Cheaper By the Dozen Inches

By Alana Montgomery

Published on Oct 23, 2004


This story is completely fictional and does not make any factual representations of any of the person(s) involved. This story cannot be reprouced and/or redistributed without the express written consent of the author. If you are underage or it is illegal to view this kind of material, please do me the favor of picking up a new hobby, maybe balloon animals. I know how to make a John Holmes one. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email me at This story kind of corresponds with my other story "The Man Who Loved Tom Welling

Cheaper by the Dozen Inches by Alana Montgomery

It was a cool morning in on the set of "Cheaper By The Dozen". Tom Welling was drinking a cup of coffee and eating a Danish in his dressing room when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in", he yelled. In walked his co-star Ashton Kutcher in a white terry cloth bath robe.

"What do you want Ashton", Tom groaned.

"You are certainly Mr. Congeniality this morning", Ashton responded.

"I couldn't sleep", Tom said.

"Well we have today off, so maybe you can catch some 'z's ", Ashton said.

"I don't know, maybe", Tom said with a yawn. Suddenly Ashton approached Tom then opened up Tom's robe. He pulled down Tom's red boxer briefs an started licking the limp head of Tom's member.

"What are you doing", Tom asked with an uneasy tone.

"Taking care of your sleeping disorder", he said.

"Hey it's alot more fun than drinking warm milk", Tom said with a laugh.

"We'll see who'll be drinking warm milk", Ashton said before returning to Tom's "pressing" matter. Tom was in ecstacy. He starte stroking Ashton's hair as he moaned.

Ashton had been waiting for this since the first day he met Tom. He first started blowing guys because his ex-girlfriend Britney Murphy liked to watch him do it. The he developed a talent and a "taste" for it. I honestly think that Ashton saw Tom as more than just a hard dick to suck. I think he might've been in love with him. He knew deep down inside that it just couldn't be, Tom is married to Jamie. He was in bliss sharing this moment with Tom.

Soon Tom started to spasm so Ashton deepthroated him and swallowed all that he had to give him. Ashton stood up and headed towards the door.

"I guess I'll be going", Ashton said.

"Wait", Tom yelled as he pulled his boxer briefs up.

"What", Ashton asked.

"Do you like maybe want to hangout today", Tom asked.

"Sure", Ashton said trying to not let out the full extent of his excitement. Tom threw Ashton his car keys.

"I am parked behind the trailers next to Steve, I'll be down in a little bit. I need to get dressed and call Jamie real quick", Tom said.

Ashton walked out of the trailer and to Tom's car. A single tear strolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away with his hand. He opened the passenger door and waited for Tom.

This is the end. Please feel free to send me feedback at I wanted to thank all of you who have read and commented on all my past and current stories. It is greatly appreciated.

Next: Chapter 2

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