Cheating Anthology: Prestons Bet

By Mark mario

Published on Nov 7, 2022



Cheating Anthology

Preston's Bet

Hello readers! This is Mark! I would like to thank you for enjoying my writing and would like you to remember to donate to Nifty so that we can keep this site going. Also if you would like to support me directly my cash app is $MarkStories. Any amount would be appreciated or send me a message of encouragement at Markniftystories@gmail... Anyway enjoy this and my other stories! Thanks again!

Preston -- 23 5'8" 145 twink-ish body; loves the gay scene and likes to fit in with the crowd

Steven -- 24 6'2" 245 beefy dark muscle body; tolerates the gay scene for Preston's sake and self-confident

Skyler -- 23 5'5" 125 twink with red curls and freckles; revels in the gay scene and owns the room when he gets there.

Halloween night

"Come on! You are going to look great, Daddy!" Preston yelled at the door where his boyfriend was supposed to be finishing getting ready. They were headed to a friend's party. Their first Halloween party as a couple.

"Its hardly even a costume." Steven said as he opened the door. "Its basically just a speedo and some body paint. You have more of a costume than me." Steven was in a speedo yes. However, it also had some thigh straps and a harness, plus the head gear of fake bolts.

"You are Frankenstein's monster. Its perfect. You look sexy Daddy! I am wearing almost the same as a pharaoh. Its gonna be fine and plus I wanna show off my man." Preston knew he didn't like the kind of party they were going to but was happy he had agreed anyways. Who wouldn't want to show off to their peers a man like Steven. You can't blame him.

"Yeah well... lets just go okay. I am gonna need some drinks and wouldn't mind some serious dancing. I did do great on getting a promotion and deserve to celebrate." Steven knew he was hot and was just annoyed that he was going to be pestered all night by a gaggle of twinks.

"Exactly! Now lets get going." Preston grinned and jingled the keys.

After a short drive, they walked into the house with the party already going strong. Familiar faces greeting them at every step into the large frat style house hosting the event. Of course, eyes kept lingering on Preston's big beefy boyfriend a bit more than they needed. That was fine since no one had a shot at him, while Preston was nearby.

"At least it's good music babe and not just the club shit." Steven said as they neared the bar.

"See its gonna be fun!" He patted one meaty pec dismissively. "Look there's Noah! Go say hi and tell him we are here." He pointed to his Steven's friend and that seemed to ease him even more to see someone else is here.

"what's up babe! You made it!" that voice belonged to his BFF. He turned to see a guy more twinky than him in a bride of Frankenstein style costume which the bottom half mostly just a jock and fishnets.

"Hey babe! You already ahead of us?" Preston made them drinks as he waited for Steven to come back.

"Hell yeah! Get your bitch ass in gear and keep up. Glad you guts made it. Where is the big sexy stud?" Skyler looked around just as Steven headed back. "There he is! Hey daddy."

"Only the guy I'm fucking, can call me that. Right babe?" he walked up behind Preston and kissed his cheek.

"Haha yes, daddy." He blushed a bit and handed his STEVEN a drink, which they both downed quickly.

"Okay well now I have a goal! Also, we match tonight! Can't I call you daddy since I'm your bride?" Skyler did some flirty poses as he made a couple more drinks for the crew.

"Hmmmm...Nah... Rules are rules." Steven took a new drink with a wink.

"Enough flirting you two let's get to the dance floor!" Noah pushed the group to the crowded dance floor.

The four proceeded to dance, drink, swap partners, dance, and repeat. Once in a while they would stop and talk with others but for the next half hour everything was normal and fun. On the next dance break; however, Noah went to the bathroom and Steven went to get more drinks leaving Preston and Skyler alone to catch up more.

"Your man has some great moves! You are so lucky. I wanna call him daddy so bad!" Skyler wined.

"Oh yeah he's so hot! I love him. And let me tell you, I earned the right to call him daddy." They both laughed as Preston wiggled his eye brows suggestively.

"I could earn it too..." Skyler wined. "If he'd let me." He winked and nudged Preston.

"oh, I bet you could!'d have to find him single and that's not happening soon." He beamed knowing his loyal stud Steven was so desirable.

"I'll take that bet. We could make tonight very interesting."

"What are you talking about bitch? That's my man." The tone of the conversation was still playful but Preston got goosebumps ominously.

"Well if I can get him to let me call him daddy tonight I win and you have to....ummmmm.... Host my birthday party next week." Skyler smiled devilishly.

"Okay but if I win you have to perform a drag number next week and I pick the song with no prep time."

"Oh, you bitch! Deal. You can't tell him anything though. Swear?" BFF held out his pinky.


"Welcome back daddy! We missed you" Skyler announced with the arrival of new drinks and Steven.

"Nope but I do have drinks." Steven distributed them and took his place behind Preston. Skyler made a sad face but was determined.

"Yo! There was some people fucking in the bathroom. I had to go piss in another one further. Haha" Noah came back and instantly downed his.

"Damn! That's fucking ballsy. Hot as fuck though I bet." Steven nodded and Noah agreed.

"Yeah. I agree daddy. It's really hot." Steven just shook his head and chuckled at Skyler 's persistence. Preston just smirked smugly at his feeble attempts. It was very unlikely that just insisting would make his boyfriend give him the affirmative, but it was gonna be fun to watch.

