Cheating with Jake

By Matty N

Published on Feb 27, 2018



Hi guys,

This story is a one-off inspired by a conversation I had with one of the readers of my other stories. At the moment, there is no intention to turn it into a series but I thought it would be hot as a one-off.

All copyrights are mine. If you aren't of legal age then it's your decision to continue reading and take the consequences.

I love getting feedback from the readers so please feel free to email me on

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Cheating with Jake.

This wasn't right. This wasn't who I was but I couldn't help it. It was just all too tempting. I'd tried to be a good boy. I'd tried to resist it but I didn't have the strength and now I was doing something that I'd sworn that I would never do. But here I am; my little 5ft9 skinny frame on my knees. His hands in my short blond hair, holding me in place and my blue eyes watering as I look up at him.

How did this happen? I've been in a relationship for the last three years and been completely happy in that. I've never even thought about being with anyone else and our sex life was great. I mean... sure, I didn't get to bottom at all anymore because my boyfriend is a complete bottom and I've had to ignore all of my kinks because he just isn't into them but we do have sex regularly and I do enjoy it. Well, I thought I did before meeting Jake.

I'd been on the train, coming back to Leeds from Birmingham where I'd been for the weekend visiting family. The train was busy but I'd managed to get a seat given that I was travelling all on my own. The majority of the journey had been completely uneventful; I'd sat there, listening to music and playing around on my phone. I hadn't even checked out the other guys in the carriage because that just wasn't something that I did anymore. But I couldn't ignore Jake after seeing him for the first time.

The carriage was starting to empty as we got closer and closer to Leeds and I first spotted him as the man in front of him left the train. He was gorgeous - absolutely stunning - with his short brown hair and angled jaw. He hadn't noticed me but I couldn't help but stare at him. He raised his head up and our eyes met. Immediately, I looked away, blushing, but when I looked back towards him he was still looking at me.

A smile appeared across his face; a crooked, dirty one which sent electric pulses through my body straight to my cock. I couldn't believe this was happening to me - I was hardening start here on the train just because I was looking at this stunning lad and he was staring back at me. He turned his body so that it was facing towards me with his legs spread apart. He was resting against the window with one leg bent up with his huge trainer on the empty seat next to him. His other leg was on the floor and I had a direct and uninterrupted view of his crotch.

He didn't say anything. He just kept eye contact with me as he moved his hand down to his cock. Starting to rub it through his jeans, I could see the bulge there growing under his hand. My breathing started to quicken and my own cock was beginning to strain against my own jeans. Things didn't stop there though: this beautiful man used his fingers to flick open the button at the top of his jeans and slowly pulled down the zip.

I'm sure that my heart stopped when he revealed what his jeans had been hiding. Right there, in the middle of the train carriage, this stud pulled out his cock. It was huge; at least 8 inches long and really thick. He was uncut and, straight away, he pulled back the skin to reveal a large head. This cock was exactly the type I loved when I used to bottom and I could feel my hole throb at the memory of what it felt like to be well and truly fucked.

He started to wank, there and then in the middle of the busy train carriage. The sounds of people all around as he worked his foreskin over his cock over and over, never once breaking eye contact with me. The sound of my phone pulled me away. My boyfriend had sent me a message asking how the train was getting on - we were supposed to be meeting up and going out when I got back into Leeds. I was about to reply when my eyes flicked back up at the sexy man wanking his cock in front of me. To my disappointment, he'd put his cock away but was still looking directly at me. He nodded his head towards the back of the carriage and then stood up and walked towards the toilets there.

Oh fuck. He wants me to follow him. In this busy carriage, he wants me to go into the toilets with him. Three years ago, I'd have jumped at this - I used to be quite the nasty little slut - but now, I don't do this sort of thing. I mean, I have a boyfriend for fucks sake. So why do I so desperately want to follow him? Why can't I resist the lure of his monster cock?

I paused for a moment and I've got to give myself credit for that. I did try to resist - to stay loyal to my boyfriend of three years - but it just wasn't going to happen. I needed this. I needed to taste this huge cock and I hoped that I'd get the opportunity to take it inside me as well. My hole was so desperate to be fucked once again.

Once I'd made my mind up, it took no time at all for me to get to the toilet door. He'd closed it behind him and I genuinely didn't know what to do. Looking around, there was no-one sat in this part of the train so I knocked on the door. This guy has some bloody balls because the door slid open to reveal him stood there already naked. He knew I was going to come; he hadn't even spoken to me and he knew that I was going to come and meet him back here!

