
By Luka Serdukovph

Published on Mar 13, 2017


The following is a work of fiction: Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. It depicts sexual situations between consenting males and if reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author Lukavich Serdukovph and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission.

The author welcomes feedback and responds to all. Send all emails to:

Since the other night where I'd gotten to see my boyfriend (Jack) balls deep in my good friend (Lee), I coudn't stop thinking about it. Load after load, till my dick was sore. As many rushes tend to be, though, the second-hand memory just wasn't enough after a while. I either needed a new fantasy, or I needed new fuel. Thinking through weeks of deliberation, I decided that I was going to push for something to happen again. After a particularly rough day, I decided I was going to go to the local hole- in-the-wall gay bar. I knew it wouldn't be exciting, I knew it would be dead, and quite frankly that was the entire appeal.

I walked in with my sunglasses on, immediately put off by how dim it was in the bar. I decided to press on with it, because bluntly, my cool-points were worth the mild inconvenience. I sighed at the bartender, already impatient with my four second wait. He was friendly enough, a non-descript older guy that I'd seen working there before.

"Bud Light." I mumbled, deviating uncharacteristically from my normal gin and tonic.

"Here you go. That'll be $2.50." the bartender replied with a smile, making quick work of popping the cap and wrapping the cold bottle in a napkin.

I smiled half-heartedly and paid, looking around to see where to go with my drink. There were only a couple of skeezy looking older guys sitting at the bar, the rest of the place seemed to be very nearly dead. I opted to go out to the patio and smoke a cigarette. I stepped into direct sunlight as I pushed open the door, suddenly thankful that I hadn't taken off my sunglasses.

"...AND HIS DICK WAS HUGE!" came a loud, braggadocious, exclamation from somewhere on the patio. "Seriously! I could barely take the whole thing, it was the best thing Grindr has ever done for me!"

I walked around the corner and picked a little table to sit at where I could see both doors and halves of the 'L' shaped deck. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, washing down the first taste of it with a drink from my beer. The overly loud exclamation had come from a little latino guy, proudly displaying what I assumed were pics of his conquest to a couple of older men on his phone.

"Wow!" both of the older men agreed, admiring the younger man's...resilience.

"I know, RIGHT!?" The little drama-queen loudly exclaimed again. The three of them carried on, swapping stories and comments of old flames and hookups, which seemed pretty standard for the venue. I watched the little one as he talked, studying him closely. I bet he was younger than me. 21? 22, maybe? He had a good face: angular, slim, tan, bright shiny eyes. His hair was black-ish and he was pretty slim. I had a feeling that he wasn't incredibly cut, just naturally thin and probably watched what he ate. He had a cute little ass on him, that was for sure!

"So what're you doing tonight?" One of the older men asked the Latino guy with a blatantly suggestive air.

"Oh, I don't know yet." the Latino quickly replied, a little lower. He was probably either waiting for a better offer, or politely declining. I can't say I would blame him on either part. The Latino guy finally turned and l ooked at me, giving me a big smile. Wow! A surprisingly good smile. I nodded back to him.

He looked familiar. I couldn't quite place him. I knew I'd seen his face before. I pulled out my phone and looked up the bar we were in on Facebook. Sure enough! He'd checked in with a selfie. His name was Justin. We were friends, apparently! I stalked through his profile, flipping through pictures and taking a brief moment to scroll through a few of his latest posts. He seemed like the adventurous type.

"Oh, I would do anything for a huge dick, I'm totally a size queen!" he laughed to the two older men. I must've quit listening while I was going through his profile. A size-queen, huh? "Like seriously....if a big dick got pulled out, I'd suck it right here, right now! I don't even care who's watching!"

My dick jumped. My pulse started beating faster, and I knew that it he was such a willing slut, he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he got his hands (mouth, ass) on Jack's dick. Did I feel bad for trying to scheme a way to hooking him up with my boyfriend? I thought about this for a moment, then adjusted my hardening dick. NOPE! Didn't feel bad at all. Fidgeting with my phone in my hand, I finally worked up the nerve to fire off a text.

