Chatty Maddy

By Cece Shaller

Published on May 28, 2008



Chatty Maddy By: Ryu Flamequill

-- Author's note

The following is a story, and nothing more. It is a work of fiction, and all events and characters are false. Any resemblance to any person, alive or dead, or any character from any show, game, story, song, etc. is meerly coincidental. All directly mentioned works are properties of their owners, and I claim no ownership nor creator's rights to them.

This is a story for mature audiences only, and contains explicit sex scenes between a teen and a minor. Do not read this story if you are under the age of 18 and/or are not interested in these topics.

-- Prologue

Matt has had many a sexual experience, although he is still an amateur. Starting from about the time he was 9, Matt had been experementing wit his older cousin, Bill. It started off with an awkward-feeling conversation on the bed of his other cousin, Amanda, whom he has always had feelings for. That is another story for another time though.

It started off that Matt let Bill have his way with him as Matt pretended to sleep. Eventually, though, Bill and Matt tried more. Matt was uncomfortable with it though, and he was never loose enough for Bill and him to try anal sex. It eventually fell into Bill giving Matt the occassional blow job, then, nothing. Eventually, Matt moved away, to north Georgia, and Bill joined the military. And so, we come to our story.

-- Chapter 1

I don't know why we're moving. I mean we only moved here less than a year ago. My name is Matt, I'm 16, and I live in northern Georgia. I'm about 6'1", 142lbs, skinny because of my metabolism, pale, blond, green eyes, and a complete nerd. I wouldn' say I was handsome. In fact, I'd say I was ugly, but others would say otherwise.

My mom and I moved here last year after she got a new job in the local graphics design company for the real estate magazines here. And again, she desides to move us; granted it's only a mile and a half down the road from my school, and only a quarter mile from her work.

The new house depressed me. It was old, and falling apart. It leaned downhill, the ceilings were so low I hit my head on the light in my room, and the fan is barely above me, the windows are painted shut, there's no airconditioner, or dishwasher. She justifies the move bacuse it "saves money on gas and wear-and-tear, as well as the price. Rent is $200.00 less and water is paid for by the landlord." But I still don't like it.

One day, I was helping my mom paint the house. I was painting my room, covering the sickly green of the walls with a less sickening baige. I finished relatively quickly, though I had never before painted and it looked obviously ameteur.

My mom was painting the dining room, and desided we should take a break. We went out to the front porch and sat for a bit, the radio we brought playing in the background. We only had one cd in it, Enya's "A Day without Rain," because we were in the mountains and couldn't pick up any radio.

"Hey. I think we need some sodas... I forgot to get some, want me to run to the store?" She said as we sat in the hot sun.

I looked at her, down slightly, seeing as I was a half-head taller than she. "Sure... I want Dr. Pepper, but you probably guessed that." I said to her.

"Well, duh. You never get anything else. You're so picky, you know that?" She told me, squinting to see me past the sun that was next to my head.

"I'm not picky, I just know what I like." I shot back.

"Alright. I'll be back in a bit..." She said as she got up and walked to her car. She got in and drove off, to the mart down the road. It was a fair drive, and she never got in and out as quickly, or cheaply, as she ever planned. (I also think she had a little thing going in the bathroom with the manager every time she went.)

I went back inside and listened to the radio, the doors open and fans on to filter out the smell of wet paint. I sat with my back to the door, eyes closed, drifting on the soft melodies of Enya's "Only Time." Due to my unattentive state I didn't notice that a neighbor had come over. Her name was Maddy, a young girl, about 10, and a motor mouth by reputation. I had never met her before, but she knew my mom, she lived next door to her office.

"Hi! Are you Matt? I'm Maddy!" she said in a cheery voice.

This broke me from my trance. I jumped, startled, and fell out of my chair. She giggled. "Wha-- oh, hi!" I said as I hauled myself off the floor. "Yeah, I'm Matt. Nice to meet you."

"Wow!" She said in aw, looking up at me.

"What?" I said, looking around for the source of amazement.

"You're tall!" She said to me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah... I guess so." I said. I walked over and stepped out onto the porch and sat down.

Maddy sat too. "Hey, see those horses? I rode them before. They're tall too. I have a dog. Her name's red. She likes to lick me. Wanna see me ride my bike? I can do a wheely. I have a brother named Sloan, but he's not as tall as you..." she spoke, seemingly oblivious to the use of punctuation and pause in speach. I was used to this though, and I quickly stopped actually hearing her, though she didn't notice. She could talk a post to death, and never even notice it was a post.