This guy was sexy as fuck! He was definitely tall, at least 6ft4, with a good manly build. He was hairy - it was trimmed short over his torso but his legs and arms were covered. He had the perfect look and was exactly the guy that I would have begged to fuck me when I was single. And then there was that cock: Wow! It was amazing with its long shaft and big head. I had to have it.

"I shouldn't do this," I heard myself say as I stepped into the toilet, letting the door close behind me. He didn't say anything. "Really," I said as I reached this manly stud in front of me, "I have a boyfriend." Again, no response came from him. "I really... I can't." That might have been more believable if I hadn't been licking my lips when I said it. He just smiled at me, placed his big hand on my head and pushed me down. With only a slight bit of pressure, I fell to my knees and gasped as his powerful cock ended up only centimetres from my face. It was throbbing and I could already see a bead of precum on the tip. No more words needed to be spoken. Without wasting another second, my tongue went right to it. Fucking hell - he tasted delicious and it wasn't even his actual spunk! I needed more and that desire overrode any second thoughts that I had; my tongue wrapped around the head of his cock as I took it into my mouth.

He moaned as my tongue pushed at the end of his foreskin and started to explore his thick cock head. Whilst I worked on his monster cock, his hands took hold of my head and he started to run his fingers through my hair; he was beginning to push towards me and it was clear that he wanted more of his cock in my mouth. I was more than open to this. Opening my mouth wide, I stuck out my tongue and made it obvious that my throat was more than ready for whatever he wanted to use it for.

Well, he didn't need any more signals. With a tightening grip on my head, his sexy stud of a man forced his monster cock all the way down my throat. Aw fuck, I gagged like a bitch! My eyes started to water and my throat was trying to force him out. I actually managed it and started to cough but there was no way that he was going to let me stop him from using my throat. He didn't even wait for me to stop coughing before he tried to force his cock all the way back inside me again.

This was a completely change for me again. My boyfriend doesn't really like his cock being sucked because he's really submissive and he doesn't like doing anything that makes it seem like I'm subservient to him. It's been a very long time since I've deepthroated a cock this big and, honestly, I was struggling. Saliva was dribbling out of my open mouth and his stud's monster was coated in throat slime. I was looking up at him and I could barely keep my eyes open because they were watering so much! This wasn't a blowjob: it was a throatfuck and he knew exactly what he was doing.

It had been so long since I had felt like this: like a used slut here just for the pleasure of a man with a monster cock. I hadn't realised how much I had craved this feeling. I think part of me had forgotten how it could feel and convinced myself that the tiny portion of the sexual world that I got to experience was actually all there was for me. I'd been so wrong. Feeling this stud's cock slide down my throat and choke me just gave me such powerful and sensual feelings. However, all too soon, it was over. The train was pulling into the Leeds station. This was too much! I couldn't have this taste of cock for it to just end before I'd even made him cum. Pulling off his cock, I looked up at him from my knees. "I know somewhere," I said with a pleading look in my eyes, "I don't want to stop yet." He looked down at me with a mixture of contempt and lust. His face said everything: it told me how he regarded me as nothing but a worthless slut but how he wanted so much to shoot his load into me as well. That look turned me on more than my boyfriend had for our entire relationship. After a few moments pause, which he used to gather his clothes and start to dress, he spoke the first words that he'd actually said to me. His voice was deep and gruff. "Ok," he said, "Lead on."

Now, in truth, I had no idea of anywhere to go but I knew that I couldn't give up the opportunity to have sex with this guy. He had me more turned on then I think I'd ever been and I needed him to make full use of me. I thought about walking to the station toilets but, given that Leeds is a busy station, I didn't think that would be a good idea. We could go down into the nearby alley next to the station but that's a regularly used footpath and it's still light outside. Then it hit me: the station is right near the gay area of Leeds City Centre and next to one of the clubs is the sauna. I could take him there and have all the fun we wanted! What could I do about my boyfriend though? He'd be expecting me home and I knew that I wanted more than just a quickie with this guy. After debating back and forth in my mind, I sent him a message saying that the train was going to be delayed because another one had broken down near the station. Really, I should have thought of something better - especially as he could find me out simply by looking on the website for the rail company - but, in the moment, that was all I had.

This guy and I didn't really talk as we walked towards the sauna. I don't know whether we would have had anything to chat about but neither of us really tried to be honest. This wasn't a date and we didn't want to get to know each other. Cock was the most important aspect of our meeting and we didn't want to mess around with small talk and have that get in the way of the sex that both of us really needed.