Me: Hey, hunky! Rough day, I stopped at the bar before going home.'

It didn't take him long to respond.

Jack: Bar? Which one? I'm not going to have time to work out, I think I'm getting out of the office late. This stupid report is killing me. Rgrrr.

Me: Burn the office down. I'm at The Brass Rail, you can either come here or I can see you at home.

Him: RIGHT. That's how that works. Just text me if you leave before you hear from me.

Me: Alright, hunky. XOXO

I looked up. Fuck! The three of them were gone. Dammit! There goes my plan. I put my cigarette butt in the ashtray and gulped back most of my beer, pausing before I went in to burp. It took another long moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.

"Alright, I'll see you two around!" Justin crooned, hugging the older pair goodbye. Oh, easier! It was basically going to be the two of us in the bar with the bartender and the quiet people. Ettiquette dictated that despite the entirely empty bar, I had to walk directly beside Justin to order my second beer.

"Heya, another?" I called out the bartender, waggling my bottle in the air.

"You've still got some in that one." Justin piped up from beside me with a smirk. I countered his comment with one more swig and finished off my beer.

"No, I don't." I joked dryly, with a small smile. "Luka, by the way." I stuck my hand out to shake his.

"Justin! It's nice to meet you." He shook my hand and smiled up at me, all youth and charm and charisma.

"Nice to meet you, too." I replied pretty cooly, thanking the bartender for my second round. I needed to work fast, but not TOO fast. "I uhhh...couldn't help but overhear your pretty loud claims of being a fan of huge dicks outside."

"You heard that!?" Justin laughed, still being pretty loud. "I mean, it was funny but I wasn't kidding." His brown eyes dropped to my crotch, trying to discern whether or not I was the one packing his coveted size and girth.

"No, not me!" I laughed, at the very least rewarding him with a slow adjustment of my so he could see that I wasn't completely without size. I came up with a lie pretty quick, "I've actually got a friend that just moved into town, and he's...lonely?" I made some attempt to choose my words carefully. "He's pretty huge, too. Most guys don't give him the time of day because he's so big."

"Really?" Justin practically sighed, as though I'd been telling him the happy ending to a fairy tale. Too easy. Damn youngsters.

"Yeah, I feel bad for him." I said with some sympathy in my tone. "He works all the time, he doesn't really have time to meet people...he has a roommate so he doesn't get to bring guys over...." I let the thought trail off, really trying to hook Justin on my story.

"Well I'd show him a good time." Justin said decidedly. If there was a big lonely dick out there, Justin would be the one to save it!

"Really!?" I asked, both eyebrows up, suddenly hopeful. "I might be able to get him down here if you want to meet him." My phone vibrated but I ignored it.

"Well, I mean, tell me about him first!" Justin exclaimed, wide eyed. That may have been pushing a little too hard.

"Oh, here..." I pulled up my boyfriend's Facebook, carefully skimming through the pictures that didn't have both of us in them.

"Oh, fuck, he's HOT!" Justin gasped, practically taking my phone out of my hand for a better look. "Wait..." Justin paused, confused. "...why aren't you fucking him?"

DAMMIT. Little clever bastard. I needed to think FAST. I stalled with a long drink from my beer. Finally I gave him a small smile and a shrug.

"We're both tops." I lied cooly, hoping this would be reason enough.

"Ohhhhhh..." Justin said sagely, looking at a couple more pictures before pulling back. "That sucks, man, I feel for you. But...yeah! If he'll come down here, it couldn't hurt to meet him."

"Cool." I said casually, adjusting myself again. I was already getting hard. Now I just had to hope Jack was feeling randy enough to take the bait. I had a text from Jack.

Jack: I'm about to just say fuck it.

I pursed my lips as I typed out a response.

Me: Still working? Jack: Yeah. Still here. Me: Well that sucks. Jack: You know what? Fuck it. Are you still at the Rail? Me: Yezzir. Jack: Okay, I'll leave this till Monday. On my way. Me: Awesome!

"He's coming." I passed along to Justin, who immediately lept into action.

