Chem Lab

By Davy Jones

Published on Jul 24, 2001



Part 1

"You gotta help me, man!"

I chuckled. "Run that by me again, Hugh. I didn't quite follow you."

Hugh was about a year older than me, maybe 17, and much taller - over 6 feet to my 5'9" or so, but real thin. I liked Hugh, even though I thought of him as kind of dumb, partly because he was real nice (something upper classmen rarely were - especially to me) and partly because he had this grin that was just adorable. His blond hair and blue eyes didn't hurt either, although he'd have been cute in any hue. (Read that again carefully. Now maybe you start to figure out why I was unpopular.)

"So when you took Mr. Brown's computer class last quarter, you used your ID to modify your athletic assignment?"

I was impressed. I knew our system had no security at all, but simply knowing which program to run and what to tell it was more than plenty, or so I had thought. Maybe Hugh wasn't such a dufus after all. Anyway, I couldn't blame him for wanting to get out of the mandatory after-school athletics. One of the drawbacks of attending an expensive private prep school was their insistence on you having a sound body as well as a sound mind.

"Yeah. I changed my code to 'Special'" (which meant "exempted,") "but I've been really scared someone will discover it, so I tried to change it back, but my ID doesn't work anymore."

He had good reason to be scared. Tampering with the computer like that would at least land him in trouble - maybe get him kicked out, depending on what other kinds of trouble he'd been in. The computer was still too new for the school to have real rules about it yet, but it was Mr.Brown's baby, and the Master of our Science Department was not a man to be trifled with. Even I was afraid of him, and I was one of his favorites.

One of the advantages of being in an expensive private prep school was that we actually had a computer - this was 1975 - but there were very few of us who got to do much with it. As you might guess, I was one of the few. I'd actually helped write a lot of the software the school used to track things like athletic assignments.

"That's probably because we disabled it when the new classes started. But if I add you to something new, won't the coach notice when you suddenly start showing up? It's been two weeks now!"

"No, I've been going to Phys Ed anyway."

"What do you say when the coach asks why your name isn't on the sheet?"

He just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. I felt my heart beat faster - he looked so adorable and vulnerable.

"I just say 'Hey, they must have a bug or something. He just tells me to get it straightened out."

I grinned back at him and shook my head.

"I should make you suck me off or something to do this for you, you know."

This was a scary moment. No one actually knew I was gay, although I'd actually had a bit of experience even by then, but I figured I could pass it off as just being a smart ass if I had to. Besides, given the subject, Hugh was unlikely to want to disclose it to anyone. But I was still nervous.

"Thanks, man!" He grinned back at me.

Did he really understand what I just said? I was sort of trembling at this point, but I told him I'd be back after supper - as usual - and he could meet me in the computer center. He wandered off and I went to my own athletic assignment - the swim team. It's bad to have a hard-on in a swim suit, so the less said about practice that day, the better.

Hugh was a boarding student, which meant he lived on campus in a dorm. I was a day student, which meant I lived with my folks in town. Our school consisted of roughly equal proportions of Days and Boarders, and we generally didn't get along too well. What made Hugh an exception was that he'd been friendly when he was taking the computer class, and I'd helped him out when he had problems with the programs he had to write for it - which had been all of them, hence my impression of him as a dufus.

Anyway, I finished practice and picked up my regular carpool: my little brother and one of the neighbor boys. I got home, changed out of the school uniform and sort of rushed through dinner. Then I announced I was heading back to the computer room for a while (something I did 99% of the time), and drove back alone. Just before I left, I tucked a small jar of Vaseline into my coat pocket - just in case. (I told you I'd had a little experience.)

I unlocked the computer room and turned the light back on. One of the privileges of being one of Mr. Brown's "Skylab Crew" was being trusted with a key. In fact, I had keys to all the labs. Then I pretended to work on a program. Hugh turned up about an hour later.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

"Pretty good. Want to follow me up to the Chem Lab first?"


Hmmm. Still no questions. I unlock the Chem Lab and we walk in, but I don't turn on the lights. I lock the door behind me.

"Aren't there lights in here?"

"I thought it would stay more private if I didn't turn them on."

"Whoa man, you're scaring me now!" His voice actually got kind of high there - he almost squeeked. But he didn't run.

"Shhh, keep it down," I whispered. "Very few people have the key to this place, and the door is locked."

With a trembling hand, I reached over and rubbed his tummy. I could feel him shaking too. I let my hand slide down to his crotch, and I could feel a half erection through his jeans. I groped him a bit and was rewarded by feeling him get fully hard.

"I think you like this," I whispered.

I felt hugely relieved. (That was too close.) He didn't reply, but I quickly undid my jeans and slipped jeans and briefs both down to my knees. Then I guided his hand to my erection. He made a small noise, but didn't say anything. His hand gripped my cock and started feeling it up and down awkwardly.

"That feels nice." I put both hands on his shoulders and pressed down, signaling him to get on his knees.