Another 10 min passed, and Preston left the group to go pee. He passed the bathroom people were fucking in, just as they were coming out. Hoots and jeers, but no one shamed them. He walked to the farther bathroom and relieved himself. As he headed back to the group he saw Noah at the bar talking to someone new. He waved and continued to where they had been situated all night, but they were not there. He gave the room a quick scan.

He spotted them deep in the crowd. First just Steven's big frame but then Skyler. They were dancing closer and slower than everyone else. They were talking more than dancing. Preston thought this must be Skyler 's big idea to get Steven to agree to the daddy thing. Steven shook his head. Then the crowd seemed to part just for a moment. Was Steven's hand grabbing Skyler 's ass? No, surly not. Just his lower back.

Preston shook his head hardly thinking of it and took another sip of drink. Once the song was over the others came back and noticed Noah was missing.

"Jerk. Left to chase some ass without saying anything." Steven said while trying to stretch to see if he could find his friend. Preston thought his bulge looked bigger but it must be the lighting in the room.

"Did you get to see the dudes banging? Daddy and I were talking about how crazy that would be."

"Not that crazy and not your daddy. We are gay at a gay party I bet more do it to tonight." Preston felt good hearing him continue to deny his friend the win.

"Yeah, I saw them leave. A few people clapped." They all laughed about that.

"Well good now maybe I can get in there. I'm headed to the bathroom be right back." Steven set down his stuff and started walking.

"Oh! Actually, let me go too. Watch our stuff babe...unlike Noah." Without much room for comment Preston was alone. Watching their stuff. Waiting.

"Sure okay!" was all he could say to their backs as they both seemed to speed off. "They must have to go."

A few minutes past and Noah came back to formally tell them he was sorry and was headed out with his boy named Jessie. He gave Preston a concerning look when he said Steven and Skyler had gone to the bathroom a few minutes ago.

"I bet there's a line or they are fucking again." He said before finally heading off.

Preston checked the time. Only 10 min had passed. That is at least as long as it had taken him to get to and from, with the crowd and stuff. It just felt longer cause he was alone. He sipped his drink. Vowed it would be his last of the night. Said quick hellos and goodbyes to friends that passed by. He checked the time again and it had now been almost a half hour. As he was getting up to go look for them, they came around a corner together. BFF followed very closely by Steven.

"Whoa. It's like everyone had to go at the same time and another set of dudes fucking." Steven said saying behind Skyler as they finally got back. "And this little guy kept getting hounded by dudes." His hands held to Skyler 's waist protectively.

"Don't worry I'm unharmed Preston. Daddy took care of me. Right daddy?" Skyler purred up at the bigger man behind him, before staring directly into Preston's eyes, devilishly.

"Yeah, haha." He flexed for emphasis and flashed his best smile. Preston noticed he didn't correct his friend at all this time.

"Come on one more dance and then we can get out of here. I am sure you are getting tired of this place by now and with Noah gone..." Preston trailed off. Both of the others nodded and headed to the dance floor with him.

Now that they were 3 it was a bit harder to dance together. Both the smaller boys taking turns with Steven. Preston felt his jealousy boiling up whenever he watched them start to get into it together. Must be the alcohol though cause he was never jealous like that.

They did have a good time sobering up. The others also were done for the night and getting tired. Then it happened. It was unmistakable this time.

"Hey daddy. Mind if I crash with you guys tonight? I came with a friend, and he seems MIA."

"Yeah I don't mind. Do you babe?" Steven asked casually. Preston's heart sank. He knew he had lost the bet and the looks that Skyler was giving him sealed it.

This was a harmless bet, so why did he feel sick? He must not be feeling well. Maybe he drank too much. Preston convinced himself that is what it was and they headed to the car. He got in the back to lay down to Steven's concern.

"He will be fine. We just need to get him home." Skyler soothed, but towards Steven more than Preston.

During the car ride Preston felt his eyes get heavy but it wasn't until they actually got to the apartment when it hit him harder. Steven practically carried him in. He sat on the couch and it seemed to be fine. They got some snacks to munch on. That was probably it. They didn't really eat all night more than handfuls of chips. They joked and watched late night TV.

Preston was waking up to an infomercial. He was dazed and groggy. It took him a moment to realize that he was at Stevens. What was that thumping? Then there was a moan. Preston's eyes shot open. That was Skyler.

"Oh fuck." Steven's voice mumbled from his room.

Preston's heart was beating. He steadily got up and made his way over to the room. Standing outstide the closed door all he could hear was thumping. Suddenly the moaning was gone, and Steven's voice. Preston went to speak. To ask if they were up. He couldn't open his mouth for some reason. It was dry. He tried to turn the nob slowly but there too he was stopped. He seemed no to have the strength to turn it. Was it locked?

No. This had to be a nightmare. That was it. His jealousy was just getting to him in the dream. He went back to the couch and tried to fall asleep. He though he could here them again but he refused to accept this wasn't a dream. He had heard of lucid dreaming.

Thump. Thump. Moan. Thump. Moan. THUMP THUMP!. MOAN! THUMP THUMP THUMP! Then complete silence. Then darkness took him again.

"babe. Babe. Wake up. I am taking Sky to his house. You are gonna sleep in too long babe." Steven shook Preston away slowly. He was dressed in gym clothes and clearly they were both about to head out the door. Preston's head hurt.

"I have a headache and I had a bad dream."

"Aww my baby. There is fresh coffee just take it slow I wont be gone long. We can stay in all day and nurse your hangover." Steven kissed his head.

"ready daddy! Thanks for letting me crash with you Sweetie. I'll Text you about my birthday party tomorrow." And they left. What happened?

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