Cheaters Consequence

By BJ Bear

Published on Aug 1, 2023


When I arrived back home, I found that my cheating boy had indeed packed up a few things and was gone. He had left a long and pleading letter begging me to forgive him and stating that he would do anything to remain my boy. He also stated he would be staying at mutual friend's home until further notice. On the answering machine was a message from said friend asking me to call and tell him what was up as my boy wasn't giving him any details. I dialed his number and let him know we had argued and were probably not going to get back together for a while, if ever. He had plenty of room and a big nonjudgemental heart so he agreed that the boy could stay there until we worked it out or broke up completely.

Despite my anger I couldn't deny that whenever the vision of him bent over and getting his cheating ass raped popped into my mind (about every 10 minutes) I got a big dripping woody. Cracking a beer I slipped the videotape in and stroked myself to my third orgasm of the day. Usually my limit was two loads a day, when I hit three, it usually was a few drops oozing out in displeasing contrast to the geysers I usually shoot. As a matter of fact, I had just shot cum up into my beard and hair, luckily missing my eyes (something I had discovered in my teen years to be rather unpleasant). I fell asleep to the blue screen of a run out videotape.

When I awoke the next day my first thoughts were of the boy and how he must be hurting. I forced myself to recall that he had brought his eviction on himself by disobeying my orders. That's when I realized what I would do, how I could resolve my feelings and quite possibly salvage the relationship while steering it into a new,different and very exciting direction. I called the house where he was staying and asked for him.

"Don't say a thing" I cautioned as he picked the line. " Be here tonight at 8 pm naked and kneeling in the center of the playroom if you ever want to see me again." I hung up, knowing he'd crawl through fire to be there . . . but would he do what I planned to order him to do ? That remained to be seen.

At ten minutes to 8, I heard a car pull up and then the squeak of the hinges on the back door. I decided to let him wait and didn't go downstairs to the playroom until 8:20. As I am very prompt and demand it of my subs, I knew these minutes would drag by painfully for the boy. When I entered he was kneeling naked as I had directed. I silently crossed the room and stood in front of him.

"You get to say one thing tonight. You can say No at any time and you will then be free to go. You will never come back. Or you can say nothing all night and then when I am done with you, you can say Yes before you leave". I waited a minute knowing he would be mulling over this enigmatic proposition.

He said nothing so I ordered him to stand and put his hands out on front of him. I stepped behind him and placed a snug stretchable nylon hood over his head, one that would act as a blindfold and would keep me from seeing his facial expressions, denying him even that communication. With clothesline rope I tied his hands together and threaded the excess through an eyebolt in the ceiling. I found the point at which the rope would be snug and tied loops around his cock and balls, rather tight but not constricting. I forced his legs apart from behind and then tied each ankle separately to an eyebolt located in ther floor.

Stepping back to survey my work, I noticed his erection, topped with the 4 gauge Prince albert ring he had earned by fucking another sub one time. He had always maintained that he couldn't fuck another person but with the motivation of the piercing he so wanted and with a hairy young bottom tied up in front of him he had overcome his submission long enough that one time to get a condom on and fuck the guy silly. His awkward monotonous thrusting added to the torture the guy had come for.

But his dick would neglected tonight as would his cheating hole. I had other plans for him. I selected a nylon riding crop that could tease with marks that faded quickly or leave welts or break the skin depending on the amount of skill or force the wielder used. Beginning slowly I whipped him from shoulder to shoulder with long strokes that drifted past his waist and streaked his buttocks red. Every ten strokes or so, I increased the force until his back was was welted and he was grunting to avoid speaking a word.

I began to get sweaty so I stopped to pull off my shirt and got another idea when I noticed that my coarse chest hair was wet. I usually reserved this treatment for the fucking I always give a sub after I whip or spank him. But this time I would do it mid session. I moved behind him and pressed my sweaty chest againgst his raw back. He flinched yanking his arms and consequently his dick which now boasted sticky strings of precum. Clasping my arms in front of him I ground my salty wet chest into him. He shuddered and pushed back onto me, his ass rubbing the bulging crotch of my jeans.

Realizing he was enjoying it and might just cum from it I stepped back away and picked up another crop, not my favorite but his. It featured two heavy leather straps that hurt no matter how llightly they were applied and could inflict serious damage if used too forcefully. I chose a medium force and rapidly lashed his raw and stinging back twenty times. The last three left parallel lines dotted with droplets of blood. He sagged backward towad me, unmindful of the tension this was putting on his bound up cock and balls, now no longer erect and so not as tightly held.

I released my aching cock from my pants and stood inches from his inflamed and just barely bloody back, I leaned forward and dragged my beard across it, he moaned but did not jerk away. I stroked my cock and in seconds shot my load all over him. My cum dripped and mixed with the drops of blood and slowly ran down to his ass cheeks.

Normally I would be praising my boy at this point but in this case I had to remain stern. I untied his feet, hands and genitals and removed his hood. Swaying unsteadily he blinked and I pushed him back down to knees. He collapsed down greatfully and waited.

"Here is the question you have to answer, boy" I spoke slowly, " You cannot earn your way back to being my boy" I paused to let that sink in. "However, if you do what I am about to tell you you can earn the right to be my cumslut and you can live here again".

Our eyes locked and he stared art me with that look a true bottom gets when he is confronting both his greatest desire and his worst fear.

"Each night for the next seven nights, you will report here at 8 PM. Prior to getting here you will have, in the previous twenty-four hours have found some cock to fuck you bareback. You will keep that load in your hole until you get here. "

HIs eyes were wide with surprise and confusion.

"You wanted to be a cumbitch so I am making you one, boy" I mocked. "when you get here each night select a dildo that most closely resembles the cock you have just been fucked by. When I arrive, you will assume the position you were in when you got fucked and re-enact the fucking you got for my entertainment. I will expect a verbal play by play description of your fucking as well".

" You may have questions, but I will not answer them. I don't care how you get cock, whether you have to peddle your ass on a street corner or if you have to pay someone to fuck you, that's your problem. Fail even one night and do not bother coming back here."

Again I paused. " Do you accept, boy?"


(This is part 3 in an ongoing series, for something a bit different see my story "The Crocodile Experience" in the Celebrity section).

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