At the sauna is where we encountered our first problem. Years ago, before meeting my boyfriend, I'd been a regular member. So regular, in fact, that every single member of staff had known me on sight and I got more than my money's worth given that I was in there, getting pounded by big cocks, at least once or twice every single week. Since my relationship began, all that had stopped and my membership had definitely lapsed - in my defence, I'd never thought I'd need to use it again! A visit to the sauna was £10 which, if you managed to find a hot guy, was pretty good value. Unfortunately, you couldn't get in for a visit without first paying for a £50 membership. When the guy at reception told us that, this hot stud beside me just laughed and told me that there was no way he was paying that.

I panicked. I literally had no other ideas of where we could go to make this happen and, when I was this close, I couldn't stand the thought of it all just ending now. I can't believe that I did this - that he had turned me on so much that my cock overrode my brain in a big way. I ended up paying for both of us to start memberships and for the visit. £120 paid out, which I'd have to make sure I hid on my bank statement, just so that I could get back on the cock that I'd had a taste of on the train. My opinion of myself was spiralling down by the second: not only was I a cheat but I'm willing to pay out to make sure that I can get the cock I need. What a dirty little slut I am.

My plan had been to get undressed, leave our clothes in the lockers and head for one of the private rooms but this guy had other ideas. After stripped off himself, he took my clothes from me and stored them in his locker with his own. He'd said to me that there was no point getting separate lockers seeing as we were here together - if only I'd known what he had in store for me.

He asked me to give him a bit of a tour of the sauna, given that he'd not been here before and he now had a membership. I now know that he wasn't bothered about seeing the facilities or anything like that. No, he just wanted to know which area was the most public because he wasn't interested in using me in one of the tiny dark rooms. He wanted to use me in plain sight of every other guy in there.

When we entered the main room, he placed his hands on my shoulders and forced me back down to my knees. I was about to complain but, as soon as he rubbed his huge 8-inch cock over my lips, I forgot what I possibly had to say and my entire focus was taken up by this monster dick in front of me. I opened my mouth and reached forward for it but he stopped me by pulling back my hair. "No," he stated, "You need to ask for it." Aw fuck. This guy knew exactly what to do to turn me on. I'd not felt this slutty in a long time and I started begging straight away. I wasn't just saying please or asking him to let me suck him; I was literally begging and pleading for his cock. My voice didn't even sound like my own as I practically promised to do anything he wanted if he'd only let me taste it.

Obviously, there was no chance that he was ever going to take his cock away from me but the sense of relief that flooded through me when he gave me permission to suck on him was intense. I was determined to do a good job and to please this man. His cock head felt familiar in my mouth now but no less amazing than it had on the train. Using my tongue to explore it as much as I could, I continued down his shaft until it was buried at the back of my throat. There was no warm up this time; the stud went straight to fucking my throat. He was ramming his cock into me so hard that I began, once again, to splutter and gag around it. He was moaning much louder than he had on the train - clearly he had been muffling his own pleasure and now, in the sauna, he felt free to let go. The sounds of his pleasure drew some attention and the other users of his place were definitely looking over from the showers and the jacuzzi to see what we were doing.

That's when I made a mistake. I was trying to see how the others in the area were reacting and, in doing so, I wasn't fully concentrating on this man's monster cock and I ended up catching him with my teeth. "Argh fuck!" he cried out and pulled me off of him. Without warning, he clipped me around the back of the head. "You useless cocksucker! The only thing you're good for and you can't even do that right!" Being spoken to like this was such a turn on for me and, whilst I was kicking myself for disappointing me, my cock had never been harder. "I can't trust you with my cock right now, slut," he told me, "You need to show me that you can use that mouth properly." He paused for a few moments before his eyes flashed with an idea. He took hold of my hair and started walking over to the bench at the side of the room. I, of course, had no choice but to follow given that he was actually dragging me. When we got there, he sat down on the bench and lifted up his legs so that they were resting on it as well. He ordered me to get right down on the ground and to worship his feet with the same focus and care that I should have worshipped his cock with.

To be honest with you, I'd never done anything like that before and never even thought about it. But the idea of touching any part of this stud was so fucking hot that I didn't even question it. I just threw myself down onto the ground in front of him and placed my lips onto one of the soles of his size 12 manly feet. It only took a couple of licks before I was questioning why I'd not been doing this all of my life - I loved it! Being at this guy's big feet felt so right; it was like I was finally fulfilling my purpose of giving pleasure to a real man. The way he moaned while I licked his soles just confirmed this and he was clearly getting off on making me do this.