"Okay! Let me go fix myself." he chirped, "Watch my drink?" All before dashing to the bathroom. I nodded.

I watched Justin and his round little bubble swish away to the bathroom and I started to think again. There was just ONE thing missing. They needed a catalyst. There had to be something to keep Jack from just shrugging him off with me as an excuse. I smirked, trying to not laugh as I got an idea. I pulled my phone back out.

Me: Ughhhh, some guy is trying to be my friend. You might have to buy him a drink. Save me!

The reply was...

Jack: Don't worry about it, babe, I'll rescue my poor little helpless boyfriend! :)

I did a small victory dance in my head and took Justin's drink and my own towards the bathroom. When I pushed open the door, he was carefully preening himself in the mirror. Admittedly, his hair looked better.

"Something wrong? Is he not coming?" Justin asked, clearly very ready to be very sad.

"Oh, no, no!" I countered quickly, "No, I just....I wanted to tell you..." I sighed, hamming it up as I struggled to find words.

"What?" Justin asked curiously, giving me his full attention.

"He..." I started jerkily, finally just shrugging and having it out with him. "...he's really into public play, and...normally I would never just tell a stranger something like that about my friend but I want him to have a good time. You're a cute kid, and..." I chuckled, "...basically, if he buys you a drink, he's fair game and he's into it. Believe me, I've seen this a thousand times. He buys some guy a drink, and ten seconds later he's got his dick out under the bar." I shrugged again, trying to keep up my innocent routine. Hopefully he took the hint!

"Thank you!" Justin lept forward, throwing both arms around me. "It's really attractive to see someone do so much for a friend." I bet he was half-hard. I could feel his dick against my thigh.

"D'awwwww...." I pushed him away, handing him his drink. "What are friends for?" I smiled and snickered my way out of the bathroom, pleased as I could be that my plan was finally taking shape. There was very much a rush in the back of my mind, especially aware what the consequences could be if I was caught masterminding this whole thing. This was certainly a risky plan of mine.

Jack arrived not long after Justin, who seemed to have caught a case of the butterflies. He wasn't the only one! Jack gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, and ordered himself a drink. After he noticed Justin standing silently by and either waiting to be introduced, or just dumbstruck. He was wearing that huge smile again.

"Uh...whatever he's having?" Jack added to the bartender, a little confused, pointing at Justin.

I almost laughed into my beer, Justin actually looked relieved. We were standing at the back corner of the bar, so it was pretty dim. I finally took off my sunglasses and had to admit to myself that maybe it was a little easier to see like this. Jack was immediately around the corner from me and Justin was just off to his other side.

"Justin." The Latino boy sighed, already swept away by Jack's burly demeanor. He stuck his hand out. I knew it was coming, and I could almost mark every movement for a stage performance, because I had seen this in slow motion so many times.

"Jack." My boyfriend replied back with hearty enthusiasm. His shoulder rolled back, flexing as big biceps balled up just past his sleeve to raise a firm handshake to Justin. I don't know if Jack had rehearsed it or not but it still made me wet when he did it to me. "Nice to meet you." He'd thrown in casually, with a giant grin framed by a manicured goatee.

"It's nice to meet you, too! How long have you been in the area?" Justin piped up, immediately grabbing for conversation as he inched closer to Jack. My poor boyfriend, confused and tired just looked over at me, I'll admit I wasn't of much help.

"I said you weren't from here." I explained, in the barest form of the truth.

"It's been a few years now, I think 5." he said, looking back over to Justin.

"Oh...oh, you poor thing!" Justin crooned awkwardly, also slipping at look at me. He wasn't getting any kind of response though, I set him up and it was his job to knock it out of...Jack's pants. " you go out much?"

Good. Subject change. Keep it light, sexy, go for the crotch!

"Gin and Tonic." I hollered over to the bartender, deciding now was a good time to switch from beer. I felt my cock stir, and I took a breath to steady myself. Normally in a situation like this I would just dryhump whatever was in front of me, the back of the bar was too far away, though. This was an old wooden bar that had a thick lip on it, I would never be able to get my dick back that far.

