Chatting Up Love


Published on Nov 15, 2000


Chatting Up Love 3 By Crunk

Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional it in no way suggests the sexuality of any character within its contents. This is pure fiction. If you're not supposed to be reading male for male content or are offended by it then don't read on.

Author's Comments: I can't believe how fast I update this story, and you know you all can thank over this? Schuyler. If it wasn't for this girl, it would take me forever and a year to do this. So thanks girl!

"A Best Friend Is Someone Who Knows Your Favorite Song And Will Be There To Sing It When You Forget It."-Wolverine from The comic book X-Men

Chapter 3

"Why is it, every time we go to a mall, you have to check the music store for Jazz cds?" Joey asked JC.

"Because, I like to see if there are any cds I don't have." He said smiling at Joey from under his ballcap.

"I doubt that very much." Joey said back, and sticking out his tongue in the process.

"You know Joey, you shouldn't stick that thing out unless you plan on using it."

Joey looked at him and just smiled.

JC ended up spending a half hour in the music store. He and Joey nearly busted out laughing when they played 'It's Gonna Be Me'. "Please tell me you decided on a movie." Joey said in a begging sort of way.

"Well, I was thinking Charlie's Angels. What do you think?"

"That sounds fine with me."

The two of them made their way to the movie theatre, and chose a place in the back. During the movie JC had reached over and went to grab some popcorn when he touched Joey's hand. He let his hand stay there for a while. He looked over at Joey and smiled.

It was an uncomfortable silence on the way back to the hotel. Joey sat in the seat of the car and JC was daydreaming. Both men were trying to think of ways to ask the other a question.

"Hey Joey can ask you something?"

"You just did." Joey said laughing. "Only kidding, what's up?"

JC bit his lower lip. "Last night, did you uh, you know, uh, check out those fine girls at the bar?" //Chicken shit." JC thought to himself.

Joey looked over at him and laughed. "Don't I always?"

"Yeah right man."

JC, Joey, Lance, Britney, Justin, Chris and Dani, where all in Lance's room watching movies. Britney had her head on Justin's lap and he had his hand across her waist. Chris and Dani were snuggling under a blanket. Lance was on the floor. And Joey and JC were laying across Lance's bed. JC, kept looking over at Joey. //God, I'm such a baby. I should just ask him.// Joey looked over at JC. //JC is my best friend I should just tell him that I'm gay.// JC tapped Joey's shoulder. "Hey can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, I need to talk to you too."

JC and Joey went into their room.They sat on Joey's bed. Inches away from each other's face.

"You first." Joey said.

"No you first." JC said back.

There was silence for five seconds.

"I'm Gay!" They managed to say at the same time.

To be continued.....

Lord, I hate cliffhangers, don't you? HEHE, I promise the next chapter Joey and JC will get together, well maybe. ;-) Thanks to everyone who keeps writing me. And I promise we will see more of the other guys soon. I just want the first few chapters to focus on Joey and JC.

I really suggest ya'll read This Gift, Any Path, Interludes, Decisions, Retreat and all the other great stories on Nifty. Anyways, please send comments and whatever to make sure you put Chatting Up Love as the subject. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 4

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