. "So now I'm going to tell you what you're going to do."

He struggled with himself for a moment, then said, "okay, I'll do anything you tell me to." That had a familiar sound to it.

"You're going to leave us alone."

He waited a moment. "That's it?"

"Yeah, that's all we want. That means you don't call us names, you don't tell people anything about us, and you definitely don't try to have sex with us."

He looked relieved. "God, that'll be no problem." Then he thought for a moment, "so will you destroy those?"

"Maybe someday. For now they're our guarantee of your good behavior."

He looked unhappy at this, but he nodded.

We walked off into a brand new world.

The weekend, Glenn spent the night with me, and we enjoyed the special pleasure of sleeping in each other's arms. Making love with no pressure was wonderful, and we chatted casually even as we touched each other, or stroked each other, pausing now and then for a kiss on the cheek -- or even on the dick! We took our time, sometimes sucking, sometimes rimming, 69ing for a while then cuddling some more. I actually came in his mouth before I intended to, but I was still happy to continue pleasuring him even after I'd cum. I realized I didn't feel guilty or dirty or anything now - just warm and happy. That had never been true for me before. I let him fuck me again, and he was so happy being inside me that I glowed too, and he even managed to make me cum again before we fell asleep.

In the morning, we swapped roles, and he happily spread his legs for me, freely offering himself for my pleasure, enjoying my thrusts up his rectum and my tongue in his mouth. Then we showered together for the first time, affectionately soaping and washing each other.

Life was good.

True to his word, Phillip didn't bother us again. Hugh, however, made a special point of seeking him out, and they apparently reached some kind of accommodation. In hindsight, it does seem like they were made for each other. Let's just say they had the right chemistry.

--The End--.

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