I heard Jack ordering another drink somewhere in the back of my head - that's a good sign! I looked over out of the corner of my eye and saw Jack facing Justin a little more, leaning an elbow on the bar. He had his leg hiked up on the brass rail under the lip of the bar, undoubtedly showing off a hefty bulge, guaging by the way Justin was staring. It's that what that bar was for? I decided I wasn't dumb enough to play coy, and couldn't just stare straight ahead and NOT look in their direction. My phone! This moment is exactly what Facebook is actually for. I started scrolling through my newsfeed, which actually gave me a much more perfect reason to really listen to them.

"I mean...I'm not ONLY a bottom..." Justin was justifying, nervously, "I can top and stuff, too."

"Well, I don't think we'll need to worry about all that." Jack quipped back to him, low and too casual. I saw his arm move, but I couldn't see why. It was either to adjust himself or take a drink, I didn't know which.

"What about you?" Justin asked a little bashfully, probably wrapping his tongue lewdly around the straw in his drink. "Are you a top or a bottom?" The poor kid, he probably thought he was being witty. I took advantage of my position and Jack facing away from me to adjust myself. Lies! I wasn't only adjusting myself. I was rubbing my hardening cock in my pants while I listened to Justin figure out how he was going to get his hands...probably mouth, on my boyfriend's cock.

"What do you think?" Jack asked slyly, definitely laying on his charms thick. I snuck a look over as I took a drink, and I could just barely make out a slight rythmic motion in Jack's left arm, which was on the other side of him from me. I know what that motion means, he was rubbing his dick. He was getting that monster cock really hard, or at least half hard, to show Justin just exactly what the poor kid was in for.

"Oh, totally a bottom." Justin joked with a loud laugh, reaching out to squeeze Jack's bulbous bicep.

"Yeah?" My boyfriend scoffed, flexing his arm as he let Justin play with his hard-earned muscle.

"Definitely." Justin sighed, much more worried about his hand roaming up Jack's arm and across his chest than who-would-fuck-who. Justin's hand lowered, but not away from Jack's body. Those slender fingers rippled as they pressed the fabric of my boyfriend's shirt deep into the crevices between his abs, but that was when I lost sight. His hand was below the bar now, and it wasn't moving away. Jack shifted and I immediately took a drink and focused with painful intensity on my phone. I was going to get caught if I wasn't careful.

I must've passed the test, because when I dared to look up from under my brow, Jack had moved to an inappropriately intimate closeness. Perfect! Everything was going accordingly to my dick-driven plan. I couldn't resist another catalyst, though. In for a penny, in for a pound! The nail in the coffin was in my front pocket, a packet of Marlboro Menthol 100s. I could go out for a smoke, leave them all alone to escalate hopefully quickly, and then come back in to reap what was surely to be a helluva load as a reward to churning balls. No one would be the wiser.

I didn't announce it, I just put my sunglasses on and walked outside. I was so turned on by the time I finally came to a stop in the shade that my hands were trembling as I lit my cigarette. My reprieve was short-lived, though, because my unoccupied left hand gravitated to my lumping crotch all on it's own accord. I could feel myself dripping, because my dick was so slick that it was grinding against the fabric of my jeans. I looked down to see a gooey slick spot at the end of my dick, slowly spreading in open announcement of how aroused I was that I had gotten some twink to start feeling up my boyfriend fairly openly in a bar.

My cigarette was even shorter lived, and after a few deep breathes managed to walk me down from having made an even bigger wet spot across my crotch. I drifted back inside. I took back up my post with a tremble in my lip...they weren't there. They'd left their drinks there, too. Accidently, I met the bartender's leering gaze. He cocked up an eyebrow at me and stepped plenty far back so that I could see the blatant outline of his own dick hard and jutting lewdly in the flimsy canvas covering that his cargo shorts provided. Slimy precum practically fell out of my dick at this point, I felt myself gulp. I set my drink on the bar and made an unabashed bee-line to the men's room.