I looked her over as she talked. she was very cute, she had a round face with freckles, and adorable brown hair. She was slender and freckled on her arms too. she wore a yellow dress. My eyes continued to drift to her legs. Slender and freckled as well. They were so adorable. My eyes drifted to the hem of her skirt, which rested neatly over her thighs. I wondered to myself if she had freckles everywhere, even under there.

"... I think you're cute. Do you have a girlfriend?" With this comment she brought me out of my daze and into reality. She paused and waited for my answer.

"Uh... N-no..." I said, blindsided by her sudden, un character pause.

"Ohh! I want to be your girlfriend!" she said, hopping up. In that brief moment, as she fell back to earth, her dress rose and i saw her adorable pink panties, with Hello Kitty on the fabric. I instantly got an erection.

"Eheh... Not until your older." I said, shaking my head to come out of my daze. I stood, although this was difficult in my current state.

I never considered myself a pedophile, though I liked younger people. I just considered consent differently. I believe that as long as the person understands what they are consenting to, then they can give proper consent. I'm just sexually open to all possibilities, girls, boys, children, (as low as 10 only) even animals.

"I can be a good girlfriend. I promise! See! You like me!" She said, pointing to my obvious bulge. I flinched a bit, looking around for anyone else who may be listening, watching, or otherwise a witness. There was no one.

"Come in..." I said, opening th screen door for her, to avoid any possible risk of witnesses.

She bounded in and I followed, closing the door. "I can show you how good of a girlfriend i can be!" She said and, before I could object, she took off her dress and tossed it to the side. I was stunned and speachless. There it was. Her beautiful, young, lithe body. I simply fell into the seat I sat in before her arival. She then approached me, climbed into my lap, facing and stradling me, and planted a wet kiss on my lips. If she couldn't tell my excitement before, she could now. She was stradling me right ontop of my bulging pants.

"Maddy... g-get off and go int ome room..." I told her, still slightly stunned.

Maddy got up and walked into my room, removing her panties once inside. I got up, undid my pants, taking a condom from my pocket, and removed my shirt and walked in. I closed the door and blinds in the room, then I removed my underwear, putting on the condom, and walked over to her.

"Lay down..." I asked softly. she complied, laying on her back and spreading her legs, showing me her hairless, young pussy. My hard-on twitched upon seeing this. I'm not what i'd consider long. I'm only five and a half inches long.

I stood over her and looked down for a moment. Then I got to my hands and knees above her and slowly slid my hardened member over her slit. It was moist, and she made a cute little moaning sound as I did so. I looked at her, and she at me. The she nodded and I slid back, sliding my hard shaft slowly into her. she was oddly loose for her age, and her hymen was gone. Were I not in a sexual haze at the time ,I would have been worried, but for now, I was too into this adorable little ten year old who offerred herself to me so willingly. I slowly slid in and began to make slow pistoning movements, speeding up at a slow rate. She kept making her cute whimpering and moaning noises with each inward thrust, her volume slowly rising.

A daze took me, and all i could feel was fire. My mind was on fire, my body was on fire. My blood burned, my eyes boiled. My entire being felt as though I was on fire. No, not on fire... I was one with fire. Eerything was this ecstatic heat, especially the small body below me. soon, my hips began to burn, hotter than ever and I felt my wet and throbbing shaft fill with a fluid that felt like lava. I began to quake, like a crater about to erupt. And erupt I did. The fluid flooded from me, the heat filling the space before me.

She shook and shivered as though she were cold, though all seemed hot. Her body began to tense up, and suddenly more lava flowed from her. We both fell limp, panting. I fell beside her. She rolled over and wrapped her arms around me, her hard little nipples pressing into my chest. I held her too.

After a few moments on the floor I managed to get enough strength to pull her up, placing my lips around one of her small nipples and suckling lightly, teasing it softly with my teeth. She made more cute whimpering noises at this, holding my head in her sweet small hands. I continued this action until she had yet another climax, then I lowered her and kissed her on the lips lightly.

There was a sudden slam of a car door outside my window, and steps along the walkway to the front door.

Maddy and I shot to our feet and dressed quickly. And just in time, as the door slammed shut right as we openned the door to my room. Maddy smiled at my mom. "Hello, Matt's mom!" She said happily, and then bounded past her and off across the lawn. She got about half way, then came running back, jumping to wrap her arms around my shoulders and kiss my lips, before bolting again.

My mom looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "I see she got you too. I'll have to show you want she likes, later." She said with a smirk, sauntering off into the kitchen.

-- Afterword

This was my first erotic story ever. If you have comments, send them to me at Though this story is fiction, I so wish it were real. and for those of you who are wondering, this story will continue, and I will also write stories about Matt and his mom. more soon to come, hopefully.

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