He told me to stand up and straddle over him facing down towards his feet so, of course, I did it immediately. I felt his hands on my back, pushing me down so that my bum was facing towards him, about halfway down his body, and my head was back in his feet. "Suck my toes, you filthy little foot slut. Get them in your mouth while I loosen up this little boypussy of yours." He wasted no time at all in getting his fingers to my hole and starting to apply pressure. It had been years since I'd even fingered myself so that moment when he first finger pushed inside me was a headrush of pain and pleasure. I needed something to distract myself with so I got straight down into his big toes like he had asked me to. I wrapped my lips around them and worshipped them as if they were his cock. He particularly liked when I used to tongue around them and it only encouraged him to go further with my hole. He added a second finger and I could feel him moving them apart inside me, trying to stretch me and open me up. This guy wasn't patient and I knew that I'd be taking his cock within the next minute or so, whether I was ready or not.

I was right and it wasn't long before he was pushing me back into the middle of the room and down onto the floor. He told me to keep my face pressed against the cold floor and to raise my bum up as high as it would go. I knew that was coming and the feeling of his cock head against my hole just reminded me how much I had missed this. I needed this to happen and I told him so. "I don't give a fuck what you need," he spat at me, "You are just a worthless cumdump for me to use. Don't start thinking you are special, you nasty little fucker." He punctuated the last word by forcing as much of his cock into me as he could. I'm not ashamed to say that I screamed out. I just wasn't used to this treatment. I am, however, ashamed to admit that I begged me to stop. Of course, he didn't but I'd begged all the same and revealed what a worthless slut I really was. I should have been able to take it straight away and this stud was determined to make me do exactly that.

Even from my position with my head on the floor, I could see the guy's around the room watching him as he force-fucked my hole. They were hard and the majority with either wanking or playing with each other. There were a wide range of guys in there: old, young, tall, short, fat, skinny but every single one of them was now watching me being pounded on the floor like a cheap whore. It was about to get even worse though. "Someone come and shut this slut up," the man fucking me shouted as he rammed his monster cock into me, "I'm sick of his whining and moaning." Well, the rush was instant. It was as if a barrier had been broken and, suddenly, none of the men were worried about interrupting us or crossing any imaginary line. They were all around me. I was pulled up by my hair and a cock was immediately forced into my open mouth. I have no idea who it belonged to; I couldn't see the guy and, for all I knew, he could have been someone I would never have had sex with if given the choice. But right there and then, in that sauna, it wasn't about choice. It was about being used. It was about being the cumdump that this stud had revealed me to me.

To say that I lost myself in the haze of the sex would be an understatement. Everything started changing so quickly. My hands were pulled from the floor and I was given cocks and told to wank them and the dicks in my mouth kept being swapped as different men took their turns. Only one thing was a constant so far: the monster cock forcing itself deeper and deeper into my hole.

This man fucked me, really fucked me, and by the end he had me moaned and groaning like a true slut. I remember hearing him call out, shouting to the group of guys that he was about to shoot his spunk deep inside me. He wasn't telling me because I didn't have a choice about it. He had already made it perfectly clear that I was just there to take his load and be happy about it. And I was. I was so happy about having this man's cum deep inside me. When he exploded, it felt like the floodgates had been opened and I could feel every single jet of spunk as it coated my insides. I groaned out as he pulled his enormous cock from inside me and the feeling of emptiness was terrible. I didn't have to experience it long though because, seconds later, someone else stepped in to fill my spunked up hole with another cock. I have no idea who it was nor do I really care. I was doing my duty as a slut and, in that moment, all I cared about was getting more cock and cum.

I'm not sure what the original man did then. I definitely heard him handing over the key to our locker to someone else (after he'd retrieved his clothes and I was being fucked for the third time) and telling them that they weren't to let me have it until I had made every single guy cum if they wanted me to. I know that, before he left completely, he left me with one parting comment that really reminded me exactly who and what I was.

"My name is Jake, you stupid little slut. Next time, it might be worth asking the name of the guy before you offer up your entire body to his pleasure. You really are one nasty little whore and now every single man in this entire place is going to show you what that truly means."

He was right. I was a whore, a slut, a bitch. I was a cheat and a liar. I was nothing but a cumdump and, what's more, I loved every single second of it.

Thank you for reading this story; I hope you liked it. Please send any feedback, comments or ideas to me at Remember to check out my tumblr (

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