I paused as I entered, another deep breath giving me the steadiness to slowly push the door open, in case it squeaked. I could hear the muffled smack of bare skin against skin coming from the only stall in the small tiled space. They were fucking. I could only hear Justin's miserable muffled whimpers as Jack took what I knew were deep, hard, full-length strokes to avoid making more noise than he had to. I went to the urinal with hushed footsteps, hauling out my grateful cock and taking only 2 quick pumps of my hand to fully slather it with my own precum before I closed my eyes and started working myself to my own climax to the sounds of Justin being impaled by my boyfriend.

I felt something near me and opened my eyes, only to find the bartender had crept up alongside me and was stroking his own dick in time with mine. Jack hissed tightly in the stall. His pace picked up, obviously trying to muffle Justin's blissful moans and groans with his hand. My eyes were locked boldly on the bartender's veiny dick as our strokes picked up together. Faster, slicker, frantically we jacked harder as the four of us in the bathroom found it harder and harder not to openly bellow and groan.

The bartender lost, and he took an angry grip just behind his red swolled head as it throbbed globs of jism across the back of the urinal. Justin was the next to finally find release, by the loud cried that were barely even able to be muffled at all, by this point. I knew I could only handle two or three more strokes, and I was already down to one or two by the time I figured it out. Jack grunted, taking a powerful tight slam into Justin, you could hear the increased intensity. I felt hot cum churn it's way up from my balls, bringing an electric surge to the overworked nerves of my throbbing cock. Rope after rope spewed thickly into the urinal, gritting my teeth and holding my breath to avoid making a sound. Jack was breathing hard, trying so much to keep it down to a silent roar as he unloaded what was sure to be a geyser of cream into Justin's tight chute. The moment passed too quickly, as the moment of clarity range sharply in my head that I needed to be the first out.

I gave one last stroke off my cock, slinging the mess as best I could into the urinal before wiping my hand on the leg of my jeans and tucking my spent member back into my damp pant leg. I made quick strides back to my post, pulling out my phone with a shaking hand and trying to at least look like I'd only been casually staring at Facebook. The bartender knew better but I doubted he'd say anything. Jack and the bartender walked out together, silent, unacknowledging, and dutiful as they split at the bar.

"Where's kiddo?" I asked in a chirp, looking around as if Justin was going to fall out of Jack's armpit.

"Dunno?" Jack shrugged cluelessly. "I went to the bathroom and thought he was here." My burly giant, riding on the apprehensive victory of his daring conquest, lumbered up behind me and rested a portion of his heavy frame on me. I was trapped by his massive arms as he began to lean more and more weight onto me.

"Ooof..." I heaved, smiling as I began to collapse. "Well, if it's just going to be us, it might as well just be us at home." I joked, spinning in his relax embrace after he picked me up from my half-crumpled pose.

"Hmmmmm..." Jack rumbled, playfully skeptical as he squeezed me again, walking fingers across my back in threatening march to tickle me. "I guess I could think of a few things we could do..."

I don't quite know how Jack managed to do it, but I almost wanted to cry as I felt him begin to harden across my ass cheek. What a guy! I grinned, tilting my head to bare my neck to his impending barrage of prickly mouthings and nibbles.

"...I bet one of them involves a backrub?" I taunted with a waggle of my brow. Oh, no. There was a fire that lit in his eye, I knew I'd lost the exchange. I had asserted just a playful toe too hard and now he was going to flex back and show me in the most dreamy of ways who was boss.

"I'm getting a backrub?" Jack clarified firmly, spinning me around to pin me wholly against him. He was hard already, and his dick was twitching.

"But...!" I objected, wide-eyed and powerless to object to his alternative.

"I'm getting a backrub." Jack decided, melting me in his broad smile. He crouched, both arms hauling me up and over his shoulder as he carried me across the bar. "I'm getting a backrub..." he sang out, through my cries of laughter and disengenuine objection. He might get his backrub, but I knew that he would make it plenty worth my while as we parted ways with a kiss in the parking lot. What a treat I'd have waiting for me at home!

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