"I don't know if I can do this, man," he whispered, his voice shaking.

"Just get down and touch it to the tip of your nose, okay?"

Wordlessly, he knelt. I felt the wet tip of my cock touch his nose. I rested a hand on his head and stroked his hair lightly.

"Kiss it."

"Uh . . ."

"Go ahead. I won't tell anyone."

He complied.

"Now, lick it like a lollipop. Come on."

Hesitantly, he started licking, and I felt his warm, wet tongue on my shaft.

"That feels SO nice! Now, wrap your lips around the head of it."


"Suck on just the tip of it."

I held my breath here - I wasn't sure he'd do it, but I felt his puckered lips on my cock head and felt some suction. So I slid my hand behind his head and gently pulled him towards me. I felt a small amount of resistance, but he opened his mouth up and let me do what I wanted. I slid it into his mouth up to where his fist (still gripping my dick) stopped it. I held his head in place with one hand and stroked his hair with the other.

"That's SO nice!" I whispered. "Now purse your lips over your teeth so I can't feel them." Much better! "Okay, keep your hand up against your mouth and slide them both back and forth - just an inch or so is good enough - yeah, that's the idea!"

Hugh was actually sucking me off! My eyes had adjusted to the dark now, and it was heavenly watching that blond head working away at my crotch.

"Real good, man! Keep that pace - don't try to slow down or speed up - and don't let anything interrupt you. Whatever happens, don't stop until I tell you to."

This was so exciting, though, that it didn't take more that a minute before I felt myself getting ready to shoot. I held it back as long as I could, and then fired several long, hard shots, right into Hugh's mouth. He made a noise, but, somewhat to my surprise, he followed instructions and kept sucking.

"Okay," I whispered, stroking his head, "milk it down all the way, then pull off and swallow." He removed his hand and did as he was told.

"Did you like that?" he wiped his hand across his mouth. "It wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be."

"It was very nice, Hugh. Would you like me to do something for you now?" I pulled up my shorts and jeans and started to buckle them up.

"Sure!" He started to get up.

"Not so fast." I put my hands on his shoulders and pressed him back down. "I have something a little different in mind."

He settled back on his knees. "Like what?"

"Pull off your shirt first, then pull down your pants and jeans."

He complied, while I finished dressing and fished out the jar of Vaseline. "Lean forward so you're on your hands and knees." I got behind him and reached under him to find his dick, resting part of my weight on his back. He was very hard.

"Enjoying yourself, I see."

He giggled nervously, "Yeah."

I rubbed some of the Vaseline onto his cock and let my hand slide along it.

"Like that?"

"Man! I never felt anything like that."

"Don't shoot yet. Hold on."

I got up and grabbed some paper towels.

"When you cum, shoot in these. We don't want to leave a mess in here." I handed him the towels. Then I put some Vaseline on my left hand and started to rub it onto his asshole.

"Hey! What's that for?"

"Shhh. How's it feel?" I leaned over him again, and resumed stroking his cock, but still rubbing his hole too.

"Oh God, it feels good."

I stroked him for a bit, then paused, because I thought he was getting close to cumming. I kept fingering him, though, slowly working my index finger a little bit deeper into him. He was very, very tight.

"Don't stop! I'm getting close!"

"I know. I'm not ready for you to cum just yet."

When my finger was in to the first knuckle, I resumed stroking his cock. Again, when I thought he was getting too close, I stopped. By then my finger was halfway in him. He moaned softly in disappointment.

"Am I hurting you?"

"No, it feels real good. But I really want to cum, man!"

"In a minute." I smiled at him in the darkness.

After a bit, my finger slide all the way into him, and I resumed stroking him. He signed contentedly. Deep inside him, I started moving my finger around in circles, pressing outward against his tight ring.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah!"

"Not so loud!" I whispered. He toned it down a bit, but I felt his body shudder, and I knew he was ejaculating into the towels. As he did, I pulled my finger out of him.

"Okay, man, stop!"

I released him, and wiped my finger on a paper towel while he dressed himself.

"We still have plenty of time to correct your record before lights out. Let me make sure the coast is clear." I peered out the door, but no one was there. He followed me out silently and I locked up.

He was very quiet while I logged into the computer and updated his record, speaking only when I asked him for his student number. After it was all done, I asked him, "Are you mad at me now?"

"Not really. Just a little freaked out. I guess you did this before?"

"Yeah, several times, actually."

"Really? Uh, what I did, or what you did?"

"What? Oh, I get it. Both. With my cousin and some of his friends down in Georgia. No one you'd know."

"You swallow it too?"

"Yeah. It doesn't taste like anything, I don't think. Does that part bug you?"

"Some. I keep thinking about it being in my stomach." He patted himself there.

I looked at his hand on his stomach and grinned. "I keep thinking about that too." He blushed.

"I'm getting hard again," he whispered.

-- to be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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